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emmajane / gist:59321345a81a4f5837c0
Last active February 28, 2024 16:35
JQL Syntax for the Impatient

JQL Syntax for the Impatient

There are a few JQL syntax bits to get you started:

  • AND --- allows you to add qualifiers to a list
  • != Thing --- target one thing
  • is in (List, Of, Things) --- target a bunch of things (Done, Closed, Resolved) typically
  • not in (List, of, Things) --- do not include a bunch of things
  • -1w --- relative time. You can also use -1d for day
  • "2015/3/15" --- specific dates

=== Understanding Branches

Without getting into the internals of how Git works, having a basic understanding of what a branch is will help you to choose and apply the strategies outlined in this chapter.

Each Git repository contains a pool of commits. These commits are linked to one-another through their metadata--each commit contains a reference to its parent. In the case of a merge commit, there may be more than one parent commit referenced. I like to think of a branch as a string of beads, which each commit represented as a bead on the string. The analogy isn't technically correct, but it works quite well as a mental model for most purposes.

Branches in Git are actually a named pointer to a specific commit. (Give yourself a magic wand, and tap on a specific bead while saying a name. This is a branch.) When you check out a branch, you are requesting the data stored in that special commit object be copied into your working directory. Once the work has been copied into the working directory, you can make a

emmajane /
Last active December 27, 2016 06:20
(Partial) Transcript from Aral Balkan's keynote at DrupalCon Prague, September 26, 2013

Transcript of:

Aral Balkan is an experience designer who is working to change the world bringing design thinking to open source, bringing a new category of technology Experience Driven Open Source. Let's hear it for Aral Balkan.

[Digital Feudalism & How to Avoid It. A tale of indie data.]

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Today, we stand at a cross roads. In front of us are two paths. One leads to a digital free land of people who own their own data, devices, and their services. Empowered by this they are able to safe guard their privacy, their civil liberties, and their human rights. The other leads to a digital feudalism, populated by digital serfs. They don't have the option of owning their data, devices, and services. All they can do is rent them from their faceless, corporate landlords. And enfeebled by this they enjoy neither privacy nor civil liberties, nor human rights.

** Flowdock style for compact channel listing
** On OS X, place these styles into: ~/Library/Application Support/Flowdock/userstyle.css
** You will need to restart Flowdock for the styles to take effect.
#tab-bar .desktop {
padding: 0 0 0 0 ! important;
margin: 0 0 0 20px !important;
" Personal settings
set guifont=Anonymous\ Pro:h13
set hidden " Let me switch buffers without an error message, hides the buffer and moves on.
set number
" Settings for line wrapping when editing prose
" probably not useful for writing code; you might want to disable this when coding
set wrap " word wrap visually, not by changing the text in the buffer
set nocompatible " Be Vimproved.
filetype off " Enable after Vundle
" Vundle Bundle is Wundleful
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/
call vundle#rc()
" Let Vundle manage Vundle
Bundle 'gmarik/vundle'
" writer mode
" autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.asciidoc set filetype=markdown
set background=light
set nonu
set laststatus=0
colorscheme default
hi FoldColumn guibg=white
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==== Granting Co-Maintainership
To share the burden of maintenance, you can grant write-access for the repository to others. This is a big responsibility. You should decide ahead of time how you will deal with the thorny issues, such as disagreement on the direction the code should take; and other types of bad behavior, such as being rude to other contributors. Assuming you have worked through all of those difficult decisions, you may add contributors to your project as follows:
. Navigate to the project page.
. From the utility links in the top right of the page, click the + and then choose "Collaborators" (<<10fig22-github-collaborator>>).
. You will be prompted to add your password. Do this and then click "Continue".
. Enter the GitHub username of the person you would like to assign co-maintainership to (<<10fig23-github-collab-add>>).
emmajane / gist:49b900001e425caaf049
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Topics for Collaborating on GitHub
What topics would you want to see highlighted in a *one chapter* overview of GitHub?
Note: it's not a full book! It's just one chapter! Highlights only, please!
Tweet your answer to @emmajanehw, or reply in the comments below.
-. |Collaborating on GitHub
-. . |Getting Started on GitHub
-. . . |Creating an Account
-. . . |SSH Keys