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Created November 28, 2015 00:09
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  • Save emjay101/8424e8ce07898596679e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save emjay101/8424e8ce07898596679e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
newObject(PlayChatMenu, ChatMenu, "Root Menu:");
function setPlayChatMenu(%heading)
$curPlayChatMenu = %heading;
function setCommanderChatMenu(%heading)
$curCommanderChatMenu = %heading;
function addPlayTeamChat(%text, %msg, %sound)
if(%sound != "")
%msg = %msg @ "~w" @ %sound;
if($curPlayChatMenu != "")
%text = $curPlayChatMenu @ "\\" @ %text;
addCMCommand(PlayChatMenu, %text, say, 1, %msg);
function addPlayChat(%text, %msg, %sound)
if(%sound != "")
%msg = %msg @ "~w" @ %sound;
if($curPlayChatMenu != "")
%text = $curPlayChatMenu @ "\\" @ %text;
addCMCommand(PlayChatMenu, %text, say, 0, %msg);
function addPlayAnim(%text, %anim, %sound)
if($curPlayChatMenu != "")
%text = $curPlayChatMenu @ "\\" @ %text;
addCMCommand(PlayChatMenu, %text, messageAndAnimate, %anim, %sound);
function addLocal(%text, %sound)
if($curPlayChatMenu != "")
%text = $curPlayChatMenu @ "\\" @ %text;
addCMCommand(PlayChatMenu, %text, localMessage, %sound);
function addPlayCMDResponse(%text, %action, %msg, %sound)
if(%sound != "")
%msg = %msg @ "~w" @ %sound;
if($curPlayChatMenu != "")
%text = $curPlayChatMenu @ "\\" @ %text;
addCMCommand(PlayChatMenu, %text, remoteEval, 2048, "CStatus", %action, %msg);
function addCommandResponse(%text, %action, %msg, %sound)
if(%sound != "")
%msg = %msg @ "~w" @ %sound;
if($curCommanderChatMenu != "")
%text = $curCommanderChatMenu @ "\\" @ %text;
addCMCommand(CommandChatMenu, %text, remoteEval, 2048, "CStatus", %action, %msg);
function addContextCommand(%text, %type)
if($curCommanderChatMenu != "")
%text = $curCommanderChatMenu @ "\\" @ %text;
addCMCommand(CommandChatMenu, %text, contextCommand, %type);
function addCommand(%text, %action, %msg, %sound)
if(%sound != "")
%msg = %msg @ "~w" @ %sound;
if($curCommanderChatMenu != "")
%text = $curCommanderChatMenu @ "\\" @ %text;
addCMCommand(CommandChatMenu, %text, setIssueCommand, %action, %msg);
addPlayChat("1Baboon", "/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/", embaboon);
addPlayChat("2Back up", "Back the fuck up, BACK UP!", embackup);
addPlayChat("3Fuck around", "You fuck around with me, there's gonna be consequences and reprocussions...", emfuckaround);
addPlayChat("4Happy", "Is that a test tube in my pocket or am I just happy to see you?", emhappy);
addPlayChat("5Kill ya", "Man if you ever talk to me like that again I'll kill ya...", emkillya2);
addPlayChat("6Limp", "You walk over, but you're limpin' back...", emlimp);
addPlayChat("7Mohamed Ali (long)", "I'm just saying I stopped liking Cassius Clay once he changed his name to Mohamed Ali, what kinda shit is that?", emmohamedali);
addPlayChat("8Numpcie", "My brother numpcie has forgiven me...", emnumcie);
addPlayChat("9Rocky (long)", "Oh der they go, der they go! Every time I start talkin' bout boxing, a white man gots to pull Rocky Marciano out they ass...", emrocky);
addPlayChat("0Kiss my ass", "Kiss my ass!", ksmyass);
addPlayTeamChat("aAttack!", "Attack!", attack);
addPlayTeamChat("bBoard APC", "Board APC", boarda);
addPlayTeamChat("cCease fire!", "Cease fire!", cease);
addPlayChat("d5150-Hello Neighbor!", "Good morning my neighbors! *Hey FUCK you* YES! YES! FUCK YOU TOO!", neighbor);
addPlayTeamChat("eRegroup!", "Regroup!", regroup);
addPlayChat("fNeed a hug", "I think I need a hug..", shrkNeedhug);
addPlayTeamChat("gGoing offense...", "Going offense", ono);
addPlayTeamChat("hHit the deck!", "Hit the deck!", hitdeck);
addPlayChat("iMULAN- Honor", "It is an honor to protect my country and my family", mulHonor);
addPlayChat("jMULAN- Bessie", "Down Bessie!", mulBessie);
addPlayChat("kMULAN- Bite", "Hey, don't look at me, I ain't bitin no more butts", mulBitebutts);
addPlayChat("lMULAN- Ancestors", "I'm gonna hit you so hard, it'll make your ancestors dizzy", mulDizzy);
addPlayTeamChat("mMove out!", "Move out!", moveout);
addPlayChat("nMULAN- Slap", "Don't you slap me no mo' You clear on that?", mulDontslap);
addPlayChat("oMULAN- Skills", "You know, we have to work on your people skills", mulPeopleskills);
addPlayChat("pSound- 911", "*Wrong number sound* The number you have reached, 9 - 1 - 1 has been changed to an unpublished number", sound911);
addPlayTeamChat("qATTACK!", "ATTACK!", attac2);
addPlayTeamChat("rRetreat!", "Retreat!", retreat);
addPlayChat("sSound- RoadRunner", "*Meep Meep*", soundBeepbeep);
addPlayTeamChat("tTake Cover!", "Take Cover!", takcovr);
addPlayTeamChat("uMount up", "Mount up so we can go regulate these punks!", miscregulators);
addPlayTeamChat("vCover me!", "Cover me!", coverme);
addPlayTeamChat("wWait for my signal to attack", "Wait for my signal to attack...", waitsig);
addPlayChat("xSound- Clap", "*Good job*", soundClap);
addPlayChat("ySound- Applause", "*Standing Ovation*", soundApplause);
addPlayTeamChat("zAPC Ready to go", "APC Ready to go, waiting for passengers...", waitpas);
addPlayChat("-Sound- Gunfire", "*Mowed down*", soundGun);
addPlayChat("=Sound- Hiya", "*Hiiieeeeya!*", soundHiyaa);
addPlayChat("[Sound- Cool", "Coool!", soundKewl);
addPlayChat("]Sound- Mosquito", "*Annoyance*", soundMosq);
addPlayChat("\\Sound- Cry", "*Crying*", SOUNDFXnewbie);
addPlayChat(";Sound- Jet", "*Lift Off*", soundJet);
addPlayChat("'Sound- Train", "*Freight Train*", soundTrain);
addPlayChat(",Sound- Windows", "*My CPU*", soundWin);
addPlayChat(".Sound- Divebomb", "*Going Down*", soundDivebomb);
addPlayChat("/Sound- Tick", "*tick tick tick*", soundTick);
addPlayChat(" Sound- Car", "*Lays on the gas*", soundBurnout);
addPlayChat("*Sound- Cop", "*Sirens*", soundCop);
addPlayChat("+Sound- Chicken", "*Chicken*", soundChicken);
setPlayChatMenu("tTarget/NFL Blitz/TOMBSTONE");
addPlayChat("1Blitz", "Looks like an all out blitz...", nflblitz);
addPlayChat("2Come on", "Come on, come on, I can take you, and you, and you...", nflcomeon);
addPlayChat("3Fat lady", "The fat lady is singing!", nflfatlady);
addPlayChat("4Fumble", "FUMBLE!", nflfumble);
addPlayChat("5Fun to watch", "That was uncalled for, but a lot of fun to watch!", nflfuntowatch);
addPlayChat("6Nobody", "Nobody gets by me, NOBODY!", nflgetsbyme);
addPlayChat("7Hurt", "Ooohhh... THAT HAD TO HURT!", nflhadtohurt);
addPlayChat("8Idiots", "Hey can't you idiots do ANYTHING right?", nflidiots);
addPlayChat("9Intercepted", "INTERCEPTED!", nflintercepted);
addPlayChat("0On fire", "HE IS ON FIRE!", nflonfire);
addPlayTeamChat("aTarget acquired", "Target acquired", tgtacq);
addPlayChat("bBlitz", "Looks like an all out blitz...", nflblitz);
addPlayChat("cCome on", "Come on, come on, I can take you, and you, and you...", nflcomeon);
addPlayTeamChat("dDestroy the enemy generator", "Destroy the enemy generator", desgen);
addPlayTeamChat("eEnemy generator destroyed", "Enemy generator destroyed", gendes);
addPlayTeamChat("fFire on my target", "Fire on my target", firetgt);
addPlayChat("gPathetic", "What a truly pathetic display...", nflpathetic);
addPlayChat("hProtection", "A little protection would be nice!", nflprotection);
addPlayChat("iTeeth", "He'll be picking his teeth up for a week!", nflteeth);
addPlayChat("jTouchdown", "TOUCHDOWN!!!!", nfltouchdown);
addPlayChat("kWhoop", "Whoomp!! There it is!!!", nflwhoop);
addPlayChat("lDirt", "How'd that dirt taste punk?", nfldirt);
addPlayChat("mCheer", "*Crowd goes wild*", cheer);
addPlayTeamChat("nI need a target.", "I need a target.", needtgt);
addPlayTeamChat("oTarget out of range...", "Target out of range...", tgtout);
addPlayChat("pTOMB-Bear it", "If I thought you weren't my friend, I just don't think I could bear it", tmbBearit);
addPlayChat("qTOMB-Can't beat him", "I can't beat him, can I?", tmbBeathim);
addPlayChat("rTOMB-Bleed", "You gonna do something or just stand there and bleed?", tmbBleed);
addPlayTeamChat("sEnemy turret destroyed", "Enemy turret destroyed", turdes);
addPlayTeamChat("tDestroy enemy turret", "Destroy enemy turret", destur);
addPlayChat("uTOMB-Blood", "I want your blood and I want your soul and I want em both, right now", tmbBlood);
addPlayChat("vTOMB-Brother", "Don't let em get you brother.. you're the one", tmbBrother);
addPlayChat("wTOMB-Canoe", "You die first get it? Your friends might get me in a rush, but not before I make your head into a canoe, you understand me?", tmbCanoe);
addPlayChat("xTOMB-See a light", "Remember what I said about seeing a light when you died, that ain't true, I can't see a damn thing.", tmbCantsee);
addPlayChat("yTOMB-Smells.. died", "Smells like someone died...", tmbDied);
addPlayChat("zTOMB-Shanke", "Forgive me if I don't shake hands.", tmbForgive);
addPlayChat("-TOMB-Hellofa", "That is a hell of a thing for you to say to me", tmbHellsay);
addPlayChat("=TOMB-Hell with", "You tell em I'm comin, and hell's coming with me, you here? Hell's comin with me", tmbHellwith);
addPlayChat("[TOMB-Say when", "Say when..", tmbSaywhen);
addPlayChat("]TOMB-Anything", "Did you ever see anything like that before? Hell I ain't never even heard of anything like that", tmbSeen);
addPlayChat("\\TOMB-Thunder", "You called down the thunder.. well now you've got it", tmbThunder);
addPlayChat(";TOMB-Two Guns", "I have two guns... one for each of ya.", tmbTwoguns);
addPlayChat("'TOMB-Ugly say", "What an ugly thing to say..", tmbUgly);
addPlayChat(",TOMB-Walk Grave", "You look like somebody just walked over your grave...", tmbWalkgrve);
addPlayChat(".For keeps", "I guess we're playing for keeps now, I guess the kidding around is pretty much over, huh?", csKeeps);
addPlayChat("/ANIMANIACS-Whoa", "Whoa, that'll leave a mark.", ANIMleavemark);
addPlayChat(" BACK2FUTURE-Chicken", "What's wrong McFly.. Chicken?", BCK2FTRchicken);
addPlayChat("*BRAVEHEART-Love", "I love you, always have", BRVHRTloveyou);
addPlayChat("+CADDYSHACK-Sucks", "Well this whole place sucks.. that's right, it sucks.", CDDYSHKsucks);
setPlayChatMenu("dDefense/Jim Carey/Sounds");
addPlayChat("1Allrighty", "All-l-l-l-llrighty then!!!", jcalrighty);
addPlayChat("2Wasnt me", "No, it wasn't me, it was the one armed man...", jcarm);
addPlayChat("3Balls", "Excuse me, your balls are showing...", jcballs);
addPlayChat("4Below belt", "Ooh that was below the belt, try to keep the gloves up...", jcbelowbelt);
addPlayChat("5Cry", "Well why don't you cry about it?", jccry);
addPlayChat("6Im good", "Damn I'm good! Can you feel that huh? Can you feel it?", jcdamnimgood);
addPlayChat("7Lovely room", "This is a lovely room of death...", jcdeathroom);
addPlayChat("8Cannot listen", "I cannot to any of your instructions, for you are my sworn enemy, and are about to meet your demise.", jcdemise);
addPlayChat("9Wait", "If I'm not back in 5 minutes, just wait longer...", jcfive);
addPlayChat("0Glove", "Lll-l-l-llike a glove!", jcglove);
addPlayTeamChat("aWe're being attacked", "We're being attacked", basatt);
addPlayTeamChat("bdefen", "eaheah \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", defbase);
addPlayTeamChat("cOur base is secure", "", bsclr2);
addPlayTeamChat("dDefending our base", "Defending our base", defend);
addPlayTeamChat("eThe enemy is attacking our base", "The enemy is attacking our base", basundr);
addPlayChat("fHes good", "He's good! With my help he could be the best...", jcgood);
addPlayChat("gGot me", "Ya got me partner...", jcgotme);
addPlayChat("hHit me again", "Hit me again Ike, and put some STANK on it!", jchitme);
addPlayTeamChat("iIncoming enemies", "Incoming enemies", incom2);
addPlayTeamChat("jIntruder", "*Intruder Alert*", miscintruderalert);
addPlayChat("kLoser", "La-who, zah-her!", jcloser);
addPlayChat("lPathetic", "Man, you are one pathetic loser...", jcpathetic);
addPlayChat("mPardon me", "Pardon me mr. PERFECT!! I guess I forgot that you never ever make a mistake...", jcperfect);
addPlayTeamChat("nWe need more defense", "We need more defense", needdef);
addPlayChat("oPower", "I just can't do it captain, I DON'T HAVE THE POWER!", jcpwr);
addPlayChat("pReally", "Re-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-eeeaaalllyyy?", jcreally);
addPlayTeamChat("qIs our base clear?", "Is our base clear?", isbsclr);
addPlayChat("rGoing down", "You're going down Red Knight, goin down down down...", jcredknight);
addPlayChat("sRoad kill", "Look ma, I'm road kill! Hahaha!!", jcroadkill);
addPlayTeamChat("tOur base has been taken", "Our base has been taken", basetkn);
addPlayChat("uSelfish", "Of course, how selfish of me. Let's do all the things that YOU wanna do!", jcselfish);
addPlayChat("vSmokin", "S-s-s-s-s-s-smokin'!!!", jcsmokin);
addPlayChat("wSpank you", "Spank you Greenwall, spank you very much!", jcspankyou);
addPlayChat("xTail Pipe", "Bend over and take it up the tailpipe!", jctailpipe);
addPlayChat("yToo easy", "I'm just jerkin' your chain, hehe you are too easy...", jcurtooeasy);
addPlayChat("zWay off", "I was way off!", jcwayoff);
addPlayChat("-Rokdisjoint", "Let's rock this joint!", jcrokdisjoint);
addPlayChat("=Demons", "I have exorcised the demons, this house is clear...", jcxorcised2);
addPlayChat("[Big gulps", "Hey guys! Whoa big gulps huh? Allright...welp see ya later!", biggulp);
addPlayChat("]Yes", "Yes! YES! Oh yeah, can you feel that buddy?", jcyes);
addPlayChat("\\50DATES-Wipe", "Can I have that? I need something to wipe my ass with", DATESwipe);
addPlayChat(";50DATES-I suck", "Holy Crap, I suck.", DATESsuck);
addPlayChat("'50DATES-Joint", "Would you stop poofing on that joint and do some work?", DATESpoofin);
addPlayChat(",50DATES-Shut up", "ha ha haa, Shut up.", DATESshutup);
addPlayChat(".BRUCE-Beautiful", "B - E - A - utiful", BRUCEbeautiful);
addPlayChat("/BRUCE-What is that?", "Oooh! C'mon, Look! What is that, what is that?", BRUCEcmon);
addPlayChat(" BRUCE-buttmonkey", "Hey little anal dwelling buttmonkey. Time for you to go home little buddy", BRUCEanal);
addPlayChat("*ELF-In Love", "I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it", ELFinlove);
addPlayChat("+ELF-Hug", "Does someone need a hug?", ELFhug);
addPlayChat("1Brain", "Check out the big brain on a smart motherfucker that's right.", pfbrain);
addPlayChat("2Concentration", "Oh I'm sorry did I break your concentration? I didn't mean to do that, please... continue...", pfconcentration);
addPlayChat("3Correct", "CORRECTAMUNDO!", pfcorrect);
addPlayChat("4Dicks", "Well lets not start sucking each others dicks quite yet...", pfdicks);
addPlayChat("5Remember", "I don't remember asking you a GOD DAMN THING!", pfdontremember);
addPlayChat("6Face", "Get the fuck out my face with that shit...", pfface);
addPlayChat("7Ezekial - 1", "And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brother...", pfpoison);
addPlayChat("8Ezekial - 2", "And you will know my name is The Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee!", pflord);
addPlayChat("9Medieval", "Ima get medieval on yo azz!", pfmedieval);
addPlayChat("0Mushroom", "Well I'm a mushroom cloud layin' motherfucka MOTHERFUCKER!", pfmushroom);
addPlayChat("aToyS-Buzz Lightyear", "I am Buzz Lightyear, I come in peace", tsBuzz);
addPlayChat("bToyS-Chosen", "I have been chosen.. farewell my friend, I go on to a better place", tsChosen);
addPlayTeamChat("cClear the mines from our flag", "Clear the mines from our flag", clrflg);
addPlayTeamChat("dMines have been cleared", "Mines have been cleared", mineclr);
addPlayTeamChat("eThe enemy has our flag", "The enemy has our flag", flgtkm2);
addPlayTeamChat("fGet the enemy flag", "Get the enemy flag", geteflg);
addPlayTeamChat("gOur flag is not in the base", "Our flag is not in the base", flgtkn1);
addPlayTeamChat("hI have the enemy flag, heading back to our base.", "I have the enemy flag, heading back to our base.", haveflg);
addPlayChat("iNiggas", "Ima call a couple of hard pipe hittin niggas to go to work on the holmes here...with a pair of pliers and a blow torch...", pfniggas);
addPlayChat("jRepugnant", "Aww man...I will never forgive yo ass for this shit, this is some fucked up repugnant shit!", pfrepugnant);
addPlayChat("kRobbery", "Everybody be cool this is a robbery! Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of you!", pfrobbery);
addPlayChat("lScour", "I'm prepared to scour the earth for that motherfucker. If he goes to Endochina, I want a nigga hidin' in a bowl of rice ready to pop a cap in his ass...", pfscour);
addPlayTeamChat("mOur flag is mined", "Our flag is mined", flgmine);
addPlayChat("n5150-Rover", "351....351....Rover set, hut hut.", hut);
addPlayChat("o5150-Petshead", "We got no food....we got no jobs. Our Pet's HEADS ARE FALLIN OFF!!", petshead);
addPlayChat("p5150-Spiritual Creaminess", "One must forgo the attain total spiritual creaminess.", cream);
addPlayChat("q5150-Most Annoying Sound", "Hey.....wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.", annoy);
addPlayTeamChat("rReturn our flag to our base", "Return our flag to our base", retflag);
addPlayTeamChat("sOur flag is secure", "Our flag is secure", flaghm);
addPlayChat("tToyS-Dirtbag", "Where is your honor dirt bag? You are an absolute disgrace", tsDirtbag);
addPlayChat("uToyS-Laser", "I've set my laser from stun.. to kill", tsLaser);
addPlayChat("vToyS-Mocking", "You're mocking me.. aren't you?", tsMocking);
addPlayChat("wToyS-Little man", "You are a sad, strange little man.. you have my pitty", tsSad);
addPlayChat("xToyS-Reach Sky", "Reach for the skyyy!!", tsSky);
addPlayChat("yToyS-Falling", "That wasn't flying.. that was falling with style", tsStyle);
addPlayChat("zToyS-To Infinity", "To infinity.. and beyond!", tsToinf);
addPlayChat("-ToyS-Did it", "HA HA!! We did it, we did it!... YES!", tsWedidit);
addPlayChat("=ToyS-Confrontations", "I don't like confrontations!", tsConfrtations);
addPlayChat("[ToyS-No Intelligence", "There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere..", tsIntelligent);
addPlayChat("]ToyS-Preskool", "The word I'm searching for.. I can't say, because there's preskool toys present", tsPreschool);
addPlayChat("\\ToyS-Code Red", "Code Red.. repeat.. We are at Code Red", tsCodered);
addPlayChat(";5150-Rocky Mountains", "I expected the Rocky Mountains to be a little rockier than this.....I was thinking the same thing. That John Denver's full of shit man.", RockyMountains);
addPlayChat("'CLRDANGER-Dead", "Whoever did this is dead. Whoever did this to me is DEAD!", CLRPRSDNGdead);
addPlayChat(",CLRDANGER-Target", "Target is acquired and lit.", CLRPRSDNGtarget);
addPlayChat(".DUMB-Hug", "Hey, how 'bout a hug?", Dumhug);
addPlayChat("/GIJANE-Bad Leaders", "Remember, there are no bad crews, only bad leaders", GIJANEleaders);
addPlayChat(" GIJANE-Quitter", "I always like to get one quitter on the first day, and until I do that day does not end.", GIJANEquitter);
addPlayChat("*POTTER-Fame", "Cleary, fame isn't everything.", HPOTfame);
addPlayChat("+IRONM-Die", "The next time we meet one of us will die.", IRONMASK1willdie);
setPlayChatMenu("rNeed/Adam Sandler/5150/STARSKY");
addPlayChat("1Bleep", "*A lot of bad words*", hgbleep);
addPlayChat("2Clown", "You're gonna die clown!", hgclwn);
addPlayChat("3Dipshit", "Where were you on that one dipshit?", hgdipshit);
addPlayChat("4Enough", "Now you've had enough, bitch...", hgenough);
addPlayChat("5Frog", "I put a firecracker in a bullfrog's mouth and blew his fucking head off...", hgfrog);
addPlayChat("6Fun", "Stop making fun of me!", hgfun);
addPlayChat("7Home", "Why don't you just go home? That's your home! Are you too good for your home? ANSWER ME!!", hghome);
addPlayChat("8Strangle", "Sir one more outburst and I will strangle you with my microphone wire you understand me?", hgmicrophone);
addPlayChat("9Mistake", "That was a big mistake making me piss my pants like that man...", hgmistake);
addPlayChat("0My world", "Check out the name tag, you're in my world now grandma...", hgmyworld);
addPlayTeamChat("aI need an APC pickup.", "I need an APC pickup", needpku);
addPlayChat("bPrice", "The price is wrong bitch!", hgprice);
addPlayChat("cPsycho", "Yeah allright, well great, thanks alot nice to meet ya man... (psycho)", hgpsycho);
addPlayTeamChat("dDo Something", "Will you fags stop jacking off and do something!", miscstgdosomething);
addPlayTeamChat("eI need an escort back to base.", "I need an escort back to base", needesc);
addPlayChat("fSome more", "You want some more of that? I DIDN'T THINK SO!", hgsomemore);
addPlayTeamChat("gGensOffline", "Generators Offline!", miscgensoffline);
addPlayChat("hStupid", "What's the matter with you boy? You too st- stuh- stuh- stupid?", hgstupid);
addPlayTeamChat("iRepairing", "*Reparing generators*", miscrepairing);
addPlayChat("jTrouble", "You're in big trouble though pal I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast..", hgtrble);
addPlayChat("kWe suck", "Oh no! We suck again!", hgwesuck);
addPlayChat("lWhoop ass", "He tried to open up a can of whoop ass on me, I wouldn't let him...", hgwhoopass);
addPlayChat("m5150-T-t-t-today", "T-t-t-today junior!", today);
addPlayChat("n5150-Shampoo is better!", "Shampoo is bettah! I go on first and clean the hair.", shampoo);
addPlayChat("o5150-Conditioner is better!", "Conditioner is bettah! I leave the hair silky and smooooth.", conditioner);
addPlayTeamChat("pPower Online", "Power system online!", miscpoweronline);
addPlayChat("q5150-Repeating", "Weehehell, I already heard that one ya fucking unorginal bastard. Go suck a cock ya piece of fucking repeating shit.", repeating);
addPlayTeamChat("rNeed repairs", "Repair damnit!", needrep);
addPlayChat("s5150-Hard on", "Why you fucking haaaaaard on, I'll fucking cotton fist ya fucking head with a Louisville fuckin slugger. What do ya think of that assfuck?!?", hardon);
addPlayTeamChat("tCan anyone bring me some ammo?", "Can anyone bring me some ammo?", needamo);
addPlayChat("u5150-Booth", "Fuck you, ya fucking upity bitch...I'll fucking fuck you and all yer lesbian fish eating friends. I'm coming outta da BOOOTH!!!", booth);
addPlayChat("vNo Social skills", "You don't have what they call da social skills, that's why never have any friends.. except for yer mama", wbSocial);
addPlayChat("wAlcohol", "Alright, remember, alcohol = puke = smelly mess = nobody likes you", wsAlcohol);
addPlayChat("xLosing his mind", "He's losing his mind... and I'm reaping all the benefits", wsBenefits);
addPlayChat("yShit", "FUCKIN SHIT!", hgshit);
addPlayChat("zYo Bitch", "Yo Bitch, I might be ugly, at least I ain't got no money!", miscnet);
addPlayChat("-STARSKY-Dating", "What are we dating? Why you standing so close to me? Backoff", STARSKYbackoff);
addPlayChat("=STARSKY-C'monDoit", "C'mon Do it. Lay it on right here, do it. Do it.", STARSKYcmondoit);
addPlayChat("[STARSKY-Do it", "Do it. DO IT.", STARSKYdoit);
addPlayChat("]STARSKY-Stop", "Make him stop, make him stop, tell him to stop! STOP IT!", STARSKYstop);
addPlayChat("\\STARSKY-Agenda", "So, what's on the agenda today? Same as everyday, findin' bad guys, bringin' em down.", STARSKYagenda);
addPlayChat(";STARSKY-Hood", "This is my neighborhood, people tend to forget that", STARSKYhood);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat(",STARSKY-Wrong", "What the hell is wrong with you two?", STARSKYwrong);
