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Last active September 8, 2021 20:40
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Great Keyboard Shortcuts:
  • is the Command () key.
  • is the Control key.
  • is the Option (alt) key.
  • is the Shift key.
Keyboard Shortcut! Why I Use It All The Time!
⌘+Left Click See Declaration/Usages
(if it is unable to choose one, a menu with the possibilities opens)
⌘⌥+L Auto-Format Highlighted Section
(if no section highlighted, format entire document)
⌘+[, ⌘+] Iterates through your page movement history
(I use this in tandem with Go To Declaration a lot; go check out the definition of the method and then ⌘[ to get back to what I was doing])
⇧⌘+[, ⇧⌘+] Iterates through open tabs
⌥+Enter Opens Inspections + Suggestions Dropdown for Current Cursor Location
(This comes in handy all the time, it's worth at least seeing what it has to suggest once in a while. When you see the little lightbulb pop up on the left side, you usually can open this menu. Some of them are very dumb, but its the type of thing that makes syntactical stuff, like switching a bunch of stuff from do…end blocks to curly braces, a breeze. Lots of quick transformations available, tells me when variables are unused or redundant, et cetera. Typically stays out of the way, less demanding than something like RuboCop. All/any inspection or suggestions can be turned off in the settings.)
⌘+R, ⇧⌘+R Replace in file, Replace in project
Double-Tap Shift Search classes, files, symbols, and actions
⇧⌘+O Search filenames
⇧⌥+↑, ⇧⌥+↓ Move current line up/down
⇧⌘+↑, ⇧⌘+↓ Move current block up/down
Underrated Plugin:

TabNine - All-language autocompleter — TabNine uses machine learning to help you write code faster. Makes predictions based on the writing context and history, as well as the language being used. Can be very useful!

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