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Forked from emkooz/Model.cpp
Created August 31, 2016 11:38
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Assimp loader
#version 150
in vec2 texcoord;
in vec3 clr;
out vec4 outColor;
uniform sampler2D tex;
void main()
outColor = texture (tex, texcoord); // * vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
#version 150
in vec2 Texcoord;
in vec3 position;
in vec4 weight;
in vec4 boneID;
uniform mat4 model;
uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 projection;
uniform mat4 boneTransformation[64];
uniform mat4 modelTransformation;
out vec2 texcoord;
void main()
int b1 = int(boneID.x); int b2 = int(boneID.y); int b3 = int(boneID.z); int b4 = int(boneID.w);
mat4 bTrans = boneTransformation[b1] * weight.x;
if (b2 != -1)
{bTrans += boneTransformation[b2] * weight.y;}
if (b3 != -1)
{bTrans += boneTransformation[b3] * weight.z;}
if (b4 != -1)
{bTrans += boneTransformation[b4] * weight.w;}
texcoord = Texcoord;
gl_Position = projection * view * model * modelTransformation * bTrans * vec4(position, 1.0);
// example usage of this header, directly copy-pasted from my engine's main file (messy)
#include <iostream>
#include "GL/glew.h"
#include "GLFW/glfw3.h"
#include "glm/gtc/type_ptr.hpp"
#include "entityx/entityx.h"
#include "core/Window.hpp"
#include "core/Log.hpp"
#include "core/Model.hpp"
#include "core/Camera.hpp"
#include "core/IQM.hpp"
//some quick todo
// components (start with rendering)
int main ()
core::Window win;
glfwSetInputMode (win.getWindow (), GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_DISABLED);
glewExperimental = GL_TRUE;
if (glewInit () != GLEW_OK)
core::log ("GLEW failed to initialize.", core::error);
glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
glDepthFunc (GL_LESS);
entityx::EntityX entityx; // base entityx class to init all of the managers
entityx::Entity ent = entityx.entities.create ();
core::ModelLoader loader;
core::Model test ("../../../../source/shaders/generic.vert", "../../../../source/shaders/generic.frag");
loader.loadModel ("Bob.md5mesh", &test);
test.init ();
test.setModelTransformation(glm::translate(test.modelTrans, glm::vec3(2.0, 2.0, 2.0)));
core::iqm iqmtest;
iqmtest.loadIQM("brewmaster.iqm", "../../../../source/shaders/iqmgeneric.vert", "../../../../source/shaders/iqmgeneric.frag");
Camera camera (win.getWindow (), core::width, core::height);
/* Loop until the user closes the window */
float LastTime = glfwGetTime ();
while (!glfwWindowShouldClose (win.getWindow ()))
float DeltaTime = glfwGetTime () - LastTime;
LastTime = glfwGetTime ();
/* Render here */
glClearColor (0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f);
test.render (DeltaTime, &camera, &win);
iqmtest.render(DeltaTime, &camera, &win);
/* Swap front and back buffers */
glfwSwapBuffers (win.getWindow ());
if (glfwGetKey (win.getWindow (), GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE) || glfwWindowShouldClose (win.getWindow ()))
glfwTerminate ();
return 0;
/* Poll for and process events */
glfwPollEvents ();
glfwTerminate ();
return 0;
#include "Model.hpp"
bool core::ModelLoader::loadModel(const char* fp, Model* m)
core::log("Loading " + (std::string)fp, core::green);
Assimp::Importer importer; // used to import the model
const aiScene* scene = importer.ReadFile(fp,
aiProcess_Triangulate |
aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes |
aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices |
//aiProcess_PreTransformVertices |
if (!scene)
core::log("Error importing " + (std::string)fp + ": " + importer.GetErrorString(), core::error);
return false;
// get the root fp
m->rootPath = (std::string)fp;
for (int x = m->rootPath.size() - 1; x >= 0; x--)
if (m->rootPath[x] == '/' || m->rootPath[x] == '\\')
m->rootPath = m->rootPath.substr(0, x + 1);
x = -1;
// some debug stuff, delete later
std::cout << "Number of total meshes: " << scene->mNumMeshes << std::endl;
std::cout << "Animations: " << scene->HasAnimations() << std::endl;
// set 64 bones to identity, 64 is current limit, might increase it later
processAnimations(scene, m);
// start processing the model
processNode(scene, scene->mRootNode, m);
// must be called after processNode
if (scene->HasAnimations())
