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Created June 4, 2015 13:22
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require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../../configs/Constant.php';
require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../../libs/common_function.php';
require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../../bean/pagination.php';
require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../../bean/descTransfer.php';
require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../../bean/SmartyFactory.php';
require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../../libs/ExcelClass/PHPExcel.php';
header ( "Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8" );
// const INVENTORY_ROOT = "";
const IMAGES_ROOT = "";
const INVENTORY_ROOT = "";
$smarty = SmartyFactory::getSmarty ();
$wsdl = INVENTORY_ROOT . "/SkuComponent?wsdl";
$inventorySkuComponent = new SoapClient ( $wsdl );
$wsdl = INVENTORY_ROOT . "/SkuSupplierCategoryComponent?wsdl";
$skuSupplierComponent = new SoapClient ( $wsdl );
$wsdl = PRODUCTCENTER_ROOT . "/TemplatesComponent?wsdls";
$templateComponent = new SoapClient ( $wsdl );
$wsdl = INVENTORY_ROOT . "/SkuAttributeComponent?wsdl";
$skuAttributeComponent = new SoapClient ( $wsdl );
ini_set ( 'memory_limit', '256M' );
$conn = getDBConnection ();
// display remarks
$channels = array (
"german" => "german",
"japanese" => "japanese"
$remarks = array ();
$realRemarks = array ();
foreach ( $channels as $key => $channel ) {
$sql = "select distinct(remark) from temp.desc_transfer where channel = '{$channel}' order by left(remark, 10) desc";
$result = mysql_query ( $sql, $conn );
while ( ! ! $row = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $result ) ) {
$remark = trim ( $row ['remark'] );
$sql = "select count(1) as num from temp.desc_transfer where remark = '$remark' and channel='{$channel}'";
$countRes = mysql_query ( $sql, $conn );
$num = "";
while ( ! ! $countRow = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $countRes ) ) {
$num = $countRow ['num'];
$realRemarks [$key] [] = $remark;
$remarks [$key] [] = $remark . " ($num)";
// display field
$sql = "show columns from temp.desc_transfer";
$res = mysql_query ( $sql );
$dbField = array ();
while ( $content = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $res ) ) {
$dbField [] = $content ['Field'];
$normalOrder = array (
"inventory cate", //
"Pack Size(L*W*H)",
"Package Shipment Weight",
"Product Net Weight",
"Provisional Stock Level", // ?
"picUrl c",
"picUrl g",
"picUrl g01",
"picUrl g02",
"picUrl g03",
if (isset ( $_POST ) && ! empty ( $_POST )) {
$fileDir = dirname ( __FILE__ ) . "/../../download_files/";
$jpRemarks = isset ( $_POST ['jpRemark'] ) ? $_POST ['jpRemark'] : '';
$deRemarks = isset ( $_POST ['deRemark'] ) ? $_POST ['deRemark'] : '';
if (count($jpRemarks) > 1 || count($deRemarks)){
die ("too much!!");
$fields = isset ( $_POST ['field'] ) ? trim ( $_POST ['field'] ) : '';
$fieldArr = explode ( '&', $fields );
$queryField = array ();
foreach ( $fieldArr as $field ) {
$temArr = explode ( '=', $field );
$realField = isset ( $temArr [1] ) ? $temArr [1] : '';
if (strpos ( $realField, '+' ) !== false) {
$realField = str_replace ( '+', ' ', $realField );
$queryField [] = addslashes ( $realField );
} else {
$queryField [] = addslashes ( $realField );
$queryRemark = array();
if (! empty ( $jpRemarks )) {
$queryRemark = $jpRemarks;
$channel = 'japanese';
}elseif (! empty ( $deRemarks )){
$queryRemark = $deRemarks;
$channel = 'german';
foreach ( $queryRemark as $remark ) {
$remark = addslashes ( $remark );
$totalQueryFiled = array_intersect ( $normalOrder, $queryField );
$colunmnNameArray = $totalQueryFiled;
$queryDbFiled = array_intersect ( $totalQueryFiled, $dbField );
if (! empty ( $queryDbFiled )) {
$fieldStr = implode ( ",", $queryDbFiled );
$records = getDataFromDatabase ( $fieldStr, $channel, $remark, $conn );
$skuIdArr = array ();
foreach ( $records as $skuId => $content ) {
$skuIdArr [] = $skuId;
$records [$skuId] ['Pack Size(L*W*H)'] = getSizeBySku ( $skuId, $skuAttributeComponent );
$records [$skuId] ['picUrl c'] = getURLBySkuIdAndPicType ( $skuId, 'c' );
$records [$skuId] ['picUrl g'] = getURLBySkuIdAndPicType ( $skuId, 'g' );
$records [$skuId] ['picUrl g01'] = getURLBySkuIdAndPicType ( $skuId, 'g01' );