addPlayChat(".STARSKY-Nuts", "You cross the line... Your nuts are mine.", STARSKYnuts);
addPlayChat("/STARSKY-Problem", "*pain* What is your problem?", STARSKYproblem);
addPlayChat(" STARSKY-Perm", "Hey, why don't you do me a favor and go get yourself another perm and let the grownups talk", STARSKYperm);
addPlayChat("*ROXBURY-Ass", "Did you grab my ass?", RXBRYgrab);
addPlayChat("+X-Files", "Its all I do. Its all I've been doing for the past 5 years. Its been my life, such as it is.", XFILESlife);
setPlayChatMenu("eTeam / Mortal Kombat");
addPlayTeamChat("1Wait", "Wait...", wait1);
addPlayTeamChat("2Waiting", "Waiting...", wait2);
addPlayTeamChat("3Order Cancelled", "Order Cancelled", ordcan);
addPlayChat("4Ahh-1", "Aaaahhhh!", mkaahh);
addPlayChat("5Ahh-2", "Aaahhhhhhh!", mkaahh2);
addPlayChat("6Ahh-3", "Whoaaaaooooohhhh!!!!", mkaahh3);
addPlayChat("7Animality", "Animality!", mkanimality);
addPlayChat("8Brutality", "Brutality!", mkbrutality);
addPlayChat("9Fatality", "Fatality!", mkfatality);
addPlayChat("0Excellent", "Excellent!", mkexcellent);
addPlayTeamChat("aNo problem", "No problem", noprob);
addPlayChat("bFlawless", "Flawless victory!", mkflawless);
addPlayChat("cOutstanding", "Outstanding!", mkoutstanding);
addPlayTeamChat("dI don't know", "I don't know", dontkno);
addPlayChat("eSuperb", "Superb!", mksuperb);
addPlayChat("fWell done", "Well done!", mkwelldone);
addPlayChat("gFight", "Fight!", mkfight);
addPlayTeamChat("hHurry up with that station", "I'd like to use the Inventory Station too please....HURRY UP!", miscmoveit);
addPlayChat("iDont make me laf", "Hahahaha! Don't make me laugh!", mkmakemelaf);
addPlayChat("jI win", "I win!", mkwin);
addPlayChat("kYou suck", "LOL! You suck!", mkyousuck);
addPlayChat("lToasty", "Toasty!", mktoasty);
addPlayChat("mMommy", "Ay mommy!", mkaymami);
addPlayTeamChat("nNo", "No!", no);
addPlayChat("oBust", "I'm gonna bust you up!", mkbust);
addPlayTeamChat("pHelp", "Help!", help);
addPlayChat("qCheck", "Check this out!", mkcheckthisout);
addPlayChat("rBrain", "Ow my brain!", mkowmybrain);
addPlayTeamChat("sSorry", "Sorry", sorry);
addPlayTeamChat("tThanks", "Thanks!", thanks);
addPlayChat("uFace", "Get out my face!", mkface);
addPlayChat("vOuch", "Waaaouch!!", mkouch);
addPlayTeamChat("wWatch where you're shooting!", "Watch where you're shooting!", wshoot3);
addPlayChat("xCome Here", "Come here!", mkcomehere);
addPlayTeamChat("yYes!", "Yes!", yes);
addPlayChat("zOver here", "Get over here!", mkoverhere);
//addPlayChat("-Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("=Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("[Fate", "The fate of billions will depend upon you!", mkfate);
addPlayChat("]Highlander", "There can be only one!", mkonlyone);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(";Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("/Waa", "Waaaaa!!", mkwaaa);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("1Yahoo", "Yahooooo!", taunt1);
addPlayChat("2Woohoo", "Woohoo!", cheer2);
addPlayChat("3Allright", "Allright!", cheer3);
addPlayChat("4Yeah", "Yeah!", cheer1);
addPlayChat("5How'd that feel", "How'd that feel?", taunt10);
addPlayChat("6Missed me", "Missed me!", taunt2);
addPlayChat("7Dance", "Dance!", taunt3);
addPlayChat("8Come get some", "Come get some!", taunt4);
addPlayChat("9I've had worse", "I've had worse...", tautn11);
addPlayChat("0Argh", "Argh!", dsgst4);
addPlayChat("aNo problem", "No problem", noprob);
addPlayChat("bSigh", "*sigh*", dsgst5);
addPlayChat("cAhhh Crap!", "Ahhh Crap!", color7);
addPlayChat("dI don't know", "I dont know", dontkno);
addPlayChat("eDuh!", "Duh!", dsgst1);
addPlayChat("fHey", "Hey!", wshoot1);
addPlayChat("gHmm", "Hmmm...", color3);
addPlayChat("hHelp!", "Help!", help);
addPlayChat("iOver Here", "Over here you tard!", ovrhere);
addPlayChat("jWait", "Wait, hold on a sec.", wait1);
addPlayChat("kWaiting", "Waiting......", wait2);
addPlayChat("l5150-Freeze sucker bitch", "Freeeeeze sucker bitch!", freeze);
addPlayChat("m5150-Freeze Mother Bitches!", "Freeeeeeeeeze mudda bitches!!", mudda);
addPlayChat("nNo", "No!", no);
addPlayChat("oOoops", "Oops!", oops2);
addPlayChat("p5150-Freaky Jason", "Eh.....Please don't kill me freaky Jason......I said please don't kill me freaky Jason.", jason);
addPlayChat("qDamnit!", "Damnit!", color6);
addPlayChat("rSorry", "Sorry", sorry);
addPlayChat("sShazbot!", "Shazbot!", color2);
addPlayChat("tThanks", "Thanks!", thanks);
addPlayChat("u5150-Wanna die with a man's gun", "You wanna die with a man's gun, not a little sissy gun like this.", gun);
addPlayChat("v5150-Burn in Hell!", "Mommy will be upstairs to kiss you goodnight. Burn in hell!", hell);
addPlayChat("w5150-Hell Yeah!", "Oh hell yeah!", hellyeah);
addPlayChat("xYou Idiot!", "You Idiot!", dsgst2);
addPlayChat("yYes", "Yes!", yes);
addPlayChat("zDoh!", "Doh!", oops1);
//addPlayChat("-Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("=Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("[Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("]Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(";Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("/5150-Hidden file :)", "What set you claimin' fool? Don't make me have to peel yo' cap back!", east);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayAnim("1Hey Baby", 12, heybaby);
addPlayAnim("2Big Gulps", 12, biggulp);
addPlayAnim("3Bye", 12, luvya2);
addPlayAnim("4Wassup", 0, wassup);
addPlayAnim("5Wassup2", 0, wassup2);
addPlayAnim("6Heavy Jiggy", 6, jiggy);
addPlayAnim("7Heavy Tootsie Roll", 5, tootsie);
addPlayAnim("8Heavy Table Dance", 6, tableda);
addPlayAnim("9Heavy Cheer", 7, cheer);
addPlayAnim("0Medium Male Funk Dance", 7, funk);
addPlayAnim("aMedium Male Cheer", 6, cheer);
addPlayAnim("bBye", 12, bye);
addPlayAnim("cMedium Male Night fever", 7, beegee1);
addPlayAnim("dMove out of the way!", 1, outway);
addPlayAnim("eCelebrate 2", 6, cheer2);
addPlayAnim("fSalute", 4, yes);
addPlayAnim("gCome get some!", 9, taunt4);
addPlayAnim("hHi", 12, hello);
addPlayAnim("iMedium Male Stayin Alive", 7, beegee2);
addPlayAnim("jMedium Male Woohoo", 5, homerwh);
addPlayAnim("kLite Female Growl", 6, growl);
addPlayAnim("lLite Male Jackson Spin", 6, jackson);
addPlayAnim("mKiss My Ass", 8, ksmyass);
addPlayAnim("nFollow me", 2, folowme);
addPlayAnim("oOver Here", 0, ovrhere);
addPlayAnim("pGet away from me", 1, horsass);
addPlayAnim("qCelebrate 1", 5, cheer1);
addPlayAnim("rRetreat!", 2, retreat);
addPlayAnim("sStop!", 3, dsgst4);
addPlayAnim("tKnocked Out", 8, ktfoman);
addPlayAnim("uMove you fool", 1, moveful);
addPlayAnim("vHowd that feel?", 8, taunt10);
addPlayAnim("wCelebrate 3", 7, cheer3);
addPlayAnim("xStand Pose", 11, apsexy);
addPlayAnim("yHow'd that dirt taste?", 8, nfldirt);
addPlayAnim("zKneel Pose", 10, fart);
addPlayAnim("-STFU", 1, stfu);
//addPlayAnim("=Keybind and Menulisting, animation number, soundname);
addPlayAnim("[Back off pervert", 1, pervert);
addPlayAnim("]Slap", 3, slap);
//addPlayAnim(";Keybind and Menulisting, animation number, soundname);
//addPlayAnim("'Keybind and Menulisting, animation number, soundname);
//addPlayAnim(",Keybind and Menulisting, animation number, soundname);
//addPlayAnim(".Keybind and Menulisting, animation number, soundname);
//addPlayAnim("/Keybind and Menulisting, animation number, soundname);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
setPlayChatMenu("zCmd. Response/ChrisTucker/5150/5thElement");
addPlayChat("1Ahh!", "AAaahHAhaHHAHHAAAAAAA!!!", ctaahh);
addPlayChat("2All you do", "Damn! All you do is smoke weed...", ctallyoudo);
addPlayChat("3Bullshittin", "I was just bullshittin, and you know this, man!", ctbullshittin);
addPlayChat("4Bzzz", "BZZZZzzzzz...bbzzzz....", ctbzz);
addPlayChat("5Dont give", "I don't give a fuck!", ctdontgiveafuk);
addPlayChat("6Evita", "Evita, EVITA! Das ok! She be back, anotha quaalude, she love me in the morning..", ctevita);
addPlayChat("7High", "I know you don't smoke weed, I know this, but Ima get you high today. Cause it's friday, you ain't got no job, and you ain't got shit to do...", cthigh);
addPlayChat("8KTFO", "You got knocked the FUCK out!", ctktfo);
addPlayChat("9KTFO man", "You got knocked the FUCK out man!", ktfoman);
addPlayChat("0Money", "I don't wanna have to fuck you up smokie...playin with my like playin with my emotions...", ctmoney);
addPlayTeamChat("aCommand acknowleged", "Command acknowleged", acknow);
addPlayChat("bNo fire", "Corbin, corbin my man, I have no fire! I have no matches, I stopped smoking man if I knew...Father you smoke? You got some matches?", ctnofire);
addPlayChat("cNothing Wrong", "Man aint nothin wrong with smoking weed, weed is from the earth! God put this here for me and you...take advantage man..take advantage...", ctnothinwrong2);
addPlayChat("dPuff", "Hold up you fuckin up the rotation, puff puff give, puff puff give! Fuckin up the rotation, you can get killed with somebody else. That's some serious shit, you lucky you my boy...", ctpuff);
addPlayChat("eScream", "What's wrong with you what you screaming for?", ctscream);
addPlayChat("fStupid", "God Damn! You've got to be a stupid motherfucker to get fired on your day off!", ctstupid);
addPlayChat("gWhat was that", "What was that? It was BAD! It had nothing no fire, no energy, no nothing. You know I have a show to run here you know? And it must pop Pop POP!", ctthatwasbad);
addPlayChat("hTweeds", "I bet ya'll drinkin that wine too ain't ya, smoking them tweeds and everythang, wearin the clothes all half off yo ass, what the hell's goin on today...", cttweeds);
addPlayChat("i5thElmt- 300", "300 years of waiting... for nothing", fe300years);
addPlayChat("jUnderstand", "Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?", ctunderstand);
addPlayChat("k5150-Stevie Wonder", "Who the hell's piloting this vessel?!? Stevie fuckin Wonder!?!?", stevie);
addPlayChat("l5150-Hey Esai", "Hey kiteh moroto ma nasai makento ma taretos....meh kina netoros.", spanish);
addPlayChat("m5150-Betta check my Police record", "Man, what the hell wrong wichoo?? I don't play tha shit man, you betta check my police record.", hatthehell);
addPlayAnim("n5150-Another Hi", 12, yo);
addPlayAnim("o5150-Redneck", 6, hick);
addPlayAnim("pGoat Ass", 5, goatass);
addPlayChat("q5150-What's Happening", "*GONG* What's a happenin hot stuff?", hot);
addPlayChat("r5150-I'm your HUCK!", "I'm your huckleberry! =)", huckle);
addPlayChat("s5150-Game over man", "Game over man, GAME OVER! Wtf are we gonna do now?!", hudson);
addPlayChat("t5150-Snoochie", "Snoooochie boooochie nooochies!", jay);
addPlayTeamChat("uUnable to complete objective.", "Unable to complete objective.", objxcmp);
addPlayChat("v5150-Jockey's", "I need the secure packaging of Jockey's. My boyz need a house.", jockey);
addPlayChat("w5150-Ouch", "OOOooooouuuuuuuccccchhhhhh.", mary);
addPlayChat("x5150-Super Model", "Well can you at least make it taste like chicken? Otherwise I'm gonna shrivel up like a super model. *Haaaaah, I am so fat, nobody likes me! People didn't like me in high school*", model);
addPlayChat("y5150-Mongo", "We got this one kid.....Mongo. He's got a forehead like a drive-in movie theatre, but he's a good shit. So we don'p bust his chops too much.", mongo);
addPlayTeamChat("zObjective completed.", "Objective completed.", objcomp);
addPlayChat("-5thElmt- Disappoint", "I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED", feDisapp);
addPlayChat("=5thElmt- Yourself", "If ya want something done... do it yourself", feDoityslf);
addPlayChat("[5thElmt- Identification", "This is the police, we are processing your identification, please put your arms up and follow our instructions", fePolice);
addPlayChat("]5thElmt- Revenge", "Your time for revenge.. is at hand", feRevenge);
addPlayChat("\\5thElmt- Stronger", "What doesn't kill ya, makes you stronger", feStronger);
addPlayChat(";5thElmt- Wait here", "We're just gonna wait here for a little while, till things quiet down, if you don't mind", feWaithere);
addPlayChat("'PYTHON-Dead", "Bring out yer dead!", MNTYPYTHNdead);
addPlayChat(",PYTHON-Fled", "When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled.", MNTYPYTHNfled);
addPlayChat(".PYTHON-Nade", "Oh Lord, Bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou may blow thy enemies to tiny bits.", MNTYPYTHNnade);
addPlayChat("/PYTHON-Ni", "We are the knights who say NI.", MNTYPYTHNni);
addPlayChat(" PYTHON-Sir Robin", "Brave Sir Robin ran away, bravely ran away away.", MNTYPYTHNranaway);
addPlayChat("*PYTHON-Run Away", "Run away! Run Away! Run Away!", MNTYPYTHNrun);
addPlayChat("+PYTHON-Taunt", "Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.", MNTYPYTHNtaunt);
setPlayChatMenu("1B&B-Beavis/Princess Bride-1");
addPlayChat("1Ahh!", "Ahhh!", bbaahh);
addPlayChat("2Ahh! (long)", "AahhhhhaaAHHAhahahahH!!", bbaahh2);
addPlayChat("3Boing", "Boyoyyoioioyyoing! uhhhehehe..", bbboing);
addPlayChat("4Bunghole", "Bunghole!", bbbunghole);
addPlayChat("5Burn", "Ya ya! hehe feel the burn! heh the burn the burn!", bbburn);
addPlayChat("6Crap away", "Get that crap away from me!", bbcrapaway);
addPlayChat("7Damn", "Damn.. hehe", bbdamn);
addPlayChat("8Damnit", "Damnit damnit son of a bitch!", bbdamnit);
addPlayChat("9Drive", "heh ya drive Drive DRIVE!! yah hehe", bbdrive);
addPlayChat("0Singing", "dun dun dun duun dow dow dun dun...", bbdundun);
addPlayChat("aWhat the hell", "Ahh! What the hell are you doing fartknocker?", bbhurt);
addPlayChat("bShutup", "Ahh shutup Butthead, keep that up and I'm gonna put the smackdown on yo' ass beotch!", bbshutup);
addPlayChat("cEnough crap", "Enough of this crap!", bbenufcrap);
addPlayChat("dScrotum", "Does not your scrotum need kicking?", bbscrtmkik);
addPlayChat("eDamn we're smooth", "Damn we're smooth!", bbsmooth);
addPlayChat("fFartknocker", "Fartknocker!", bbfartknocker);
addPlayChat("gGet ready to rumble", "Let's get ready to rumble!", bbrumble);
addPlayChat("hSplat", "hehe SPLAT! LOL", bbsplat2);
addPlayChat("iIncredible", "It's incredible, that's amazing!", bbincrdble);
addPlayChat("jStop", "Hey stop!", bbstop);
addPlayChat("kKick some ass", "When are we going to kick some ass master?", bbkicksomeass);
addPlayChat("lLag", "How come I'm not moving?", bbnotmovng);
addPlayChat("mJaws Theme", "Dunh da dunh da dunh!", bbthemejaw);
addPlayChat("nNeed TV", "I need TV. I need TV now! Damnit!", bbneedtv);
addPlayChat("oOoh Yeah", "Oooohhh Yeah!", bboohyeah);
addPlayChat("pPeekaboo", "Peekaboo!", bbpeekaboo);
addPlayChat("qWasnt ready", "Damnit Butthead I said I wasn't ready!", bbwasntrdy);
addPlayChat("rWeiner", "He tried to touch my weiner!", bbweiner);
addPlayChat("sProblem", "What's your problem butthole?", bbwhatprob);
addPlayChat("tWhoa", "Whoa!", bbwhoa2);
addPlayChat("uWussie", "Wussie!!", bbwussie);
addPlayChat("vYeah", "hehe, Yeah", bbyeah);
addPlayChat("wYeah buttmunch", "Yeah buttmunch!", bbyeahbuttmunch);
addPlayChat("xThat's cool", "That's cool! hehe", bbthatscool);
addPlayChat("yDie", "I'll kill you, die Die DIE! You son of a bitch! Ahhh!", bbdie2);
addPlayChat("zBack off", "Back off you pervert!", pervert);
addPlayChat("-BRIDE-Disappoint", "Get used to disappointment", pbDisappoint);
addPlayChat("=BRIDE-One year", "I just sucked one year of your life away", pbOneyear);
addPlayChat("[BRIDE-Fair", "Well who says life is fair? Where is that written?", pbFair);
addPlayChat("]BRIDE-Blood", "There will be blood tonight!", pbBlood);
addPlayChat("\\BRIDE-Smell good", "You don't look so good.. you don't smell so good either.", pbSmell);
addPlayChat(";BRIDE-Blunder", "HA HA YOU FOOL! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders", pbBlunders);
addPlayChat("'BRIDE-Who?", "Who are you?", pbWhoru);
addPlayChat(",BRIDE-No one", "No one of consequence", pbNoone);
addPlayChat(".BRIDE-Dream", "I do not envy you the headache you will have when you awake, but in the meantime, rest well and dream of large women.", pbDream);
addPlayChat("/BRIDE-Inconceivable!", "Inconceivable!", pbInconceivable);
addPlayChat(" BRIDE-Stalling!", "You're just stalling now", pbStall);
addPlayChat("*BRIDE-Think", "Am I going MAD or did the word THiNK escape your lips?", pbThink);
addPlayChat("+BRIDE-Waiting", "I'm Waitiiiing!", pbWait);
addPlayChat("1Wrath", "You do not want to face the wrath of my bunghole!", bbwrath);
addPlayChat("2Bow down", "You must bow down to the allmighty bunghole!", bbbowdown);
addPlayChat("3Agua", "Do you have any agua? I need agua for my bunghole!", bbagua);
addPlayChat("4Blood", "The mother of all wars has begun! The streets will flow with the blood of the non-believers!", bbblood);
addPlayChat("5Cornholio", "I am cornholio! I need teepee for my bunghole! Hey, would you like to see my bunghole?", bbcornholio);
addPlayChat("6Call to president", "I am cornholio! My bunghole it goes rrrraaa wataatata!", bbpresident);
addPlayChat("7Racaca(long)", "My bunghole it goes rrraacacaca!", bbracaca);
addPlayChat("8Feast", "The feast of caca will begin!", bbfeast);
addPlayChat("9Gringo", "I am the great cornholio!! I am a gringo! I have no bunghole, hehe, bungholio..", bbgringo);
addPlayChat("0Song", "Bunghole! Bungholiooooo!", bbsong);
addPlayChat("aSurrender", "I order you to surrender your teepee!", bbsurrender);
addPlayChat("bThreat", "Are you threatening me? I am cornholio!", bbthreat);
addPlayChat("cKing of bungholio", "I am corholio king of bungholio!", bbkingofbungholio);
addPlayChat("dLoud", "My bunghole it speaks loud!", bbloud);
addPlayChat("eAny teepee?", "Do you have any teepee? Teepee for my bunghole?", bbtp);
addPlayChat("fNo bunghole", "I have no bunghole!", bbnobunghole);
addPlayChat("gOlio", "Deep in the allmighty bunghole lies the great Olio!", bbolio);
addPlayChat("hMy people", "My people we have but one bunghole!", bbonebunghole);
addPlayChat("iYou are a bunghole", "You are a bunghole! And so am I! There will be more bungholes after me..", bburabunghole);
addPlayChat("jAnderson", "I tell ya what it doesn't get any better than this!", bbandrsn);
addPlayChat("kDamnit", "Ahh Damnit!", bbandrsndamnit);
addPlayChat("lCatch you", "Wha.. Pull you're damn pants up boy! I dont wanna see that! Damnit, get outta here.. and if I ever catch you whacking in here again I'm gonna hog tie ya!", bbcatchyou);
addPlayChat("mFamiliar", "Hey wait a two look kinda familiar..", bbfamiliar);
addPlayChat("nToolshed", "Ain't you them kids that have been whacking off in my toolshed?", bbtoolshed);
addPlayChat("oAsskicking", "I do the asskicking around here!", bbasskicking);
addPlayChat("pI took a beatin", "I took a beatin'", bbbeating);
addPlayChat("qClass (long)", "We're gonna be talking about the penis! We'll be talking about the vagina! Do you think that's funny Butthead?", bbclass);
addPlayChat("rGo deep", "These people know something..I want full cavity searches EVERYONE! Go DEEP on em'!", bbgodeep);
addPlayChat("sMagicword (long)", "What's the magic word?", bbmagicword);
addPlayChat("tMonkey's Uncle", "Well I'll be a monkey's bear assed uncle!", bbmonkey);
addPlayChat("uBRIDE-Inigo", "Hello... My name is Inigo Mantoya. You killed my father, prepare to die.", pbInigo);
addPlayChat("vBRIDE-Life is pain", "Life is PAIN Highness, anyone who says differently is selling something", pbLifepain);
addPlayChat("wBRIDE-Miracle", "We need a miracle, its very important", pbMiracle);
addPlayChat("xDBALL-5ds", "Just remember the 5 D's of DodgeBall, Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and.. Dodge", DODGE5ds);
addPlayChat("yDBALL-allstar", "Nice one son! You'll be an all-star yet.", DODGEallstar);
addPlayChat("zDBALL-You Can", "You can do it. I believe in you.", DODGEbelieve);
addPlayChat("-DBALL-hang on", "Whoa whoa... hang on a second there sport.", DODGEhangon);
addPlayChat("=DBALL-Lineup", "LINE UP LADIES!", DODGElineup);
addPlayChat("[DBALL-Fatty", "Ya happy? Fatty make a funny?", DODGEfatty);
addPlayChat("]DBALL-Blood", "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood.. Nobody!", DODGEblood);
addPlayChat("\\DBALL-Jackpot", "You know in some cases there's 2 somebodies for 1 person... I like to call that the jackpot.", DODGEjackpot);
addPlayChat(";DBALL-Ouchtown", "Ouchtown, population you bro!", DODGEouchtown);
addPlayChat("'DBALL-Switcharoo", "How 'bout that.. its a two on one switcharoo", DODGEswitcharoo);
addPlayChat(",DBALL-Jeepers", "Holy mackrel mister, you scared the jeepers outta me.", DODGEjeepers);
addPlayChat(".DBALL-NeedU", "We need you. You're really good.", DODGEneed);
addPlayChat("/DBALL-Someone", "Keep your chin up, there's someone out there for everybody.", DODGEsomeone);
addPlayChat(" DBALL-Shocked", "Average Joe's wins in a shocking upset.", DODGEshocked);
addPlayChat("*DBALL-Menage trois", "Looks like its gonna be a 2 on 1 menage a trois of Pain.", DODGEpain);
addPlayChat("+DBALL-Testicles", "Ooooo, right in the testicles.", DODGEtesticles);
addPlayChat("1Assmunch", "Assmunch!", bbassmunch);
addPlayChat("2Dillhole", "Dillhole!", bbdillhole);
addPlayChat("3Dork", "What a dork!", bbdork);
addPlayChat("4Dumbass", "Dumbass!", bbdumbass);
addPlayChat("5Jerk", "What a jerk!", bbjerk);
addPlayChat("6Masterbator", "You masterbator!", bbmstrbtr);
addPlayChat("7Buttschlong", "You're a buttschlong!", bburabtshl);
addPlayChat("8Dork 2", "You're a dork!", bburadork);
addPlayChat("9Dumbass 2", "You're a dumbass!", bburadumas);
addPlayChat("0Stupid", "You're stupid!", bburstupid);
addPlayChat("aWuss", "C'mon wuss!", bbwuss);
addPlayChat("bYou should know", "You should know buttmunch!", bbyoushouldknow);
addPlayChat("cYou stink", "Dude you stink!", bbyoustink);
addPlayChat("dDoes she have", "Does she have big hooters?", bbbighootr);
addPlayChat("eBraces", "I noticed you have braces..I have braces too...huhhehhhheh..", bbbraces);
addPlayChat("fBus", "Hey were in a game with chicks! Hey baby.. uhhuhuuhheh..", bbbuschick);
addPlayChat("gComplain", "I guess I would complain too if I sucked!", bbcomplain);
addPlayChat("hCool", "Cool!", bbcool);
addPlayChat("iCoolest", "This is the coolest thing I have ever seen!", bbcoolest);
addPlayChat("jDesert", "Desert of Death map is stupid!", bbdesert);
addPlayChat("kFoul Crimes", "You will not get away with these foul crimes!", bbfoulcrimes);
addPlayChat("lGo 4 it", "Go for it!", bbgo4it);
addPlayChat("mGonna be cool", "This is gonna be cool!", bbgonnabecool);
addPlayChat("nGood job", "Good job!", bbgoodjob);
addPlayChat("oGood one", "Good one!", bbgoodone);
addPlayChat("pInjured", "I've been injured, yeah I've got a big crack in my butt!", bbinjured);
addPlayChat("qFinally", "This is it, were finally gonna score!", bbfinally);
addPlayChat("rHard work", "This is hard work, let's take a break!", bbhardwork);
addPlayChat("sHold up", "Hold up", bbholdup);
addPlayChat("tIt's time", "I think it's time!", bbitstime);
addPlayChat("uLet's rock", "Let's rock!", bbletsrock);
addPlayChat("vLive it up", "If theres one thing I know about, It's like how to live it up and stuff...", bblivitup);
addPlayChat("wNads", "Kick him in the nads!", bbnads);
addPlayChat("xNever score", "You never score and you never will!", bbnevrscor);
