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Last active April 28, 2023 19:56
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mpj's tech flavour

mpj's tech flavour

Contact me on Codementor Made in Indonesia

In this document I want to share a little bit about my tech of choices and tell you about why I'm choosing those technologies.

Version Control

  • I think at the time the document was written Git was the most popular source code version control out there, I love the simplicity of the program and how it works well with my workflow.
  • You can download Git here
Public Git Hosting: GitHub
  • In public project I prefer GitHub, since it more widely used than GitLab, it also has better UI for viewing code in the browser, at least for my taste. And it can show collapsible markdown better than it's competitor (see how I'm able to have collapsible details in here?).
  • Since 2022, I a change my mind a little bit. Since the proliferation of GitHub actions I'm started to consider using GitHub for both Private and Public hosting which also influenced by generous pricing for private repo from Microsoft's GitHub.
  • You can access GitHub here
Private Git Hosting: GitLab
  • In private project I prefer GitLab, it gives us free remote repository space and good CI pipeline, so I don't need to add Travis CI as in GitHub case.
  • Update: Now that GitHub has GitHub actions I'm still assessing if Github can be my fulltime home for both private and public hosting.
  • You can access GitLab here

Personal Cloud File Storage

Primary: Dropbox
  • I love Dropbox because of it's simplicity and it sync bulk but sparse files better than other competitor, and it also works well with other software especially that comes from Google Suites
  • You can access Dropbox here
  • Dropbox is important for me because althought I have iCluod, having Dropbox supports my multi-platform workflow.
  • Get free 500MB from Dropbox by registering using my referral link.
Convenient: iCloud
  • It's obvious this is for me to work Apple Universe without losing my data.

Note Taking App

Dropbox Paper
  • Update no longer use Dropbox Paper
  • I probably bias to Dropbox because I already love the product, but believe me this Dropbox Paper things is the best I can found that fit my personality as an amateur writer and programmer doing day to day professional work and side projects.
  • You can access Dropbox Paper here
  • I use Obsidian for multi-platform note-taking.
  • Tips:
    • Use Obsidian
    • Sync the folder to make you work in multiple platform using Dropbox
    • Setup Folder Automation from Dropbox to rename specific folder with certain format.
    • Voila! you have perfect workflow.
Notion (Business note taking tool)
  • While I love to use Obsidian and Apple's native Notes app for personal notes, I'm using Notion for more collaborative work.

Programming Languages

  • I think the first language I written for production software is JavaScript, it introduces me to a lot of things and brings me to a lot of opportunities. I love the accessibility and the tricks it hides from me, and I love learning it.
  • You can run JavaScript on your browser by pressing F12 or open developer console.
  • For more serious work I'm using TypeScript which is a superset of JavaScript.
Java / JVM-based language
  • My go-to language for enterprise programming.
  • Python is my go-to language for data-related application.

Server-side Framework

  • Django come with battery-powered framework to build server side applications either it is API or traditional MVC app.
  • Try Django now!
  • Note: I'm no longer Rails user and only maintain old projects of mine and not creating a new app with Rails
  • It is globally acknowledge that Rails has a very strong community, strong root in history and web development and support for big users like GitHub, Basecamp, make this framework really awesome.
  • Try Rails now!

Integrated Development Environment

IntelliJ IDEA
  • No need introduction. This is perfect for me and supports multiple different Languages.
  • I don't use Webstorm anymore and use single-IDE for all which is IntelliJ IDEA
  • I grew up doing programming with tools related to Microsoft IDE. I code my first calculator app on Visual Basic, and learn computer vision on image processing on Visual Studio C++. When I found my love with JavaScript, I found Webstorm really suit my need. And pro tip: Webstorm+Vim mode = awesome.
  • You can download Webstorm App here.


  • I grew up with MySQL, but I like the opennes of PostgreSQL and have a lot of production experience with it.

Email Provider

  • Yandex provides us with a reliable email and provide free options to set our own organization and custom domain.
  • Try to use your domain for your email for free here
  • I no longer use Yandex after founding Zoho which is more convenient and doesn't have issue with languages.
  • I use Zoho now for my multiple businesses from Community I "cat herd" to startup that I'm working right now.

  • With I'm able to deploy low-workload app cheaply and I'm fan of it now (est 2023).
  • Update I'm no longer fan of Heroku since it's pricey than alternative and I expect more generous offer now from PaaS.
  • Heroku proved to be simple solution for many people who just want to run their app for hobby or to start their journey on developing commercial application, I found this very useful.
  • You can open heroku at

Game/Entertainment Console

Xbox Series
  • I use Xbox for my home entertainment which help me enough for things like watching educational YouTube video in my couch, listening to my fav music or just playing some retro game. I'm not a gamer, but I play older game just to keep reminded me when I need to rent Playstation hourly in my childhood because I couldn't afford it when I was kid.
  • For someone that use is occasionally even the entry-level Xbox S is enough for me. To learn more you can read my article.
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