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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Example solution to introductory python exercise
""" - parse and format web URLs.
>>> "".split("://")
["http", "google"]
>>> "".split("/")
["", "hangout", "", "am"]
>>> ["".split("/", 1)
['', 'hangout/']
This is basically all you need to implement the parser.
For formatting / rejoining:
>>> "{host}/{path}".format(host="", path="plus")
You can do the whole thing without a single import!
class URLParseError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message
def __str__(self):
return "URL parse error: {}".format(self.message)
def url_parse(*args):
"""Takes a string URL and returns a dictionary of its various parts."""
ret = {"scheme": None, "host": None, "path": None, "port": None, "fragment": None, "query": None, "userinfo": None}
if len(args) == 0:
return ret
url = args[0]
if "://" not in url:
raise URLParseError("Missing scheme")
scheme_rest = url.split("://")
# scheme, *rest = url.split("://") # py3 only
ret["scheme"], rest = scheme_rest[0].lower(), scheme_rest[1]
ret["port"] = 80 if ret["scheme"] == "http" else 443 if ret["scheme"] == "https" else None
if "/" not in rest:
raise URLParseError("Missing authority")
authority_rest = rest.split("/", 1)
authority, path_query_fragment = authority_rest[0], "/" + authority_rest[1]
userinfo = authority.split("@")[0] if "@" in authority else None
# avoid "if @ in authority" by using replace
host_port = authority.replace("{}@".format(userinfo), "")
port = host_port.split(":")[1] if ":" in host_port else None
if port is not None:
if not port.isdigit():
raise URLParseError("Invalid port: {}".format(port))
ret["port"] = int(port)
ret["query"] = path_query_fragment.split("?")[1].split("#")[0] if "?" in path_query_fragment else None
ret["fragment"] = path_query_fragment.split("#")[1] if "#" in path_query_fragment else None
ret["host"] = host_port.split(":")[0]
ret["userinfo"] = userinfo
ret["path"] = path_query_fragment.split("?")[0].split("#")[0]
return ret
def url_join(*args):
"""Takes a dictionary of URL parts and returns a valid URL."""
in_dict = args[0] if len(args) >= 1 else None
if not in_dict:
return ""
scheme = in_dict["scheme"]
userinfo = port = query = fragment = ""
_userinfo = in_dict.get("userinfo", None)
userinfo = "{}@".format(_userinfo) if _userinfo else ""
_query = in_dict.get("query", None)
query = "?{}".format(_query) if _query else ""
_fragment = in_dict.get("fragment", "")
fragment = "#{}".format(_fragment) if _fragment else ""
_port = in_dict.get("port", "")
if _port:
if (scheme == "https" and _port != 443) or (scheme == "http" and _port != 80):
port = ":{}".format(_port)
return "{scheme}://{userinfo}{host}{port}{path}{query}{fragment}".format(
scheme=scheme, userinfo=userinfo,
host=in_dict["host"], port=port, path=in_dict["path"],
query=query, fragment=fragment
def test_basic_url():
url = ""
parsed_url = url_parse(url)
assert parsed_url["scheme"] == "http"
assert parsed_url["host"] == ""
assert parsed_url["path"] == "/in/andrewmontalenti"
assert parsed_url["port"] == 80
assert parsed_url["fragment"] is None
assert parsed_url["query"] is None
def test_advanced_url():
url = ""
parsed_url = url_parse(url)
assert parsed_url["fragment"] == "more-123"
assert parsed_url["query"] == "id=13836198&trk=ppro_viewmore"
assert parsed_url["userinfo"] == "cogtree"
assert parsed_url["port"] == 1234
def test_joining_url():
url_parts = {
"scheme": "http",
"host": "",
"path": "/profile/view",
"fragment": "more-123",
"query": "id=13836198&trk=ppro_viewmore",
"port": 80
url = ""
assert url_join(url_parts) == url
url_parts["port"] = 8080
url = ""
assert url_join(url_parts) == url
url_parts["scheme"] = "https"
url_parts["port"] = 443
url = ""
assert url_join(url_parts) == url
url = ""
assert url_join(url_parse(url)) == url
url = ""
assert url_join(url_parse(url)) == url
url = "ftp//"
assert url_join(url_parse(url)) == url
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
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