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Created April 7, 2015 19:53
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==== Granting Co-Maintainership
To share the burden of maintenance, you can grant write-access for the repository to others. This is a big responsibility. You should decide ahead of time how you will deal with the thorny issues, such as disagreement on the direction the code should take; and other types of bad behavior, such as being rude to other contributors. Assuming you have worked through all of those difficult decisions, you may add contributors to your project as follows:
. Navigate to the project page.
. From the utility links in the top right of the page, click the + and then choose "Collaborators" (<<10fig22-github-collaborator>>).
. You will be prompted to add your password. Do this and then click "Continue".
. Enter the GitHub username of the person you would like to assign co-maintainership to (<<10fig23-github-collab-add>>).
.Navigating to the Collaborators page for your project.
image::images/10fig22-github-github-collaborator.png["The ARIA label for the + button is 'Create new ...'. It opens a list. Choose the link 'Collaborators'."]
.Adding a collaborator to your project.
image::images/10fig23-github-collab-add.png["There does not appear to be a label for this form. The placeholder text is 'Search by username or full name'. The form will autocomplete when you enter a person's name. You will need to type in the person's name; select it from the list; and then click 'Add collaborator'."]
The person you've designated as being a co-maintainer will now have all the same authoring powers as yourself. You may wish to put together a maintance cheatsheet to ensure you make decisions consistently for all community members.
To remove a collaborator, follow the instructions as outlined previously. Next to the collaborator's name, click the "x" symbol (<<10fig24-github-collab-remove>>). The collaborator will no longer have commit access to the repository.
.Remove contributors from your project
image::images/10fig24-github-collab-remove.png["The ARIA label for this 'x' button is 'Remove username as a collaborator'. Username is, of course, the name of the GitHub account."]
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