addPlayChat("yNot cool", "That was NOT cool!", bbnotcool);
addPlayChat("zNot yet", "Not yet dumbass!", bbnotyet);
//addPlayChat("-Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("=Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("[Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("]Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(";Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("/Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
setPlayChatMenu("4B&B-ButtMix/5150/Star Trek");
addPlayChat("1Oh yeah", "Uhh.. Oh yeah.. hehe", bbohyeah);
addPlayChat("2Piss me off", "Are you trying to piss me off?", bbpissmeof);
addPlayChat("3Savage Beast", "Theres only one thing that can sooth my savage beast dude, and it isn't poetry!", bbsavgbest);
addPlayChat("4Did I score", "Uhhh... Did I just score?", bbscore);
addPlayChat("5Shutup", "Shutup Beavis!", bbshutup2);
addPlayChat("6Splat", "Uhhuhhheh SPLAT!", bbsplat);
addPlayChat("7Start it", "You have to like, start it first dumbass!", bbstartit);
addPlayChat("8Start over", "Damnit! Now I have to start all over!", bbstartovr);
addPlayChat("9Stepchild", "I'm gonna slap you around like a red headed step child!", bbstepchild);
addPlayChat("0Settle down", "Settle down!", bbstldown);
addPlayChat("aThank you", "Thank you and stuff", bbthankyou);
addPlayChat("bThis is dumb", "This is dumb!", bbthisdumb);
addPlayChat("cNo", "Uhh, no?", bbuhno);
addPlayChat("dWatch the master", "Watch the master", bbwatchmas);
addPlayChat("eWhoa", "Whoa! That's cool!", bbwhoacool);
addPlayChat("fThat's better", "That's better dillhole!", bbthtsbetr);
addPlayChat("gThis is hard", "This is hard", bbthsishrd);
addPlayChat("hThis sucks", "This sucks more than anything that has ever sucked before. We must find this butthole that took our flag...", bbthssucks);
addPlayChat("iUnable to assist", "I am unable to assist you. (dumbass)", bbunableto);
addPlayChat("jPumped", "We're pumped!", bbwerepump);
addPlayChat("kWere there", "We're there dude!", bbwethere);
addPlayChat("lWhoa", "Whoa!", bbwhoa);
addPlayChat("mWe think", "Uhh.. we think your", bbyourcool);
addPlayChat("nYour sad", "You're sad dude", bbyoursad);
addPlayChat("oDon't make us leave!(long)", "Don't make us leave!", bbdontmakeusleave);
addPlayChat("pAttention", "Attention: We are looking for the chick with big boobs, we are ready to do you now!", bblooking);
addPlayChat("qCops (long)", "1-Adam-5 1-Adam-5 we got a female caucasian chick standing in the road acting like a dumbass. We're gonna need back up, come on...", bbcops2);
addPlayChat("rTrek (long)", "Fire those retro rockets, shoot the fruiton torpedos, and like, make us go that way...", bbtrek2);
addPlayChat("s5150-Mr. Candyass", "You just made a fatal mistake Mr. Candyass, I hope you know something about hand to hand combat", candy);
addPlayChat("t5150-10-6-9'er", "Ten-Six-Niner, Ten-Six-Niner, we got whores in the city, we need backup now!", hore);
addPlayChat("uSTRTRK- Defense", "Automatic defense procedures initiated", stAutodef);
addPlayChat("vSTRTRK- Intruder", "Intruder Alert, Intruder Alert!", stIntruder);
addPlayChat("wSTRTRK- Reprimand", "If you want to put a letter of reprimand in my file for that, then go ahead.", stReprimand);
addPlayChat("xSTRTRK- Violation", "We are now in violation of treaty, Captain", stViolation);
addPlayChat("ySTRTRK- Mate", "If I'm not mistaken.. they are.. preparing to mate", stMate);
addPlayChat("zSTRTRK- Assassins", "The first rule of assassination... kill the assassin", st1strule);
addPlayChat("-STRTRK- Casualties", "No casualties reported, Doctor", stCasualties);
addPlayChat("=STRTRK- Dictate", "The opportunity here is to bring them to their kness.. then we'll be in a far better position to dictate terms", stDictate);
addPlayChat("[STRTRK- Happened?", "What's happened? What's the meaning of this?", stMeaning);
addPlayChat("]STRTRK- Civiliz", "Once again we've saved civilization as we know it", stSavedciv);
addPlayChat("\\STRTRK- Energy", "Save your energy", stSaveenergy);
addPlayChat(";STRTRK- Selves", "Save yourselves", stSaveselves);
addPlayChat("'STRTRK- Surrender", "Signal my surrender. ..Captain?? WE SURRENDER!", stSurrender);
addPlayChat(",STRTRK- Wipeout", "This child is about to wipe out every living thing on earth. Now what do you suggest we do, spank it?", stWipeout);
addPlayChat(".JOE-Love", "I love you. I love you too. I've never been in love with anybody before either. Its great, I am glad.", JOEVOLiloveyou);
addPlayChat("/JOE-Dead", "Why aren't you dead? Why aren't you dead? I dunno.", JOEVOLwhyarent);
addPlayChat(" MUMMY-Death", "Know this, this creature is the bringer of death. He will never eat, he will never sleep, he will never stop.", MUMcreature);
addPlayChat("*MUMMY-Trouble", "We are in serious trouble.", MUMtrouble);
addPlayChat("+MULTPLCTY-No one home", "I don't care how long it takes, nobody goes home until we're finished.", MULTIPLCTYhome);
setPlayChatMenu("5South Park-Cartman/Misc");
addPlayChat("1Authoritay", "Maybe this will teach you to listen to authoritay!", spauthoritay1);
addPlayChat("2Authoritay 2", "Respect my authoritay!", spauthoritay2);
addPlayChat("3Something", "He's not kicking his ass but he's definately doing something to his ass..", spazz);
addPlayChat("4Food(long)", "Food, I have to have food!", spchikenwings);
addPlayChat("5Dont wanna die", "I don't wanna die on this team with you assholes, you guys suck!", spdie);
addPlayChat("6Dirty cheap ass", "You dirty cheap ass piece of crap!", spdirtycheapass);
addPlayChat("7What's the big deal", "What's the big deal about cussing? It doesn't hurt anybody...Fuck fuckitey fuck fuck fuck!", spfuck);
addPlayChat("8Screw you hippie", "Screw you hippie!", sphippie);
addPlayChat("9Kick ass", "Kick ass!", spkickass);
addPlayChat("0Kick ass 2", "Kick ass!", spkickass2);
addPlayChat("aI'll Kick you", "I'll kick you in the nuts!", spkicknutz);
addPlayChat("bLame", "That is so lame!", splame);
addPlayChat("cLanguage", "Let's try and watch the language...", splanguage);
addPlayChat("dLaundry", "Eey! you go do my laundry!", splaundry);
addPlayChat("eMake babies", "Eey woman, you shut your mouth and make babies!", spmakebabies);
addPlayChat("fMake pie", "I would never let a woman kick my ass. If she tried anything, I'd be like EEY! You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!", spmakepie);
addPlayChat("gSweater", "Eey! Listen missy, why don't you go knit me a sweater before I slap you in the face!", spsweater);
addPlayChat("hMailman", "Eey! Why don't you stop dressing me up like a mailman and making me dance for you while you go and smoke crack in your bedroom and have sex with some guy I don't even know on my dad's bed!", spmailman);
addPlayChat("iI'm not fat", "I'm not fat, I just have'nt grown into my body yet you skinny bitch!", spweight);
addPlayChat("jI hate you", "I hate you I want you to die!", spwantu2die);
addPlayChat("kSucked ass", "Excuse me but I do believe that sucked ass!", spsuckedass);
addPlayChat("lStill gay", "Still looks pretty gay to me..", spstillgay);
addPlayChat("mSon of a bitch", "You son of a bitch!", spsonofabitch);
addPlayChat("nScrew you too", "Well screw you too!", spscrewutoo);
addPlayChat("oSay that to my face", "Say that to my face pussy!", spsaythattomyface);
addPlayChat("pPoor People(long)", "Poor people tend to live in clusters!", sppoorppl);
addPlayChat("qPlump", "I'm not fat, I'm festively plump...", spplump);
addPlayChat("rLove you", "I love you guyz...Ahh screw you guyz...", sploveuguyz);
addPlayChat("sNancy Kerrigan", "And I told him, I said, I will kick you in the nuts. So I kicked him square in the nuts, and he cried like Nancy Kerrigan!", spnancy2);
addPlayChat("tMortgage", "Your family is so poor, yesterday you had to put your cardboard box up for a second mortgage!", spmortgage2);
addPlayChat("uNot cool", "That is not cool!", spnotcool2);
addPlayChat("vLet me kick", "C'mon let me kick you in the nuts for it!", spnuts2);
addPlayChat("wFamily is poor", "Your family is poor!", spfamilypoor2);
addPlayChat("xGet down", "Get down with your bad self!", spgetdown2);
addPlayChat("yOuch that hurt", "Oww! That hurt you buttlicker!", spbuttlicker);
addPlayChat("zOLDSCHOOL-Streaking", "We're streaking! We're Streaking!", OLDSCLstreaking);
addPlayChat("-PIRATES-Map", "You're off the edge of the map mate.", PCRBEANoffmap);
addPlayChat("=PIRATES-Moment", "If you were waiting for the opportune moment.. that was it.", PCARBEANmoment);
addPlayChat("[PBRIDE-Morons", "Have you ever heard of Plato, Aristole, Socrates? Yes. Morons.", PBRDEmorons);
addPlayChat("]PBOOTH-Feelings", "I hope you realize how you've hurt my feelings.", PHONEBOOTHfeelings);
addPlayChat("\\PBOOTH-Obey", "You're going to learn to obey me.", PHONEBOOTHobeyme);
addPlayChat(";RBNHOOD-Nerves", "To tell you the truth this guy is starting to get on my nerves!", RBNHOODnerves);
addPlayChat("'STRANGE BREW-Murderer", "You killed him, he's dead. I'm a witness. Police! Police! My brother's a murderer!", STRGBREWmurder);
addPlayChat(",WEDSINGER-Girl thing", "Are you gonna do the girl thing? You gonna act happy and you gonna be pouting on the inside?", WEDSINGgirlthing);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting, animation number, soundname);
addPlayChat("/WEDSINGER-Yesterday", "Once again, things that could have been brought to my attention YESTERDAY!", WEDSINGyesterday);
addPlayChat(" WHOSLINE-Canada", "And the loser has to go back to Canada where he belongs!", WHOSLINEcanada);
addPlayChat("*XMAS STORY-Rifle", "There it is, the holy grail of Christmas gifts. The Red-Ryder 200 Shot Range Model Air-Rifle", XMASredryder);
addPlayChat("+YOUNG GUNS-Famous", "Yoohoo, I'll make ya famous.", YGUNSfamous);
setPlayChatMenu("6South Park-Mix/5150");
addPlayChat("1Belittle", "Don't belittle my people you fucking fat ass!", spbelittle);
addPlayChat("2Crack whore", "Well at least my mom's not on the cover of Crack Whore Magazine!", spcrackwhore);
addPlayChat("3Such a fat ass", "You're such a fat ass, that when you walk down the street people go.. GOD DAMNIT that's a big fat ass!", spfatass);
addPlayChat("4God damnit", "GOD DAMNIT!", spgoddamnit);
addPlayChat("5You bastard", "You bastard!", spbastard);
addPlayChat("6Shut up", "Shut up buttpirate!", spbuttpirate);
addPlayChat("7I did it", "I finally killed something!", spdidit);
addPlayChat("8Dinner (long)", "Lord, we thank you for this staggering payload of frozen waffles you have bestowed upon us...", spdinneratkennys);
addPlayChat("9Dirty SOB", "You dirty son of a bitch!", spdirtysob);
addPlayChat("0Drugs", "This is all I'm gonna say about drugs, stay away from them! There's a time and a place for everything, and it's called college!", spdrugs);
addPlayChat("aWrong", "Bzzz! Wrong try again dumbass!", spdumbass);
addPlayChat("bWhatever", "Yeah whatever you fat bitch...", spfatbitch);
addPlayChat("cGay friends", "We're all big gay friends here...", spgayfrnds);
addPlayChat("dHugh Grant", "Oh my! I haven't seen an englishman take a blow like that since Hugh Grant!", sphughgrant);
addPlayChat("eJew", "Oh my! I haven't seen a jew run like that since poland 1938!", spjewrun);
addPlayChat("fRodney King", "I haven't seen a beating like that since Rodney King!", sprodney);
addPlayChat("gAt the 50", "He's at the 50, the 40, the 30, the little running back is down.. I think he's.. YES he's been decapitated!", spdecapit);
addPlayChat("hWow", "Wow! That kicks ass!", spwow);
addPlayChat("iSuper", "I'm super thanks for asking!", spsuperthx);
addPlayChat("jSuck my balls", "Suck my balls!", spsukmybalz);
addPlayChat("kSlut", "I always knew your mom was a slut but God Damn!", spslut);
addPlayChat("lPretty fucked up", "This is pretty fucked up right here...", spprettyfukdup);
addPlayChat("mPoopies", "I need to go poopies!", sppoopies);
addPlayChat("nMr Hat", "I'm Mr. Hat and you're a little turd you hear me? You go to hell! You go to hell and you die!", spmrhat);
addPlayChat("oComing for us", "It's coming right for us!", spcomingforus);
addPlayChat("pHands and arms", "Let's try to keep our hands and arms to ourselves ok?", sphandsandarms2);
addPlayChat("qNothing to see", "This isn't happening, everyone look away please, nothing to see here!", spnothing2);
addPlayChat("rRemind me(long)", "Remind me to whip your ass good next time I see you!", spremindme2);
addPlayChat("sKick da baby", "Ready Ike? KICK DA BABY!", spkickdababy);
addPlayChat("tKenny", "Oh my god, they killed kenny! YOU BASTARDS!", spkenny);
addPlayChat("uAssmaster", "You're the assmaster!", spassmaster2);
addPlayChat("v5150-South Park Africans", "A baba glok, glock baba baba glok......baba gung *click* baba....", sp2);
addPlayChat("w5150-Cartman Pissed", " to $*!?'ing kill you guys....seriously.", sp);
addPlayChat("x5150-Cartman so Horny", "Hello soldier so horny. Me love you long time.", horny);
addPlayChat("y5150-Cartman and Garrison", "How would you like to suck my BALLS Mr. Garrison?", garrison);
addPlayChat("zDamn Internet", "Damn you Internet!!", spDamn);
//addPlayChat("-Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("=Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("[Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("]Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(";Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("/Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
setPlayChatMenu("7Star Craft-1/Red October");
addPlayChat("1Absolutely", "Absolutely!", scabsolutely);
addPlayChat("2Yes sir", "YES SIR!", scyessir);
addPlayChat("3Tank", "Dun duh dow dow, dun du da dow dow!!", sctank);
addPlayChat("4Delighted", "Delighted to sir!", scdelighted);
addPlayChat("5Identify Target", "Identify target!", scidentifytarget);
addPlayChat("6Move it", "Move it!", scmoveit);
addPlayChat("7Ready", "Ready to roll out!", screadytoroll);
addPlayChat("8What do you want", "What do you want?", scwhatdoyouwant);
addPlayChat("9I read ya", "Ya I read ya, siirrr..", scireadya);
addPlayChat("0Affirmative", "Affirmative sir!", scaffirmitive);
addPlayChat("aLets roll", "Lets roll!", scletsroll);
addPlayChat("bMonkeys", "Who set all these lab monkeys free?", scmonkeys);
addPlayChat("cGogogo", "GO GO GO!", scgogogo);
addPlayChat("dLets move", "Lets move!", scletsmove);
addPlayChat("ePiece of me", "You want a piece of me boy?", scpieceofme);
addPlayChat("fGood to go", "Jacked up and good to go!", scgoodtogo);
addPlayChat("gRock and Roll", "Rock and Roll!", scrockandroll);
addPlayChat("hAhh yeah", "Ahhh yeahhhh!", scahhyeah);
addPlayChat("iStuff", "Ahhh that's the stuff!!", scthatsthestuff);
addPlayChat("jOops", "Uhh oops! Hehe uheheheh....", scoops);
addPlayChat("kBitch", "You'll never make it out of here alive bitch!", scbitch);
addPlayChat("lShoot", "Gimme something to shoot...", scshoot);
addPlayChat("mWhoopass", "Sir, we've just had a whole CARGO SHIP full of whoop ass dumped on us!", scwupass);
addPlayChat("nAll over it", "I'm all over it!", scalloverit);
addPlayChat("oWill be done", "It will be done", scwillbedone);
addPlayChat("pEngage", "Engage!", scengage);
addPlayChat("qTake it slow", "Take it slow!", sctakeitslow);
addPlayChat("rStrap", "Strap yourselves in boys, we're in for some chop...", scstrap);
addPlayChat("sFull stop", "Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to a full and complete stop...", scfullstop);
addPlayChat("tCurious", "I'm just curious why am I so good?", sccurious);
addPlayChat("uAnnihilate", "Annihilate!", scanihilate);
addPlayChat("vErradicate", "Erradicate!", scerradicate);
addPlayChat("wDestroy", "Destroy!", scdestroy);
addPlayChat("xObliterate", "Obliterate!", scobliterate);
addPlayChat("yPower", "POWER OVERWHELMING!", scpower);
addPlayChat("zAnnoy", "You get off on annoying people don't you?", scannoy);
addPlayChat("-RedOct- Brothers", "For 40 years your fathers before you and your older brothers played this game, and played it well. But today the game is different.. we have the advantage", hroBrothers);
addPlayChat("=RedOct- Bullets1", "Be careful what you shoot at, most things in here don't react too well to bullets", hroBullets);
addPlayChat("[RedOct- History", "A great day comrades.. we sail into history", hroHistory);
addPlayChat("]RedOct- Ping", "Give me a ping Vasilly, one ping only please", hroOneping);
addPlayChat(";RedOct- Potential", "Comrades.. Our own fleet doesn't know our full potential", hroPotential);
addPlayChat("'RedOct- Bullets2", "Some things in here don't react well to bullets", hroReact);
addPlayChat(",RedOct- Test", "They will do everything possible to test us, but they will only test their own embarrassment", hroTest);
addPlayChat(".RedOct- Hell happened?", "What the hell happened?", hroWhathell);
addPlayChat("/RedOct- Chicken", "The hard part about playing chicken is knowing when to flinch", hroChicken);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
setPlayChatMenu("8Star Craft-2/Duke Nukem/X-Men");
addPlayChat("1Combat", "I long for combat!", sccombat);
addPlayChat("2Energy", "Not enough energy", scenergy);
addPlayChat("3Gens down", "The generator's off line!", scgensdown);
addPlayChat("4Hostile", "I'm gonna have to assume that was a hostile response..", schostile);
addPlayChat("5Medical", "State the nature of your medical emergency...", scmedical);
addPlayChat("6Naughty", "You're being very naughty!", scnaughty);
addPlayChat("7Ways", "I have ways of blowing things up...", scways);
addPlayChat("8Mommy", "Who's your mommy?", scwhosyourmommy);
addPlayChat("9Nuke", ">>NUCLEAR LAUNCH DETECTED<<", scnuke);
addPlayChat("0Acknowledged HQ", "Acknowledged HQ...", scacknowledgedhq);
addPlayTeamChat("aTeleport succesful", "Teleport succesfull!", scteleport);
addPlayChat("bUnder attack", "We are under attack...", scunderatak);
addPlayChat("cBase under attack", "Base is under attack...", scunderatak2);
addPlayChat("dWaitin", "I'm waitin on you!", scwaitin);
addPlayChat("eDN-Die", "DIE you son of a bitch!", dndiesob);
addPlayChat("fDN-Eat shit", "Eat shit and die!", dneatshit);
addPlayChat("gDN-Get some", "Come get some!", dngetsome);
addPlayChat("hDN-Gotta hurt", "Ooohh that's gotta hurt!", dngotahurt);
addPlayChat("iDN-Head off", "I'll ripp your head off and shit down your neck!", dnheadoff);
addPlayChat("jDN-Hell", "See you in hell!", dnhell);
addPlayChat("kDN-Im good", "Damn I'm good!", dnimgood);
addPlayChat("lDN-Kikurasses", "I'm Duke Nukem, and I'm gonna kick your asses!", dnkikurasses);
addPlayChat("mDN-Blow it", "Blow it out your ass!", dnouturass);
addPlayChat("nDN-Pissed", "You're pissing me off!", dnpissoff);
addPlayChat("oDN-Postal", "Looks like it's time for me to go POSTAL!", dnpostal);
addPlayChat("pDN-Shake it", "Shake it baby!", dnshake);
addPlayChat("qDN-Shit", "Shit happens..", dnshit);
addPlayChat("rDN-Want some", "Who wants some?", dnwantsome);
addPlayChat("sDN-Yipee", "Yipee-kay-ay MOTHERFUCKER!!", dnyipee);
addPlayChat("tXM-Anonymity", "Anonymity is a mutants first defense against the world's hostility", xmAnonymity);
addPlayChat("uXM-Dangererous", "Are Mutants Dangerous?", xmDangerous);
addPlayChat("vXM-Landing", "You call that a landing?", xmLanding);
addPlayChat("wXM-Stay sharp", "Stay sharp.. we're not alone", xmNotalone);
addPlayChat("xXM-Right side?", "There's a war coming.. You sure you're on the right side?", xmWarcoming);
addPlayChat("yXM-Weak", "Still unwilling to make sacrifices.. that's what makes you weak", xmWeak);
addPlayChat("zXM-Why ask?", "Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answers?", xmWhyask);
addPlayChat("-XM-Homosapiens", "You homosapiens and your guns..", xmYouhomosapiens);
//addPlayChat("=Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("[Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("]Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(";Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("/Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("1Ahh!", "Ahh!", simpahh);
addPlayChat("2Burn it", "Ahh! Burn it! Send it to hell!", simpahhburnit);
addPlayChat("3Champ", "I am the champion, I am the champion, no time for losers cause I am the champion....of the world!", simpchampion);
addPlayChat("4Come to pappa", "Woohoo! Come to pappa!", simpcometopappa);
addPlayChat("5Damnit", "Damnit! Doh ay bwahhduhh.... the hell with this!", simpdamnit);
addPlayChat("6Doeth", "Doeth!", simpdoeth);
addPlayChat("7Doh", "Doh!", simpdoh);
addPlayChat("8Echo Doh", "DOH! DOh! Doh! doh!", simpdohecho);
addPlayChat("9Doh, hey", "Doh! I mean, Hey...", simpdohhey);
addPlayChat("0Fingers", "Doh! Stupid fingers...", simpfingers);
addPlayChat("aGone gay", "The world's gone gay!", simpgonegay);
addPlayChat("bKiss my butt", "Kiss my hairy yellow butt!", simpkissbutt);
addPlayChat("cKiss my ass", "Kiss my ass!", simpkissmyass);
addPlayChat("dNo", "NOOOO!!!!", simpnooo);
addPlayChat("eNot happening", "This is not happening, this is NOT HAPPENING!", simpnothappening);
addPlayChat("fMr Plow", "Call me Mr. Plow, cause I'm cleaning up!", simpplow);
addPlayChat("gSmart", "I am so smart, I am so smart, s-m-r-t, I mean s-m-a-r-t...", simpsmart);
addPlayChat("hStinkbag", "You trash eatin stink bag!", simpstinkbag);
addPlayChat("iFeelin stupid", "Feeling stupid?", simpstupid);
addPlayChat("jSucked", "Ya that team sure did suck last night, they just plain sucked. I've seen teams suck before but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked!", simpsuck);
addPlayChat("kTrash", "Allright, that's the last straw, time to take out the trash!", simptrash);
addPlayChat("lWalnuts", "Well you can cram it with walnuts ugly!", simpwalnuts);
addPlayChat("mWhat was that", "What the hell was that?", simpwhatwasthat);
addPlayChat("nWho you talking to", "Who the hell are you talking to?", simpwhoyoutalkingto);
addPlayChat("oWhy you lil", "Why you Lil'", simpwhyyoulil);
addPlayChat("pYes", "YES!", simpyes);
addPlayChat("qWoohoo", "Woohoo!", homerwh);
addPlayChat("rDrinking", "Have you been drinking?", simptenbeers2);
addPlayChat("sWant to be loved", "I want to be loved...", simpwanttobeloved2);
addPlayChat("tBitch", "Oh bitch, bitch, bitch...", simpbitch);
addPlayChat("uCoughed", "I've coughed up scarier stuff than that...", simpcoughed);
addPlayChat("vDagnabit", "Dagnabit!", simpdagnabit);
addPlayChat("wDoomed", "Oh no! We're all doomed!", simpdoomed);
addPlayChat("xTougher", "I fell 8 thousand feet onto a pile of jagged rocks. Course folks were tougher in those days, I was jitterbuggin that very night!", simptougher2);
//addPlayChat("yKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("zKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("-Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("=Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("[Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("]Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(";Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("/Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("1Party", "For the next 5 minutes I'm going to party like its on sale for $19.99!", simpapuparty2);
addPlayChat("2Bastard", "You magnificent bastard, I salute you!", simpbastard);
addPlayChat("3Twinkie", "Silly customer, you cannot hurt the twinkie!", simptwinkie);