m->animations[m->currentAnim].buildBoneTree(scene, scene->mRootNode, &m->animations[m->currentAnim].root, m);
m->modelTrans = glm::mat4(1.0f);
m->modelLoaded = true;
core::log((std::string)fp + " loaded successfully.", core::green);
return true;
void core::ModelLoader::processAnimations(const aiScene* scene, Model* m)
if (scene->HasAnimations())
for (int x = 0; x < scene->mNumAnimations; x++)
Model::Animation tempAnim; = scene->mAnimations[x]->;
tempAnim.duration = scene->mAnimations[x]->mDuration;
tempAnim.ticksPerSecond = scene->mAnimations[x]->mTicksPerSecond;
// = scene->mAnimations[x];
// load in required data for animation so that we don't have to save the entire scene
for (int y = 0; y < scene->mAnimations[x]->mNumChannels; y++)
Model::Animation::Channel tempChan; = scene->mAnimations[x]->mChannels[y]->;
for (int z = 0; z < scene->mAnimations[x]->mChannels[y]->mNumPositionKeys; z++)
for (int z = 0; z < scene->mAnimations[x]->mChannels[y]->mNumRotationKeys; z++)
for (int z = 0; z < scene->mAnimations[x]->mChannels[y]->mNumScalingKeys; z++)
m->currentAnim = 0;
for (int z = 0; z < MAX_BONES; z++)
m->animations[m->currentAnim] = "rootBoneTreeNode";
void core::Model::Animation::buildBoneTree(const aiScene* scene, aiNode* node, BoneNode* bNode, Model* m)
if (scene->HasAnimations())
// found the node
if (m->boneID.find(node-> != m->boneID.end())
std::cout << "Found a bone node: " << node-> << std::endl;
BoneNode tempNode; = node->;
tempNode.parent = bNode;
tempNode.nodeTransform = toMat4(&node->mTransformation);
// bones and their nodes always share the same name
tempNode.boneTransform = boneOffset[];
if (node->mNumChildren > 0)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < node->mNumChildren; x++)
// if the node we just found was a bone node then pass it in (current bone node child vector size - 1)
if (m->boneID.find(node-> != m->boneID.end())
buildBoneTree(scene, node->mChildren[x], &bNode->children[bNode->children.size() - 1], m);
buildBoneTree(scene, node->mChildren[x], bNode, m);
void core::ModelLoader::processNode(const aiScene* scene, aiNode* node, Model* m)
std::cout << "Processing a node: " << node->mName.C_Str() << std::endl; //debug
// this is where the fun part starts.
// cycle through each mesh within this node
if (node->mNumMeshes > 0)
// cycle through each mesh
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < node->mNumMeshes; x++)
processMesh(scene, node,
scene->mMeshes[node->mMeshes[x]], // scene contains all of the meshes, nodes simply have indices into the scene mesh array
if (m->boneID.find(node-> != m->boneID.end())
std::cout << node-> << " IS A BONE NODE!!!!";
// then go through each child in the node and process them as well
if (node->mNumChildren > 0)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < node->mNumChildren; x++)
processNode(scene, node->mChildren[x], m);
// add some error handling (not all models have uvs, etc)
void core::ModelLoader::processMesh(const aiScene* scene, aiNode* node, aiMesh* mesh, Model* m)
std::cout << "Processing a mesh: " << mesh->mName.C_Str() << std::endl; //debug
std::cout << "Has bones? " << mesh->mNumBones << std::endl;
Model::Mesh tempMesh;
std::fill(tempMesh.weights.begin(), tempMesh.weights.end(), glm::vec4(1.0f));
std::fill(tempMesh.boneID.begin(), tempMesh.boneID.end(), glm::vec4(-123.0f));
tempMesh.baseModelMatrix = toMat4(&node->mTransformation);
if (node->mParent != NULL)
tempMesh.baseModelMatrix = toMat4(&node->mParent->mTransformation) * toMat4(&node->mTransformation);
// cycle through each vertex in the mesh
for (unsigned x = 0; x < mesh->mNumVertices; x++)
// load the vertices
glm::vec3 tempV;
tempV.x = mesh->mVertices[x].x;
tempV.y = mesh->mVertices[x].y;
tempV.z = mesh->mVertices[x].z;
// load the uvs
glm::vec2 tempUV;
tempUV.x = mesh->mTextureCoords[0][x].x;
tempUV.y = mesh->mTextureCoords[0][x].y;
// load the normals (if they exist)
if (mesh->HasNormals())
glm::vec3 tempN;
tempN.x = mesh->mNormals[x].x;
tempN.y = mesh->mNormals[x].y;
tempN.z = mesh->mNormals[x].z;
// cycle through each face to get the indices
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < mesh->mNumFaces; x++)
// ALWAYS USE AIPROCESS_TRIANGULATE!!! not doing so will make all of the indices wrong!!!