$records [$skuId] ['picUrl g02'] = getURLBySkuIdAndPicType ( $skuId, 'g02' );
$records [$skuId] ['picUrl g03'] = getURLBySkuIdAndPicType ( $skuId, 'g03' );
$skuIdArrs = array_chunk ( $skuIdArr, 5 );
foreach ( $skuIdArrs as $skuIds ) {
$returnArr [] = getDataFromInventory ( $skuIds, $inventorySkuComponent, $skuSupplierComponent, $templateComponent );
foreach ( $returnArr as $key => $skuIdInfo ) {
foreach ( $skuIdInfo as $sku => $infos ) {
$records [$sku] = array_merge ( $records [$sku], $infos );
createXls ( $colunmnNameArray, $remark, $records );
// get Pack Size(L*W*H)
function getSizeBySku($skuId, $skuAttributeComponent) {
$skuIdListJsonEncode = json_encode ( array (
) );
$attrNameListJsonEncode = json_encode ( array (
"Pack Size(L*W*H)"
) );
try {
$callresponse = $skuAttributeComponent->getSkuAttributeBySkuIdAndAttributeName ( array (
"skuIdListJsonEncode" => $skuIdListJsonEncode,
"attributeNameListJsonEncode" => $attrNameListJsonEncode
) );
$skuAttributeResponse = $callresponse->skuAttributeResponse;
if ($skuAttributeResponse->responseMessage->messageType == "success" && $skuAttributeResponse->pagination->totalNumberOfCurrentPage > 0) {
$skuAttributes = $skuAttributeResponse->skuAttributes;
if ($skuAttributes->attributeName == "Pack Size(L*W*H)") {
return $skuAttributes->attributeValue;
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo "getSkuBaseBySkuIdList exception: " . $e->getMessage () . "\r\n";
// 根据skuId 和 picType 找出图片URL
function getURLBySkuIdAndPicType($skuId, $picType, $urlPath = "") {
if ($urlPath == "")
$urlPath = IMAGES_ROOT;
// match year, month, day
$matchCount = preg_match ( "/^[a-z]{1,2}[0-9]{6}/", $skuId, $matchArray );
if ($matchCount == 0) {
$urlPath .= '/other';
} else {
$matchStr = $matchArray [0];
$urlPath .= '/20' . substr ( $matchStr, - 6 );
// match pic type
if (in_array ( $picType, array (
) ) == true) {
$urlPath .= '/' . $picType;
} else if (substr ( $picType, 0, 1 ) == 'c') {
$urlPath .= '/c';
} else if (substr ( $picType, 0, 1 ) == 'g') {
$urlPath .= '/g';
} else {
$urlPath .= '/other';
$urlPath .= '/ux_' . $skuId . '_ux_' . $picType . '.jpg';
return $urlPath;
// get data from inventory
function getDataFromInventory($skuIdArr, $inventorySkuComponent, $skuSupplierComponent, $templateComponent) {
$returnArr = array ();
$skuIdListJsonEncode = json_encode ( $skuIdArr );
try {
$callresponse = $inventorySkuComponent->getSkuBaseBySkuIdList ( array (
"skuIdListJsonEncode" => $skuIdListJsonEncode
) );
$skuBaseResponse = $callresponse->skuBaseResponse;
if ($skuBaseResponse->responseMessage->messageType == "success" && $skuBaseResponse->pagination->totalNumberOfCurrentPage > 0) {
$bases = $skuBaseResponse->skuBases;
if (is_array ( $bases )) {
foreach ( $bases as $base ) {
$returnArr [$base->skuId] [] = array (
"Provisional Stock Level" => $base->provisionalStockLevel,
"Product Net Weight" => $base->netWeight,
"Package Shipment Weight" => $base->packageWeight + $base->netWeight
} else {
$returnArr [$bases->skuId] [] = array (
"Provisional Stock Level" => $bases->provisionalStockLevel,
"Product Net Weight" => $bases->netWeight,
"Package Shipment Weight" => $bases->packageWeight + $bases->netWeight
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo "getSkuBaseBySkuIdList exception: " . $e->getMessage () . "\r\n";
try {
$callresponse = $skuSupplierComponent->getSkuCategoryIdFullPathBySkuIdList ( array (
"skuIdListJsonEncode" => $skuIdListJsonEncode
) );
$skuSupplierCategoryFullPathResponse = $callresponse->skuSupplierCategoryFullPathResponse;
if ($skuSupplierCategoryFullPathResponse->responseMessage->messageType == "success" && $skuSupplierCategoryFullPathResponse->pagination->totalNumberOfCurrentPage > 0) {
$skuSupplierCategoryFullPaths = $skuSupplierCategoryFullPathResponse->skuSupplierCategoryFullPaths;
if (is_array ( $skuSupplierCategoryFullPaths )) {
foreach ( $skuSupplierCategoryFullPaths as $skuSupplierCategoryFullPath ) {
$returnArr [$skuSupplierCategoryFullPath->skuId] [] = array (
"inventory cate" => $skuSupplierCategoryFullPath->categoryFullPath
} else {
$returnArr [$skuSupplierCategoryFullPaths->skuId] [] = array (
"inventory cate" => $skuSupplierCategoryFullPaths->categoryFullPath
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo "getSkuCategoryIdFullPathBySkuIdList exception: " . $e->getMessage () . "\r\n";