addPlayChat("4Ate everything", "I hate your dad went into a restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant..", simpate);
addPlayChat("5Babies", "Mrs. Krobaple and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me...", simpbabies);
addPlayChat("6Bovine", "When I grow up I'm going to Bovine University!", simpbovine);
addPlayChat("7Face", "Ow my face is on fire!", simpface);
addPlayChat("8Feel right", "I don't feel right...", simpfeel);
addPlayChat("9Still funny", "He's still funny, but not ha-ha funny...", simpfunny);
addPlayChat("0Glued", "I glued my head to my shoulder...", simpglued);
addPlayChat("aI won", "I won, I WON!", simpiwon);
addPlayChat("bLearn", "I'm learnding!", simplearnding);
addPlayChat("cSpecial area", "Help! She's touching my special area!", simpspecial);
addPlayChat("dSupernintendo", "Hi Lisa, hi supernintendo Chalmers.", simpsupernintendo);
addPlayChat("eSleep", "Oh boy sleep! That's where I'm a viking!", simpviking);
addPlayChat("fWee", "Weeeee!!! Ow I bit my tongue...", simpweee);
addPlayChat("gWorms", "And when the doctor said I didn't have worms any more, that was the happiest day of my life.", simpworms);
addPlayChat("hAlone", "Leave me alone!", simpalone);
addPlayChat("iAttention", "I can't stand this any longer, somebody please pay attention to me!", simpattention);
addPlayChat("jAye carumba", "Aye carumba!", simpayecarumba);
addPlayChat("kCrap load", "What a load of crappy-crap-crap!", simpcrapload);
addPlayChat("lDamned", "Well, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't...", simpdamned);
addPlayChat("mProblem", "What's your problem?", simpproblem);
addPlayChat("nWussies", "Stand aside wussies...", simpwussies);
addPlayChat("oBlah", "Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah...", simpblahblah);
addPlayChat("pButtercup", "Ehhyy Ya silk wearin buttercup!", simpbuttercup);
addPlayChat("qChosen one", "You are the chosen one whom the sacred parchment prophecied would lead us to glory!", simpchosenone);
addPlayChat("rCome back", "Come back here, I'm not through demeaning you!", simpcomeback);
addPlayChat("sCrap", "Ahh Crap!", simpcrap);
addPlayChat("tMeeting", "Hey hey! Now this is my kinda meeting!", simpmeeting);
addPlayChat("uEat my shorts", "Eat my shorts!", simpeatmyshorts);
addPlayChat("vMoe Lie(long)", "I got a hot date 2nite[bzz] a date[bzz], dinner with Fred[bzz] dinner alone[bzz], watching TV alone[bzz], ALLRIGHT! I'm gonna sit at home and oggle the ladies in a Victoria's Secret Catalog[bzz] Sears Catalog[ding]", simpmoelie);
addPlayChat("wStinky", "Whoa! Someone smells stinky!", simpstinky);
addPlayChat("xThrashing", "I'll give you the thrashing of a life time!", simpthrashing);
addPlayChat("yStar Trek", "A fat sarcastic Star Trek fan, you must be a devil with the ladies...", simptreknerd);
//addPlayChat("zKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("-Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("=Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("[Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("]Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(";Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("/Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("1Hi", "Hi", hello);
addPlayChat("2Austin Powers", "Hello hello...", aphellohello);
addPlayChat("3Diablo", "Hello my friend, stay a while and play...", diablostay);
addPlayChat("4Howdy", "HooowwwwwDEEEE!!", howdy);
addPlayChat("5Jim Carey", "Hi there nice to see ya, bumble bee tuna, Bumble Bee Tuna...", jctuna);
addPlayChat("6Bugs Bunny", "Nyyaaa, what's up doc?", ltwhatsup);
addPlayChat("7Mario", "Itsa me, Mario!", mariohello);
addPlayChat("8Buenos dias", "Buenos Dias!", miscbuenosdias);
addPlayChat("9Robin Williams", "Heellloooo!", mischelooo);
addPlayChat("0Roxbury", "Hey what's up! How ya doin?", mischowyadoin);
addPlayChat("a3 Stooges", "hello, Hello, HELLO!", miscstghelo);
addPlayChat("bSC-Glad", "Glad to see ya boys, time to kick some serious butt!", scgladtoseeya);
addPlayChat("cSC-Good", "Good day commander!", scgoodday);
addPlayChat("dSC-Greetings", "Ahh greetings command!", scgreetings);
addPlayChat("eSP-Mr.Hankie", "Hidey ho!", sphidyho);
addPlayChat("fSP-Cartman", "Sup homies, I was just down in the SPC kickin with some G's on the west side!", spwestside);
addPlayChat("gSP-Chef", "Hello children!", sphellochildren);
addPlayChat("hHey wassup", "Hey yo, wassup?", mischeyuwassup);
addPlayChat("iWassup with you?", "Nothin B, just watchin the game havin a bud, wassup with you?", miscnuthinwassupwichu);
addPlayChat("jNothin", "Nothin, whatchin the game havin a bud...", mischavinabud);
addPlayChat("kTrue", "True... True...", misctrue);
addPlayChat("lWassup-1", "Wassupp!!", wassup);
addPlayChat("mWassup-2", "Wassssuupp!!", wassup2);
addPlayChat("nWassup-3", "Wasuupp!!", miscwasssup3);
addPlayChat("oWassup-4", "Wasssuupppp!! aaaaahhhh....", miscwasssup4);
addPlayChat("pWassup-5", "WAAASSSUUUPPP!!", miscwasssup5);
addPlayChat("qWassup-6", "Wassssuupp!!", miscwasssup6);
addPlayChat("rWassup-7", "Waaassssssssuupp!!", miscwasssup7);
addPlayChat("sYo", "Yo!", miscyo);
addPlayChat("tB&B", "Hey baby...", heybaby);
addPlayChat("uChris Farley", "Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug!", cfhugbro);
addPlayChat("vSimp-Bonjour", "Bonjouurrrrrrrrrr!! Ya cheese eatin surrender monkeys!", simpbonjour);
addPlayChat("wSimp-DrNick", "Hi everybody!", simphello);
addPlayChat("xSimp-Hi", "Hi!", simpimhigh);
addPlayChat("ySimp-Whatcha doin", "Hey! Whatcha doin?", simpwhatchadoin2);
addPlayChat("zSimp-Yoohoo", "Yoohoo!", simpyoohooburp);
addPlayChat("-Hey", "Heey!", ccHey);
addPlayChat("=How feeling?", "How are you feeling on this glorious day?", dmGlor);
addPlayChat("[Having a Party", "Excuse me.. Are we having a party??", willParty);
addPlayChat("]Exalted one", "Greetings, Exalted one", swGreeting);
addPlayChat("\\STARSKY-Wind", "Heeey, look what the wind blew in.", STARSKYwind);
addPlayChat(";Greetings", "Greetings and salutations", dmGreet);
addPlayChat("'Welcome Party", "Welcome to the party pal!", dhWelcome);
addPlayChat(",Welcome FightClub", "Gentlemen, Welcome to Fight Club", fcGentlemen);
addPlayChat(".Mr. Rogers", "Hi neighbor, how are you doin?", mrrogersHi);
addPlayChat("/Eddie Murphy", "Hi I'm Buhweet, uhmemba me?", embuhweet2);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("1Bye", "Bye", bye);
addPlayChat("2BB-Time", "That's all the time I have for now, See ya tommorrow!", bbbye2);
addPlayChat("3BB-Real World", "Well time to get back to the real world...", bbrealwrld);
addPlayChat("4JC-Concludes", "This concludes our broadcast day...", jcconcludes);
addPlayChat("5JC-Take Care", "Take care now, bye bye then...", jctakecare);
addPlayChat("6LT-Tata", "Ta-ta deary!", lttatadeary2);
addPlayChat("7LT-Thats all", "Ah buh de buhdee That's all folks!", ltthatsall);
addPlayChat("8LT-Yoinks", "Yoinks! And away!!", ltyoinks);
addPlayChat("9Mario", "Thank you so much for to playing my game!", mariothank);
addPlayChat("0Batman", "C'mon robin, to the batcave, we haven't one moment to lose!", miscbatcave);
addPlayChat("aBe back", "I'll be back motherfucker!", miscbebak);
addPlayChat("bAS-Be back", "I'll be back", miscasbak);
addPlayChat("cAS-Asta", "Hasta la vista, baby!", miscashasta);
addPlayChat("dChong", "Hey hang on you guys, I'll be right back!", miscbrb);
addPlayChat("eGood night", "Good night!", miscgniteladies);
addPlayChat("fICP", "That's it for now, I'M OUT THIS BITCH!", miscimout);
addPlayChat("gNaked Gun", "Cheer up, this is not goodbye. It's just I wont ever see you again...", miscngbye);
addPlayChat("hPerfect", "Perfect end to a perfect evening ehh? UNFUCKING BELIEVABLE!!", miscperfectend);
addPlayChat("iStar Craft", "I'm gone!", scimgone);
addPlayChat("jSimp-Apu", "Thank you for coming! I'll see you in hell!", simpapu);
addPlayChat("kSimp-Apu2", "Please come again!", simpcomeagain);
addPlayChat("lSimp-DrNick", "Bye Bye everybody!", simpbye);
addPlayChat("mSimp-Homer", "That's it I'm outta here!", simpthatsit);
addPlayChat("nSP-Cartman", "OK that does it, screw you guys I'm going home!", spgoinghome);
addPlayChat("oSP-Cartman2", "You can stay over hya, but I'm going over hya, screw you guys, I'm going home!", spoverhere);
addPlayChat("pSP-Cartman3", "That's it party is over, everybody go home!", sppartyover);
addPlayChat("qStar Wars", "Bye Bye!", swe1byebye);
addPlayChat("rBrak", "Bye! Have a nice day!", toonzniceday);
addPlayChat("sTigger", "TTFN, Ta-ta for now!", toonzttfn);
addPlayChat("tMindy", "OK I love you bye-bye!", luvya2);
addPlayChat("u5150-F*ck you", "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck cool, and fuck you - I'm out", fuckyou);
addPlayChat("vGo Away", "Its over, go away!", anmItsover);
addPlayChat("wHate cya go", "I hate to see ya go, but I love to watch you leave", foLeave);
addPlayChat("wGive ya call", "Ok so, I'll see ya later, huh? I'll give you a call", gbSeeyalater);
addPlayChat("xQuittin Time", "Quittin tiiime! Quittin Tiiiiiiiiiime!", gwwTime);
addPlayChat("yNo Purpose", "This conversation can serve no purpose anymore.. Goodbye.", soHalbye);
addPlayChat("zSleep this off", "I'm gonna sleep this off, please let me know if there's some other way we can screw up tonight", stSleepoff);
addPlayChat("-Going to bed", "Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed, before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed, or worse, expelled. ", hpExpelled);
addPlayChat("=Drive home", "Hey, yeah, have a few drinks, and ya know, drive home.", wsDrive);
addPlayChat("[Back to bed", "I'm going back.. ta bed", usmBed);
addPlayChat("]Weakest link", "You ARE the weakest link... Goodbye", wlGoodbye);
addPlayChat("\\OZ-Come and go", "My.. people come and go so quickly here", OZcomeandgo);
addPlayChat(";Dinner", "I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner. Bye", slOldfrnd);
addPlayChat("'DBALL-Bye", "Bye Bye", DODGEbyebye);
addPlayChat(",SCORE-Bye", "o.k. bye bye. Bye bye.", SCOREbyebye);
addPlayChat(".Matrix-Goodbye", "Goodbye Mr. Anderson", MTRXbye);
addPlayChat("/TRUMAN-Good afternoon", "In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and good night.", TRMNbye);
addPlayChat(" MUMMY-Allah", "May Allah smile upon you always.", MUMallah);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("1Dr. Evil", "Muahahaha!", apevillaugh);
addPlayChat("2B & B", "Uhhhuh..uhh..uh..hmm..hehh.hehe..", bblaugh);
addPlayChat("3Eddie Murphy", "Haaa-haha-a-haha-aha!", emlaf);
addPlayChat("4Eddie Murphy 2", "Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh!", emlaugh);
addPlayChat("5Adam Sandler", "Aha-ha-ha-haa SHUT UP!", hghahashutup);
addPlayChat("6Daffy", "Haa haa-hooo-hoo-ha-hoo!", ltdafylaf);
addPlayChat("7Alien", "Hee-hee-ha-ha-haa-haaha!", miscalienlaf);
addPlayChat("8Crypt Keeper", "EEEhhhhhh-hah-heha-hahhe!!", misccryptlaugh);
addPlayChat("9Tom Hanks", "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!", miscjankslaf);
addPlayChat("0Kid", "*points and laughs at you*", misckidlaf);
addPlayChat("aLaugh", "Ahha-haaa-aaa-ahah!", misclaugh);
addPlayChat("bLaugh 2", "Haa-huh-ha-hee!", misclaugh2);
addPlayChat("cLaugh 3", "Huh-huh-ha-ha-hah!", misclaugh3);
addPlayChat("dLaugh 4", "Heh-heh-heh!", toonzheehee);
addPlayChat("eLaugh 5", "Hyaa-hyuh-hyyaaa-hyeeeeee!", toonzhehe);
addPlayChat("fLilu", "Aha-ha-ha-ha!", misclilulaf);
addPlayChat("gPirate", "Ahaa-ha-ha-haha-harrgh!", miscmuahaha);
addPlayChat("hPredator", "Uhh-huh-hee-ha-hee-ha-haha!", miscpredator);
addPlayChat("iSmokey", "Ahhahahah!", miscsmokeylaf);
addPlayChat("jVincent Price", " >:) Muahahaha!", miscvpricelaf);
addPlayChat("kMortal Kombat", "Muahahaahahhahaha!", mkhaha);
addPlayChat("lHomer", "Tee-hee-hee!", simpgiggle);
addPlayChat("mNelson", "HA-HA!", simphaha);
addPlayChat("nKrusty", "Uhhuhuhuhuhua!", simpkrustylaf);
addPlayChat("oTroy McLure", "Hahaha! That's too funny!", simptroylaf);
addPlayChat("pJabba", "Huhhahah-hohoha!", swjabbalaf);
addPlayChat("qJabba 2", "Hohohoho!", swjabbalaf2);
addPlayChat("rYoda", "Mmmm-weehooohoohohoo!", swyodalaf);
addPlayChat("sEvil Elf", "Hey, bite me! hehehehehhahahah!", toonzevilelf);
addPlayChat("tBetty", "Hahmmhammmhamhmhmhm!", toonzlaf);
addPlayChat("uScooby Doo", "Huhheehuhheheuhee!", toonzscoobylaf);
addPlayChat("vPee-Wee", "Heh-ha!", miscpeeweelaf);
addPlayChat("wSplat", "SPLAT! Heehyeyeyheehe!", splat);
addPlayChat("xCrowd", "*Crowd laughing*", brvLaugh);
addPlayChat("yElmer", "ha uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh", ltElmerlaf);
addPlayChat("zJohn Candy", "ha huh huh huh huh huh huh - hah huh huh huh huh huh huh huh", ptaHah);
addPlayChat("-Steve Martin", "Wooiieeyaaaaahhyaaaaaah haa haa haaaooo", taYell);
addPlayChat("=Girl Giggle", "hih hih ha ha ha", soundGiggle);
addPlayChat("[ANCHORMAN-Good one", "Good One", ANCHORgoodone);
addPlayChat("]ANCHORMAN-HA HA", "HA HA.. HA HA HA HO... HA HA HO...", ANCHORhaha);
addPlayChat("\\Demon laugh", "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAA HAAA", demonlol);
addPlayChat(";PeeWee", "HA, HA HA HA, HA HA", PEEWEElaugh);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("/Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
setPlayChatMenu("cMusic(almost all long wavs)");
addPlayChat("1Austin Powers", "Secret agent man, they've given you a number, and taken away your name...", musicagent);
addPlayChat("2Bad Boys", "Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?", musicbadboys);
addPlayChat("3BadBoysIntro", "Huah! BAD BOYS! What ya want, what ya want, whatcha gonna do?", musicbadboysintro);
addPlayChat("4Bloodhound Gang", "You and me baby aint nothin but mammals, so let's do it like they do on the Discovery channel...", musicbadtouch);
addPlayChat("5Dueling Banjos", "*Dueling Music*", musicbanjos);
addPlayChat("6BB Beggining", "I'm ready to kick ass...", musicbbthemebeg);
addPlayChat("7BB End", "Welp I guess I'm pretty much done here....", musicbbthemeend);
addPlayChat("8Benny Hill", "Im on the run like Benny Hill!", musicbenyhil);
addPlayChat("9Eiffel 65", "Im Blu dah-buh-dee-dah-buh-die ndah-buh-dee-dah...", musicblu);
addPlayChat("0Westside Connection", "Bow down to a nigga that's greater than you!", musicbowdown);
addPlayChat("aIce Cube", "Check yo self before ya wreck yo self, cause shotgun bullets are bad for ya health...", musiccheckyoself);
addPlayChat("bPowerman-5000", "Now this is what it's like when worlds COLLLIDE!!!", musiccollide);
addPlayChat("cConan Theme", "Im about to lop some heads off!", musicconan);
addPlayChat("dDJ Jurgen & ALice DJ", "I'm throwing a party at the enemy's base and everyone's invited! Except the enemy! =]", musicdjjurgen);
addPlayChat("eDMX", "Ya'll gonna make me lose my mind up in here!", musicdmx);
addPlayChat("fDre-4got", "Now days everybody wanna talk like they got something to say but nothin comes out when they move their lips just a bunch a jibberish and motherfuckers act like they forgot about me...", musicforgot);
addPlayChat("gDre-Still", "I'm representin for the gangsters all across the world, hittin them corners in them Lo-Lo's girl...", musicstill);
addPlayChat("hICP-Never love", "I could never love you, you sound like a richy bitch, yo FUCK YOU!", musicfuckyou);
addPlayChat("iICP-Llama", "DAMN DOG!! How ya gonna dis yo mamma?", musicllama);
addPlayChat("jICP-Tits", "I'm steady staring at your sister, I'll ya this, ya know for only 13 she got some big tits!", musictits);
addPlayChat("kChris Rock", "Can a nigga get a table dance? Shake it up, shake it up, WOO! Shake that thang!", musictabledance);
addPlayChat("lWill Smith", "You flex on me? Don't be silly! *gettin jiggy with it*", musicjiggy);
addPlayChat("mMethod Man-Judgement Day", "See my pinkie, see my thumb, see that kid with the pump shotgun...Bust ya gums leave ya whole shit numb..", musicjudgementday);
addPlayChat("nMethod Man-Rockwilder", "Microphone checka, swing and sword lecture, closing down the secta, supreme neck protector...better warn em kid Mr Metha warm and pop, bout to blow his lid from the pressure...", musicrockwilder);
addPlayChat("oJuvenile", "BACK THAT AZZ UP!", musicjuvenile);
addPlayChat("pLL Cool J", "Dont you never, ever pull my lever, cause I explode! And my 9 is easy to load. I gotta thank god, cause he gave me the skills to ROCK HARD!!", musicknockyouout);
addPlayChat("qPappa Roach", "I'm losing my sight, losing my mind, wish somebody would tell me I'm fine...", musiclastresort);
addPlayChat("rLimp Bizkit", "Where the fuck you at? Let me hear you bitches run your mouth now! SHUT THE FUCK UP!", musictogether);
addPlayChat("sBond Theme", "*James Bond Theme*", musicmiscbondtheme);
addPlayChat("tRock you", "We will, we will, ROCK YOU!", musicrockyou);
addPlayChat("uSade", "Hes a smooth operator...", musicsmooth);
addPlayChat("vStar Wars-Duel", "*Preparing for a duel*", musicswe1duelofthefates);
addPlayChat("wStar Wars-Celebration", "*Victory Parade*", musicswe1celebration);
addPlayChat("xMexican Death Dance", "*Performs mexican death dance around your corpse*", musicmexican);
addPlayChat("yMario Song(very long)", "Go try playing Nintendo, these computer games are too much for ya...", musicmariosong);
addPlayChat("zBeegee-Night", "Night Fever, Night Fever, we know how to do it!", beegee1);
addPlayChat("-Battle", "*epic battle*", hroMusic);
addPlayChat("=Vicotry", "Victory", hroMusic2);
addPlayChat("[Monstars", "I'm going straight to the hole! You ain't got no game, I'm breaking ya out the frame comin through like a train. Looking to take over the whole world is our goal with our unstoppable crew taking all control!", musicmonstars);
addPlayChat("]Be there", "I'll be there..", musicBethere);
addPlayChat(";MIB", "The good guys dress in black remember that, just in case we're ever face to face and make contact...", musicmib);
addPlayChat("'Football", "*Getting ready for good match*", tvMon);
addPlayChat(",Ooga", "Ooga chucka ooga ooga Ooga chucka ooga ooga", tvOoga);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("/Beegee-Stayin", "Well you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man, no time to talk...", beegee2);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
setPlayChatMenu("iAustin Powers");
addPlayChat("1Donkey", "I've got a crap on deck that could choke a donkey!", apchokdnkey);
addPlayChat("2Eat ya", "Come here I'm gonna eat you!", apeatyou);
addPlayChat("3Frisky", "Frisky are we?", apfrisky);
addPlayChat("4Lucky", "You're lucky wee man...", aplucky);
addPlayChat("5Sexy", "I'm dead sexy...", apsexy);
addPlayChat("6Tiny", "Christ he's tiny! I've had bigger chunks of corn in my crap!", aptiny);
addPlayChat("7TurtleHead", "Where's your shitter? I've got a turtlehead pokin out!", aptrtlhead);
addPlayChat("8Belly", "I'm bigger than you I'm higher in the food chain, GET IN MY BELLY!", apbelly);
addPlayChat("9Babymeat", "Baby, the other other white meat. Baby, it's whats for dinner!", apbabymeat);
addPlayChat("0Ate a baby", "Listen up sonny Jim, I ATE A BABY!", apateababy);
addPlayChat("aAssasins", "I have gathered here before me the worlds deadliest assasins...", apassasins);
addPlayChat("bHundred Billion", "Ok then, we hold the world ransom for one hundred billion dollars...", apbillion);
addPlayChat("cBillions", "Why make trillions when we could make, billions?", apbillions);
addPlayChat("dBone", "Can you remind me what I pay you people for? Honestly throw me a bone here...", apbone);
addPlayChat("eDie", "No Mr. Powers, I expect them to die...", apdie);
addPlayChat("fDont get it", "Ya just don't get it do ya? You don't...", apdntgetit);
addPlayChat("gFailure", "Let this be a reminder to you all that this organization will not tolerate failure...", apevilfail);
addPlayChat("hStyle", "The truly evil murder with style...", apevilstyle);
addPlayChat("iLair", "Welcome to my underground lair. You're just in time, enjoy the show...", aplair);
addPlayChat("jMillion", "Here's the plan, we get the warhead and we hold the world ransom for, one million dollars...", apmillion);
addPlayChat("kPre-Shh", "Shh! Even before you start, that was a preemptive shh, just know I have a whole bag of shh whith your name on it...", appreshh);
addPlayChat("lRight", "Rii-i-i-ight....", apright);
addPlayChat("mScrotum", "There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum it's breath taking I suggest you ty it...", apscrotum);
addPlayChat("nSharks", "You know, I have one simple request, and that is to have sharks with FRIKIN laser beams attached to their heads...", apsharks);
addPlayChat("oShh", "Shh!", apshh);
addPlayChat("p30 Years", "I've been a frikin evil doctor for 30 frikin years...OK?", apyears);
addPlayChat("qZipit", "Allright zip it....", apzipit);
addPlayChat("rIdiots", "Why must I be surrounded by frikin idiots?", apidiots);
addPlayChat("sBlow me", "Blow me!", apblowme);
addPlayChat("tBurned", "Someone help me, I'm still alive only I'm very badly burned...", apburned);
addPlayChat("uCol Sanders", "Oh I hated the Colonel with his wee beedy eyes and that smug look on his face..oh you're gonna buy my chicken ooohh...", apcolsanders);
addPlayChat("vDenied", "Denied!", apdenied);
addPlayChat("wHand Job", "Oh excuse me russel but I believe I requested the hand job...", aphandjob);
addPlayChat("xNot", "NOT!", apnot);
addPlayChat("ySqeezeme", "Exsqueeze me? I baking powder?", apsqueezeme);
addPlayChat("zU Mad?", "Are you mad?", apMad);
addPlayChat("-Insensitive", "O oh ya ya, I'm insensitive, I'm a very insensitive man. Stop your job, look at the insensitive man. That's what they're payin ya for", axmInsntive);
addPlayChat("=Pants", "Head.. Pants.. Now!", axmPantsnow);
addPlayChat("[Shut it", "Shut it!", axmShutit);
addPlayChat("]Piper", "We have a piper down, I repeat, a piper is down", axmPiperdwn);
//addPlayChat(";Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("/Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("1Bag", "This sort of thing ain't my bag baby...", apbag);
addPlayChat("2Behave", "Oh behave!", apbehave);
addPlayChat("3Great", "Great baby yeah!", apgreat);
addPlayChat("4Groovy", "Oh groovy baby, yeah...", apgroovy);
addPlayChat("5Not mine", "How did this get in here? Someobody's playing a prank on me. Honestly it's not mine", apnotmine);
addPlayChat("6Scottish", "Welcome to All Things Scottish, our slogan is if it's not scottish it's crap!", apscottish);
addPlayChat("7Shaggadelic", "I think you're shaggadelic baby, you're switched on, you're smashing!", apshaggadelic);
addPlayChat("8Shot me", "YOU SHOT ME!", apshotme);
addPlayChat("9Yeah baby", "Yeah baby! Yeah-heh-heh-ah!", apyeahbaby);
addPlayChat("0Are you mad", "Are you mad?", apyoumad);
addPlayChat("aJubblies", "Machine gun Jubblies! How did I miss those baby...", apmachngun2);
addPlayChat("b5150-Lucky Charms", "They're always after me lucky charms.", charm);
addPlayChat("c5150-You shot me A-Hole", "OOoowwww.......You shot me you A-HOLE.", ushotme);
addPlayChat("d5150-Judochop", "JudooooCHOP......OOoOOOooOooHHhhHh, right in the mommy daddy button!", judochop);
addPlayChat("e5150-Allota Fagina", "Her name is Alotta....Alotta Fagina. Come again? Alotta Fagina. Ahh, I'm sorry I'm just not getting it. It sounded like you said your name was Alot of uhh....nevermind.", allota);
