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PHP Simple Console Command

Quick Start

Initialize and Register Command(s)

Create file called commando without .php. Write code below:


require 'Commando.php';

$app = new Commando($argv);

$app->command('hello', "Show hello world message", function() {
    $this->writeln("Hello World!");



php commando hello

Show Available Commands

php commando list

Command Argument

Required Argument

$app->command('hello {name}', "Say hello to someone", function($name) {
    $this->writeln("Hello " . $name);


php commando hello "John Doe"

Optional Argument

$app->command('db:migrate {filename?}', "Migrate database", function($filename) {
    // $filename will null if not given

Optional Argument With Default Value

$app->command('db:migrate {filename=all}', "Migrate database", function($filename) {
    // $filename will be string 'all' if not given

Argument Array

$app->command('install {packages*}', "Install some packages", function($packages) {
    // $packages here is array

Usage Example

php commando install foo bar baz

Then $packages will be ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].

Command Option

Switch Option

Switch option is option only will be true or false. If you put that option or give any value to that option, the value will be true.

$app->command('render {filename} {--minify}', "Render something", function($filename) {
    $minify = $this->option('minify'); // true or false

Usage Example:

php commando render something.ext --minify
php commando render something.ext --minify=1
php commando render something.ext --minify=0
php commando render something.ext --minify=false

Option minify will be true. If you didn't put that option like this

php commando render something.ext

Option minify will be false.

Option With Value

Just add = in your option.

$app->command('render {filename} {--output=}', "Render something", function($filename) {
    $output = $this->option('output');

Usage Example

php commando render something.ext --output result.ext


php commando render something.ext --output=result.ext

Option Alias

$app->command('render {filename} {--o|output=}', "Render something", function($filename) {
    $option = $this->option('output'); // same

Usage Example:

php commando render something.ext -o result.ext


php commando render something.ext -o=result.ext

Option And Argument Description

Add ::<description> in your option or argument.

    {filename::Input filename} 
    {--o|output=::Output filename}',
    "Render something", 
    function($filename) {
        // do something

Now you can display it like this:

php commando render --help

The result will be like this:

 Render something


  render <filename> [options]