if (scene->HasMaterials())
// so that we don't have to type out that whole thing every time
aiMaterial* mat = scene->mMaterials[mesh->mMaterialIndex];
std::cout << "Has diffuse texture: " << mat->GetTextureCount(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE) << std::endl;
if (mat->GetTextureCount(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE) > 0)
// don't know why you have to get the texture name like this
aiString path;
mat->GetTexture(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, 0, &path);
std::cout << path.C_Str() << std::endl;
std::string finalFP = m->rootPath + path.C_Str();
tempMesh.image = SOIL_load_image(finalFP.c_str(), &tempMesh.width, &tempMesh.height, 0, SOIL_LOAD_RGB);
if (tempMesh.image == NULL)
core::log (SOIL_last_result(), core::error);
if (mesh->HasBones())
for (int x = 0; x < mesh->mNumBones; x++)
// bone index, decides what bone we modify
unsigned int index = 0;
if (m->boneID.find(mesh->mBones[x]-> == m->boneID.end())
{ // create a new bone
// current index is the new bone
index = m->boneID.size();
index = m->boneID[mesh->mBones[x]->];
m->boneID[mesh->mBones[x]->] = index;
for (int y = 0; y < m->animations[m->currentAnim].channels.size(); y++)
if (m->animations[m->currentAnim].channels[y].name == mesh->mBones[x]->
m->animations[m->currentAnim].boneOffset[mesh->mBones[x]->] = toMat4(&mesh->mBones[x]->mOffsetMatrix);
for (int y = 0; y < mesh->mBones[x]->mNumWeights; y++)
unsigned int vertexID = mesh->mBones[x]->mWeights[y].mVertexId;
// first we check if the boneid vector has any filled in
// if it does then we need to fill the weight vector with the same value
if (tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].x == -123)
tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].x = index;
tempMesh.weights[vertexID].x = mesh->mBones[x]->mWeights[y].mWeight;
else if (tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].y == -123)
tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].y = index;
tempMesh.weights[vertexID].y = mesh->mBones[x]->mWeights[y].mWeight;
else if (tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].z == -123)
tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].z = index;
tempMesh.weights[vertexID].z = mesh->mBones[x]->mWeights[y].mWeight;
else if (tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].w == -123)
tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].w = index;
tempMesh.weights[vertexID].w = mesh->mBones[x]->mWeights[y].mWeight;
// there is a bug with interpolation
void core::Model::tick(double time)
double timeInTicks = time * animations[currentAnim].ticksPerSecond;
updateBoneTree(timeInTicks, &animations[currentAnim].root, glm::mat4(1.0f));
void core::Model::updateBoneTree(double timeInTicks, Model::Animation::BoneNode* node, glm::mat4 parentTransform)
int chanIndex = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < animations[currentAnim].channels.size(); x++)
if (node->name == animations[currentAnim].channels[x].name)
chanIndex = x;
double animTime = std::fmod(timeInTicks, animations[currentAnim].duration);
aiQuaternion aiRotation(animations[currentAnim].channels[chanIndex].mRotationKeys[0].mValue);
aiVector3D aiTranslation(animations[currentAnim].channels[chanIndex].mPositionKeys[0].mValue);
aiVector3D aiScale(animations[currentAnim].channels[chanIndex].mScalingKeys[0].mValue);
Assimp::Interpolator<aiQuaternion> slerp;
Assimp::Interpolator<aiVector3D> lerp;
// get the two animation keys it is between for lerp and slerp
int key1, key2;
if (std::round(animTime) < animTime)
key1 = std::round(animTime); key2 = key1 + 1;
key1 = std::round(animTime) - 1; key2 = std::round(animTime);
if (animations[currentAnim].channels[chanIndex].mPositionKeys.size() > 1)
lerp(aiTranslation, animations[currentAnim].channels[chanIndex].mPositionKeys[key1].mValue, animations[currentAnim].channels[chanIndex].mPositionKeys[key2].mValue, animTime - key1); // translation
if (animations[currentAnim].channels[chanIndex].mScalingKeys.size() > 1)
lerp(aiScale, animations[currentAnim].channels[chanIndex].mScalingKeys[key1].mValue, animations[currentAnim].channels[chanIndex].mScalingKeys[key2].mValue, animTime - key1); // scale
if (animations[currentAnim].channels[chanIndex].mRotationKeys.size() > 1)
slerp(aiRotation, animations[currentAnim].channels[chanIndex].mRotationKeys[key1].mValue, animations[currentAnim].channels[chanIndex].mRotationKeys[key2].mValue, animTime - key1); // rotation