addPlayChat("f5150-Shits and Giggles", "I'm just trying to get a rise out of you, that's all! Fer shits and giggles.", giggles);
addPlayChat("g5150-Move that Melon", "HEAD! PAPER! NOW! Move that melon of yours and get the paper if ya can.", paper);
addPlayChat("h5150-Crying to Sleep", "Now that was off-side wasn't it? He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight, on his huge pillah.", offside);
addPlayChat("i5150-Orange on a Toothpick", "Look at the size of that boy's head. I'm not kiddin, it's like a orange on a toothpick.", head);
addPlayChat("jAOE-Attack", "It's on now, WARTIME BABY!", aoeatak);
addPlayChat("kAOE-Yahoo", "Yahoo!", aoeyahoo);
addPlayChat("lDiablo", "What ails you my friend?", diabloails);
addPlayChat("mIntermission", "*Intermission*", intermission);
addPlayChat("nPacman", "Playing Pacman is more difficult than owning you guys at this game...", pacman);
addPlayChat("oPacDeath", "*PacMan Death*", pacmandeath);
addPlayChat("pUT-Biteme", "Bite me!", utbiteme);
addPlayChat("qUT-Die", "Die bitch!", utdiebitch);
addPlayChat("rUT-Eat", "Eat that!", uteatthat);
addPlayChat("sUT-Hang", "Hang in there!", uthangin);
addPlayChat("tUT-Spree", "KILLING SPREE!!", utkillingspree);
addPlayChat("uUT-Man down", "Man down!", utmandown);
addPlayChat("vUT-Medic", "MEDIC!", utmedic);
addPlayChat("wUT-My house", "My house!", utmyhouse);
addPlayChat("xUT-Nice catch", "Nice catch!", utnicecatch);
addPlayChat("yUT-Stay down", "And STAY down!", utstaydown);
addPlayChat("zUT-Want some", "Anyone else WANT SOME?", utwantsome);
//addPlayChat("-Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("=Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("[Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("]Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(";Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("/Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("1Kill you", "You filthy swine, I will kill you!", misckillyou);
addPlayChat("2Better", "Are you feeling any better?", toonzbetter);
addPlayChat("3Stupid", "They don't call me stupid for nothing!", toonzstupidfornothing);
addPlayChat("4Dont listen", "Don't listen to him. He's a good man, but he's not quite right in the head.", toonzdontlisten);
addPlayChat("5Dont agree", "What do you mean you don't agree with me? Do you know who you're dealing with?!", toonzdontagree);
addPlayChat("6Bite", "Bite my shiny metal ass!", toonzbiteass);
addPlayChat("7Nice catch", "Nice catch idiot...", toonznicecatch);
addPlayChat("8Pimple", "YOU'RE A PIMPLE ON SOCIETY'S ASS!!", toonzpimple);
addPlayChat("9Squakin", "Quit squakin flesh wad...", toonzquitsqwakin);
addPlayChat("0Shut up", "Shut up you!", toonzshutupyou);
addPlayChat("aSit down", "Sit down ya crazy broad!", toonzbroad);
addPlayChat("bCarp", "There like a bunch of stunned carp out there...", toonzcarp);
addPlayChat("cExplaining", "Somebody's got a big fat pile of explaining to do!", toonzexplaining);
addPlayChat("dWhoop", "Whoop! There it is!", toonzwhoop);
addPlayChat("eFunk", "I've got the funk in my trousers for sure!", funk);
addPlayChat("fTrain", "Train, train, choo-choo train. Our team's gonna win this game, woo-woo! Oh yeah, woo-woo!", toonzbraktrain);
addPlayChat("gKeen", "Boy that was a keen idea!", toonzbullwinklekeen);
addPlayChat("hStrength", "Gee, I don't know my own strength!", toonzbullwinklestrength2);
addPlayChat("iChain", "*gasp* A chain letter! I touched it, I TOUCHED IT! Ahh! Naaarf! Wahh!", toonzchainltr);
addPlayChat("jDon't think so", "I don't think so!", toonzdontthinkso);
addPlayChat("kHug", "I'm gonna take you home and hug you, and squeeze you, and pet you, and lock you in a cage and keep you forever!", toonzhugyou);
addPlayChat("lCranky", "You're cranky, and you need a nap!", toonzcranky);
addPlayChat("mDumb question", "That's a really dumb question that only a baby bottle sucker would ask...", toonzdumbquestion);
addPlayChat("nIdea", "This doesn't sound like such a good idea...", toonzidea);
addPlayChat("oNot fair", "It's just not fair...", toonznotfair);
addPlayChat("pYour no fun", "Aww you're no fun...", toonzurnofun);
addPlayChat("qBellyachin", "Aww quit bellyaching...", toonzbellyache2);
addPlayChat("rCutest", "You say the cutest things!", toonzcutestthings);
addPlayChat("sIdiots", "I'm surrounded by idiots...", toonzidiots);
addPlayChat("tInternet", "Ya man I tel ya what that dang ole' internet man you just goed on there point an click getin talk about ww.w com me u god them naked chick on der man u go clik clik clik clik clik, it's really easy man...", toonzinternet);
addPlayChat("uFred Flinstone", "Yyabba-dabba-do!", toonzyabba);
addPlayChat("vPB-Little people", "I'd like to thank all the little people I stepped on to get where I am today", pbLittlepeople);
addPlayChat("wPB-Pinky ponder", "Pinky... Are you pondering what I'm pondering?", pbPonder);
addPlayChat("xPB-Burlap", "Well.. I think so Brain.. but, uh.. burlap chaffs me so.", pbBurlap);
addPlayChat("yPB-Pippy", "I think so Brain, but me and Pippy Longstocking, I mean what would the children look like?", pbPippy);
addPlayChat("zPB-Regis", "uhhh.. I think so Brain, but isn't Regis Philbiin already married?", pbRegis);
addPlayChat("-PB-Bug", "I think so Brain, but there's still a bug stuck in there from last time", pbBug);
addPlayChat("=PB-Opera", "Well I think so Brain, but I can't memorize a whole opera in Yiddish", pbOpera);
addPlayChat("[PB-Ears", "Well I think so Brain, but if we didn't have ears, we'd look like wheels.", pbEars);
addPlayChat("]PB-Tutu", "I think so Brain, but this time you wear the tutu", pbTutu);
addPlayChat(";PB-Hose", "I think so Brain, but where are we going to find a duck and a hose at this hour", pbHose);
addPlayChat("'PB-Tatoo", "I think so, but where will we find an open tatoo parlor at this time of night?", pbTatoo);
addPlayChat(",PB-No Pinky", "Noo Pinky..", pbNopinky);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("/Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
setPlayChatMenu("mChris Farley");
addPlayChat("1Ackward", "I wish we'd known each other, this is a little ackward...", cfakward);
addPlayChat("2Bus", "HEY! I'll turn this damn bus around, that'll end you PRECIOUS little field trip pretty damn quick huh?", cfbus);
addPlayChat("3Veronica(long)", "That Veronica Vaughn is one piece of ass! I know from experience dude, if you know what I mean...", cfveronica);
addPlayChat("4Cakehole", "Shut your damn CAKEHOLE!", cfcakehole);
addPlayChat("5Clam up", "I was wondering if you can do me a favor and CLAM UP!", cfclamup);
addPlayChat("6Flamhole", "Kindly shut your damn FLAMHOLE!", cfflanhole);
addPlayChat("7Yapper", "I wish you could just shut your big YAPPER!", cfyapper);
addPlayChat("8Thats it", "THAT'S IT! It's go time you and me!", cfthatsit);
addPlayChat("9Rhino", "Look mommy the rhino's getting too close to the car!", cfrhino);
addPlayChat("0Him to fraid", "Him too fraid to get out, he just a little guy...", cfafraid);
addPlayChat("aWhale on you", "That's it big boy I'm gonna whale on you!", cfwhaleonu);
addPlayChat("bPapa smurf", "Hey boys and girls it's pappa smurf!", cfsmurf);
addPlayChat("cDont want none", "You don't want none of me think it through...", cfthink);
addPlayChat("dFree one", "C'mon give me your best shot, I'll give you a free one lemme have it...", cfbestshot);
addPlayChat("eLimpress", "That was it? C'mon you can do better than that can't you cap'n limpress try again...", cflimpress);
addPlayChat("fDraft", "Hey everybody is there a window open? I feel a draft...", cfdraft);
addPlayChat("gKiss", "If I wanted a kiss I would of called your mother...", cfkiss);
addPlayChat("hGood one", "That was a good one!", cfgoodone);
addPlayChat("iFight Scene(long)", "*Bloody Fight Scene*", cffight);
addPlayChat("jFat", "Hey does this suit make me look fat?", cfface);
addPlayChat("kButcher", "Hey I tell ya what, you could take a good look at a butcher's ass by sticking your head up there, but wouldn't you rather take his word for it?", cfbutcher);
addPlayChat("lI quit(long)", "Forget it I quit!!", cfquit);
addPlayChat("mChicken", "Hey guess who's here, what are we serving tonight? Chicken or, chicken?", cfchicken);
addPlayChat("nPaint chips", "Did you eat a lot of paint chips when you were a kid?", cfchip);
addPlayChat("oAre you sure", "Ha-he are you sure?", cfclipon);
addPlayChat("pCoat", "Fat guy in a little coat...", cfcoat);
addPlayChat("qCrash(long)", "Oh my god we're burning alive! NOOO! I can't feel my legs!", cfcrash);
addPlayChat("rFinese", "You can't just go in and out, you gotta finesse em a little bit...", cfgottafinese);
addPlayChat("sHouskeeping(long)", "Housekeeping, you want me jerk you off?", cfhousekep);
addPlayChat("tHappy time(long)", "Awww I've interrupted happy time...", cfluke);
addPlayChat("uMud", "Man did I get deusched with mud!", cfmud);
addPlayChat("vManiac", "I'm a maniac, maniac on the floor. And I'm dancin like I never danced before...", cfmaniac);
addPlayChat("wMark", "Son of a! That's gonna leave a mark!", cfmark);
addPlayChat("xLive in van", "You're gonna end up eating a steady diet of gov't cheese and livin in a van down by the river", snlLivevan);
addPlayChat("yNot Slim", "Now I know you'd love to just sit there and keep being not slim, but we gotta work a little today, ok?", tbSlim);
addPlayChat("zDon't like you", "But I don't like you, probably never will. You're a smug, unhappy little man, and you treat people like they were idiots.", tbSmug);
//addPlayChat("-Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("=Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("[Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("]Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(";Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("/Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
setPlayChatMenu("nChris Farley-2/5150");
addPlayChat("1Correct", "That is correct...", cfcorrect);
addPlayChat("2Grades", "Apparently they give a lot fewer D+'s than D-'s, it's not a grade they like to give out I'll tell ya that right now...", cfgrades);
addPlayChat("3Patoot", "Hahaha Hi there! Hi, BOY, I feel like a horse's patoot!", cfhorsepatoot);
addPlayChat("4Im fine", "I'm ok, I'm fine, I'm fine now...", cfimokimfine);
addPlayChat("5Dont take no", "Allright now, it's sale time so remember we don't take no for an answer.", cfnoanswer);
addPlayChat("6Oar", "You better pray to the god of skinny punks, cause I'll come over there and jam an oar up your ass!", cfoar);
addPlayChat("7Pudding", "I'm just DANDY! I got a bowl of chocolate pudding in my underpants...", cfpudd);
addPlayChat("8Punk", "Watch your language in front of the lady punk!", cfpunk);
addPlayChat("9Worthless", "I swear to god your worthless!", cfworthless);
addPlayChat("0Sales(long)", "Ahhhh I killed it!", cfsalesman);
addPlayChat("aShell(long)", "I think your brain has a thick candy shell...", cfshell);
addPlayChat("bSnikes", "Holy shnikeys!", cfsnikes);
addPlayChat("cSpecs", "I was checkin the uhh, specs on the endline, for the rotary, gurder, I'm retarded...", cfspecs);
addPlayChat("dVector", "Son I'd like you to step away from this vector, and get into a different coordinate pronto. There's no access for you in this quadrant...", cfvect);
addPlayChat("eIdiot", "Geez I'm an idiot!", cfidiot);
addPlayChat("fKill Whitey", "KILL WHITEY!", cfkillwhitey);
addPlayChat("gMaster", "I am a trained master in each of the weapons of battle...", cfmaster);
addPlayChat("hSecret", "My identity must remain secret, I cannot reveal it to you...", cfsecret);
addPlayChat("iI am one", "I am one with the universe...", cfiamone);
addPlayChat("jCruel game", "Can we STOP THIS CRUEL GAME?", cfcruelgame);
addPlayChat("kDrugs", "My spanish ain't so good since I gave up DRUGS!!", cfgaveup);
addPlayChat("lHold up", "Sweet mother of God WHAT IS THE HOLD UP?", cfholdup);
addPlayChat("mLadeeda", "Well lah-dee-FRIKIN-dah!", cfladeeda);
addPlayChat("nsquatt", "You're not going to amount to JACK SQUATT!", cfsquatt);
addPlayChat("oWhooptie", "Well whooptie-FRIKIN-doo!!", cfwhooptie);
addPlayChat("p5150-Shut yer Yapper", "Padre....Dome une porvoir, ei qieotae su GRANDE YAPPER.", yapper);
addPlayChat("q5150-Rollin Doobies", "From what I've're using your paper not for writing.....but for rolling doobies.", rollin);
addPlayChat("r5150-Bees everywhere!", "Bee's in the car, bee's everywhere........God they're huge, they're ripping my flesh off and they sting crazy!", bees);
//addPlayChat("sKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("tKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("uKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("vKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("wKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("xKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("yKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("zKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("-Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("=Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("[Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("]Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(";Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("/Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
setPlayChatMenu("oLooney Tunes/Space Jam");
addPlayChat("1Angry", "You have made me very angry, very angry indeed...", ltangry2);
addPlayChat("2Not nice", "That wasn't a bit nice...", ltnotnice2);
addPlayChat("3Bad Putty tat", "Bad ole putty tat!", ltbadputtytat);
addPlayChat("4Help", "Help! Help! Tumbody tave me! Heeeelp!", lthelp);
addPlayChat("5Widdle head", "Ahhhhh! Owww! Ohhh! You kwushed my widdle head!", ltmyhead);
addPlayChat("6Ataboy", "Thaty ole mixin it kid thats the ole fight thats a showin em boy, c'mon boy lets see you give it everything ya got lets see ya rough it up...[OOoomph!]", ltataboy);
addPlayChat("7Got me", "Oohhh! Ya got me pal, ya got me...", ltgotme);
addPlayChat("8Im dyin", "OOOOHHHH! I'm dyinnn!", ltoohimdyin);
addPlayChat("9Nincowpoop", "What gull-a-bull! Hehehe, what a nin-cow-poop!", ltnincowpoop);
addPlayChat("0War", "Of course you realize THIS means war...", ltwar);
addPlayChat("aGo away", "Go away boy ya bother me...", ltbother);
addPlayChat("bBowling ball", "That boy's about as sharp as a bowling ball...", ltbowlball);
addPlayChat("cGettin thru", "Any of this gettin through to ya son?", ltgetinthru);
addPlayChat("dMotormouth", "You got a mouth like an outboard motor, all the time put-put-put-put-put-put....", ltmotormouth);
addPlayChat("eWet mice", "Nice girl but about as sharp as a sack of wet mice....", ltwetmice);
addPlayChat("fSmart ox", "That boy's as strong as an ox! (And just about as smart)", ltsmartox);
addPlayChat("gBuwwets", "Well what da ya know, no more buwwets!", ltbuwwets);
addPlayChat("hHunting", "Shhh! Be vehwee vehwee quiet, I'm hunting wabbits! haaahahahaa", ltwabithuntin);
addPlayChat("iKeelor-No", "No", ltkeelorno);
addPlayChat("jKeelor-No-2", "NO!", ltkeelorno2);
addPlayChat("kPoor man", "You poor little man, did I hurt you with my naughty gun?", ltpoorman);
addPlayChat("lSiesta", "I go take my siesta now...", ltsiesta);
addPlayChat("mSorry", "I'm sorry george...", ltsrygeorge);
addPlayChat("nWhich way", "Which way did he go George, which way did he go?", ltwhichway);
addPlayChat("oBad thing", "Oooooo I done a baad thing", ltBadthing);
addPlayChat("pSay prayers", "Ya better say yer prayers ya flea bitten varmit", ltSayprayr);
addPlayChat("qGood sport", "I've been a good sport about this, up till now, but that boy's forcin' me ta use stronger measures", ltStronger);
addPlayChat("rStupid", "Weeell, don't just sit there stupid", ltStupid3);
addPlayChat("sSPCJAM- Assist", "Perhaps I can be of some assistance", sjAssistan);
addPlayChat("tSPCJAM- Care?", "Eeaah What do we care?", sjCare);
addPlayChat("uSPCJAM- Cranium", "aaww my poor wittle cwanium", sjCranium);
addPlayChat("vSPCJAM- Defense", "Whoaa ho ho.. I don't play defense", sjDefense);
addPlayChat("wSPCJAM- Girl", "The girl's got some skills", sjGirl);
addPlayChat("xSPCJAM- Going on?", "What's goin on here?", sjGoingon);
addPlayChat("ySPCJAM- Boss", "Good deal, Boss", sjGooddeal);
addPlayChat("zSPCJAM- Interest", "Interesting...", sjInterest);
addPlayChat("-SPCJAM- Intell", "Maybe there is no intelligent life out there afterall", sjLife);
addPlayChat("=SPCJAM- Lookin at?", "What're you lookin at?", sjLookin);
addPlayChat("[SPCJAM- Mistake", "You guys are making a BIG mistake", sjMistake);
addPlayChat("]SPCJAM- OnevsOne", "You wanna play a little one on one?", sjOneonone);
addPlayChat(";SPCJAM- Piece?", "You wanna piece of me? Come and get it", sjPiece);
addPlayChat("'SPCJAM- Scared?", "You're not of him? Are you?", sjScared);
addPlayChat(",SPCJAM- Spy", "It smells like a SPY!", sjSpy);
addPlayChat(".SPCJAM- Uhoh", "Uh Oh", sjUhoh);
addPlayChat("/SPCJAM- Washed up", "You're all washed up", sjWashedup);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
setPlayChatMenu("pLooney Tunes-2/Star Wars");
addPlayChat("1Fat lip", "Ahhh what are ya lookin for? A fat lip?", ltfatlip2);
addPlayChat("2Not scared", "I'm not a scared of you, just start somethin...", ltnotascared);
addPlayChat("3Im genius", "Gad, I'm such a genius...", ltgenius);
addPlayChat("4You're genuis", "You're such a genius...", ltgenius3);
addPlayChat("5Get the idea", "Get the idea? hyuhh-hyuhh-hyuhh...", ltgettheidea2);
addPlayChat("6Hate you", "I hate you...", lthateyou);
addPlayChat("7Idgit", "You idgit!", ltidgit);
addPlayChat("8Mouth shut", "Maybe THAT'LL learn ya to keep your big mouth shut!", ltmouthshut);
addPlayChat("9Shut up", "SHUT UP!", ltshutup);
addPlayChat("0Stallin", "C'mon, QUIT STALLIN!", ltstallin2);
addPlayChat("aWhoa", "When I say whoa, I mean whoa!", ltwhoa);
addPlayChat("bDandy", "That's dandy, ho-ho that's rich I'll say...", ltdandy);
addPlayChat("cDespicable", "You're despicable!", ltdespicbl);
addPlayChat("dHow do i do it", "GAD! How do I do it?", ltgad);
addPlayChat("eMine", "It's mine ya understand! Mine, all mine! Get back in there, down down down, go go go, mine mine mine!", ltmine);
addPlayChat("fNot again", "Oh no you don't, not again, sorry...", ltnotagin);
addPlayChat("gNot wanted", "I guess I know whan I'm not wanted...", ltnotwanted);
addPlayChat("hOops", "Oops! Heh, had the silly thing in reverse...", ltoops);
addPlayChat("iSecret weapon", "That's the last straw! Now I use my secret weapon!", ltsecretwpn);
addPlayChat("jShoot now", "Shoot him now! SHOOT HIM NOW!", ltshootnow);
addPlayChat("kTeeth", "Liten mac, you've got 32 teeth, would ya like to try for 16?", ltteeth2);
addPlayChat("lTouchy", "My, aren't we touchy today...", lttouchy2);
addPlayChat("mSPCJAM- Stopping?", "Wait a minute, we're stopping! What is this?", sjWerestop);
//addPlayChat("nKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("oKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("pKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("qKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("rKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("sKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("tKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("uKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("vKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("wSTRWRS- Deity", "They think I am some sort of god", swDeity);
addPlayChat("xSTRWRS- Scum", "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy", swScum);
addPlayChat("ySTRWRS- Modifications", "I've made a lot of special modifications myself", swSpecial);
addPlayChat("zSTRWRS- Thank me", "Don't everybody thank me at once", swThankme);
addPlayChat("-STRWRS- Wait", "Wait a second", swWaitasec);
addPlayChat("=STRWRS- Waiting", "I've been waiting for you", swWaiting);
addPlayChat("[STRWRS- Take care", "We'll take care of this", swWelltake);
addPlayChat("]STRWRS- Junk", "What a piece of junk!", swWhatjunk);
addPlayChat(";STRWRS- Why here?", "I am wondering.. why are you here?", swWhyhere);
addPlayChat("'STRWRS- Won't fail", "I won't fail you", swWontfail);
addPlayChat(",STRWRS- Cautious", "We must be cautious", swCautious);
addPlayChat(".STRWRS- Most Impressive", "Impressive... Most Impressive", swImprs2);
addPlayChat("/STRWRS- Wipeout", "Wipe them out... All of them", swWipeall);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
setPlayChatMenu("qStar Wars - 2");
addPlayChat("1Too easy", "All too easy...", swall2ez);
addPlayChat("2Beaten", "You are beaten! It is useless to resist...", swbeaten);
addPlayChat("3Bidding", "What is thy bidding my master?", swbidding);
addPlayChat("4Clumsy", "He is as clumsy as he is stupid...", swclumsy);
addPlayChat("5Come back", "You should not of come back...", swcomeback);
addPlayChat("6Destiny", "Luke, it is your destiny...", swdestiny);
addPlayChat("7Destroy", "Don't make me destroy you...", swdestroy);
addPlayChat("8Dont know", "You don't know the power of the dark side...", swdontknow);
addPlayChat("9Emperor", "The emperor will show you the true nature of the force. He is your master now...", swemperor);
addPlayChat("0Faith", "I find your lack of faith disturbing...", swfaith);
addPlayChat("aFather", "I am your father...", swfather);
addPlayChat("bGive yourself", "Give yourself to the dark side...", swgiveurself);
addPlayChat("cGood work", "Good work...", swgoodwork);
addPlayChat("dHave you", "I have you now...", swhaveyou);
addPlayChat("eImress", "Impressive...", swimpress);
addPlayChat("fNo escape", "There is no escape...", swnoescape);
addPlayChat("gOnly knew", "If you only knew the power of the dark side...", swonlyknew);
addPlayChat("hPointless", "It is pointless to resist, my son...", swpointless);
addPlayChat("iUnfairly", "Perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly?", swunfairly);
addPlayChat("jWeak", "Your powers are weak old man...", swweakoldman);
addPlayChat("kWish", "As you wish...", swwish);
addPlayChat("lBack again", "Back again huh?", swe1back);
addPlayChat("mBroke law", "Binks broken da no come backey law. Heesa to be pounded until dead...", swe1brokelaw);
addPlayChat("nNo buy", "They come here, they look around, they no buy. Why nobody buy? Uhhhhgghh..", swe1nobuy);
addPlayChat("oRude", "How wude...", swe1rude);
addPlayChat("pSebulba", "You cannot beat Sebulba! He always wins! Hehehehah...", swe1sebulba);
addPlayChat("qThousand", "Do you hear that? That is the sound of a thousand terrible things heading this way...", swe1thousand);
addPlayChat("rTongue", "Watch your tongue friend, for you will discover that I am very dangerous when angred...", swe1tongue);
addPlayChat("sWarning", "My warning youse, Gungans no liken outlanders. Don't expect a warm welcome...", swe1warning);
addPlayChat("tCrush", "When they find us, they will crush us, grind us into little pieces then blast us into oblivion...", swcrush);
addPlayChat("uAngry", "Oh, you're an angry one, aren't you?", swangry);
addPlayChat("vFoolish", "Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows it?", swfoolish);
addPlayChat("wHate", "Do not succumb to hate Obi-Wan, we must concentrate on escaping the ship...", swhate);
addPlayChat("xPowerfull", "Your hate has made you powerful...", swhatemade);
