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Created July 6, 2013 21:15
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Save emmettbutler/5941327 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Zoom Camera implementation - fixes the FlxCamera issue where zooming a follow camera doesn't zoom directly onto the follow target. Same as , except this zooms to the exact center of the target, rather than the top left.
* You will need to change the package name to fit your game
import org.flixel.FlxCamera;
import org.flixel.FlxG;
* ZoomCamera: A FlxCamera that centers its zoom on the target that it follows
* Flixel version: 2.5+
* @link
* @author greglieberman
* @email
public class ZoomCamera extends FlxCamera
* Tell the camera to LERP here eventually
public var targetZoom:Number;
* This number is pretty arbitrary, make sure it's greater than zero!
protected var zoomSpeed:Number = 25;
* Determines how far to "look ahead" when the target is near the edge of the camera's bounds
* 0 = no effect, 1 = huge effect
protected var zoomMargin:Number = 0.25;
public function ZoomCamera(X:int, Y:int, Width:int, Height:int, Zoom:Number=0)
super(X, Y, Width, Height, Zoom);
targetZoom = 1;
public override function update():void
// update camera zoom
zoom += (targetZoom - zoom) / 2 * (FlxG.elapsed) * zoomSpeed;
// if we are zooming in, align the camera (x, y)
if(target && _zoom != 1)
x = 0;
y = 0;
* Align the camera x and y to center on the target
* that it's following when zoomed in
* This took many guesses!
private function alignCamera():void
// target position in screen space
var targetScreenX:Number = target.x + target.width/2 - scroll.x;
var targetScreenY:Number = target.y + target.height/2- scroll.y;
// center on the target, until the camera bumps up to its bounds
// then gradually favor the edge of the screen based on zoomMargin
var ratioMinX:Number = (targetScreenX / (width/2) ) - 1 - zoomMargin;
var ratioMinY:Number = (targetScreenY / (height/2)) - 1 - zoomMargin;
var ratioMaxX:Number = ((-width + targetScreenX) / (width/2) ) + 1 + zoomMargin;
var ratioMaxY:Number = ((-height + targetScreenY) / (height/2)) + 1 + zoomMargin;
// offsets are numbers between [-1, 1]
var offsetX:Number = clamp(ratioMinX, -1, 0) + clamp(ratioMaxX, 0, 1);
var offsetY:Number = clamp(ratioMinY, -1, 0) + clamp(ratioMaxY, 0, 1);
// offset the screen in any direction, based on zoom level
// Example: a zoom of 2 offsets it half the screen at most
x = -(width / 2) * (offsetX) * (_zoom - 1);
y = -(height / 2) * (offsetY) * (_zoom - 1);
* Given a value passed in, returns a Number between min and max (inclusive)
* @param value the Number you want to evaluate
* @param min the minimum number that should be returned
* @param max the maximum number that should be returned
* @return value clamped between min and max
private function clamp(value:Number, min:Number, max:Number) : Number
if(value < min) return min;
if(value > max) return max;
return value;
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