glm::vec3 translation((GLfloat)aiTranslation.x, (GLfloat)aiTranslation.y, (GLfloat)aiTranslation.z);
glm::vec3 scaling((GLfloat)aiScale.x, (GLfloat)aiScale.y, (GLfloat)aiScale.z);
glm::quat rotation((GLfloat)aiRotation.w, (GLfloat)aiRotation.x, (GLfloat)aiRotation.y, (GLfloat)aiRotation.z);
glm::mat4 finalModel =
* glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), translation)
* glm::mat4_cast(rotation)
* glm::scale(glm::mat4(1.0f), scaling);
animations[currentAnim].boneTrans[boneID[node->name]] = finalModel * animations[currentAnim].boneOffset[node->name];
// loop through every child and use this bone's transformations as the parent transform
for (int x = 0; x < node->children.size(); x++)
updateBoneTree(timeInTicks, &node->children[x], finalModel);
core::Model::Model(const char* vfp, const char* ffp)
shader = core::loadShader(vfp, ffp);
modelLoaded = false;
void core::Model::setShader(const char* vfp, const char* ffp)
shader = core::loadShader(vfp, ffp);
// this is just a generic render function for quick and easy rendering
void core::Model::render(float dt, Camera* cam, core::Window* win)
if (!modelLoaded)
//core::log("Please load in a model before trying to render one.", core::warning);
for (int x = 0; x < meshes.size(); x++)
cam->Tick(win->getWindow(), dt);
glUniformMatrix4fv(meshes[x].modelID, 1, GL_FALSE, &meshes[x].baseModelMatrix[0][0]);
glUniformMatrix4fv(meshes[x].viewID, 1, GL_FALSE, &cam->GetView()[0][0]);
glUniformMatrix4fv(meshes[x].projectionID, 1, GL_FALSE, &cam->GetProjection()[0][0]);
glUniformMatrix4fv(meshes[x].transID, animations[currentAnim].boneTrans.size(), GL_FALSE, (GLfloat*)&animations[currentAnim].boneTrans[0][0]);
glUniformMatrix4fv(meshes[x].modelTransID, 1, GL_FALSE, (GLfloat*)&modelTrans[0][0]);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, meshes[x].vbo);
glVertexAttribPointer(meshes[x].posAttribute, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, meshes[x].uvb);
glVertexAttribPointer(meshes[x].texAttribute, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, meshes[x].tex);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, meshes[x].width, meshes[x].height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, meshes[x].image);
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(shader, "tex"), 0);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, meshes[x].indices.size(), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0);
// why even have this as an external function? just call it in loadModel
void core::Model::init()
if (!modelLoaded)
core::log("Please load in a model before initializing buffers.", core::warning);
// loop through each mesh and initialize them
for (int x = 0; x < meshes.size(); x++)
glGenVertexArrays(1, &meshes[x].vao);
glGenBuffers(1, &meshes[x].vbo);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, meshes[x].vbo);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(glm::vec3) * meshes[x].vertices.size(), &meshes[x].vertices[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
glGenBuffers(1, &meshes[x].ebo);
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, meshes[x].ebo);
glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(unsigned int) * meshes[x].indices.size(), &meshes[x].indices[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
glGenBuffers(1, &meshes[x].uvb);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, meshes[x].uvb);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(glm::vec2) * meshes[x].uvs.size(), &meshes[x].uvs[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
glGenBuffers(1, &meshes[x].wbo);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, meshes[x].wbo);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(glm::vec4) * meshes[x].weights.size(), &meshes[x].weights[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
glGenBuffers(1, &meshes[x].idbo);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, meshes[x].idbo);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(glm::vec4) * meshes[x].boneID.size(), &meshes[x].boneID[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
glGenTextures(1, &meshes[x].tex);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, meshes[x].tex);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, meshes[x].width, meshes[x].height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, meshes[x].image);
// tex data bound to uniform
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(shader, "tex"), 0);
