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Created November 21, 2016 21:39
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Frontend Performance Optimization and Testing
Why do I need frontend testing?
There are untold number of subtle
errors that can occur on the frontend.
Minor CSS changes that throw things off
Changes to JS files that break things
Aggregates changing when not necessary
Performance regressions
Additionally, frontend development is
becoming more critical as the trade matures.
We need the same testing abilities
that the backend has had for years.
Testing page load times
Testing render speeds
Sticking to a performance budget
Verifying visual changes
Accountability for code changes
Functional Testing
-> CasperJS
Casper allows for scripted actions to be tested. It uses PhantomJS under the hood.
Run the same test with multiple screen sizes.
Test complex features or components.
Automate complex user actions.
Test content creation, transactions, other features.
Keep an eye on problematic pages.
Performance Testing
-> Automating PageSpeed
Google has a service called PageSpeed Insights that grades your site and boils down tons of factors into a "speed index"
Testing sites can be automated. Get your API key first (
PageSpeed API is documented quite thoroughly, but there's also a grunt plugin
Una Kravets wrote up an excellent walkthrough for gulp + pagespeed + local development
See the Four Kitchens frontend performance training for an alternate implementation
-> Phantomas
Phantomas is a PhantomJS-based web performance metrics tool
It gives you loads of data about how the frontend of your website is performing.
# run a basic report
$ phantomas --url
# set viewport dimensions, generate images of rendering process
$ phantomas --url --viewport=320x480 --film-strip
# assert a test for total number of requests
$ phantomas --url --assert-requests=20
-> grunt-phantomas
This grunt plugin is not just a wrapper for running the tool.
It provides detailed reports that track your data over time, allowing you to identify trends using dynamic charts that update themselves each time you run the grunt task
# examples/grunt/phantomas
$ grunt phantomas:default
# run report and generate screenshot
$ grunt phantomas:screenshot
# test for certain values. this might cause failure!
$ grunt phantomas:requests
Performance Budgets
The idea is simple: performance budgets are just like a monthy expense budget. We should keep track of how fat our sites grow over time.
grunt-phantomas has performance budget features that visualize over-budget metrics that you set.
Tim Kadlec, who first suggested performance budgets, released this tool to help teams meet their goals.
grunt-perfbudget relies on the immensely useful WebPageTest API to enforce a budget.
-> and its API are much more flexible than PhantomJS tools, because it can leverage multiple browsers, geographic locations, and network speeds.
# examples/grunt/perfbudget
$ npm install
# run report
$ grunt perfbudget
CSS Regression testing
-> Wraith
Wraith is the easiest way to take screenshots of two environments, producing a visual diff.
# examples/wraith
$ gem install wraith
# run the capture process
$ wraith capture demo
# view results in the browser
$ open shots/gallery.html
Multiple tests
Wraith handles one comparison per config file.
However, it has support for multiple configs, so several config files in one repo allows for multiple comparisons.
Automating Tasks with CI
The Basics
Everything outlined in this section requires two key ingredients:
Continuous integration (CI)
Git hooks -
Trigger Jenkins builds by pushing to GitHub
You push to GitHub master branch (or merge PR)
GitHub pings your CI server using post-receive hook
"Yo Jenkins, the repository was updated!"
CI server pulls the new code to your staging area
Although fairly simple in application, the post illustrates the basic concepts underlying all tasks involving Jenkins.
Use git hooks to test before pushing code
Git can be configured to automatically run tasks before or after many of its operations.
pre-commit hook that runs jshint on your JavaScript.
pre-push hook that runs performance tests on your local. Helps enforce performance budgets.
Travis CI
Simple config via YAML file
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