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Recovering the BIOS password from a Panasonic CF-U1 mk2 (AMI Aptio UEFI)

Recovering the BIOS password from a Panasonic CF-U1 mk2 (AMI Aptio UEFI)

A mess of my own making

While messing with a CF-U1 handheld PC that I bought off ebay I managed to mess up the BIOS and it seems it reverted to previous settings which included an unknown BIOS password, it would however still boot into windows. Since I could still boot windows I was able to dump the bios flash using AFUWINGUI.EXE the version I used was which is available here: Click on Aptio 4 AMI Firmware Update Utility

There may be a more appropriate version to use as this seemed to have trouble checking the bios version when flashing but did work if you selected "Do Not Check ROM ID" but flashing isnt needed to get the password.

Dumping the flash

alt text
Run AFUWINGUI.EXE and at the bottom of the "Information" tab click the save button to make a backup of your bios, the default name is afuwin.rom Now open this saved image with UEFITool_NE available here:

I used later versions should work fine. The new engine (NE) verson seems to deal with AMI's odd nvram format better.

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Expand the first EfiFirmwareFilesystemGuid >> NVRAM dropdown tree and look for the GUID
C811FA38-42C8-4579-A9BB-60E94EDDFB34 (AMITSESetup)
with subtype Data there will be others with subtype Link which are older no longer valid entrys because of the odd way AMI nvram works, if you find one of these right click on it and select "Go to data" and it will take you to the actual data entry.
Now right click and select "Body hex view" and you should see something like:

0000  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0010  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0020  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0030  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0040  7B 13 94 A6 07 3A 29 CD D2 60 1A F4 5C 87 ED 1A  {.”¦.:)ÍÒ`.ô\‡í.
0050  07 AE AE 41 DC D4 0A 68 AB FB FA 0E 55 A2 B0 35  .®®AÜÔ.h«ûú.U¢°5
0060  0B C9 66 5C C1 EF 1C 83 77 16 D2 A9 2D 3D 88 D0  .Éf\Áï.ƒw.Ò©-=ˆÐ
0070  E3 63 3E F7 99 8A F4 1D 4F B1 AA 44 05 D8 60 6B  ãc>÷™Šô.O±ªD.Ø`k
0080  01

In this the bytes from 0x00 to 0x3F are the currently unset user password, 0x40 to 0x7F are the obfuscated administrator password and 0x80 is the quiet boot flag.

1337 encryption

The password is obfuscated using super secure xor

VOID PasswordEncode( CHAR16 *Password, UINTN MaxSize)
    UINTN	ii;
    unsigned int key = 0x935b;

    for ( ii = 0; ii < MaxSize; ii++ )
        Password[ii] = ((Password[ii]>=L'a')&&(Password[ii]<=L'z'))?(Password[ii]+L'A'-L'a'):Password[ii];

    // Encode the password..
    for ( ii = 1; ii <= MaxSize/2; ii++ )
        Password[ii-1] = (CHAR16)(Password[ii-1] ^ (key*ii));

So Xoring the above encoded password:

7B 13 94 A6 07 3A 29 CD D2 60 1A F4 5C 87 ED 1A 07 AE AE 41 DC D4 0A 68 AB FB FA 0E 55 A2 B0 35 
0B C9 66 5C C1 EF 1C 83 77 16 D2 A9 2D 3D 88 D0 E3 63 3E F7 99 8A F4 1D 4F B1 AA 44 05 D8 60 6B


5B 93 B6 26 11 BA 6C 4D C7 E0 22 74 7D 07 D8 9A 33 2E 8E C1 E9 54 44 E8 9F 7B FA 0E 55 A2 B0 35 
0B C9 66 5C C1 EF 1C 83 77 16 D2 A9 2D 3D 88 D0 E3 63 3E F7 99 8A F4 1D 4F B1 AA 44 05 D8 60 6B


20 80 22 80 16 80 45 80 15 80 38 80 21 80 35 80 34 80 20 80 35 80 4e 80 34 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Each character of the password is stored as 2 bytes, and as x86 is wrong endian im guessing should be read as 0x8020 0x8022 I have no idea where the 0x80 comes from possibly its something to do with the EFI_SHIFT_STATE_VALID in this case the password was lower case, possibly uppercase status is encoded in this byte too I have no idea I havent tested uppercase passwords.

