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Created May 24, 2020 17:35
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library( sarscov2 )
library( ape )
res = 10
tau0 = 30 / 365 / 36.5^2
ncpu = 6
# define some parameters
## path to the GISAID alignment:
fn = 'may18_filter1.fas'
## A simple name for the region:
## A path to the file containing small genetic distance pairs
distfn = 'may18_tn93dist.txt'
## How many sequences to include within the region?
n_region = Inf
## How many starting trees? A BEAST run will be carried out for each
n_startingtrees = 10
# Load the metadata from the ncov-gisaid repo
md <- read.csv( 'may18_data_filter1.csv', stringsAs=FALSE )
# select all sequences from Washington state
regiontips = region_sampler1( md, n = n_region
, inclusion_rules =
c('RegionOrState', '^Washington$')
mdregion = md[ match( regiontips, md$seqName ) , ]
# Now make the aligment
d3 = prep_tip_labels_seijr( fn, outfn = 'algn3.fasta', regiontips = regiontips, exogtips = c(), metadata = mdregion )
# Make the time trees
# Note requires IQTREE
tds = make_starting_trees('algn3.fasta', treeoutfn = "startTrees.nwk", ntres = n_startingtrees, ncpu = ncpu)
# smooth node times
gtds = parallel::mclapply( tds, function(td) gibbs_jitter( td, returnTrees=2 )[[2]] , mc.cores = ncpu )
# compute genotype
s614 = compute_spike614genotype( 'algn3.fasta' )
# do the thing
sp = s614_phylodynamics( gtds, s614 , res = res, tau0 = tau0 )
rv = list( spike = sp , tds = gtds, s614 = s614 , region = 'Washington' , data= d3 )
saveRDS(rv, file = 'p0-rv.rds' )
# plots
pne = with( sp, add_ggNe_sarscov2skygrowth( sgD, sgG ) )
pgr = with( sp, add_ggGR_sarscov2skygrowth( sgD, sgG ) )
spl = plot_sample_distribution_spike614( s614 )
#~ Using dates after feb 15:
sp1 = s614_phylodynamics( gtds, s614 , res = 15, tau0 = tau0 , tstart = decimal_date( as.Date( '2020-02-15' ) ) )
pne1 = with( sp1, add_ggNe_sarscov2skygrowth( sgD, sgG ) )
pgr1 = with( sp1, add_ggGR_sarscov2skygrowth( sgD, sgG ) )
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