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Last active October 12, 2019 11:51
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PEG Grammar to Parse CRONTAB Time Syntax

This is PEG grammar to parse time syntax in crontab.

You can try it by copy-paste parser.js to PEGjs online editor. Then put test input value to any valid crontab time. For example:

* 1 1-9 1,2 SAT,SUN
function type(type, value, text) {
return {type, value, text}
function flatten(values) {
return [values[0]].concat(values[1].map(v => v[1]))
function resolve(result) {
const resolveString = (val) => type("ws", val, val)
const resolveArray = (val) => type("group", val, => v.text).join(','))
let pos = 0
return result
.map(val => typeof val == "string" ? resolveString(val) : resolveArray(val))
.map(val => {
const cursor = [pos, pos + val.text.length - 1]
pos += val.text.length
return {...val, cursor}
start = result:(minute _ hour _ date _ month _ day) {
return resolve(result)
minute = common
hour = common
date = common
month = v:(monthTypes ("," monthTypes)*) {
return flatten(v)
day = v:(dayTypes ("," dayTypes)*) {
return flatten(v)
common = v:(commonTypes ("," commonTypes)*) {
return flatten(v)
commonTypes = range / number / any
monthTypes = commonTypes / altMonths
dayTypes = commonTypes / altDays
int = n:([0-9]+) {
return parseInt(n.join(''))
days = "MON" / "TUE" / "WED" / "THU" / "FRI" / "SAT" / "SUN"
months = "JAN" / "FEB" / "MAR" / "APR" / "MAY" / "JUN" / "JUL" / "AUG" / "SEP" / "OCT" / "NOV" / "DEC"
number = v:(int step?) {
let text = `${v[0]}`
if (v[1]) text += `/${v[1]}`
return type("number", {number: v[0], step: v[1]}, text)
range = v:(int "-" int step?) {
let text = `${v[0]}-${v[2]}`
if (v[3]) text += `/${v[3]}`
return type("range", {from: v[0], to:v[2], step: v[3]}, text)
step = v:("/" int) {
return v[1]
altDays = v:(days ("," days)*) {
const value = [v[0]].concat(v[1].map(s => s[1]))
return type("days", value, value.join(','))
altMonths = v:(months ("," months)*) {
const value = [v[0]].concat(v[1].map(s => s[1]))
return type("months", value, value.join(','))
any = "*" {
return type("any", true, '*')
_ "whitespace" = ws:([ \t]*) {
return ws.join('')
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