WTF scancodes how does this map to keys

From the unobfuscated data you can see the password is 13 characters long, im going to ignore the 0x80 bytes as i dont understand them :P and just look at the others:
20 22 16 45 15 38 21 35 34 20 35 4e 34
They appear to be some sort of scancodes, although while googleing this I found some AMI bioses seem to use ascii here so you can read it out directly as text, but not on this machine.
When this CF-U1 arrived from ebay it had a password which i sucessfully guessed as "toughbook" my second guess would have been "panasonic" since using text written on the front of the PC as a password saves writing it under the battery cover :P
Looking through the older link entrys for the AMITSESetup nvram I found what I thought was the data for this password which deobfuscating as above gave (ignoring the 0x80):

35 39 37 24 25 14 39 39 27
t  o  u  g  h  b  o  o  k

This seemed promising repeated characters have the same value and gives a bit of a key to the mapping Some googeling later about UEFI scancodes and i found this page:
From this it seems the value is the offset into this enum so in the toughbook example 35 translates to EfiKeyD5 a second page I found gave the mapping from EfiKey to ascii:

So i made up a list of byte to ascii using these, below are just 0x10 to 0x4E to cover most values but not be too stupidly long.

Hex Char EFIkey Hex Char EFIkey
10 z EfiKeyB1 30 Tab EfiKeyTab
11 x EfiKeyB2 31 q EfiKeyD1
12 c EfiKeyB3 32 w EfiKeyD2
13 v EfiKeyB4 33 e EfiKeyD3
14 b EfiKeyB5 34 r EfiKeyD4
15 n EfiKeyB6 35 t EfiKeyD5
16 m EfiKeyB7 36 y EfiKeyD6
17 , EfiKeyB8 37 u EfiKeyD7
18 . EfiKeyB9 38 i EfiKeyD8
19 / EfiKeyB10 39 o EfiKeyD9
1A EfiKeyRShift 3A p EfiKeyD10
1B EfiKeyUpArrow 3B [ EfiKeyD11
1C 1 EfiKeyOne 3C ] EfiKeyD12
1D 2 EfiKeyTwo 3D \ EfiKeyD13
1E 3 EfiKeyThree 3E EfiKeyDel
1F EfiKeyCapsLock 3F EfiKeyEnd
20 a EfiKeyC1 40 EfiKeyPgDn
21 s EfiKeyC2 41 7 EfiKeySeven
22 d EfiKeyC3 42 8 EfiKeyEight
23 f EfiKeyC4 43 9 EfiKeyNine
24 g EfiKeyC5 44 ` EfiKeyE0
25 h EfiKeyC6 45 1 EfiKeyE1
26 j EfiKeyC7 46 2 EfiKeyE2
27 k EfiKeyC8 47 3 EfiKeyE3
28 l EfiKeyC9 48 4 EfiKeyE4
29 ; EfiKeyC10 49 5 EfiKeyE5
2A ' EfiKeyC11 4A 6 EfiKeyE6
2B | EfiKeyC12 4B 7 EfiKeyE7
2C 4 EfiKeyFour 4C 8 EfiKeyE8
2D 5 EfiKeyFive 4D 9 EfiKeyE9
2E 6 EfiKeySix 4E 0 EfiKeyE10
2F + EfiKeyPlus

So what was the password?

Using the above list and the recovered scancodes gave:

20 22 16 45 15 38 21 35 34 20 35 4e 34
a  d  m  1  n  i  s  t  r  a  t  0  r

and when i tried adm1nistrat0r it worked!
This is not complete as there are still questions about the 0x80 bytes but my guess is they encode the shift alt etc modifier keys but im back into my handheld so i'm not sure ill look further into it. This may also apply to other Aptio bioses as well as the Panasonic CF-U1, and if the machine isnt bootable you may be able to use a cheap spi adapter to dump the bios, in the case of the CF-U1 it uses an LPC flash which I don't think you can get cheap clips and readers for and its buried in the machine so a nuisance to get to.

