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Last active February 26, 2021 15:14
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// Convert PX to REM
$browser-context: 16; // Default
@function rem($pixels, $context: $browser-context) {
@return #{$pixels/$context}rem;
// Margin/Padding helpers
$step : 5;
$from : 0;
$through : ceil( 100 /$step);
$unit : 'px';
@for $i from $from through $through {
$i : $i * $step;
// Margin Top
.mt-#{$i} {margin-top:rem($i)}
// Margin Right
.mr-#{$i} {margin-right:rem($i)}
// Margin Bottom
.mb-#{$i} {margin-bottom:rem($i)}
// Margin Left
.ml-#{$i} {margin-left:rem($i)}
// Margin All
.ma-#{$i} {margin:rem($i)}
// Padding Top
.pt-#{$i} {padding-top:rem($i)}
// Padding Right
.pr-#{$i} {padding-right:rem($i)}
// Padding Bottom
.pb-#{$i} {padding-bottom:rem($i)}
// Padding Left
.pl-#{$i} {padding-left:rem($i)}
// Padding All
.pa-#{$i} {padding:rem($i)}
// Reset h* margins to 0
@for $i from 1 through 6 {
h#{$i} {margin:0}
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