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Created March 1, 2019 16:56
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Android (Huawei P10 Lite) File Copier
$o = New-Object -com Shell.Application
$folder = $o.NameSpace(0x11)
# ShellSpecialFolderConstants.ssfDRIVES == 0x11
$items = $folder.Items()
for ($i= 0; $i -lt $items.Count; $i++) {
write-output ([string]$i + ": " + $items.Item($i).Name)
#$choice = Read-Host "Make your choice"
$choice = 7
$android = $items.Item([int]$choice)
$root = $android.GetFolder()
# FolderItem versus FolderItems
#$maxdepth = Read-Host "Max depth"
$maxdepth = 100
Function Write-Items($item, $depth, $maxdepth) {
#if ($depth -ge $maxdepth) {
# return;
if ($item.Title -eq "cache") {
if ($item.Title -eq "logs") {
$indent = ""
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $depth; $i++) {
$indent += " ";
#write-output ($indent + "Name: " + $
if ($item.Title) {
$hash = @{
Name = $item.Title
Size = $null #$item.ParentFolder.GetDetailsOf($item, 2)
Modified = $null #$item.ParentFolder.GetDetailsOf($item, 3)
Parent = $item.ParentFolder.Title
Level = $depth
$Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
#write-output $object
#Write-Output $item
} else {
$hash = @{
Name = $item.Name
Size = $item.Parent.GetDetailsOf($item, 2)
Modified = $item.Parent.GetDetailsOf($item, 3)
Parent = $item.Parent.Title
Level = $depth
$Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
#Write-Output $object
#Write-Output $item
$parent = $item.Parent
$path = ""
while ($parent) {
#Write-Output $parent.Title
#Write-Output $path
$path = Join-Path $parent.Title $path
$parent = $parent.Parent
$path = Join-Path "E:\testnat\output" $path
if (!(Test-Path $path)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory $path
#Write-Output "Creating $path"
} else {
#Write-Output "Skipping $path"
$fullpath = Join-Path $path $item.Name
write-output $fullpath #"Copying " $item.Name " to " $path
if (!(Test-Path $fullpath)) {
$CopyFlags = 16
$destination = $path
$objShell = New-Object -ComObject 'Shell.Application'
$objFolder = $objShell.NameSpace((gi $destination).FullName)
if ($item.Count -gt 0) {
# $item is a folder with its own items
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $item.Count) {
$item2 = $item.item($i)
Write-Items $item2 $depth+1 $maxdepth
else {
if ($item.Items) {
$items = $item.Items()
if ($items.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($i in $items) {
if ($i.IsFolder) {
$folder = $i.GetFolder()
Write-Items $folder ($depth+1) $maxdepth
else {
Write-Items $i ($depth+1) $maxdepth
else {
# .Count == 0 and no Items present
# we don't need to do anything further here
#Write-Items $root 0 $maxdepth | Out-GridView
Write-Items $root 0 1000
#Copy-ItemUsingExplorer $item.Path "e:\testnat\test.mp3" 0
#Copy-ShellItem $item -Destination E:\testnat\
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