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Last active May 24, 2022 13:22
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#custom activation function for keeping adversarial pixel values between 0.0 and 1.0
def clip(x):
return K.clip(x, 0.0, 1.0)
#custom loss funciton for non-targeted misclassification
def negative_categorical_crossentropy(yTrue,yPred):
return 0.0 - K.categorical_crossentropy(yTrue,yPred)
#add custom objects to dictionary
get_custom_objects().update({'clip': Activation(clip)})
get_custom_objects().update({'negative_categorical_crossentropy': negative_categorical_crossentropy})
#function for generating an adversarial example given a base image, adversarial class target, classifier, and regularization type
def generate_adversary(img,target,model,regularization,loss_function):
#input for base image
image = Input(shape=(28,28,1),name='image')
#unit input for adversarial noise
one = Input(shape=(1,),name='unity')
#layer for learning adversarial noise to apply to image
noise = Dense(28*28,activation = None,use_bias=False,kernel_initializer='random_normal',
kernel_regularizer=regularization, name='adversarial_noise')(one)
#reshape noise in shape of image
noise = Reshape((28,28,1),name='reshape')(noise)
#add noise to image
net = Add(name='add')([noise,image])
#clip values to be within 0.0 and 1.0
net = Activation('clip',name='clip_values')(net)
#feed adversarial image to trained MNIST classifier
outputs = model(net)
adversarial_model = Model(inputs=[image,one], outputs=outputs)
#freeze trained MNIST classifier layers
adversarial_model.layers[-1].trainable = False
adversarial_model.compile(optimizer='nadam', loss=loss_function, metrics=[categorical_accuracy])
#target adversarial classification
target_vector = np.zeros(10)
target_vector[target] = 1.
#callback for saving weights with smallest loss
checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('./adversarial_weights.h5', monitor='loss', verbose=0, save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=True,
mode='auto', period=1)
#train adversarial image{'image':img,'one':np.ones(shape=(1,1))},y=target_vector.reshape(1,-1),epochs=10000,verbose=0,
#restore best weights
#quantize adversarial noise
quantized_weights = np.round(adversarial_model.get_weights()[0].reshape((28,28)) * 255.) / 255.
#add trained weights to original image and clip values to produce adversarial image
adversarial_img = np.clip(img.reshape((28,28)) + quantized_weights, 0., 1.)
#display adversarial image
plt.imshow(adversarial_img,vmin=0., vmax=1.)
#classify adversarial image
adversarial_prediction = mnist_model.predict(adversarial_img.reshape((1,28,28,1)))
return adversarial_img
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eurnie commented May 24, 2022

Typo on line 5 (funciton -> function) :) Thanks for the example!

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