addPlayChat("yMore powerfull", "If you strike me down I shall become more powerfull than you can possibly imagine..", swmorepowr);
addPlayChat("zFull power", "I think it is time we demonstrated the full power of this station...", swfullpower);
addPlayChat("-STRWRS- Control", "Control, Control... you must learn control", swControl);
addPlayChat("=STRWRS- Don't", "Don't do that...", swDontdo);
addPlayChat("[STRWRS- Don't fail", "Don't fail me again", swDontfail);
addPlayChat("]STRWRS- Eyes open", "Keep your eyes open huh", swEyesopen);
addPlayChat(";STRWRS- Alive", "I want them alive... No Disintegration", swDsntgrt);
addPlayChat("'STRWRS- Get out", "I don't know how we're gonna get out of this one.", swGetout);
addPlayChat(",STRWRS- Good Luck", "Good luck... you're gonna need it", swGoodluck);
addPlayChat(".STRWRS- Hell", "I'll see you in hell!", swHell);
addPlayChat("/STRWRS- Stay", "Stay and help you I will... hmmm hmmm", swHelpwill);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
setPlayChatMenu("sStar Wars - 3");
addPlayChat("1Elegant", "Elegant weapon, for a more civilized age...", swelegant);
addPlayChat("2Filth", "You tell that slimy piece of worm ridden filth, he'll get no such pleasure from us! (Right?)", swfilth);
addPlayChat("3Fire", "You may fire when ready...", swfire);
addPlayChat("4Force-Always", "The force will be with you, always...", swforcealways);
addPlayChat("5Force-Disturbance", "I felt a great disturbance in the force...", swforcedisturbance);
addPlayChat("6Force-Strong", "The force is strong with you...", swforcestrong);
addPlayChat("7Force-Use", "Use the force Luke!", swforceuse);
addPlayChat("8Forseen", "Everything is proceeding as I have forseen...", swforseen);
addPlayChat("9Laugh it up", "Laugh it up fuzzball...", swfuzzball);
addPlayChat("0Generator", "Captain only a soldier with your skills could possibly take out that generator...", swgenerator);
addPlayChat("aHelp you", "Help you I can, yes, Uhmmmm...", swhelpu);
addPlayChat("bMudhole(long)", "Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is! whaa.. UHHHH!", swmudhole);
addPlayChat("cTry not", "No, try not. Do, or do not. There is no try...", swtrynot);
addPlayChat("dNo harm", "Away put your weapon, I mean you no harm...", swnoharm);
addPlayChat("eNot afraid", "I'm not afraid...", swnotafraid);
addPlayChat("fHoser", "The power of the force stopped you you hosers...", swhoser);
addPlayChat("gKnob", "I am your father Luke, give in to the dark side of the force you knob...", swknob);
addPlayChat("hBad Feeling", "I've got a bad feeling about this...", swbadfeeling);
addPlayChat("iDark choice", "For you the choice is the dark side. Forever will it dominate your destiny...", swdarkchoice);
addPlayChat("jDie here", "You're gonna die here you know...", swdiehere);
addPlayChat("kMaster", "I have killed your master and now it is your turn to die young Jedi...", swkilled);
addPlayChat("lDie Jedi", "Die Jedi, DIE!", swdiejedi);
addPlayChat("mPrepare", "Prepare to become one with the force Jedi!", swprepare);
addPlayChat("nLasers", "*Laser fight*", swlasers);
addPlayChat("oLiteside", "The lite side is weak and pittifull...", swlightweak);
addPlayChat("pMalfunction", "Ahh had a slight weapons malfunction, but uhh, everythings perfectly allright now, we're fine, we're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?", swmalfunction);
addPlayChat("qMeeting", "Jedi are rarely late for an important meeting...", swmeeting);
addPlayChat("rSaber", "Let's see what this saber can do...", swsaber);
addPlayChat("sSith", "A sith warrior! This is most unexpected...", swsith);
addPlayChat("tTaught me well", "Qui-Gon has taught me well...", swtaughtmewell);
addPlayChat("uTech", "Don't get technical with me...", swtech);
addPlayChat("vDanger", "Storm troopers? Here? We're in danger. I must tell the others. Oh no! I've been shot!", swdanger);
addPlayChat("wWookie", "I suggest a new stratergy R2, let the wookie win...", swwookiewin);
addPlayChat("xR2D2", "*R2D2-Beep*", swr2d2);
addPlayChat("yR2-Danger", "*Danger*", swr2dangr);
addPlayChat("zR2-Happy", "*Happy*", swr2happy);
addPlayChat("-STRWRS- Honored", "We would be honored if you would join us", swHonored);
addPlayChat("=STRWRS- I feel", "I feel the force", swIfeel);
addPlayChat("[STRWRS- Call me", "In time you will call me... Master", swMaster);
addPlayChat("]STRWRS- Mess", "Sorry about the mess", swMess);
addPlayChat(";STRWRS- No one", "There will be no one to stop us this time", swNoone);
addPlayChat("'STRWRS- DeathStar", "That's no moon", swNomoon);
addPlayChat(",STRWRS- Cloak", "They can't have disappeared, no ship that small has a cloaking device", swNoship);
addPlayChat(".STRWRS- Techno", "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed", swProud);
addPlayChat("/R2-Warning", "*Warning*", swr2warn);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("1Ahh(very long)", "Ahhhh!", miscaahh);
addPlayChat("2Ahh-2(long)", "Aaaaahhh!!", miscaahhhh);
addPlayChat("3Abused", "I was abused as a child and a lot of people don't know this shit..", miscabusedasachild);
addPlayChat("4Hard as it looked", "Damn! Did he hit you as hard as it fucking looked man? Naw I ain't found your teeth I don't know where them motherfuckers is man...", miscashardasitlooked);
addPlayChat("5Almost killed myself", "Hehe, I almost killed myself...", miscalmostkilledmyself);
addPlayChat("6Applause", "*Applause*", miscapplause);
addPlayChat("7AS-Bull", "C'mon, don't bullshit me...", miscasbullshit);
addPlayChat("8AS-Come", "Come with me if you want to live...", miscascome);
addPlayChat("9AS-Kill", "I'm going to kill you pretty soon, but first I'm going to use you as a human shield, then I'm going to kill this guard over there...", miscaskillyousoon);
addPlayChat("0AS-No Prob", "No problemo...", miscasnoproblemo);
addPlayChat("aAS-Ugly", "You're one ugly motherfucker...", miscasugly);
addPlayChat("bAsk me again", "You ask me one more question and I'm beating the shit out of you...", miscaskmeagain);
addPlayChat("cBaam", "BAAM!", miscbaam);
addPlayChat("dBastage", "You fargin sneaky bastage...", miscbastage);
addPlayChat("eCorksucker", "You miserable corksucker...", misccorksucker);
addPlayChat("fBe cool", "Be cool bitch!", miscbecool);
addPlayChat("gBiatch", "Biatch!", miscbiatch);
addPlayChat("hBoss dead", "What the fuck's all this shootin? Holy shit! Boss what happened? Hey somebody killed the boss!", miscbossdead);
addPlayChat("iBrain", "What would you do with a brain if you had one?", miscbrain);
addPlayChat("jBuckweet", "Yous crazy Alfalfa!", miscbuckweetcrazy);
addPlayChat("kOtay", "Otay!", miscotay);
addPlayChat("lBury", "I will fucking bury you...", miscburyu);
addPlayChat("mChicken", "Did you see the size of that chicken?", miscchicken);
addPlayChat("nHello", "Hello?", misccluelesshello);
addPlayChat("oClumsy poop", "You clumsy poop! Whatdya do that for?", miscclumsypoop);
addPlayChat("pGet away from me", "Get away from me you horses ass!", horsass);
addPlayChat("qFat", "No he's not he's fat and he's stupid...", miscfat);
addPlayChat("rMove it", "C'mon move it lard ass...", miscmoveit);
addPlayChat("sComedian", "What have we got here? A fucking comedian...", misccomedian);
addPlayChat("tTexas", "Only steers and queers come from Texas private cowboy, and you don't much look like a steer to me so that kind of narrows it down...", misctexas);
addPlayChat("uWhat is that", "Holy Jesus...what is that? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?", miscwhatisthat);
addPlayChat("vComplete me", "I love you, you complete me...", misccompleteme);
addPlayChat("wHad me", "Shut up, just shut up. You had me at hello...", mischadme);
addPlayChat("xPissed monkey", "*PISSED OFF LIKE A CRAZED MONKEY*", miscpissedmonkey);
addPlayChat("yBe a Monkey", "I'm gonna be a monkey! Would you like to be one too?", toonzbeamonkey);
addPlayChat("zWere Them", "We're them, we're they, we are the Men in Black!", miscmibwerethem);
addPlayChat("-WILLW-Ignored", "Hey! I will NOT be ignored!", willIgnored);
addPlayChat("=WILLW-Breed?", "......Wanna Breeeed?", willBreed);
addPlayChat("[WILLW-Come from?", "Where the hell did you come from?", willComefrom);
addPlayChat("]WILLW-Know Doing", "I've got experience in this sort of thing.. I know what I'm doing", willExperience);
addPlayChat(";WILLW-Scared", "Oooooh, I'm really scared", willScared);
addPlayChat("'WILLW-No", "Temptiiiing but... No", willNo);
addPlayChat(",Notice me", "Thaaaaaanks for noticing me.", wpEeyore);
addPlayChat(".Not again", "Oh no.. not again oh my, oh my, oh my goodness gracious", wpOhmy);
addPlayChat("/AOLBatman", "As a superhero I use AOL's powerful email to keep tabs on my arch enemies. ...medication time Mr. West... Aha! My trusty side kick...", miscaolbatmn);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("1Damnit", "Daaahh Damnit to the bowels of bloody hell!", miscdamnit);
addPlayChat("2Dont talk", "I don't wanna talk to you no more...", miscdonttalk);
addPlayChat("3Stupid", "Stupid! You're so STUPID!", miscstupid);
addPlayChat("4Spam", "I don't like SPAM!", miscspam);
addPlayChat("5Useless", "Dahhh! Useless everyone of you!", miscuseless);
addPlayChat("6Viscious bastards", "You bastards! You viscious, heartless BASTARDS!", miscvisciousbastards);
addPlayChat("7Dint get dressed", "Welp, we didn't get dressed for nothin...", miscdidntgetdrs);
addPlayChat("8Die mofo", "Die you motherfucker!", miscdiemofo);
addPlayChat("9Go fuk urself", "Go fuck yourself!", miscgofukurself);
addPlayChat("0In your face", "In your face motherfucker!", miscinurface);
addPlayChat("aLets dance", "Let's dance motherfucker!", miscletsdance);
addPlayChat("bSTFU", "Shut the fuck up!", stfu);
addPlayChat("cDickhead", "Thanks a lot Dr. Dickhead you totally fucked me there...", miscdikhead);
addPlayChat("dDirty ape", "Take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape...", miscdirtyape);
addPlayChat("eDream", "Sheit..If you shoot me in a dream you better wake up and apologize...", miscdream);
addPlayChat("fEat lead", "Eat lead you shit monkey!", misceatlead);
addPlayChat("gEat you up", "I'll eat you up and shit you out!", misceatyouup);
addPlayChat("hMove you butt", "Move your silly buttocks you fool!", moveful);
addPlayChat("iMushroom", "I am a mushroom cloud laying motherfucker, motherfucker...", miscmushroom);
addPlayChat("jStool chunks", "I have chunks of guys bigger than you in my stool!", miscstoolchunks);
addPlayChat("kEinstein", "Did you put that together yourself Einstein? What do ya got a team of monkeys working around the clock on this?", misceinstein);
addPlayChat("lFags", "Haha! Those guys are fags!", miscfags);
addPlayChat("mFart", "*Fart* Sorry!", miscfartsorry);
addPlayChat("nFat joke", "Your mother is so fat, she jumped up in the air and got stuck!", miscfat1);
addPlayChat("oFat joke-2", "I said your momma's so fat, when she walks around in high heels, she strikes oil!", miscfat2);
addPlayChat("pFeel good", "Woaaaooww! I feel good!", miscfeelgood);
addPlayChat("qFilthy clam", "You shut your filthy clam!", miscfilthyclam);
addPlayChat("rFuck me", "Excuse me do I have FUCK ME written on my forehead?", miscfuckme);
addPlayChat("sFuck name", "FUCK YOU, that's my name...", miscfuckyouname);
addPlayChat("tFuck you", "Fuck me? FUCK YOU you piece of shit...", miscfukmefuku);
addPlayChat("uFuck you mofo", "Fuck you, motherfuckers...", miscfukyou);
addPlayChat("vFunny how", "I'm funny how? I mean funny like I'm a clown? I ammuse you? I make you laugh? What do you mean funny? Funny how? How am I funny?", miscfunnyhow);
//addPlayChat("wKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("xGet away", "Get away from me biatch!", miscgetaway);
addPlayChat("yGet away-2", "Get away from me you sick freak!", miscgetawayfromme);
//addPlayChat("zKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("-Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("=Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("[Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("]Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(";Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("/Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
setPlayChatMenu("xMisc-3/Independence Day");
addPlayChat("1Gotta pee", "I gotta pee!", miscgottapee);
addPlayChat("2Stupid is", "Stupid is as stupid does...", miscstupiddoes);
addPlayChat("3Not smart", "I'm not a smart man...", miscnotsmart);
addPlayChat("4Grenade", "Once the pin is out, Mr. HandGrenade is no longer your friend...", miscgrenade);
addPlayChat("5Grim reaper", "I'm the grim reaper lard ass, and you're my next customer...", miscgrimreaper);
addPlayChat("6Grr", "Grrr!", growl);
addPlayChat("7Hes good", "Awww he's good...", mischesgood);
addPlayChat("8Hurts", "It hurts!", mischurts);
addPlayChat("9Got ur back", "I got your back bro...", miscigoturbak);
addPlayChat("0Incoming", "INCOMING!", miscincoming);
addPlayChat("aJerky", "Look jerky, I don't need to talk to you...", miscjerky);
addPlayChat("bJoking", "Whats the matter with you people I was joking! Don't ya know a joke when you hear one?", miscjoking);
addPlayChat("cJungle", "Devil 666, the mark of the beast! NO! Naughty! Naughty jungle of love!", miscjungle);
addPlayChat("dKamikaze", "KAMIKAZE!", misckamikaze);
addPlayChat("eKiss my ass", "Kiss my ass!", misckissmyass);
addPlayChat("fKMAUPOS", "Kiss my ass you piece of shit!", misckmaupos);
addPlayChat("gKMEA", "Kiss my entire ass!", misckmea);
addPlayChat("hKnow that dude", "Hey I know that dude...", miscknowdude);
addPlayChat("iKnow you are", "I know you are but what am I?", miscknowuare);
addPlayChat("jPeewee sorry", "I'm sorry!", miscpeeweesorry);
addPlayChat("kLiar", "You lie! You're a fucking liar! SHUT UP!", miscliar);
addPlayChat("lLip", "Why don't you do the world a favor and pull your lip over your head, and swallow...", misclips);
addPlayChat("mLove you", "I love you man...", miscluvuman);
addPlayChat("nMake you my bitch", "I'm gonna make you my bitch!", miscmakeyoumybitch);
addPlayChat("oID-Tires", "Let's kick the tires and light the fires big daddy...", miscmibkicktires);
addPlayChat("pID-Shoot", "Oh not you did not shoot that shit at me...", miscmibnotshoot);
addPlayChat("qID-Piss", "Yeah well you're just pissin everybody off today huh?", miscmibpissoff);
addPlayChat("rID-Whos", "Who's the man? Huh? Who's the man?!", miscmibwhosdaman);
addPlayChat("sID-Encounter", "That's what I call a close encounter", idCloseenc);
addPlayChat("tID-Out much", "As you can imagine, they.. they don't let us out much", idDontletout);
addPlayChat("uID-Got to get", "I have got to get me one of these!", idGottoget);
addPlayChat("vID-So Cool", "This is so cool", idSocool);
addPlayChat("wMissed", "Ya missed fuck face!", miscmissedfukface);
addPlayChat("xMoo", "MooOOOoOOO!!!", miscmoo);
//addPlayChat("yKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("zKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("-Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("=Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("[Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("]Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(";Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("/Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
setPlayChatMenu("yMisc-4/5150 Misc/3 Musketeers");
addPlayChat("1Natural asshole", "Are you a natural asshole? Or do you have to work at it?", miscnaturalasshole);
addPlayChat("2Nice move", "Well that was a nice move dumbass...", miscnicemov);
addPlayChat("3No", "NO!", miscno);
addPlayChat("4No sir", "Sir, no sir!", miscnosir);
addPlayChat("5Not gonna hurt ya", "I'm not gonna hurt ya, I'm just gonna bash your brains in. I'm gonna bash them right the fuck in!", miscnotgonahurtya);
addPlayChat("6Oh god", "Oh god! Oh god! Oh my god!", miscohgod);
addPlayChat("7Oohh!", "Ohh! OOAAAWHHH!!!", miscow);
addPlayChat("8Shut ur mouth", "You shut your mouth, SHUTUP!", miscshuturmouth);
addPlayChat("9POS", "Piece o' shit!", miscpieceoshit);
addPlayChat("0Pikachu", "Pikachu!", miscpikachu);
addPlayChat("aPlatoon", "Hey all the guys in the platoon said to tell you mother hi...", miscplatoonhi);
addPlayChat("bPrick", "Dumb prick looka fucking bitch bastard...", miscprick);
addPlayChat("cPut em up", "Put em up, PUT EM UP!", miscputemup);
addPlayChat("dRaise your hand", "Everybody who just got blown up raise your hand, heh if you can find it...", miscraiseyourhand);
addPlayChat("eRun", "Go ahead and run! Run home and cry to mamma!", miscrun);
addPlayChat("fScared", "Ya you scared huh?", miscscaredhuh);
addPlayChat("gScour", "Im prepared to scour the earth for you motherfucker!", miscscourearth);
addPlayChat("hScumbag", "SCUMBAG! I'll find where you live and burn your house down you piece of shit!", miscscumbag);
addPlayChat("iShame", "Well shame, shame, shame!", miscshame);
addPlayChat("jSurprise", "Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!", miscsurprise);
addPlayChat("kShutup sir", "Sir, shut the hell up sir!", miscshutup);
addPlayChat("lYour badass", "Boss you're one bad ass mother!", miscyourbadassboss);
addPlayChat("mSlap", "*SLAP*", slap);
addPlayChat("nSmarter", "Let me get right to the point. I'm smarter than you, and I'm gonna get that flag from you whether you like it or not...", miscsmarter);
addPlayChat("oSome of this", "You want some of this?", miscsomeofthis);
addPlayChat("pSpecial", "Well isn't that special...", miscspecial);
addPlayChat("qStand there", "So what, you gonna fucking stand there all day?", miscstand);
addPlayChat("rSTFU 10 scnds", "Is it possible for you to shut the fuck up for 10 seconds?", miscstfu);
addPlayChat("sStupidest", "This could very well be the stupidest person on the face of the earth...", miscstupidest);
addPlayChat("tSuave", "God damn you're one suave fuck!", miscsuave);
addPlayChat("uSuck my dick", "I want you to suck my dick like ya think the antedote's in it, like you trying to get some Robutussin out that mothafucker...", miscsukmydik);
addPlayChat("vSuks2beyou", "Sucks to be you man!", miscsux2bu);
addPlayChat("wTarzan", "*Tarzan yell*", misctarzan);
addPlayChat("x5150-Keep Firing!", "Keep firing assholes!", ahole);
addPlayChat("y5150-Taunt You a 2nd Time", "Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.", taunt);
addPlayChat("z5150-Pisses me off!", "Now this REALLY pisses me off to no end.", noend);
addPlayChat("-3MUSK-One less", "One less mouth to feed", tmOneless);
addPlayChat("=3MUSK-Broke fall", "Thank you.. you broke my fall perfectly", tmBrokefall);
addPlayChat("[3MUSK-Resist1", "Now don't be so stupid of course we intend to resist you, give us a moment alright?", tmResist);
addPlayChat("]3MUSK-Resist2", "And now.. we are prepared to resist you", tmResist2);
addPlayChat(";3MUSK-Dead Alive", "1000 Gold pieces on each of their heads.. Dead or Alive", tmDeadoralive);
addPlayChat("'3MUSK-Heard Of", "Don't tell me you've never heard of me?", tmNeverheard);
addPlayChat(",3MUSK-Chase", "We're in the middle of a chase Porthos", tmChase);
addPlayChat(".USMARSH-Weapon", "You have a weapon? Yeah, a big one, how 'bout you?", USMARSHweapon);
addplayChat("/5150-Hallelujah", "Hallelujah.", hal);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("1Thankz", "Thanks brotha!", miscthankz);
addPlayChat("2This is great", "Hey this is great man...", miscthisisgr8);
addPlayChat("3Time to be bad", "Time to be bad!", misctimetobebad);
addPlayChat("4Tough", "If I may so, you're one tough bastard sir!", misctuffbastard);
addPlayChat("5Turrets", "The turrets are tearing us apart...", miscturrets);
addPlayChat("6Twilight Zone", "You wierdo!", misctwilightzone);
addPlayChat("7Uhhmmhmm", "Uhhhmmhhmmm!!", miscuhu);
addPlayChat("8Funny Queer", "Not funny haha, funny queer, Hmmhuhh...", miscfunnyqueer);
addPlayChat("9Umbrella", "You sonmbitches couldn't close an umbrella!", miscumbrella);
addPlayChat("0UPMFPOS", "You punk motherfucking piece of shit!", miscupmfpos);
addPlayChat("aUr such a dik", "You're such a dick!", miscursuchadik);
addPlayChat("bVulcan mind", "Are you out of your vulcan mind?", miscvulcanmind);
addPlayChat("cWargames-Shall", "Shall we play a game?", miscwargames1);
addPlayChat("dWargames-Strange", "Strange game, the only winning move is not to play...", miscwargames2);
addPlayChat("eWet fart", "I farted, it's wet, and I don't wanna move...", miscwetfart);
addPlayChat("fWhat are joo doin", "What are joo doin are joo crazy?", miscwhatareyoudoin);
addPlayChat("gWhats with you ppl", "What's with you people? You fucking imbesiles...", miscwhatswithyouppl);
addPlayChat("hWhoopass", "I'm gonna have to open up a can of whoopass on ya now...", miscwhoopass);
addPlayChat("iWisecracks", "Maybe we could live without the wisecracks...", miscwithoutwisecracks);
addPlayChat("jWork with", "I work with retards...", miscworkwithretards);
addPlayChat("kWrong with u", "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?", miscwrongwithu);
addPlayChat("lWTF u lookin at", "What the fuck you lookin at?", miscwtfyoulookinat);
addPlayChat("mYou dick", "You dick!", miscyoudik);
addPlayChat("nYou got it", "You're saying you want a piece of me? YOU GOT IT!", miscyougotit);
addPlayChat("oYou lose", "You get nothing! You lose! GOOD DAY SIR!", miscyoulose);
addPlayChat("pYou POS", "You fucking piece of shit!", miscyoupos);
addPlayChat("qYou whore", "You fucking whore!", miscyouwhore);
addPlayChat("rCry baby", "You miserable little cry baby! You don't like it here leave. There are thousands of people who would kill for your spot, who would KILL for the opportunity to be here...", misccrybaby);
addPlayChat("sMonster pissed", "You scum bad deuch bag eating motherfucking cocksucking shit motherfucking prick! I'll take you fucking head chop it off!", miscmonsterpissed);
addPlayChat("t5150-You're fired!", "Step into my office. Why? Cuz you're fucking FIRED.", office);
addPlayChat("u5150-I Award You No Points", "I award you no points.......and may God have mercy on your soul.", point);
addPlayChat("v5150-Purple Sticky Punch", "Purple sticky punch or, hemp, is a excellent source for photosynynsesis.", purple);
addPlayChat("w5150-Win 4 Quarters!", "They have this game where you put in a dollar......and you win 4 quarters!! I win everytime!!", quarters);
addPlayChat("x5150-K-K-K-Ken", "'s K-K-K-Ken...C-C-Coming to K-K-K-Kill me......", revenge);
addPlayChat("y5150-Fruit Cocktail", "You guys gotta do something, there's this guy Nasty Nate who's after my cocktail fruit, and....everyone here likes fresh fish. And then the Squirrel Master came out of left field and told me I'm his bitch.....HELP", nate);
addPlayChat("z5150-I'm Somebody's Bitch", "I'm somebody's bitch!", somebody);
//addPlayChat("-Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("=Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("[Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("]Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(";Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("/Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
setPlayChatMenu(";Hidden Tribes Voices/5150-Misc.");
addPlayChat("1F-Death2", "Ahh, AHhh!!", f2death);
addPlayChat("2F-Death3", "Owwwwuuhhh!!", f3death);
