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Created August 30, 2014 16:24
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Editor extension for OnConfirmCancel
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEditor;
[CustomEditor (typeof(OnConfirmCancel), true)]
public class OnConfirmCancelEditor : Editor
// Fields
private GUIContent[] m_EventTypes;
private GUIContent m_AddButonContent;
private GUIContent m_EventIDName;
private SerializedProperty m_DelegatesProperty;
private GUIContent m_IconToolbarMinus;
// Methods
private void OnAddNewSelected (object index)
int enumValueIndex = (int)index;
SerializedProperty arrayElementAtIndex = this.m_DelegatesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex (this.m_DelegatesProperty.arraySize - 1);
SerializedProperty serializedProperty = arrayElementAtIndex.FindPropertyRelative ("eventID");
serializedProperty.enumValueIndex = enumValueIndex;
base.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties ();
protected virtual void OnEnable ()
this.m_DelegatesProperty = base.serializedObject.FindProperty ("delegates");
this.m_AddButonContent = new GUIContent ("Add New");
this.m_EventIDName = new GUIContent (string.Empty);
this.m_IconToolbarMinus = new GUIContent ("-");
this.m_IconToolbarMinus.image = null;
this.m_IconToolbarMinus.tooltip = "Remove selection from list";
string[] names = Enum.GetNames (typeof(ConfirmCancelTriggerType));
this.m_EventTypes = new GUIContent[names.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
this.m_EventTypes [i] = new GUIContent (names [i]);
public override void OnInspectorGUI ()
base.serializedObject.Update ();
int num = -1;
EditorGUILayout.Space ();
Vector2 vector = EditorStyles.miniButton.CalcSize (this.m_IconToolbarMinus);
for (int i = 0; i < this.m_DelegatesProperty.arraySize; i++)
SerializedProperty arrayElementAtIndex = this.m_DelegatesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex (i);
SerializedProperty serializedProperty = arrayElementAtIndex.FindPropertyRelative ("eventID");
SerializedProperty property = arrayElementAtIndex.FindPropertyRelative ("callback");
this.m_EventIDName.text = serializedProperty.enumNames [serializedProperty.enumValueIndex];
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (property, this.m_EventIDName, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
Rect lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect ();
Rect position = new Rect (lastRect.xMax - vector.x - 2f, lastRect.y + 1f, vector.x, vector.y);
if (GUI.Button (position, this.m_IconToolbarMinus, EditorStyles.miniButton))
num = i;
EditorGUILayout.Space ();
if (num > -1)
this.RemoveEntry (num);
Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (this.m_AddButonContent,;
rect.x += (rect.width - 200f) / 2f;
rect.width = 200f;
if (GUI.Button (rect, this.m_AddButonContent))
this.ShowAddTriggermenu ();
base.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties ();
private void RemoveEntry (int toBeRemovedEntry)
this.m_DelegatesProperty.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex (toBeRemovedEntry);
private void ShowAddTriggermenu ()
GenericMenu genericMenu = new GenericMenu ();
for (int i = 0; i < this.m_EventTypes.Length; i++)
bool flag = true;
for (int j = 0; j < this.m_DelegatesProperty.arraySize; j++)
SerializedProperty arrayElementAtIndex = this.m_DelegatesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex (j);
SerializedProperty serializedProperty = arrayElementAtIndex.FindPropertyRelative ("eventID");
if (serializedProperty.enumValueIndex == i)
flag = false;
if (flag)
genericMenu.AddItem (this.m_EventTypes [i], false, new GenericMenu.MenuFunction2 (this.OnAddNewSelected), i);
genericMenu.AddDisabledItem (this.m_EventTypes [i]);
genericMenu.ShowAsContext ();
Event.current.Use ();
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