  filename       Input filename


  -o, --output   Output filename

class Commando
protected $filename;
protected $command;
protected $arguments = [];
protected $options = [];
protected $optionsAlias = [];
protected $commands = [];
protected $resolvedOptions = [];
protected $foregroundColors = [
'black' => '0;30',
'dark_gray' => '1;30',
'blue' => '0;34',
'light_blue' => '1;34',
'green' => '0;32',
'light_green' => '1;32',
'cyan' => '0;36',
'light_cyan' => '1;36',
'red' => '0;31',
'light_red' => '1;31',
'purple' => '0;35',
'light_purple' => '1;35',
'brown' => '0;33',
'yellow' => '1;33',
'light_gray' => '0;37',
'white' => '1;37',
protected $backgroundColors = [
'black' => '40',
'red' => '41',
'green' => '42',
'yellow' => '43',
'blue' => '44',
'magenta' => '45',
'cyan' => '46',
'light_gray' => '47',
public function __construct(array $argv = null)
if (is_null($argv)) {
$argv = $GLOBALS['argv'];
) = $this->parseArgv($argv);
$this->command('list', "Show available commands", [$this, 'showAvailableCommands']);
public function command($command, $description, callable $handler)
list($command, $args, $options) = $this->parseCommand($command);
$this->commands[$command] = [
'handler' => $handler,
'description' => $description,
'args' => $args,
'options' => $options
public function run()
return $this->execute($this->command);
public function execute($command)
if (!isset($this->commands[$command])) {
return $this->showAvailableCommands();
if (array_key_exists('help', $this->options) OR array_key_exists('h', $this->optionsAlias)) {
return $this->showHelp($command);
$handler = $this->commands[$command]['handler'];
$arguments = $this->validateAndResolveArguments($command);
if ($handler instanceof \Closure) {
$handler = $handler->bindTo($this);
call_user_func_array($handler, $arguments);
public function option($key)
return isset($this->resolvedOptions[$key])? $this->resolvedOptions[$key] : null;
protected function showAvailableCommands()
$count = 0;
$maxLen = 0;
$this->writeln(PHP_EOL.$this->color(" Available Commands: ", 'blue').PHP_EOL);
foreach(array_keys($this->commands) as $name) {
if (strlen($name ) > $maxLen) $maxLen = strlen($name);
$pad = $maxLen + 3;
foreach ($this->commands as $name => $command) {
$no = ++$count.') ';
$this->write(str_repeat(' ', 4 - strlen($no)).$this->color($no, 'dark_gray'));
$this->write($this->color($name, 'green').str_repeat(' ', $pad - strlen($name)));
$this->writeln(" Type '".$this->color("php ".$this->filename." <command> --help", 'blue')."' for usage information".PHP_EOL);
protected function showHelp($commandName)
$command = $this->commands[$commandName];
$maxLen = 0;
$args = $command['args'];
$opts = $command['options'];
$usageArgs = [$commandName];
$displayArgs = [];
$displayOpts = [];
foreach($args as $argName => $argSetting) {
$usageArgs[] = "<".$argName.">";
$displayArg = $argName;
if ($argSetting['is_optional']) {
$displayArg .= " (optional)";
if (strlen($displayArg) > $maxLen) {
$maxLen = strlen($displayArg);
$displayArgs[$displayArg] = $argSetting['description'];
$usageArgs[] = "[options]";
foreach($opts as $optName => $optSetting) {
$displayOpt = $optSetting['alias']? str_pad('-'.$optSetting['alias'].',', 4) : str_repeat(' ', 4);
$displayOpt .= "--".$optName;
if (strlen($displayOpt) > $maxLen) {
$maxLen = strlen($displayOpt);
$displayOpts[$displayOpt] = $optSetting['description'];
$pad = $maxLen + 3;
$this->writeln(PHP_EOL." ".$command['description'].PHP_EOL);
$this->writeln($this->color(" Usage:", 'blue'));
$this->writeln(" ".implode(" ", $usageArgs));
$this->writeln($this->color(" Arguments: ", 'blue').PHP_EOL);
foreach($displayArgs as $argName => $argDesc) {
$this->writeln(" ".$this->color($argName, 'green').str_repeat(' ', $pad - strlen($argName)).$argDesc);
$this->writeln($this->color(" Options: ", 'blue').PHP_EOL);
foreach($displayOpts as $optName => $optDesc) {
$this->writeln(" ".$this->color($optName, 'green').str_repeat(' ', $pad - strlen($optName)).$optDesc);
public function write($message)
public function writeln($message)
return $this->write($message.PHP_EOL);
public function error($message, $exit = true)
$this->writeln(PHP_EOL." WHOOPS! ".$message.PHP_EOL);
if ($exit) exit();
public function color($text, $fg, $bg = null)
$coloredString = "";
$colored = false;
// Check if given foreground color found
if (isset($this->foregroundColors[$fg])) {
$colored = true;
$coloredString .= "\033[" . $this->foregroundColors[$fg] . "m";
