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Created August 15, 2018 03:30
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  • Save encela95dus/aff2b7f6eb909e27364c135b18e686c9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import ui
from functools import partial
class SimpleNavigationView(ui.View):
def add_close_buttonitem(self, v):
close = ui.ButtonItem()
close.image = ui.Image.named('ionicons-close-24')
close.action = self.bt_close
v.left_button_items = [close]
def add_right_buttonitem(self, v, action):
right = ui.ButtonItem()
right.image = ui.Image.named('ionicons-arrow-right-b-24')
right.action = action
v.right_button_items = [right]
def bt_close(self, sender):
def bt_subview(self, i, sender):
subview = ui.load_view(self.subviews_pyui[i])
if i < (len(self.subviews_pyui)-1):
self.add_right_buttonitem(subview, self.bt_subviews[i+1])
def make_bt_subview(self):
for i in range(len(self.subviews_pyui)-1, 0, -1):
self.bt_subviews[i] = partial(self.bt_subview, i)
def __init__(self, w=600, h=400, subviews_pyui=None):
self.subviews_pyui = subviews_pyui
self.bt_subviews = [None]*len(self.subviews_pyui)
if len(self.subviews_pyui) > 1:
self.main_view = ui.load_view(self.subviews_pyui[0])
self.add_right_buttonitem(self.main_view, self.bt_subviews[1])
self.nav_view = ui.NavigationView(self.main_view)
self.nav_view.width = w
self.nav_view.height = h
SimpleNavigationView(w=600, h=400,
subviews_pyui=('navtest_mainview', 'navtest_subview1', 'navtest_subview2')
).present('sheet', hide_title_bar=True)
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