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Created October 1, 2021 10:12
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Script to run single coverage experiment; based on Delta vs Alpha but with s=+25%
#~ '
#~ using sim_replicate3 -- includes breakthrough & updated models
#~ Based on situation 17 sep 2021
#~ Including hier Bayes
#~ smaller rho0
#~ s = +25%
#~ '
selcoef <- .25
rho1 = .66
st0 = Sys.time()
library( variantAnalysis ) #
jobindex = as.numeric( commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[1] )
print( Sys.time() )
nreps = 100
tfins <- seq( lubridate::decimal_date( as.Date( "2021-09-15"))
, lubridate::decimal_date( as.Date( "2021-11-15"))
, by = 7/365
rho0s <- c( .01, .05, .10, .20) / rho1 # note the stuff in c() is coverage of infections not coverage of cases
repparms = expand.grid( tfins, rho0s, 1:nreps )
fn = system.file( 'stochastic_seir2.R', package = 'variantAnalysis' )
suppressMessages( {seir_gen = odin::odin( fn ) } )
parms <- unlist( repparms[ jobindex, ] )
print( 'parms, job index: ' )
print( parms )
print( jobindex )
#~ source('/home/erikvolz/git/variantAnalysis/R/power1.R' )
st0 = Sys.time()
res <- sim_replicate3(
TFIN = parms[1] , RHO0 = parms[2]
, rho1 = rho1
, MU = lubridate::decimal_date( as.Date( "2021-09-15"))
, seir_gen = seir_gen
, E_imports0 = VAR_IMPORTS
, E_imports1 = VAR_IMPORTS*2
, Rvariant = 1.05*(1+selcoef)
, Rancestral = 1.05 #
, k = 25
, ncpu = 6
, bs_replicates = 100
st1 <- Sys.time()
#~ # dbg
#~ variantAnalysis::variable_frequency_day( res$data, variable = 'lineage' , value = 'variant') -> vfd
#~ print( vfd$plot )
#~ print( dim( res$data ) )
#~ print( res$fit_logistic )
#~ print( res$fit_importation_adjusted )
#~ print( res$fit_breakthrough )
print( Sys.time() )
print( st1 - st0 )
saveRDS( res, file = paste0('e5-res-', jobindex, '.rds' ) )
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