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Last active November 29, 2019 16:24
Mastodon shortcode for Nikola (Mako template)
Template engine: Mako
{{% mastodon status=https://instance.domain/@user/tootnr %}}
Optional parameters:
width (default: 600)
height (default: 333)
Example: {{% mastodon status=https://instance.domain/@user/tootnr % width=300 height=600}} will show a 300x600 frame instead of the default 600x333
% if width is UNDEFINED:
<% w = 600 %>
% else:
<% w = width %>
% endif
% if height is UNDEFINED:
<% h = 333 %>
% else:
<% h = height %>
% endif
<iframe src="${status}/embed" class="mastodon-embed" style="max-width: 100%; border: 0" width=${w} height=${h}"</iframe>
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