addPlayChat("3F-Death4", "AAhhhhoooowwwwuuhhh!!!", f4death);
addPlayChat("4F-Death5", "AAAahhhhhahaAHHAA!!", f5death);
addPlayChat("5F-Dep Ammo", "Deploy remote ammo pad at waypoint...", fdepapad);
addPlayChat("6F-Dep Obje", "Deploy objective at waypoint...", fdepobj);
addPlayChat("7F-Destroy", "Destroy the objective at waypoint...", fdeseqip);
addPlayChat("8F-Crap", "Ah Crap!", fdoh);
addPlayChat("9F-Flag taken", "The enemy has our flag!", fflgtkn2);
addPlayChat("0F-Proceed", "Proceed to waypoint...", fgoto);
addPlayChat("aF-Base clear", "Is our base clear?", fisbclr);
addPlayChat("bF-Have flag", "I have their flag!", foffflg);
addPlayChat("cF-Oops", "Oops!", foops);
addPlayChat("dF-Hey", "Hey!", fwatchsh);
addPlayChat("eF-Watch", "Watch where you're shooting!", fwshoot);
addPlayChat("fM-Death5", "Ahhhoowwwwuuhh!!", m5death);
addPlayChat("gM-Dep Ammo", "Deploy remote ammo pad at waypoint...", mdepapad);
addPlayChat("hM-Dep Obje", "Deploy objective at waypoint...", mdepobj);
addPlayChat("iM-Destroy", "Destroy the objective at waypoint...", mdeseqip);
addPlayChat("jM-Doh", "Doh!", mdoh);
addPlayChat("kM-Flag taken", "The enemy has our flag!", mflgtkn2);
addPlayChat("lM-Proceed", "Proceed to waypoint...", mgoto);
addPlayChat("mM-Base clear", "Is our base clear?", misbclr);
addPlayChat("nM-Have flag", "I have the enemy flag heading back to our base!", moffflg);
addPlayChat("oM-Oops", "Oops!", moops);
addPlayChat("pM-Hey", "Hey!", mwatchsh);
addPlayChat("qM-Watch", "Watch where you're shooting!", mwshoot);
addPlayChat("r5150-Steam Roller", "Take off I'm gonna do the steam roller....take off! No way! Uhhh...owwww...steam roller, I'm steam rolling you.", roller);
addPlayChat("s5150-Barely hanging on", "You HAVE to take control of yourself, ok? No, YOU Gotta take control, I'm BARELY hanging on here.", roxbury);
addPlayChat("t5150-Son of Jerel", "KLAAAAANG.......Come Son of Jerrel, kneel before ZOD.", soj);
addPlayChat("u5150-No Soup for You!", "No soup for you!!", soup);
addPlayChat("v5150-Stack Shit That High", "How tall are you private? Sir five foot nine sir! Five foot nine, I didn't know they stacked shit that high.", stacked);
addPlayChat("w5150-Brown Stain", "Bullshit! It looks to me like the best part of you ran down the crack of your mamma's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress. I think you been cheated!", stain);
addPlayChat("x5150-Suck to Blow", "She's gone from suck to blow!", suckblow);
addPlayChat("y5150-The Burb's", "Klopeck......what is that, Slavic? NO. Oooohh....bout a 9 on the tension scale Rube.", tension);
addPlayChat("z5150-Dammit Man!", "Dammit man.....I swear, you guys rip on me 13 or 14 more times....I'm outta here.", rip);
//addPlayChat("-Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("=Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("[Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("]Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(";Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("'Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(",Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(".Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("/Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("+PSCYHO-Shower", "*PSYCHO*", PSYshower);
setPlayChatMenu("[Team 5150 sounds/Television");
addPlayChat("1Ate Acid", "You just ate...the most acid I've ever seen anybody eat in my life.", acid);
addPlayChat("2Orange Afro", "You know what those things can do?!? Suck the paint off your house and give your family a permanent orange afro.", afro);
addPlayChat("3Ahoy There!", "Ahoy there.....hello!?! Ahoy mutha fucka!", ahoy);
addPlayChat("4Funky Finger", "My name's Clevelle...and I am Howard Tibbs the 3rd. And we are, *Funky Finger Productions*. Let me give you one of my bidness know I'm fresh out. Howard? *BAAAAAM!*", ar);
addPlayChat("5Karate!", "Somebody grab you by the shirt, you like *WaAaZzAaH!* Show 'em you ain't playin.", karate);
addPlayChat("6Asshole!", "Asshole!!!", asshole);
addPlayChat("7Bionic sound", "Hell yeah.", bionic);
addPlayChat("8Bites the Dust", "Another one bites the dust.....", bites);
addPlayChat("9Ladies Night", "Kick it.", slam);
addPlayChat("0Sumbitch!", "Well let's see how fast this sumbitch can go!", sumbitch);
addPlayChat("aLes play", "Les Play", lesplay);
addPlayChat("bRUUUUMBLE!!", "Leeeet's get ready to ruuuuuuuumble!", rumble);
addPlayChat("cBOOMSTICK", " my BOOMSTICK!!", boomstick);
addPlayChat("dFat Bearded Bitch", "Come back you fat bearded bitch!", fat);
addPlayChat("eHail to the King", "Hail to the king baby.", hail);
addPlayChat("fShe bitch", "Yo, she-bitch.......let's go.", shebitch);
addPlayChat("gWho Wants Some?", "Alright.........who wants some??", some);
addPlayChat("hGimme some Sugar", "Gimme some sugar baby.", sugar);
addPlayChat("iAww, C'mon!", "Awww C'mon! What the hell?!", cmon);
addPlayChat("jGotta Hurt", "Ooooohhh, that's gotta hurt!", hurt);
addPlayChat("kYou ain't leading SHIT", "I got news for you pal, you ain't leading but 2 things right now..........jack and shit, and jack left town.", jackshit);
addPlayChat("lI'm Bingo", "Hello, my name is Bingo....I like to climb on things, can I have a banana? Eek Eek.", brak);
addPlayChat("mChuck", "Looks like Chuck's gonna put the hotdog, in the bun!", chuck);
addPlayChat("nSuck Dick for Coke", "Marijuana is not a drug.......I used to suck dick for coke.", coke);
addPlayChat("oBee's and Dog's", "You know bee's and dog's can smell fear?", dog);
addPlayChat("pThe Donger", "Ooooooohh.....No more yankee my wankee. The Donger need FOOD.", donger);
addPlayChat("qEwok Song", "I'll be over here playing with myself.", duncka);
addPlayChat("rShiznit-o-bam!", "This weed was the Shiznito - bam - snip - snap - sap!", eed);
addPlayChat("sWelcome to hell", "Welcome to hell, biiiiiiiiitch.", elcome);
addPlayChat("tAwesome", "You're doing great...........Awwwesome.", great);
addPlayChat("uHefer with Cheese", "You sonnuva bitch, I'm right behind you! Turn around and ask me for a hefer with cheese yo.", hefer);
addPlayChat("vFargin", "You fargin sneaky basteeds, I gonna take a yo dwork, I gonna nail it to da wall...I gonna cut offa yo arms, I gonna shove 'em up your iceholes!!", fargin);
addPlayChat("wDelta Airlines 1", "If you bout to be up out dis biatch.....peep Delta. We be flying all over this bitch.", peep);
addPlayChat("yDelta Airlines 2", "You be back at cho crib chillin with a flat spliff.....thinking we were some crazy ass angel.", spliff);
addPlayChat("xDelta Airlines 3", "You going? We fly you dere. You been? We done already flew up in there.", flew);
addPlayChat("zRun Forrest", "Run Forrest, Run!", forrest);
addPlayChat("-Tim Allen", "Aaaaauuurruua", tvAarug);
addPlayChat("=AOL", "America Online.. Its Knowledge, Its Power, It SUCKS!!", tvAol);
addPlayChat("[Love you man", "Well Dad.. you're my Dad.. and I love you man...", tvLoveyou);
addPlayChat("]Bud Light", "You're not getting my Bud Light Johnny", tvBudlight);
addPlayChat("\\Marines", "Be one of the few, the proud, the Marines", tvMarines);
addPlayChat(";Rock- Name", "It Doesn't Matter What Your Name Is!", tvName);
addPlayChat("'Rock- Suck", "You Are Absolutely Right! You Do Suck!", tvSuck);
addPlayChat(",Fed-Ex", "Federal Express. When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight", TVfedex);
addPlayChat(".Good, Bad, Ugly", "*Showdown*", GOODBADUGLYtones);
addPlayChat("/Jeopardy", "*Waiting*", TVjeopardy);
addPlayChat(" NBC", "*NBC*", TVnbc);
addPlayChat("*Lifeline", "You've got only one lifeline left, my friend", tvLifeline);
addPlayChat("+Final answer", "Is that your final answer?", tvFinalanswer);
addPlayChat("1BRV-Arm", "ARM YOURSELVES!", brvarm);
addPlayChat("2BRV-Advice", "Who is this person who speaks to me as though I needed his advice?", brvadvice);
addPlayChat("3BRV-Fashionable", "The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight, its drawn the finest people", brvfashonbl);
addPlayChat("4BRV-FREEDOM", "FREEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooaaaaaaaaaaaauauauam...", brvexecute);
addPlayChat("5BRV-My Hate", "My hate... will die... with you.", brvhatedie);
addPlayChat("6BRV-NO", "NOOOOOOOO!", brvno);
addPlayChat("7BRV-worm crush", "I could crush you.. like a worm", brvworm);
addPlayChat("8BRV-Shaky", "You alright?? You look a wee bit shaky.", brvshaky);
addPlayChat("9BRV-Where going?", "Where you going? I'm goin ta pick a fight.", brvFight);
addPlayChat("0BRV-Take Freedom", "They may take our lives, but they'll never take.. OUR FREEDOOOM!!", brvFreedom);
addPlayChat("aBRV-Dressed", "Well... hope we didn't get dressed up for nothin.", brvDressed);
addPlayChat("bBRV-Bleed", "You have bled with Wallace, now bleed with me", brvBleed);
addPlayChat("cBRV-Love", "I love you, always have", BRVHRTloveyou);
addPlayChat("dLRDRNG-My Precious", "My Precious.", lrPrecious1);
addPlayChat("eLRDRNG-Cannot pass", "YOU CANNOT PASS!!", lrcannotpass);
addPlayChat("fLRDRNG-Shall not pass", "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!", lrShallnotpass);
addPlayChat("gLRDRNG-Afraid to do", "I know what I must do.. but I am afraid to do it", lrAfraid);
addPlayChat("hLRDRNG-Eager", "Do not be too eager to deal out death and judgement.", lrDeath);
addPlayChat("iLRDRNG-Can't Alone", "I can not do this alone.", lrAlone);
addPlayChat("jLRDRNG-Claim him", "If you want him, come and claim him!", lrClaimhim);
addPlayChat("kLRDRNG-Defeat Evil", "You will face evil and you will defeat it.", lrDefeatevil);
addPlayChat("lLRDRNG-Evil Sleep", "There is evil there that does not sleep.", lrEvil);
addPlayChat("mLRDRNG-Frightened", "You frightened?", lrFrightened1);
addPlayChat("nLRDRNG-Frightened2", "Not nearly frightened enough.", lrFrightened2);
addPlayChat("oLRDRNG-Draws Near", "Something draws near... I can feel it.", lrNear);
addPlayChat("pLRDRNG-Protect You", "If by my life or death I can protect you.. I will.", lrProtect);
addPlayChat("qLRDRNG-Rare Gift", "I can avoid beeing seen if I wish, but to disappear entirely, that is a rare gift", lrRaregift);
addPlayChat("rLRDRNG-Ride Hard", "Ride hard, don't look back.", lrRidehard);
addPlayChat("sLRDRNG-Change course", "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.", lrSmall);
addPlayChat("tLRDRNG-Task", "This task was appointed to you, and if you do not find a way, no one will", lrTask);
addPlayChat("uLRDRNG-Clever", "I suppose you think that was terribly clever.", lrTerriblyclever);
addPlayChat("vLRDRNG-Unite", "You will unite or you will fall", lrUnite);
addPlayChat("wLRDRNG-Cheer", "You'll find more cheer in a graveyard", lrGraveyard);
addPlayChat("xLRDRNG-Sneaky", "Sneaky, little hobbitsess", lrSneakyhobitts);
addPlayChat("yLRDRNG-Stupid Hobbit", "Stupid fat hobbit.", lrStupidfathobbit);
addPlayChat("zLRDRNG-No Victory", "Against the power of Mordor, there can be no victory", lrNovictory);
addPlayChat("-LRDRNG-Fly Fools", "Fly you fools!", lrFlyfools);
addPlayChat("=LRDRNG-Share lifetime", "I would rather share one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone", lrShareonelife);
addPlayChat("[LRDRNG-Ring Awoken", "The ring has awoken, its heard its masters call.", lrMasterscall);
addPlayChat("]LRDRNG-No promise", "There is no promise you can make that I can trust", lrNopromise);
addPlayChat("\\LRDRNG-Precious", "Myeee PRECIOUSSS!!!", lrPrecious2);
addPlayChat(";LRDRNG-Friends", "You don't have any friends. Nobody likes you.", LRDRINGnobody);
addPlayChat("'LRDRND-Precious3", "Must have precious.", LRDRINGprecious3);
addPlayChat(",NEMO-Mine", "Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine ...", fnMine);
addPlayChat(".NEMO-Squishy", "I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my squishy.", NEMOsquishy);
addPlayChat("/NEMO-SWeet", "Sweeeeeet. Totally.", NEMOsweet);
addPlayChat(" NEMO-Wrong", "Something's wrong with you.. really.", NEMOwrong);
addPlayChat("*RUSH-Chasing", "There are a lot of men chasing us...", RUSHHOUR2chasingus);
addPlayChat("+RUSH-Butt", "Now who put their hand on my butt?", RUSHHOUR2onmybutt);
setPlayChatMenu("\\Verge/Music 2");
addPlayChat("180's - Don't forget about me", "Don't you, forget about me...", song1);
addPlayChat("280's - Foreigner", "I just died in your arms tonight...", song2);
addPlayChat("380's - I ran", "I walk along the avenue, I never thought I'd meet a girl like you, meet a girl like you...", song3);
addPlayChat("480's - Simply Irresistable", "*Simply irresistable*", song4);
addPlayChat("580's - George Michael", "*Homosexuality*", song5);
addPlayChat("680's - Crowded House", "Hey now, hey now, the dream is over...", song6);
addPlayChat("780's - Whitesnake", "Here I go again on my own, goin' down the only road I've ever known.", song7);
addPlayChat("880's - Touch you once", "Touch you once, touch you twice...", song8);
addPlayChat("980's - Lady in red", "Lady in red, is dancing with me, cheek to cheek, there's nobody here, it's just you and me.", song9);
addPlayChat("080's - Tainted Love", "Sometimes I feel I've got to, run away, I've got to, get away from the pain you drive into the heart of me.", song10);
addPlayChat("a80's - Take on me", "Take on me, take me on!", song11);
addPlayChat("b80's - Heat is on", "The heat is on!", song12);
addPlayChat("c80's - Spin me", "You spin me rightround baby, rightround, like a record baby!", song13);
addPlayChat("dIntergalactic", "*Intergalactic*", song14);
addPlayChat("eBeastie Boys", "KICK IT!", song15);
addPlayChat("fBeatles", "Naaaa, na na na na na na, na na na na, hey Jude!", song16);
addPlayChat("gCaliban", "*Murder mode*", song17);
addPlayChat("hCandiria", "*Candiria*", song18);
addPlayChat("iCannibal Corpse", "*Cannibal Corpse*", song19);
addPlayChat("jConverge", "*Converge*", song20);
addPlayChat("kDeftones", "*Deftones*", song21);
addPlayChat("lDuane Eddy", "*Runnin' from 15 chasers*", song22);
addPlayChat("mEminem 1", "I'm sorry momma, I never meant to hurt you, but tonight, I'm cleanin out my closet.", song23);
addPlayChat("nEminem 2", "BITCHIMAKILLYOU!", song24);
addPlayChat("oEminem 3", "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME! NOW BLEED BITCH BLEED!!!! BLEEEED!!!!", song25);
addPlayChat("pGorillaz", "I ain't happy, I'm feelin glad, I got sunshine in a bag, I'm useless, but not for long, the future, is comin on.", song26);
addPlayChat("qGrease Lightning", "*Grease Lightning*", song27);
addPlayChat("rDigweed", "*Kill ravers*", song28);
addPlayChat("sLed Zeppelin", "*Led Zeppelin*", song29);
addPlayChat("tLast Caress", "I got somethin' to say, I killed your baby today and it doesen't matter much to me, as long as its dead.", song30);
addPlayChat("uSon of a bitch", "I ain't no goddamn son of a bitch, you better think about it baby.", song31);
addPlayChat("vfeels good to be a gangster", "Damn it feels good to be a gangster...", song32);
addPlayChat("wJerry Lewis", "*Great balls of fire*", song33);
addPlayChat("xOutkast", "*Hey Ya*", song34);
addPlayChat("yPeewee", "*CAMPERS EVERYWHERE*", song35);
addPlayChat("zQueen", "*Bohemian Rhapsody*", song36);
addPlayChat("-Pacman", "*Pacman*", song37);
addPlayChat("=Holy shit", "*Epic*", song38);
addPlayChat("[Doors", "*Break on through*", song39);
addPlayChat("]Aphex Twin", "*Aphex Twin*", song40);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat(";BTBAM", "*BTBAM*", song41);
addPlayChat("'Norma Jean", "LIKE BRINGING A KNIFE TO A GUNFIGHT!", song42);
addPlayChat(",The Darkness", "I believe in a thing called love, just listen to the rythm of my heart...", song43);
addPlayChat(".Megaman", "*Megaman*", song44);
addPlayChat("/Superballs", "Ain't no bitch too fat, ain't no bitch too wack, ain't no bitch too ugly, for superballs! WooWoo!", song45);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("1ICEAGE-Embarrassment", "You're an embarrassment to nature. Do you know that?", iaEmbrsmnt2ntre);
addPlayChat("2ICEAGE-Watch back", "You won't always have jumbo around to protect you, and when that day comes, I suggest you watch your back.. cuz I'll be chewin on it!", iaWatchback);
addPlayChat("3ICEAGE-Save it", "Save it.. for a mammal that cares.", iaSaveit);
addPlayChat("4ICEAGE-Not fat", "I'm not fat... its all this fur, it makes me look.. Poofy", iaPoofy);
addPlayChat("5Getaway?", "You planning a quick getaway?", eosGetaway1);
addPlayChat("6Met You", "Yeah, ever since I met you.", eosGetaway2);
addPlayChat("7XMAS-Tree", "Where do ya think you're gonna fit a tree that big? Bend over and I'll show ya!", cvTreethatbig);
addPlayChat("8XMAS-Nerve", "You've got a lot of nerve talkin to me like that", cvNervetalk);
addPlayChat("9XMAS-Talkn", "I wasn't talking to you.", cvTalkin2u);
addPlayChat("0XMAS-Vehicle1", "Its a good lookin vehicle ain't it?", cvGoodlkin1);
addPlayChat("aXMAS-Vehicle2", "Don't you go fallin in love with it now, cuz we're takin it with us when we leave here next month.", cvGoodlkin2);
addPlayChat("bXMAS-Worse", "WORSE! How can it get any worse? We're at the threshold of hell!", cvWorse);
addPlayChat("cSPIES-Late", "I'm sorry I'm late, I had to attend the reading of a will, I had to stay to the very end and I found out I recieved nothing.. broke my arm", sluBrokearm);
addPlayChat("dSPIES-Disney", "I was going ta do your family a favor and hook up the Disney channel for FREE, well forget it", sluHookup);
addPlayChat("eSPIES-Need2know", "Information like that is givin out on a need to know basis only.. and at this particular time, you do not need to know", sluNeed2no);
addPlayChat("fSPIES-Kill u now", "Boys... It'd be a shame to have to kill you now", sluKillunow);
addPlayChat("gSPIES-Need plan", "We need a plan. Lets play dead", sluPlan);
addPlayChat("hSPIES-Stupid", "Its not your fault you're stupid", sluStupid);
addPlayChat("iSPIES-Watch mouth", "You just watch your mouth mister", sluWatchmth);
addPlayChat("jDegradeU", "Wait a minute! Wait a minute! This would degrade you!", tsDegradeu);
addPlayChat("kOh Look", "OOh Oh OOOh Oh oh look!", tsOhlook);
addPlayChat("lNyuk", "Oouaa nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk", tsOhnyuk);
addPlayChat("mWise Guy", "Oooh a wise guy... nyuk nyuk", tsWise);
addPlayChat("nAfraid", "I'm afraid", soAfraid);
addPlayChat("oAlright", "I know everything hasn't been quite alright with me, but I can assure you know, very confidently, that's its going to be alright again.", soAlright);
addPlayChat("pPoor decisions", "I know I've made some very poor decision recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal.", soPoor);
addPlayChat("qWhat doing?", "Just what do you think you're doing?", soDoing);
addPlayChat("rWhat happened?", "Hey, What happened? Vers ver dur bor de bur de bur de blup blup blup blup blup blup blup blup blup", mupChef);
addPlayChat("sYour turn", "We'll never negotiate, we'll no longer tolerate and we'll no longer be afraid.. its your turn to be afraid.", afoAfraid);
addPlayChat("tPresident", "This IS the president.... yeah right, and I'm the first lady.", afoFirstlady);
addPlayChat("uGet off", "Get off my plane!", afoGetoff);
addPlayChat("vNothing like", "You are a monster.. and my father is a great man. You're nothing like my father.", afoMonster);
addPlayChat("wDon't worry", "Don't worry, I know almost exactly what I'm doing", aDontworry);
addPlayChat("xANTZ-Lords", "In case you haven't noticed, we ants are running the show.. We're the lords of the earth.", aLords);
addPlayChat("yANTZ-What ur doing", "I hope you know what you're doing..... yeah, me too.", aMetoo);
addPlayChat("zANTZ-Crap", "This stuff takes like crap.. Really? Let me try some. Hey! It is crap. Not bad.", aStuff);
addPlayChat("-ANTZ-Kill Queen", "How were you figuring on beating them? Superior numbers kid.. Overwhelm their defences and kill their Queen.", aKillqueen);
addPlayChat("=ANTZ-Campaign", "Why don't we just try to influence their political process with campaign contributions", aCampaign);
addPlayChat("[ANTZ-Humor", "I like you kid.. you got a sense of humor", aHumor);
addPlayChat("]BowlingAlley", "Well we're safe for now, thank goodness we're in a bowling alley", pvbowlingalley);
addPlayChat("\\Hush", "Hush yer mouth.", acHushmouth);
addPlayChat(";Mental", "Mental that one, I'm tellin ya.", hpMental);
addPlayChat("'Not Panic", "Everyone will please, Not Panic", hpNotpanic);
addPlayChat(",Dumb thing", "What a dumb thing to do.. I bet you wouldn't have done anything like that if mom and dad were here.", lbDumthing);
addPlayChat(".SCHOOLROCK-Go", "Go. Run like the wind!", SCHOOLrun);
addPlayChat("/SCHOOLROCK-Care about", "I hope this doesn't come between us.. like, I care about you man", SCHOOLcare);
addPlayChat(" SCHOOLROCK-Diet", "Why aren't you on a diet? Because, I like to eat, is that such a crime?", SCHOOLdiet);
addPlayChat("*SCHOOLROCK-Teach", "Are you gonna teach us anything or are we just gonna sit here?", SCHOOLteach);
addPlayChat("+SCHOOLROCK-Food", "Okay, Who's got food in here? You're not gonna get in trouble, I'm hungry.", SCHOOLfood);
addPlayChat("1Babysittin", "This is ridiculous.. Its.. crazy. I feel like I'm babysitting, except I'm not getting paid", goonNotgttnpaid);
addPlayChat("2Starts here", "It all starts here", goonStartshere);
addPlayChat("3I Rule", "I Rule!", abRule);
addPlayChat("4Creepy", "Do you have any control over how creepy you allow yourself to get?", ggCreepy);
addPlayChat("5Think Mcfly", "Hello! Hello! Anybody home? huh? Think McFly, think.", bfMcfly);
addPlayChat("6Slacker", "Shape up man, you're a slacker. Do you wanna be a slacker for the rest of your life?", bfSlacker);
addPlayChat("7Fool", "I will not be made a fool of.", bcFool);
addPlayChat("8Skulls", "The next time I have to come in here, I'm cracking skulls!", bcSkulls);
addPlayChat("9Run to win", "I don't run to take beatings, I run to win.. If I can't win I won't run.", cfWin);
addPlayChat("0Great", "Hey this is great man.", ccGreatman);
addPlayChat("aWhat do?", "Heeeey, What are ya.. tryin ta.. do?", ccWhatare);
addPlayChat("bDream", "Am I not all you dreamed I would be?", ctaDream);
addPlayChat("cThrash", "I warn you.. I'll be forced to thrash you", ctaWarn);
addPlayChat("dHave Target", "Do you or do you not have a target?", cufAtarget);
addPlayChat("eMayday", "Mayday! Mayday! We're going down! We're going down!", cufMayday);
addPlayChat("fNo Surrender", "NO SURRENDER", cufNosurndr);
addPlayChat("gAlert", "Receiving emergency action message, recommend alert one, recommend alert one!", ctAlert);
addPlayChat("hTrained for", "This is what its all about gentlemen, this is what we trained for.", ctTrain);
addPlayChat("iAction", "What I wouldn't do for some action!", dmAct);
addPlayChat("jDemo Man", "They called him the demolition man.", dmDman);
addPlayChat("kJob", "I find my job deeply fulfilling.", dmFind);
addPlayChat("lBless me", "Bless me father for I have just killed quite a few men", dspdBless);
addPlayChat("mTalkin2me?", "You talkin to me? ..... You talkin to me?", txTalk);
addPlayChat("nNo help", "Now we do not want your help, is that clear? We don't want your help.", dhNohelp);
addPlayChat("oMental patient", "I'm an escaped mental patient with a history of violence", dtEscaped);
addPlayChat("pSmart", "You are either very smart, or incredibly stupid", eosSmart);
