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Last active April 7, 2020 04:09
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Convert Huggingface BERT-style model to Marian Transformer Encoder
import numpy as np
import sys
import yaml
import argparse
from transformers import BertModel
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert Huggingface Bert model to Marian weight file.')
parser.add_argument('--bert', help='Path to Huggingface Bert PyTorch model', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--marian', help='Output path for Marian weight file', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
huggingface = BertModel.from_pretrained(args.bert)
config = dict()
config["type"] = "bert-classifier"
config["input-types"] = ["sequence"]
config["tied-embeddings-all"] = True
config["tied-embeddings-src"] = False
config["transformer-ffn-depth"] = 2
config["transformer-train-position-embeddings"] = True
config["transformer-preprocess"] = ""
config["transformer-postprocess"] = "dan"
config["transformer-postprocess-emb"] = "nd"
config["bert-train-type-embeddings"] = False
config["version"] = " conversion"
config["enc-depth"] = 0
config["transformer-dim-ffn"] = huggingface.config.intermediate_size
config["transformer-heads"] = huggingface.config.num_attention_heads
config["transformer-ffn-activation"] = huggingface.config.hidden_act
config["bert-sep-symbol"] = "</s>"
config["bert-class-symbol"] = "</s>"
marianModel = dict()
def transposeOrder(mat):
matT = np.transpose(mat) # just a view with changed row order
return matT.flatten(order="C").reshape(matT.shape) # force row order change and reshape
def convert(pd, srcs, trg, transpose=True, bias=False):
if len(srcs) == 1:
for src in srcs:
num = pd[src].detach().numpy()
if bias:
marianModel[trg] = np.atleast_2d(num)
if transpose:
marianModel[trg] = transposeOrder(num) # transpose with row order change
marianModel[trg] = num
else: # path that joins matrices together for fused self-attention
nums = [pd[src].detach().numpy() for src in srcs]
if bias:
nums = [np.transpose(np.atleast_2d(num)) for num in nums]
marianModel[trg] = np.stack(nums, axis=0)
def extract(layer, nth, level):
name = type(layer).__name__
print(" " * level, nth, name)
if name == "BertLayer":
pd = dict(layer.named_parameters())
for n in pd:
print(" " * (level + 1), n, pd[n].shape)
convert(pd, ["attention.self.query.weight"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_self_Wq", transpose=True)
convert(pd, ["attention.self.key.weight"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_self_Wk")
convert(pd, ["attention.self.value.weight"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_self_Wv")
convert(pd, ["attention.self.query.bias"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_self_bq", bias=True)
convert(pd, ["attention.self.key.bias"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_self_bk", bias=True)
convert(pd, ["attention.self.value.bias"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_self_bv", bias=True)
convert(pd, ["attention.output.dense.weight"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_self_Wo")
convert(pd, ["attention.output.dense.bias"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_self_bo", bias=True)
convert(pd, ["attention.output.LayerNorm.weight"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_self_Wo_ln_scale", bias=True)
convert(pd, ["attention.output.LayerNorm.bias"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_self_Wo_ln_bias", bias=True)
convert(pd, ["intermediate.dense.weight"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_ffn_W1")
convert(pd, ["intermediate.dense.bias"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_ffn_b1", bias=True)
convert(pd, ["output.dense.weight"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_ffn_W2")
convert(pd, ["output.dense.bias"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_ffn_b2", bias=True)
convert(pd, ["output.LayerNorm.weight"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_ffn_ffn_ln_scale", bias=True)
convert(pd, ["output.LayerNorm.bias"], f"encoder_l{nth + 1}_ffn_ffn_ln_bias", bias=True)
config["enc-depth"] += 1
elif name == "BertEmbeddings":
for n, p in layer.named_parameters():
print(" " * (level + 1), n, p.shape)
pd = dict(layer.named_parameters())
convert(pd, ["word_embeddings.weight"], f"Wemb", transpose=False)
convert(pd, ["position_embeddings.weight"], f"Wpos", transpose=False)
config["bert-type-vocab-size"] = 0
if hasattr(layer, "token_type_embeddings"):
convert(pd, ["token_type_embeddings.weight"], f"Wtype", transpose=False)
config["bert-type-vocab-size"] = pd["token_type_embeddings.weight"].shape[0]
config["bert-train-type-embeddings"] = True
convert(pd, ["LayerNorm.weight"], f"encoder_emb_ln_scale_pre", bias=True)
convert(pd, ["LayerNorm.bias"], f"encoder_emb_ln_bias_pre", bias=True)
config["dim-emb"] = pd["word_embeddings.weight"].shape[1]
config["dim-vocabs"] = [ pd["word_embeddings.weight"].shape[0] ]
config["max-length"] = pd["position_embeddings.weight"].shape[0]
elif name == "BertPooler":
for n, p in layer.named_parameters():
print(" " * (level + 1), n, p.shape)
pd = dict(layer.named_parameters())
convert(pd, ["dense.weight"], "classifier_ff_logit_l1_W")
convert(pd, ["dense.bias"], "classifier_ff_logit_l1_b", bias=True)
recurse(layer, level + 1)
def recurse(parent, level=0):
for i, child in enumerate(parent.children()):
extract(child, i, level)
for m in marianModel:
print(m, marianModel[m].shape)
configYamlStr = yaml.dump(config, default_flow_style=False)
desc = list(configYamlStr)
npDesc = np.chararray((len(desc),))
npDesc[:] = desc
npDesc.dtype = np.int8
marianModel["special:model.yml"] = npDesc
print("\nMarian config:")
print("Saving Marian model to %s" % (args.marian,))
np.savez(args.marian, **marianModel)
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