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Created December 7, 2022 15:37
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WaveSurfer SoundCloud rendered
const playButton = document.querySelector('#playButton')
const playButtonIcon = document.querySelector('#playButtonIcon')
const waveform = document.querySelector('#waveform')
const volumeIcon = document.querySelector('#volumeIcon')
const volumeSlider = document.querySelector('#volumeSlider')
const currentTime = document.querySelector('#currentTime')
const totalDuration = document.querySelector('#totalDuration')
const ctx = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d')
const linGrad = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 140)
linGrad.addColorStop(0.5, 'rgba(116, 116, 116, 1.000)')
linGrad.addColorStop(0.5, 'rgba(183, 183, 183, 1.000)')
const wlinGrad = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 140)
wlinGrad.addColorStop(0.5, 'rgba(255,98,50, 1.000)')
wlinGrad.addColorStop(0.5, 'rgba(255,192,160, 1.000)')
const initializeWavesurfer = () => {
return WaveSurfer.create({
container: waveform,
backend: 'MediaElement',
height: 80,
normalize: true,
responsive: true,
cursorColor: 'transparent',
scrollParent: false,
barGap: 2,
barWidth: 2,
cursorWidth: 3,
progressColor: wlinGrad,
waveColor: linGrad
const togglePlay = async () => {
await wavesurfer.playPause()
const isPlaying = wavesurfer.isPlaying()
if (isPlaying) playButtonIcon.src = './assets/icons/pause.svg'
else playButtonIcon.src = './assets/icons/play.svg'
const handleVolumeChange = e => {
// Set volume as input value divided by 100
// NB: Wavesurfer only excepts volume value between 0 - 1
const volume = / 100
// Save the value to local storage so it persists between page reloads
localStorage.setItem('audio-player-volume', volume)
const setVolumeFromLocalStorage = () => {
// Retrieves the volume from local storage, or falls back to default value of 50
volumeSlider.value = localStorage.getItem('audio-player-volume') * 100 || 50
const formatTimecode = seconds => {
return new Date(seconds * 1000).toISOString().substr(11, 8)
const toggleMute = () => {
const isMuted = wavesurfer.getMute()
if (isMuted) {
volumeIcon.src = './assets/icons/mute.svg'
volumeSlider.disabled = true
} else {
volumeSlider.disabled = false
volumeIcon.src = './assets/icons/volume.svg'
// Create a new instance and load the wavesurfer
const wavesurfer = initializeWavesurfer()
const mediaElt = './long_clip.mp3'
// Override the renderer to draw wave
wavesurfer.drawer.drawWave = (peaks, channelIndex, start, end) => {
return wavesurfer.drawer.prepareDraw(
({ absmax, hasMinVals, height, offsetY, halfH, peaks, channelIndex }) => {
if (!hasMinVals) {
const reflectedPeaks = []
const len = peaks.length
let i = 0
for (i; i < len; i++) {
reflectedPeaks[2 * i] = peaks[i]
reflectedPeaks[2 * i + 1] = 0 // -peaks[i]
peaks = reflectedPeaks
// if drawWave was called within ws.empty we don't pass a start and
// end and simply want a flat line
if (start !== undefined) {
// wavesurfer.drawer.drawLine(peaks, absmax, halfH, offsetY, start, end, channelIndex)
wavesurfer.drawer.drawLine(peaks, absmax, halfH = wavesurfer.params.height, offsetY, start, end, channelIndex)
// always draw a median line
halfH + offsetY - this.halfPixel,
// Override the renderer to draw bars
wavesurfer.drawer.drawBars = (peaks, channelIndex, start, end) => {
return wavesurfer.drawer.prepareDraw(
({ absmax, hasMinVals, height, offsetY, halfH, peaks, channelIndex }) => {
// if drawBars was called within ws.empty we don't pass a start and
// don't want anything to happen
if (start === undefined) return
// Skip every other value if there are negatives.
const peakIndexScale = hasMinVals ? 2 : 1
const length = peaks.length / peakIndexScale
const bar = wavesurfer.params.barWidth * wavesurfer.params.pixelRatio
const gap =
wavesurfer.params.barGap === null
? Math.max(wavesurfer.params.pixelRatio, ~~(bar / 2))
: Math.max(
wavesurfer.params.barGap * wavesurfer.params.pixelRatio
const step = bar + gap
const scale = length / wavesurfer.drawer.width
const first = start
const last = end
let i
const topRatio = 0.7
const bottomRatio = 0.25
const topBottomGap = 1
for (i = first; i < last; i += step) {
const peak = peaks[Math.floor(i * scale * peakIndexScale)] || 0
const h = Math.abs(Math.round(peak / absmax * height))
// Upper bar
const fx = i + wavesurfer.drawer.halfPixel
let fy = (height * topRatio) + offsetY - (h * topRatio)
const fwidth = bar + wavesurfer.drawer.halfPixel
let fheight = h * topRatio
wavesurfer.drawer.fillRect(fx, fy, fwidth, fheight, this.barRadius, channelIndex)
// Recalculate for lower bar
fy = (height * topRatio) + offsetY + topBottomGap
fheight = h * bottomRatio
wavesurfer.drawer.fillRect(fx, fy, fwidth, fheight, this.barRadius, channelIndex)
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('HTTP error ' + response.status)
return response.json()
.then(peaks => {
console.log('loaded peaks! sample_rate: ' + peaks.sample_rate)
// load peaks into wavesurfer.js
.catch((e) => {
console.error('error', e)
// Javascript Event listeners
window.addEventListener('load', setVolumeFromLocalStorage)
playButton.addEventListener('click', togglePlay)
volumeIcon.addEventListener('click', toggleMute)
volumeSlider.addEventListener('input', handleVolumeChange)
// Wavesurfer event listeners
wavesurfer.on('ready', () => {
// Set wavesurfer volume
wavesurfer.setVolume(volumeSlider.value / 100)
// Set audio track total duration
const duration = wavesurfer.getDuration()
totalDuration.innerHTML = formatTimecode(duration)
// Sets the timecode current timestamp as audio plays
wavesurfer.on('audioprocess', () => {
const time = wavesurfer.getCurrentTime()
currentTime.innerHTML = formatTimecode(time)
// Resets the play button icon after audio ends
wavesurfer.on('finish', () => {
playButtonIcon.src = './assets/icons/play.svg'
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hi. thanks for sharing this. but this example using v5 of wavesurfer.js

with v7 (newest right now), wavesuffer remove lots of methods in this example, and this also provide only this method to overwrite the original waveform:
renderFunction?: (peaks: Array<Float32Array | number[]>, ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void;

can you make an example with version 7 @emulienfou

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