addPlayChat("qPassed", "We have reason to believe that Mr. Zavitz may have passed sensitive materials to you", eosMaterials);
addPlayChat("rKill ya", "You come near either one of us, I'm gonna kill ya", eosKillya);
addPlayChat("sI'm Bored", "Lets go, lets go, I'm bored, lets go.", foBored);
addPlayChat("tPlan B", "Oh well... Plan B... Lets just kill eachother.", foPlanb);
addPlayChat("uSquashed Thing", "Look at this sorry, miserable, squashed thing", fdSquashed);
addPlayChat("vFC-Hit Ear", "Ooooww. He hit me in the ear.", fcEar);
addPlayChat("wFC-Life", "This is your life, and its ending, one minute at a time.", fcMinute);
addPlayChat("xFC-1st Rule", "The first rule of fight club is: You do not talk about fight club.", fcFirstrule);
addPlayChat("yFC-2nd Rule", "The second rule of fight club is: You DO NOT TALK ABOUT fight club", fcSndrule);
addPlayChat("zFC-3rd Rule", "Third rule of fight club: if someone yells stop, goes limp, taps out, the fight is over.", fcThrdrule);
addPlayChat("-FC-4th Rule", "Fourth rule: Only 2 guys to a fight", fcFrthrule);
addPlayChat("=FC-5th Rule", "Fifth rule: One fight at a time fellas", fcFfthrule);
addPlayChat("[FC-6th Rule", "Sixth rule: No shirts, no shoes", fcSixrule);
addPlayChat("]FC-7th Rule", "Seventh rule: Fights will go on as long as they have to", fcSvnrule);
addPlayChat("\\FC-Final Rule", "Final rule: If this is your first night at fight club, you have to fight.", fcFnlrule);
addPlayChat(";Accept", "By the ancient laws of combat, I accept the challenge of the so called 'natives'", gnyAccept);
addPlayChat("'Rage", "Ooh you got a murderous rage in you and I like it. All this life, boiling up inside of you, its good", gnyMrdrsrage);
addPlayChat(",Cutdown", "The hand that tries to strike us from this land shall be swiftly cut down.", gnyCutdown);
addPlayChat(".5 points", "On my challenge, by the ancient laws of combat, we are met at this chosen ground, to settle for good and all, who holds sway over the 5 points", gnyGoodandall);
addPlayChat("/No Regrets", "I already gave my best and I have no regrets at all.", MUSIChung4);
addPlayChat(" No Training", "Hey, you know, I have no professional training.", MUSIChung5);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("1Split up", "I think we'd better split up. Good idea. Yea. We can do more damage that way.", gbDamage);
addPlayChat("2Det Pack", "Why worry, each of us is wearing an unliscensed nuclear accelerator on his back", gbWorry);
addPlayChat("3Shazam!", "Shazaaam!", gpShazam);
addPlayChat("4Frankly", "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn", gwwFrankly);
addPlayChat("5GD-God", "I'm a god. Not THE God, ... I don't think", gdG);
addPlayChat("6GD-Moron", "Moron, your bus is leaving.", gdMoron);
addPlayChat("7GD-Pervert", "I could probably think of a couple of reasons.... pervert", gdPervert);
addPlayChat("8GD-Remember", "Now don't you tell me you don't remember me, cuz I sure as heckfire remember you", gdRemember);
addPlayChat("9GD-Am I right", "Am I right or am I right or am I right? right? right? right?", gdRight);
addPlayChat("0GD-Their rules", "I'm not gonna live by their rules anymore.", gdRules);
addPlayChat("aGD-No Tomorrow", "Well what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today", gdTomorrow);
addPlayChat("bDo favor", "Why don't you do the world a favor, pull your lip over your head and swallow?", gomWorldfavor);
addPlayChat("cClock me", "C'mon, you wanna clock me? You think you can take me? C'mon", gomClockme);
addPlayChat("dDifference", "See, that's the difference between us, you think we're fightin' and I think we're finally talkin'", jmDifference);
addPlayChat("eHear what saying?", "I hear that you hear what I'm saying, but do you truly hear what I'm sayin?", jmHear);
addPlayChat("fLove gettin up", "I love getting up in the morning, I clap my hands and say, this is gonna be a great day", jmMorning);
addPlayChat("gNightmare", "Ok, just jump right into my nightmare, the water is warm", jmNightmare);
addPlayChat("hAlien", "Warning, warning, warning.. Alien approaching.", lsAlien);
addPlayChat("iKill", "We have to strike now sir! Annihilate! Kill! Kill! Kill!", maKill);
addPlayChat("jFly", "I didn't know you could fly... Fly, yes. Land... No", ijFlyyes);
addPlayChat("kImproved", "Our situation has not improved..", ijImproved);
addPlayChat("lSave u", "I came here to save you!", ijSaveu);
addPlayChat("mPARENTS-Bring you down", "I will bring you down baby, I will bring you down to Chinatown", mpBringudown);
addPlayChat("nPARENTS-Watching you", "I will be watching you.. studying your every move", mpWatchu);
addPlayChat("oPARENTS-Milk cat", "I had no idea you can milk a cat.", mpMilkcat);
addPlayChat("pPARENTS-Milk Anything", "Oh yeah, you can milk anything with nipples", mpAnything);
addPlayChat("qPARENTS-Milk Me?", "I have nipples, could ya milk me?", mpNipples);
addPlayChat("rPARENTS-Pothead", "Are you a pothead fauker?", mpPothead);
addPlayChat("sPARENTS-Pass grass", "I pass on grass, all the time.. I mean, not all the time but.. Yes or No Greg? No.. Yes.. No", mpPassongrass);
addPlayChat("tDirtyBirdy", "You're just another lying ol' dirtybirdy, and I don't think I better be around you for awhile", mDirtybirdy);
addPlayChat("uNumber one fan", "I'm your number one fan", mFan);
addPlayChat("vBreaks my heart", "It just breaks my heart to see you like this", mHeart);
addPlayChat("wMONS-2319", "2319! We have a 2319!", mon2319);
addPlayChat("xMONS-Watching", "I'm watching you Wazowski, always watching...", monWatching);
addPlayChat("yMONS-Kitty", "Kitty", monKitty1);
addPlayChat("zMONS-Kitty2", "Kitty!", monKitty2);
addPlayChat("-MONS-Weirdest", "That is the weirdest thing you have ever said", monWeirdest);
addPlayChat("=MONS-Winds", "Shh shh shh shh shh... you hear that? Its the winds of change..", monWinds);
addPlayChat("[MONS-What was that?", "What was that?? I have no idea, but it would be really great if it didn't do it again.", monWhatwas);
addPlayChat("]MEETFOCK-Chink", "If your family circle joins my family circle, they'll form a chain. I can't have a chink in my chain.", MEETFOCKchink);
addPlayChat("\\TOPGUN-Ego Cash", "Son, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash.", tgEgocash);
addPlayChat(";TOPGUN-Gutsy move", "Gutsiest move I ever saw man.", tgGutsiest);
addPlayChat("'TOPGUN-Keepn Score", "The clock is ticking and as of now we are keeping score.", tgScore);
addPlayChat(",TOPGUN-Dead for stupid", "The defense department regrets to inform you that your sons are dead because they were stupid.", tgStupid);
addPlayChat(".TOPGUN-Target rich", "This is what I call a target rich environment!", tgTarget);
addPlayChat("/TOPGUN-Turn burn", "Okay man, lets turn and burn!", tgTurnburn);
addPlayChat(" RAINMAN- Kmart", "K-mart sucks", RAINMANkmart);
addPlayChat("*SCORE- Better than", "When did you start thinkin' you were better than me?", SCOREbetter);
addPlayChat("+SCORE- DIE", "And now you are going to DIE!", SCOREdie);
addPlayChat("1Gay", "Do you find it hard to hind the fact that you're gay?", gwhGay);
addPlayChat("2Unleash Hell", "At my signal, unleash hell", gHell);
addPlayChat("3Mother Was..", "Your mother was a hamster, and your father stank of elderberry", mpEldrbery);
addPlayChat("4Anything", "Have you got anything without Spam in it?", mpSpam1);
addPlayChat("5Don't want spam", "I don't want any Spam", mpspam2);
addPlayChat("6Spam in it", "That's got Spam in it!", mpspam3);
addPlayChat("7Don't like spam", "What do you mean eauu? I don't like Spam", mpspam4);
addPlayChat("8Come out", "Come out Come out wherever you are", nbnComeout2);
addPlayChat("9Angel", "Huh! Oouoh! Its an angel! Its an angel straight from heaven!", raAngel);
addPlayChat("0Begin", "Alright everybody, we're just about ready to begin..", raBegin);
addPlayChat("aFamily", "What? Are you kidding? We got us a family here", raFamily);
addPlayChat("bBehavior", "You're just hurting yourself with this rambunctious behavior", raRambunct);
addPlayChat("cEmpire", "I seek to build an emipre and your only thought is to amuse yourselves by tearing it down", prTeardown);
addPlayChat("dTrouble", "You don't think we'll get in trouble for this, do you? No.. not a chance", peTrouble);
addPlayChat("eWorkload", "Tell your people, as of today, their workload has been doubled", peWorkload);
addPlayChat("fNo way to die", "That's no way for a man to die", ngMan2die);
addPlayChat("gParachute", "A Parachute not opening, that's a way to die.", ngParachute);
addPlayChat("hNuts bit off", "Getting caught in the gears of a combine, having your nuts bit off my a laplander, that's the way I wanna go", ngNuts);
addPlayChat("iDon't worry", "Don't you worry about anything. Just think positively. Never let a doubt enter your mind.", ngDontworry);
addPlayChat("jOrgan donor", "I wouldn't wait until the last minute to fill out those organ donor cards", ngOrgandonor);
addPlayChat("kScream", "*Painful Screaming*", ngScream);
addPlayChat("lMemo", "Did you see.. the memo about this?", osMemo1);
addPlayChat("mMemo2", "Yeah... Did ya get that memo?", osMemo2);
addPlayChat("nStill doing this", "What if we're... still doing this when we're 50? It would be nice.. to have that kind of job security.", osWhen50);
addPlayChat("oHave a point", "When you, when you're telling these little stories, here's a good idea: Have a point! It makes it so much more interesting for the listener", ptaPoint);
addPlayChat("pKnow about death", "What do you all know about death?", pltDeath);
addPlayChat("qCome over there", "Don't make me come over there!!", pgComeoverthere);
addPlayChat("rBusted", "OOuuuoo Busted!", pgOohbusted);
addPlayChat("sLame", "Oh that is so lame", pgSolame);
addPlayChat("tDialogue", "You will pay for your use of inappropriate dialogue!", pgDialogue);
addPlayChat("uVictory", "Muhaha-hahahaahahahaah... at last, Victory is mine!", pgVictoryismine);
addPlayChat("vFear", "The only thing we have to fear is.. fear itself", pfdrFear);
addPlayChat("wAsk not", "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country", pkenAsknot);
addPlayChat("xLewinsky", "I did Not Have Sexual Relations with that woman", pclntLewinsky);
addPlayChat("yDriver", "I'm an excellent driver", rmDriver);
addPlayChat("zPeople like me", "Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it, people like me", snlStuart);
addPlayChat("-Gotten away", "Yes.. and I'd a gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for these blasted kids and their dog", sdBlastedkids);
addPlayChat("=Everyman for self", "Every man for himself!", sdEveryman);
addPlayChat("[Ghost", "*Ghost chase*", sdScoobghost);
addPlayChat("]Suck", "Oh my gosh!... does that suck", scrSuck);
addPlayChat(";Neutralized", "Enemy neutralized.. ladies and gentlemen", shrtcEnemy);
addPlayChat("'Laser lips", "Hey Laser lips! You're momma was a snow-blower!", shrtcLaserlips);
addPlayChat(",Good things", "I just think good things will happen, if you're a good person with a good attitude.", vsGood);
addPlayChat(".Turn it around", "Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around", vsMinute);
addPlayChat("/So afraid", "I'm so afraid of how powerful this is!", vsAfraid);
//addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("1SelfDestruct", "This ship will self-destruct in 20 secs. This is your last chance to push the cancellation button", sbButton);
addPlayChat("2Good is Dumb", "Now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb", sbDumb);
addPlayChat("3Meet for 1st time", "At last we meet for the first time, for the last time", sbFirsttime);
addPlayChat("4Ugly Angry", "You are ugly when you're angry", sbUgly);
addPlayChat("5Hear No", "You don't hear the word no very often, do you? I hear it all the time.. only its more like nooo, please, no no.", atHearno);
addPlayChat("6Fag", "If I talk to you, and you turn me into a fag.. I'm gonna kill you, you understand?", atTurnfag);
addPlayChat("7Get guy", "You really wanna get this guy, don't you?", mGetthisguy);
addPlayChat("8Not kill anyone", "I swear, I will not kill anyone", trmIswear);
addPlayChat("9No rules - War", "Do not speak to me of rules! This is war, this is not a game of Cricket", brkNotcricket);
addPlayChat("0Problem on hands", "I tell you gentlemen, we have a problem on our hands", brkProblem);
addPlayChat("aDo Everything", "Its a very difficult job and the only way to get through it is we all work together as a team.. and that means you do everything I say", ijEverythingisay);
addPlayChat("bLNKNG-Hippo", "He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia", lkHippo);
addPlayChat("cLNKNG-Quiver", "Ooooooo I quiver with feaaaarr", lkFear);
addPlayChat("dLNKNG-Upid-stay", "Ix-nay on the upid-stay.. Who you callin upid-stay?", lkUpidstay);
addPlayChat("eLNKNG-Cactus butt", "What? You want me to come out lookin like you, Cactus butt?", lkCactus);
addPlayChat("fLNKNG-Live bait", "So what's yer plan for gettin past those guys? ... live bait.. good idea, Hey!", lkBait);
addPlayChat("gLittle faith", "Oh ye of little faith", sntFaith);
addPlayChat("hFound me", "You found me", sntFoundme);
addPlayChat("iWasn't hard", "It wasn't very hard", sntWasnthard);
addPlayChat("jNever leave", "If you wanna live, never leave my side", sntNeverlve);
addPlayChat("kGet away", "You've gotta get away from me", sntGetaway);
addPlayChat("lCome out", "Come out, Come out, wherever you are", shnComeout);
addPlayChat("mHere's Johnny", "Heeeeeerrrrrreeeess Johnny!!", shnJohnny);
addPlayChat("nDistract me", "Whenever you come in here and interrupt me, you're breaking my concentration, you're distracting me, and it will then take me time to get back to where I was.", shnDistract);
addPlayChat("oHurt head", "I think you hurt my head real bad", shnHurthead);
addPlayChat("pDizzy", "I'm dizzy! I need a doctor", shnDizzy);
addPlayChat("qNot Grouchy", "I'm not.. being grouchy I just.. wanna finish my work", shnGrouchy);
addPlayChat("rDead People", "I see dead people", ssDeadpeople);
addPlayChat("sSecret", "I wanna tell you my secret now", ssSecret);
addPlayChat("tGot Lucky", "You got lucky... There are no more bullets in the chamber.", wacBullets);
addPlayChat("uHoles", "I ah.. checked myself for holes, but just the usual ones", wacHoles);
addPlayChat("vProve", "Its not what you know.. Its what you can prove", tdProve);
addPlayChat("wCan't be caught", "Can't.. Can't be caught!", usmCant);
addPlayChat("xHate this place", "Ya know.. I hate this place already", usmHate);
addPlayChat("yShoot me", "Yer gonna have ta shoot me", usmShootme);
addPlayChat("zSorry shot you", "You know.. for what its worth.. I'm sorry that I shot you.", usmShotyou);
addPlayChat("-Thats okay", "Oooh that's okay", usmThatsok);
addPlayChat("=Take best shot", "Take your best shot", xenaTakebestshot);
addPlayChat("[I quit", "If I quit now.. they win", xfQuit);
addPlayChat("]Smacked bottom", "Alright.. yer going the right way for a smacked bottom.", shrkSmacked);
addPlayChat("\\Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat(";Cheers intro", "*intro*", musicCheersintro);
addPlayChat("'Takes Everything", "Makin your way in the world today takes everything you've got..", musicCheers1);
addPlayChat(",Takin Break", "Takin a break from all your worries sure would help a lot..", musicCheers2);
addPlayChat(".Get Away?", "Wouldn't you like to get away?...", musicCheers3);
addPlayChat("/Cheers", "*Cheers*", musicCheers4);
//addPlayChat(" Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("1MAD-Liver", "Where are the people? We killed them and ate their liver.", MADliver);
addPlayChat("2MAD-Poo", "If you have any poo, fling it now.", MADpoo);
addPlayChat("3MAD-Butt", "Excuse me, you're biting my butt!", MADbutt);
addPlayChat("4MAD-Come", "Come and get it!", MADcome);
addPlayChat("5MAD-Pleasure", "Its been a real pleasure serving with you boys", MADpleasure);
addPlayChat("6MAD-Sucks", "Well this sucks", MADsucks);
addPlayChat("7MAD-Raise hand", "You did not raise your hand, therefore your heinous comment will be stricken from the record.", MADhand);
addPlayChat("8MAD-Did it", "I did it, give me some love.", MADdidit);
addPlayChat("9MAD-Bad Side", "That is the bad side, where you can prance and skip around like a magical pixie horse and do whatever the heck you want to do all day long. And this is the good side.", MADbadside);
addPlayChat("0MAD-Love", "Heeey, Aawww. I love you guys. I love you so much.", MADlove);
addPlayChat("aMAD-King", "*AAHHHH! Its the King of the Beasts!*", MADking);
//addPlayChat("bkeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("cKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("dKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("eKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("fKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("gKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("hKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("iKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("jKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("kKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("lKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("mKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("nKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("oKeybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
addPlayChat("pMTRX- The one", "I knew it.. He's the one", MTRXtheone);
addPlayChat("qMTRX- Pimp", "Digital pimp hard at work", MTRXpimp);
addPlayChat("rMTRX- Stronger/Faster", "Do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place?", MTRXmuscles);
addPlayChat("sMTRX- Men are dead", "Your men are already dead", MTRXmendead);
addPlayChat("tMTRX- Dodge", "Dodge this!", miscmxdodgethis);
addPlayChat("uMTRX- Finger", "How about I give you the finger, and you give me my phone call...", miscmxfinger);
addPlayChat("vMTRX- Bluepill", "Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill?", mtrxBluepill);
addPlayChat("wMTRX- Falls", "Everybody falls the first time", mtrxEvrybdyfalls);
addPlayChat("xMTRX- Kungfu", "I know Kung-Fu", mtrxKungfu);
addPlayChat("yMTRX- Whoa", "Whoooaa", mtrxWhoa3);
addPlayChat("zMTRX- Choice", "Choice is an illusion created by those with power and those without", mtrxChoice);
addPlayChat("-MTRX- On time", "The time has come to make a choice, either you choose to be at your desk, on time, from this day forth, or you choose to find yourself another job", mtrxChoosedesk);
addPlayChat("=MTRX- Dream", "You ever have that feeling.. where your not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?", mtrxFeeling);
addPlayChat("[MTRX- Free mind", "You have to let it all go. Fear, doubt and disbelief. Free your mind", mtrxFreeyourmind);
addPlayChat("]MTRX- Authority", "You have a problem with authority. You believe you are special, that somehow the rules do not apply to you. Obviously you are mistaken", mtrxProblem);
addPlayChat("\\MTRX - Bet", "I bet ya never saw this comin'", MTRXcoming);
addPlayChat(";MTRX- Welcome", "Welcome.. to the real world", mtrxRealworld);
addPlayChat("'MTRX- Touch", "Touch me and that hand will never touch anything again", mtrxTouchme2);
addPlayChat(",MTRX- Upgrades", "Hmmm... Upgrades", mtrxUpgrades);
addPlayChat(".MTRX- Welcome", "We're all here to do, what we're all her to do", mtrxWereallhere);
addPlayChat("/MTRX- One", "I mean how can he be the one... if he's dead?", mtrxOne);
addPlayChat(" MTRX- Help Us", "You're going to help us Mr. Anderson, whether you want to or not.", MTRXhelpus);
addPlayChat("*MTRX- Hit me", "C'mon! Stop trying to hit me and hit me.", MTRXhitme);
addPlayChat("+MTRX- Inevitability", "You hear that Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability, that is the sound of your death.", MTRXinevitability);
setPlayChatMenu(" New Music");
addPlayChat("1Too Much Time", "*I've got too much, time on my hands*",MUSIC2muchtime);
addPlayChat("2Andy Griffith", "*Catchy Tune*", MUSICandygrif);
addPlayChat("3Bad thing", "*They did a bad, bad thing*", MUSICbadthing);
addPlayChat("4Birthday", "*Today is your birthday*", MUSICbirthday);
addPlayChat("5Come Over", "*I wanna come over*", MUSICcomover);
addPlayChat("6Rescue", "*Come rescue me*", MUSICdreamlover);
addPlayChat("7Alone", "*I've been alone all along*", MUSICevanalone);
addPlayChat("8Save me", "*Save me from the nothing I've become*", MUSICevanlife);
addPlayChat("9Pain", "*This pain is just too real*", MUSICevanpain);
addPlayChat("0Feel Good", "*I feel good*", MUSICfeelgood);
addPlayChat("aWorthless", "*Worthless*", MUSICgiantsperson);
addPlayChat("bGarbage Can", "*Hit on the head with a frying pan*", MUSICgiantsperson2);
addPlayChat("cTriangle", "*Me vs You*", MUSICgiantstriangle);
addPlayChat("dTriangle2", "*Me vs You*", MUSICgiantstriangle2);
addPlayChat("eUniverse Man", "*You need a diet*", MUSICgiantsuniverseman);
addPlayChat("fAnon", "*Gilligan's Island*", MUSICgilligan);
addPlayChat("gHung", "*You blow me off like its all the same*", MUSIChung);
addPlayChat("hHung2", "*You're switching signs like a gemini*", MUSIChung2);
addPlayChat("iShe Bangs", "*She bangs*", MUSIChung3);
addPlayChat("jOpen Arms", "*Open Arms*", MUSICjourneyarms);
addPlayChat("kForever Yours", "*Forever yours*", MUSICjrnyfaith);
addPlayChat("lToby Keith", "*How do you like me now?*", MUSIClikemenow);
addPlayChat("mNo Good", "*You're no good*", MUSICnogood);
addPlayChat("nQuarter", "*Here's a quarter, call someone who cares*", MUSICquarter);
addPlayChat("oWorld's Greatest", "*I'm the world's greatest*", MUSICrkellygreatest);
addPlayChat("pWorld's Greatest 2", "*I'm the world's greatest*", MUSICrkellygreatest2);
addPlayChat("qRocky", "*Rocky*", MUSICrocky2);
addPlayChat("rEye of Tiger", "*Eye of the Tiger*", MUSICrocky);
addPlayChat("sGetcha", "*I'm gonna getcha*", MUSICshaniagetcha);
addPlayChat("tRegulate", "*Regulate*", MUSICwarrengregulate);
addPlayChat("uHelp", "*HELP!*", MUSICwarrenguns2head);
addPlayChat("vWelcome Back", "*Welcome Back*", MUSICwelcomeback);
addPlayChat("wFire", "*Don't play with me cuz you're playing with fire*", MUSICwithfire);
addPlayChat("xWEDSINGER-Kill Me", "*Somebody kill me please*", WEDSINGkillmepls);
addPlayChat("yMysterious Ways", "*She moves in mysterious ways*", MUSICU2alright);
addPlayChat("zRun and Hide", "*I want to run, I want to hide*", MUSICU2hide);
addPlayChat("-Dissapoint", "*Did I dissapoint you?*", MUSICU2dissapoint);
addPlayChat("=Corner", "*Down on the corner*", MUSICCREEDENCEcorner);
addPlayChat("[Rollin", "*Rollin'*", MUSICCREEDENCErollin);
addPlayChat("]Homeward", "*Homeward Bound*", MUSICSGhome);
addPlayChat("\\Slowdown", "*Slow down, You move too fast*", MUSICSGslow);
addPlayChat(";Don't Come", "*Don't come around here no more*", MUSICPETTYdontcome);
addPlayChat("'Losers", "*Even the losers get lucky*", MUSICPETTYlosers);
addPlayChat(",Lucky", "*You got lucky*", MUSICPETTYluck);
addPlayChat(".Girl", "*Here comes my girl*", MUSICPETTYgirl);
addPlayChat("/Boston", "*Boston*", MUSICBostonintro);
addPlayChat(" MAD-Move it", "*I like to move it, move it*", MADmoveit);
//addPlayChat("*Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
//addPlayChat("+Keybind and Menulisting", "insert .wav text here", soundname);
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