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Last active July 28, 2023 19:37
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Coordinated Store
// Dict+ID.swift
// Created by Emory Dunn on 7/25/23.
import Foundation
import Collections
extension OrderedDictionary {
/// Creates a new dictionary from the identifiable values in the given sequence.
/// You use this initializer to create a dictionary when you have a sequence
/// of identifiable values. Passing a sequence with duplicate
/// keys to this initializer results in a runtime error.
/// The ID of the values will be used as the key in the resulting dictionary.
/// - Parameter identifiedArray: A sequence of value.
/// - Returns: A new dictionary initialized with the elements of
/// `identifiedArray`.
/// - Precondition: The sequence must not have duplicate keys.
/// - Complexity: Expected O(*n*) on average, where *n* is the count if
/// key-value pairs, if `Key` implements high-quality hashing.
public init<S: Sequence>(identifiedArray: S) where S.Element: Identifiable, S.Element.ID: Hashable {
// Add tuple labels
let keysAndValues = { ($ as! Key, $0 as! Value) }
self.init(uniqueKeysWithValues: keysAndValues)
// StorageCoordinator.swift
// Created by Emory Dunn on 7/25/23.
import Foundation
import OSLog
fileprivate var log = Logger(subsystem: "FSIDB", category: "StorageCoordinator")
/// An object that coordinates reading and writing a presented file.
/// The `StorageCoordinator` has methods for asynchronously reading from and writing to a file
/// in a coordinated manor.
final class StorageCoordinator: NSObject, NSFilePresenter {
/// The URL of the presented file or directory.
let presentedItemURL: URL?
/// he operation queue in which to execute presenter-related messages.
let presentedItemOperationQueue: OperationQueue
/// The coordinator used for file access.
var coordinator: NSFileCoordinator!
/// The last time the file was read.
private(set) var lastReadDate: Date = Date.distantPast
/// The last time the file was written to.
private(set) var lastWriteDate: Date = Date.distantFuture
/// A callback to pass `presentedItemDidChange()` to an observer.
var itemDidChange: (() async throws -> Void)?
init(url presentedItemURL: URL?, queue presentedItemOperationQueue: OperationQueue = .main) {
// Store properties
self.presentedItemURL = presentedItemURL
self.presentedItemOperationQueue = presentedItemOperationQueue
// Super
// Register the presenter
self.coordinator = NSFileCoordinator(filePresenter: self)
// func savePresentedItemChanges() async throws {
// print("Asked to save changes")
// try writeFile()
// }
/// Tells your object that the presented item’s contents or attributes changed.
/// This method checks if the file needs reading and calls `itemDidChange()` if it does.
func presentedItemDidChange() {
// If the file needs reading call the handler
if fileNeedsReading() {
Task {
log.debug("Calling itemDidChange callback")
try await itemDidChange?()
/// Determine if the file needs to be read based on the modification date.
/// - Returns: A Boolean indicating whether the file needs to be read
func fileNeedsReading() -> Bool {
guard let lastModDate = lastModifiedDate() else {
return false
return lastModDate > lastReadDate
/// Read the content modification date of the presented URL.
/// - Returns: The Date the content was modified, or nil if it couldn't be read.
func lastModifiedDate() -> Date? {
guard let presentedItemURL else { return nil }
let values = try? presentedItemURL.resourceValues(forKeys: [.contentModificationDateKey])
return values?.contentModificationDate
/// Read data from the presented URL.
/// This method coordinates to asynchronously reads the contents of the file.
/// - Returns: The contents of the fie.
func readData() async throws -> Data {
// We need a file to read from
guard let presentedItemURL else { throw StorageError.noURL }
return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
var error: NSError? // A read error
// Coordinate reading from the file
coordinator.coordinate(readingItemAt: presentedItemURL, error: &error) { url in
// Do a sanity check on whether the file exists
// Technically we should just attempt the read
// and catch the error, but that's tricky
guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path) else {
continuation.resume(throwing: StorageError.fileMissing)
do {
// Attempt to read the contents
let data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
self.lastReadDate = Date()
continuation.resume(returning: data)
} catch {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
// Pass the error along
if let error {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
/// Write data to the presented URL.