// Check if given background color found
if (isset($this->backgroundColors[$bg])) {
$colored = true;
$coloredString .= "\033[" . $this->backgroundColors[$bg] . "m";
// Add string and end coloring
$coloredString .= $text . ($colored? "\033[0m" : "");
return $coloredString;
protected function validateAndResolveArguments($command)
$args = $this->arguments;
$commandArgs = $this->commands[$command]['args'];
$resolvedArgs = [];
foreach($commandArgs as $argName => $argOption) {
if (!$argOption['is_optional'] AND empty($args)) {
return $this->error("Argument {$argName} is required");
if ($argOption['is_array']) {
$value = $args;
} else {
$value = array_shift($args) ?: $argOption['default'];
$resolvedArgs[$argName] = $value;
return $resolvedArgs;
protected function validateAndResolveOptions($command)
$options = $this->options;
$optionsAlias = $this->optionsAlias;
$commandOptions = $this->commands[$command]['options'];
$resolvedOptions = [];
foreach ($commandOptions as $optName => $optionSetting) {
$alias = $optionSetting['alias'];
if ($alias AND isset($optionsAlias[$alias])) {
$value = isset($optionsAlias[$alias])? $optionsAlias[$alias] : $optionSetting['default'];
} else {
$value = isset($options[$optName])? $options[$optName] : $optionSetting['default'];
if (!$optionSetting['is_valuable']) {
$resolvedOptions[$optName] = !empty($value);
} else {
$resolvedOptions[$optName] = $value;
$this->resolvedOptions = $resolvedOptions;
protected function getHandlerParams($handler)
if ($handler instanceof \Closure) {
$reflection = new ReflectionFunction($handler);
} elseif(is_array($handler)) {
$reflection = new ReflectionMethod($handler[0], $handler[1]);
} elseif(is_string($handler)) {
$reflection = new ReflectionFunction($handler);
return $reflection->getParameters();
protected function parseCommand($command)
$exp = explode(" ", trim($command), 2);
$command = trim($exp[0]);
$args = [];
$options = [];
if (isset($exp[1])) {
preg_match_all("/\{(?<name>\w+)(?<arr>\*)?((=(?<default>[^\}]+))|(?<optional>\?))?(::(?<desc>[^}]+))?\}/i", $exp[1], $matchArgs);
preg_match_all("/\{--((?<alias>[a-zA-Z])\|)?(?<name>\w+)((?<valuable>=)(?<default>[^\}]+)?)?(::(?<desc>[^}]+))?\}/i", $exp[1], $matchOptions);
foreach($matchArgs['name'] as $i => $argName) {
$default = $matchArgs['default'][$i];
$expDefault = explode('::', $default, 2);
if (count($expDefault) > 1) {
$default = $expDefault[0];
$description = $expDefault[1];
} else {
$default = $expDefault[0];
$description = $matchArgs['desc'][$i];
$args[$argName] = [
'is_array' => !empty($matchArgs['arr'][$i]),
'is_optional' => !empty($matchArgs['optional'][$i]) || !empty($default),
'default' => $default ?: null,
'description' => $description,
foreach($matchOptions['name'] as $i => $optName) {
$default = $matchOptions['default'][$i];
$expDefault = explode('::', $default, 2);
if (count($expDefault) > 1) {
$default = $expDefault[0];
$description = $expDefault[1];
} else {
$default = $expDefault[0];
$description = $matchOptions['desc'][$i];
$options[$optName] = [
'is_valuable' => !empty($matchOptions['valuable'][$i]),
'default' => $default ?: null,
'description' => $description,
'alias' => $matchOptions['alias'][$i] ?: null,
return [$command, $args, $options];
protected function parseArgv(array $argv)
$filename = array_shift($argv);
$command = array_shift($argv);
$arguments = [];
$options = [];
$optionsAlias = [];
while (count($argv)) {
$arg = array_shift($argv);
if ($this->isOption($arg)) {
$optName = ltrim($arg, "-");
if ($this->isOptionWithValue($arg)) {
list($optName, $optvalue) = explode("=", $arg);
} else {
$optvalue = array_shift($argv);
$options[$optName] = $optvalue;
} elseif ($this->isOptionAlias($arg)) {
$alias = ltrim($arg, "-");
$exp = explode("=", $alias);
$aliases = str_split($exp[0]);
if (count($aliases) > 1) {
foreach($aliases as $aliasName) {
$optionsAlias[$aliasName] = null;
} else {
$aliasName = $aliases[0];
if (count($exp) > 1) {
list($aliasName, $aliasValue) = $exp;
} else {
$aliasValue = array_shift($argv);
$optionsAlias[$aliasName] = $aliasValue;
} else {
$arguments[] = $arg;
return [$filename, $command, $arguments, $options, $optionsAlias];
protected function isOption($arg)
return (bool) preg_match("/^--\w+/", $arg);
protected function isOptionAlias($arg)
return (bool) preg_match("/^-[a-z]+/i", $arg);
protected function isOptionWithValue($arg)
return strpos($arg, "=") !== false;
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