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Created September 29, 2014 13:27
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melt2connlx: Convert MElt POS-tagger output into a CONLLX file
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Convert `MElt -tdL` output into *.conllx format. Usage:
# melt2conllx < input.melt > output.conllx
# Input should be one line per sentence, formatted like:
# Durant/P/durant le/DET/le trajet/NC/trajet qui/PROREL/qui
# The first field is the surface form, the second is the POSTAG, and the
# third is the lemma.
# Generate course-grained part-of-speech tags from regular part-of-speech
# tags, in hopes that it will help the parser.
"CLS" => "CL",
"V" => "V",
"DET" => "D",
"NC" => "N",
"CC" => "C",
"ADJ" => "A",
"DET" => "D",
"NC" => "N",
"P" => "P",
"ADV" => "ADV",
"VINF" => "V",
"CLS" => "CL",
"CLO" => "CL",
"ADJWH" => "A",
"ADVWH" => "A",
"CLR" => "CL",
"CS" => "C",
"DETWH" => "D",
"ET" => "ET",
"I" => "I",
"NPP" => "N",
"P+D" => "P+D",
"P+PRO" => "P+PRO",
"PREF" => "PREF",
"PRO" => "PRO",
"PROREL" => "PRO",
"PROWH" => "PRO",
"VIMP" => "V",
"VPP" => "V",
"VPR" => "V",
"VS" => "V"
# One sentence per line.
STDIN.each_line do |line|
# Convert each word into a CONLLX row.
line.chomp.split(/ /).each_with_index do |token, index|
form_and_postag, slash, lemma = token.rpartition('/')
form, slash, postag = form_and_postag.rpartition('/')
cpostag = CPOSTAG[postag] || postag
puts([index+1, form, lemma, cpostag, postag, "_", "_"].join("\t"))
# Separate sentences with a blank line, or else maltparser will get
# confused.
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