// now send uv data
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, meshes[x].uvb);
meshes[x].texAttribute = glGetAttribLocation(shader, "Texcoord");
glVertexAttribPointer(meshes[x].texAttribute, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, meshes[x].vbo);
meshes[x].posAttribute = glGetAttribLocation(shader, "position");
glVertexAttribPointer(meshes[x].posAttribute, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, meshes[x].wbo);
meshes[x].weightAttribute = glGetAttribLocation(shader, "weight");
glVertexAttribPointer(meshes[x].weightAttribute, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, meshes[x].idbo);
meshes[x].boneAttribute = glGetAttribLocation(shader, "boneID");
glVertexAttribPointer(meshes[x].boneAttribute, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
meshes[x].modelID = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "model");
meshes[x].viewID = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "view");
meshes[x].projectionID = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "projection");
meshes[x].transID = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "boneTransformation");
meshes[x].modelTransID = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "modelTransform");
void core::Model::setModelTrans (glm::mat4 in)
modelTrans = in;
glm::mat4 core::toMat4(aiMatrix4x4* ai)
glm::mat4 mat;
mat[0][0] = ai->a1; mat[1][0] = ai->a2; mat[2][0] = ai->a3; mat[3][0] = ai->a4;
mat[0][1] = ai->b1; mat[1][1] = ai->b2; mat[2][1] = ai->b3; mat[3][1] = ai->b4;
mat[0][2] = ai->c1; mat[1][2] = ai->c2; mat[2][2] = ai->c3; mat[3][2] = ai->c4;
mat[0][3] = ai->d1; mat[1][3] = ai->d2; mat[2][3] = ai->d3; mat[3][3] = ai->d4;
return mat;
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include "GL/glew.h"
#include "GLFW/glfw3.h"
#include "../external/glm/glm.hpp"
#include "../external/glm/gtc/quaternion.hpp"
#include "assimp/Importer.hpp"
#include "assimp/scene.h"
#include "assimp/postprocess.h"
#include "SOIL/SOIL.h"
#include "Log.hpp"
#include "Core.hpp"
#include "Camera.hpp"
#include "Window.hpp"
#define MAX_BONES 64
namespace core
struct Model
struct Mesh
std::vector <glm::vec3> vertices;
std::vector <unsigned int> indices;
std::vector <glm::vec2> uvs;
std::vector <glm::vec3> normals;
std::vector <glm::vec4> weights;
std::vector <glm::vec4> boneID;
glm::mat4 baseModelMatrix;
GLuint vao, vbo, ebo, uvb, tex, wbo, idbo;
GLint posAttribute, texAttribute, weightAttribute, boneAttribute;
GLuint modelID, viewID, projectionID, transID, modelTransID;
int width, height;
unsigned char* image;
struct Animation
std::string name;
double duration;
double ticksPerSecond;
// all of the bone transformations, this is modified every frame
// assimp calls it a channel, its anims for a node aka bone
std::vector <glm::mat4> boneTrans;
std::map <std::string, glm::mat4> boneOffset;
struct Channel
std::string name;
glm::mat4 offset;
std::vector <aiVectorKey> mPositionKeys;
std::vector <aiQuatKey> mRotationKeys;
std::vector <aiVectorKey> mScalingKeys;
std::vector <Channel> channels;
struct BoneNode
std::string name;
BoneNode* parent;
std::vector <BoneNode> children;
glm::mat4 nodeTransform;
glm::mat4 boneTransform;
BoneNode root;
void buildBoneTree(const aiScene* scene, aiNode* node, BoneNode* bNode, Model* m);
//aiAnimation* data;
// all of the animations
std::vector<Animation> animations;
unsigned int currentAnim;
void setAniamtion(std::string name);
std::vector <std::string> animNames;
// map of bones
std::map <std::string, unsigned int> boneID;
// runs every frame
void tick(double time);
void updateBoneTree(double time, Animation::BoneNode* node, glm::mat4 transform);
glm::mat4 modelTrans;
//GLuint modelTransID; moved to mesh
void setModelTrans(glm::mat4);
std::string rootPath;
//todo: make init and render optional
std::vector <Mesh> meshes;
GLuint shader;
bool modelLoaded;
Model(const char* vertfp, const char* fragfp);
void setShader(const char* vertfp, const char* fragfp);
void init();
void render(float dt, Camera* cam, core::Window* win);
class ModelLoader
void processNode(const aiScene* scene, aiNode* node, Model* m);
void processMesh(const aiScene* scene, aiNode* node, aiMesh* mesh, Model* m);
void processAnimations(const aiScene* scene, Model* m);
// this will load all of the required data and dump it into the model struct
bool loadModel(const char* fp, Model* m);
glm::mat4 toMat4(aiMatrix4x4* ai);
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