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mikrovr commented Jan 9, 2023

It sure is! :)

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corty8 commented Jan 9, 2023

That's great, thanks for that I will try it tomorrow

What is that utility that you used there?

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corty8 commented Jan 11, 2023

That file worked fine, Thanks for that
Unfortunately I have since discovered the machine has fault on the battery circuit, will not recognise a battery at all so not sure what to do with it yet
they are not always easy :)

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sorry all, i'm a bit less savvy than i'd like, but is this possible with an ASUS ROG Zephyrus G14 on version GA401IU.219?
it's either that, DavidZou's EEPROM method, Kiosk, or small claims court... xD

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mikrovr commented Jan 13, 2023

@ NevoidHyp
Post the BIOS file (eeprom), we can check it for you.

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warst commented Jan 13, 2023



Hey Mikrovr, would you be able to post this app please?

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Does anyone have any experience with removing the BIOS password from a Panasonic CF-54?

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satorisage commented Feb 22, 2023 via email

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warst commented Apr 11, 2023

any chance i could get someone to check this bin. it's for a asus GL731GT-RB73

What is it you are hoping to check? This is a post for Panasonic devices - you'd be better off looking in the badcaps forum or something similar. The bios dump looks good - I can see the ME region and your Windows product key.... KRCBM-NX9Y9-29BW8-4CJ4M-.....

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HI guys! I have passworded Panasonic CF-C1. Please help. I trying use your programms to get password, but nothing work. I have a full dump of my bios in .rom format. I realy need help. Also i try to use ChatGPT but he dont work correctly. -

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userx14 commented Jun 25, 2023

key AMITSESetup from uefitool a51:

from python tool:

the xored sequence is likely the following sha1 hash:
b'd7 e3 df 9d 40 59 ce ba 9b df 99 e7 73 da b4 f7 02 25 48 be'

This means as far as I know that it is impossible to find out your password, but you can overwrite the hash with zeros and it should be gone.
But be cautious when flashing bios images from within windows, I've seen multiple cases of bricked machined because some part of the bios could not be written from within the os and the bios backups were incomplete. More information in the previous posts.

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Ftmmsch commented Jun 25, 2023


That it allways is risky, to flash within windows, i knew.

But: what about doing this from a live DVD ? - I did it once from a WIN 10 PSE DVD.
Under this conditions, the OS isn't running, because it's not loaded.

But: could it be risky allso?

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Hi to ALL! I Fix problem with BIOS Password on the my Panasonic CF-C1
How to :

  1. I make a dump with APTIO 4
  2. In the UEFITool i fund password section on the AMITSESetup in first tree. BUT! This information same writed in 2 tree. I Erase this information with writing zeros and save this modificated ROM.
  3. Im flash BIOS With this custom ROM from windows with APTIO 4 - Need to put checkbox - Write All bloks, and Do not check ID. Optionaly - restart after flashing.
  4. Congrats! We are removed password from the BIOS!!!!
    Thanks for all people who help to me here! I think this instruction will help for some people!

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That it allways is risky, to flash within windows, i knew.

But: what about doing this from a live DVD ? - I did it once from a WIN 10 PSE DVD. Under this conditions, the OS isn't running, because it's not loaded.

But: could it be risky allso?

СF-C1 dont have a DVD or CD. Only USB and in my case, he is not see any external DVD. Also, nevermind. I can't load DVD from BIOS trow f12 because in this case he load LAN system boot in default mode.

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warst commented Jun 30, 2023

That it allways is risky, to flash within windows, i knew.
But: what about doing this from a live DVD ? - I did it once from a WIN 10 PSE DVD. Under this conditions, the OS isn't running, because it's not loaded.
But: could it be risky allso?

СF-C1 dont have a DVD or CD. Only USB and in my case, he is not see any external DVD. Also, nevermind. I can't load DVD from BIOS trow f12 because in this case he load LAN system boot in default mode.

Get yourself a CH134a with a test eeprom clip and flash it the correct way, it's very cheap, straightforward and you can easily experiment more in the future. Make sure it has the 5v-3.3v mod applied though as the vcc line is tied directly to the 5v usb port power which is bad news for a bios chip!

