This flow allow by pressing a key on IKEA remote to start and stop a color change by randomizing CIE color space value
SubFlow with status indication to check if a Domoticz Device (as IDX) has the same status as the one provided.
requires a msg.request object with the following keys:
msg.request.idx ==> the domoticz Device IDX
msg.request.value ==> could be ON or OFF
msg.request.type ==> Device type: 0 Group/Scenario; 1 Switch (On/Off); 4 Temperature; 5 Level % 0~100
THis flow will connect DOmoticz to the KNX bus. You can activate switches form virtual switch in domoticz to a Group Address in KNX you can activate a switch over the KNX bus and have DOmoticz reflect the state (upon event) you can use a KNX event to do somethin in domoticz
You need to configure as follow:
SET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS node should configured with the source address (one availble from you IPTunnel.. see instruction of your IP interface)
KNX_TO_DOMOTICZ node should be configured with the reference between the KNX group and the DOmoticz Switch ID (see example in the node)
This flow, by using NodeRed Skill for Alexa, is able to read temperature sensors from domoticz by asking: "Alexa, what is the temperature in ..."
You will need to enable NodeRed Skill and subribe the account (free), then create your device ad add the Domoticz IDX configuration to the flow
Create an Alexa Device for each Temp device you want to read.
Hope you will enjoy it!
This flow will use noBLE node to scan LE devices and activate a switch (or a variable) in Domoticz server using MQTT topic domoticz/in
There is a context array containing the tag devices Mac Addr and configuration. For each tag you can choose:
- Activate a switch
- Change a variable value (HOME/AWAY)
- Put in a variable the RSSI value (rssi/AWAY)