try {
$callresponse = $templateComponent->getTemplatesBySkuList ( array (
"skuIdListJsonEncode" => $skuIdListJsonEncode
) );
$templatesResponses = $callresponse->templatesResponse;
if ($templatesResponses->responseMessage->messageType == "success" && $templatesResponses->pagination->totalNumberOfCurrentPage > 0) {
$templates = $templatesResponses->templates;
if (is_array ( $templates )) {
foreach ( $templates as $template ) {
if ($template->productIdType == "UPC") {
$returnArr [$template->skuId] [] = array (
"UPC" => $template->standardProductId
} else {
$returnArr [$template->skuId] [] = array (
"UPC" => ""
} else {
if ($templates->productIdType == "UPC") {
$returnArr [$templates->skuId] [] = array (
"UPC" => $templates->standardProductId
} else {
$returnArr [$templates->skuId] [] = array (
"UPC" => ""
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo "" . $e->getMessage () . "\r\n";
foreach ( $returnArr as $skuId => $SubArray ) {
$temArr [$skuId] = call_user_func_array ( "array_merge", $returnArr [$skuId] );
return $temArr;
// get data from database
function getDataFromDatabase($fieldStr, $channel, $remark, $conn) {
$sql = "select count(*) as num from temp.desc_transfer where remark = '{$remark}' and channel= '{$channel}'";
echo $sql;
$res = mysql_query ( $sql, $conn );
if (! $res) {
return $returnMessage = mysql_error ( $conn );
exit ();
$totalRecord = "";
$countRow = "";
while ( $countRow = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $res ) ) {
$totalRecord = $countRow ['num'];
$records = array ();
for($i = 0; $i < ceil ( $totalRecord / 10 ); $i ++) {
$start = $i * 10;
$offset = 10;
$sql = "select $fieldStr from temp.desc_transfer where remark = '{$remark}' ";
$sql .= "and channel = '{$channel}' limit $start, $offset";
echo $sql . "\r\n";
$res = mysql_query ( $sql, $conn );
if (! mysql_num_rows ( $res )) {
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $res ) ) {
$fieldArr = explode ( ',', $fieldStr );
$tempArr = array ();
foreach ( $fieldArr as $field ) {
$tempArr [$field] = stripHtml ( isset ( $row [$field] ) ? $row [$field] : '' );
$skuIdArr [] = $row ['skuId'];
$records [$row ['skuId']] = $tempArr;
return $records;
function stripHtml($str) {
$str = htmlspecialchars_decode ( $str );
$str = stripslashes ( $str );
$str = strip_tags ( $str );
return $str;
* create excel
* @param unknown $colunmnNameArray
* @param
* file name & sheet title $remark
* @param unknown $content
function createXls($colunmnNameArray, $remark, $records) {
$remark = preg_replace ( '/[\s,\\,\:,\/,\*,\?,",<,>,\|,\-,\.,(,)]+/', '_', $remark );
$xls = new PHPExcel ();
$write = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5 ( $xls );
// write into xls
$xls->setActiveSheetIndex ( 0 );
$colunmnArray = array ();
$sheetObj = $xls->getActiveSheet ();
$sheetObj->setTitle ( substr ( $remark, 0, 31 ) );
foreach ( $colunmnNameArray as $key => $colunmnName ) {
$key = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex ( $key );
if (! in_array ( $colunmnName, $colunmnArray )) {
$colunmnArray [$key] = $colunmnName;
$sheetObj->setCellValue ( $key . '1', $colunmnName );
$i = 1; // row
foreach ( $records as $skuId => $record ) {
$i ++;
foreach ( $colunmnArray as $titleKey => $colunmnName ) { // colunmn
$value = $record [$colunmnName];
$sheetObj->setCellValue ( $titleKey . $i, $value );
$fileDir = dirname ( __FILE__ ) . "/../../download_files/";
if (! is_dir ( $fileDir )) {
mkdir ( $fileDir );
$excelName = $fileDir . $remark . "_transfer.xls";
if (file_exists ( $excelName )) {
unlink ( $excelName );
$write->save ( $excelName );
function cleanUpDirectory($path) {
if (substr($path, -1, 1) != "/") {
$path .= "/";
$normal_files = glob($path . "*");
$hidden_files = glob($path . "\.?*");
$all_files = array_merge($normal_files, $hidden_files);
foreach ($all_files as $file) {
if (preg_match("/(\.|\.\.)$/", $file)){
if (is_file($file) === TRUE) {
elseif (is_dir($file) === TRUE) {
$germanRemark = array_combine ( $realRemarks ['german'], $remarks ['german'] );
$smarty->assign ( "german", $germanRemark );
$japanRemark = array_combine ( $realRemarks ['japanese'], $remarks ['japanese'] );
$smarty->assign ( "japan", $japanRemark );
$smarty->assign ( "fieldArr", $normalOrder );
$smarty->display ( "export_transfer_by_remark.tpl" );
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