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Ftmmsch commented Jul 3, 2023 via email

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juhisByte commented Jul 9, 2023

Hi all,
i have Panasonic fz-g1 mk4 pad, where is bios password. I have bios dump file, but not sure how to get cracked that password from it.

Is here anybody who can help me

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Привет всем, у меня есть панель Panasonic fz-g1 mk4, где находится пароль биоса. У меня есть файл дампа биоса, но я не знаю, как взломать этот пароль.

Здесь есть кто-нибудь, кто может мне помочь С уважением

Hi!. I think i can help. Share your dump here.

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i cannot add rar, or file here :(
Can u give ur email, or something where i can send it


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SergeySolovyenko commented Jul 10, 2023

i cannot add rar, or file here :( Can u give ur email, or something where i can send it


Just write to me in the Telegram

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ghost commented Aug 8, 2023


my Englisch is Bad, but i try it.
I have one CF-52 with Password, i understand i can delete it, but i want know what word is was.
Can you say my PW? ( i understand that the PW from Toughbook works,... WTF scancodes how does this map to keys)
Thank you

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bsistuk commented Aug 9, 2023


0F 93 FE 26 45 BA 2A 4D 97 E0 61 74 7D 07 D8 9A 33 2E 8E C1 E9 54 44 E8 9F 7B FA 0E 55 A2 B0 35 0B C9 66 5C C1 EF 1C 83 01

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userx14 commented Aug 9, 2023

You can try the python code in this comment and paste your code (leave out the last 01 in your highlighted selection, it is not part of the password) from your screenshots into the variable
yourValueFromNvRam. If it is hashed, you will not be able to find out the original password.

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ghost commented Aug 9, 2023

ok thank you,

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cbbeerman commented Aug 9, 2023

Looks like the PW for
0F 93 FE 26 45 BA 2A 4D 97 E0 61 74 7D 07 D8 9A 33 2E 8E C1 E9 54 44 E8 9F 7B FA 0E 55 A2 B0 35 0B C9 66 5C C1 EF 1C 83 01

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You are doing it wrong - I found the actual hash and can crack it using brute force - let me know if anyone needs help. I spent an entire year digging into Toughbook BIOS Rom's using UEFIEdit NE and this may sound arrogant, but I am the only one that can get the actual password for the machine. You can see my eBay feedback here and my site here

I have worked with every major toughbook vendor.

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For mine the super user password comes first and then the 00s. Is this hashed? The python tool isn't providing the right password.

5B 20 B6 29 11 52 6C 0B C7 56 22 76 7D 24 D8 EC 33 EA 8E BD E9 00 44 33 9F 41 FA C9 55 6C B0 74 0B B4 66 CD C1 FD 1C A1 77 1E D2 3D 2D 6E 88 E7 E3 C3 3E 26 99 40 F4 7E 4F FA AA DA 05 D0 60 05 5B 20 B6 29 11 52 6C 0B C7 56 22 76 7D 24 D8 EC 33 EA 8E BD E9 00 44 33 9F 41 FA C9 55 6C B0 74 0B B4 66 CD C1 FD 1C A1 77 1E D2 3D 2D 6E 88 E7 E3 C3 3E 26 99 40 F4 7E 4F FA AA DA 05 D0 60 05 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

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userx14 commented Oct 11, 2023

did you use yourValueFromNvRam = "5B 20 B6 29 11 52 6C 0B C7 56 22 76 7D 24 D8 EC 33 EA 8E BD E9 00 44 33 9F 41 FA C9 55 6C B0 74 0B B4 66 CD C1 FD 1C A1 77 1E D2 3D 2D 6E 88 E7 E3 C3 3E 26 99 40 F4 7E 4F FA AA DA 05 D0 60 05" ?
Strangely it repeats twice, this could mean that both bios passwords are the same.
I'm not sure about the result though, it is 32 bytes long with zero bytes padding in between. Maybe SHA256?

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@userx14 I'm using this.

It's probably hashed. Anything I can do with the public keys listed on the Security tab in UEFITool NE alpha 67?

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