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Created March 21, 2016 04:07
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##Following libraries need to be installed for running the program
##by using the install.packages(c(“raster”,”rgdal”,”ncdf”,”gdata”))
#Using setwd to direct the unzipped .bil files like
#***function for merge daily data *********************************#
#***Parameter: variable name *********************************#
MergeBIL2NC<- function(variable,year)
pattern <- paste(“PRISM_”,variable,”_stable_4kmD1_”,year,”.*.bil$”,sep=”)
cat(paste(“pattern, “, pattern,”!\n”,sep=””,collapse=””))
files <- list.files(path=”.”,pattern=pattern,recursive=TRUE,full.names=TRUE)
cat(paste(“filelist, “, files,”!\n”,sep=””,collapse=””))
t <- stack(files)
filename <- paste(variable,”_”,year,”.nc”,sep=”)
cat(paste(“filename, “, filename,”!\n”,sep=””,collapse=””))
t_nc <- writeRaster(t,filename=filename,bandorder=’BIL’,overwrite=TRUE,format=”CDF”,varname=variable)
#Following script for extracting the weather information from the NetCDF file
#put all the nc file(for each year) into one directtory
#***function for extracting the weather for each state************#
#***Parameter: state name (there are point shapefile for each state)*******#
weather4Point <- function(state)
#get the point file for the state
pl <- readOGR(“.”,paste(“points4_”,state,sep=”))
year <- 1981
tminfile <- paste(“tmin”,”_”,year,”.nc”,sep=”)
b_tmin <- brick(tminfile,varname=’tmin’)
pptfile <- paste(“ppt”,”_”,year,”.nc”,sep=”)
b_ppt <- brick(pptfile,varname=’ppt’)
tmaxfile <- paste(“tmax”,”_”,year,”.nc”,sep=”)
b_tmax <- brick(tmaxfile,varname=’tmax’)
#Get the first year here!!!
print(paste(“processing year :”,year,sep=”))
print(paste(“processing state :”, state,sep=”))
for(l in 1:length(pl))
v <- NULL
#generate file with the name convention with t_n(latitude)w(longitude).txt, 5 digits after point should be work
filename <- paste(“/data/ecr/yangping/PRISM/US1/N”,round(coordinates(pl[l,])[2],5),”W”,abs(round(coordinates(pl[l,])[1],5)),”.wth”,sep=”)
print(paste(“processing file :”,filename,” for the state of :”,state,” for year : “,year,sep=”))
tmin <- as.numeric(round(extract(b_tmin,coordinates(pl[l,])),digits=1))
tmax <- as.numeric(round(extract(b_tmax,coordinates(pl[l,])),digits=1))
ppt <- as.numeric(round(extract(b_ppt,coordinates(pl[l,])),digits=2))
v <- cbind(tmax,tmin,ppt)
tablename <- c(“tmin”,”tmax”,”ppt”)
v <- data.frame(v)
colnames(v) <- tablename
v[“default”] <- 0
v[“year”] <- year
date <- seq(as.Date(paste(year,”/1/1″,sep=”)),as.Date(paste(year,”/12/31″,sep=”)),”days”)
month <- as.numeric(substr(date,6,7))
day <- as.numeric(substr(date,9,10))
v[“month”] <- month
v[“day”] <- day
v <- v[c(“year”,”month”,”day”,”default”,”tmin”,”tmax”,”ppt”)]
for (year in 1982:2013)
#get the combined netCDF file
tminfile <- paste(“tmin”,”_”,year,”.nc”,sep=”)
b_tmin <- brick(tminfile,varname=’tmin’)
pptfile <- paste(“ppt”,”_”,year,”.nc”,sep=”)
b_ppt <- brick(pptfile,varname=’ppt’)
tmaxfile <- paste(“tmax”,”_”,year,”.nc”,sep=”)
b_tmax <- brick(tmaxfile,varname=’tmax’)
#Get the first year here!!!
print(paste(“processing year :”,year,sep=”))
for(l in 1:length(pl))
v <- NULL
#generate file with the name convention with t_n(latitude)w(longitude).txt, 5 digits after point should be work
filename <- paste(“/data/ecr/yangping/PRISM/US1/N”,round(coordinates(pl[l,])[2],5),”W”,abs(round(coordinates(pl[l,])[1],5)),”.wth”,sep=”)
print(paste(“processing file :”,filename,” for the state of :”,state,” for year : “,year,sep=”))
tmin <- as.numeric(round(extract(b_tmin,coordinates(pl[l,])),digits=1))
tmax <- as.numeric(round(extract(b_tmax,coordinates(pl[l,])),digits=1))
ppt <- as.numeric(round(extract(b_ppt,coordinates(pl[l,])),digits=2))
v <- cbind(tmax,tmin,ppt)
tablename <- c(“tmin”,”tmax”,”ppt”)
v <- data.frame(v)
colnames(v) <- tablename
v[“default”] <- 0
v[“year”] <- year
date <- seq(as.Date(paste(year,”/1/1″,sep=”)),as.Date(paste(year,”/12/31″,sep=”)),”days”)
month <- as.numeric(substr(date,6,7))
day <- as.numeric(substr(date,9,10))
v[“month”] <- month
v[“day”] <- day
v <- v[c(“year”,”month”,”day”,”default”,”tmin”,”tmax”,”ppt”)]
#print(paste(v), zero.print = “.”)
#write into a file with the APEX format
States <- c(“AL”,”AZ”,”AR”,”CO”,”CT”,”DC”,”FL”,”GA”,”ID”,”IA”,”IN”,”KS”,”KY”,”LA”,”MA”,”ME”,”MI”,”MN”,”MT”,”NC”,”ND”,”NE”,”NH”,”NJ”,”NM”,”NV”,”OK”,”RI”,”SC”,”SD”,”TN”,”TX”,”UT”,”VT”,”WA”,”WI”,”WY”,”IL”)
for (state in States)
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