/// This method coordinates to asynchronously write the contents of the file.
func writeData(_ data: Data) async throws {
// We need a file to write to
guard let presentedItemURL else { throw StorageError.noURL }
try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
var error: NSError? // A write error
// Coordinate writing to the file
coordinator.coordinate(writingItemAt: presentedItemURL, error: &error) { url in
do {
// Attempt to write the data
try data.write(to: url, options: [.atomic])
} catch {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
// Pass the error along
if let error {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
extension StorageCoordinator {
public enum StorageError: Error {
case noURL
case fileMissing
// Store.swift
// Created by Emory Dunn on 7/25/23.
import Foundation
import Collections
import SwiftUI
import OSLog
fileprivate var log = Logger(subsystem: "FSIDB", category: "Store")
struct Storage {
static var encoder: JSONEncoder = {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = [
return encoder
static var decoder: JSONDecoder = JSONDecoder()
public final class Store<Item>: ObservableObject where Item: Codable & Identifiable {
public typealias Items = OrderedDictionary<Item.ID, Item>
@MainActor @Published
public private(set) var items: Items = [:]
let coordinator: StorageCoordinator
public init(url: URL) {
self.coordinator = StorageCoordinator(url: url)
self.coordinator.itemDidChange = readData
Task {
try await self.readData()
public init(withoutReadingURL url: URL) {
self.coordinator = StorageCoordinator(url: url)
self.coordinator.itemDidChange = readData
// MARK: Persistence
/// Read the file and update the stored value
public func readData() async throws {
do {
// Read the data and decode
let data = try await coordinator.readData()
let array = try Storage.decoder.decode(Array<Item>.self, from: data)
await {
self.items = OrderedDictionary(identifiedArray: array)
log.log("Read \(self.items.count) \(type(of: Item.self)) from disk")
} catch StorageCoordinator.StorageError.fileMissing {
// If the file is missing we'll create it during the next write"Missing file, will create from current data")
} catch {
// Otherwise it's Error Time!
throw error
/// Write the current state to disk.
public func writeData(_ updatedItems: Items, persist: Bool = true) async throws {
if persist { // Here to show the issue still happens even without writing
let data = try Storage.encoder.encode(updatedItems.values.elements)
try await coordinator.writeData(data)
await {
self.items = updatedItems
// MARK: - Item Management
/// Insert a new item or replace an item with the same ID.
/// - Parameter item: The item to insert into to the store.
public func insert(_ item: Item) async throws {
var currentItems = await self.items
currentItems[] = item
try await writeData(currentItems)
@MainActor func bindingUpdate(_ item: Item) {
self.items[] = item
Task {
let data = try Storage.encoder.encode(self.items.values.elements)
try await coordinator.writeData(data)
/// Insert new items from a sequence.
/// - Parameter newItems: The new items to insert into the store.
public func insert(_ newItems: [Item]) async throws {
var currentItems = await self.items
for item in newItems {
currentItems[] = item
try await writeData(currentItems)
await { [currentItems] in
self.items = currentItems
func replace(with newItems: [Item]) async throws {
let updated: Items = OrderedDictionary(identifiedArray: newItems)
try await writeData(updated)
/// Remove an item from the store.
/// - Parameter item: The item to remove from the store.
public func remove(_ item: Item) async throws {
var currentItems = await self.items
currentItems[] = nil
try await writeData(currentItems)
public func remove(_ items: [Item]) async throws {
var currentItems = await self.items
for item in items {
currentItems[] = nil
try await writeData(currentItems)
public func removeAll() async throws {
let currentItems: Items = [:]
try await writeData(currentItems)
public func binding(for item: Item) -> Binding<Item> {
Binding {
} set: { item in
public func binding(for id: Item.ID) -> Binding<Item> {
Binding {
} set: { newValue in
// Stored.swift
// Created by Emory Dunn on 7/24/23.
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import Collections
public struct Stored<Item: Codable & Identifiable>: DynamicProperty {
public var store: Store<Item>
public init(in store: Store<Item>) { = store
public var wrappedValue: [Item] {
public var projectedValue: Store<Item> {
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