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Last active July 20, 2018 16:00
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Creating a Ruby Gem Cheatsheet

Creating a Ruby Gem Cheatsheet

Here you are the basics to create a Ruby Gem, with some appendix about interesting use cases. This guide tries to cover the minimum requirements to create a Gem using Ruby conventions. For more information, navigate to this link to see what is a Gem.

Step 0 - Have a good README

Most of Ruby Gems have lack of documentation, usage guides and examples. In order to make the usage comfortable would be important to have a robust guide.

Step 1 - Create bin, lib and test folders

  • bin - This folder will be loaded in the system PATH to enable the execution of the files contained within it.
  • lib - Container of the Gem code itself.
  • test - Holds the unit testing scripts.

Step 2 - Version.rb

Have a file in lib/<gem-name>/version.rb enables reading version from the application and from bundler. This version file is also imported into gemspec file to specify version changes in the gem.

# frozen_string_literal: true

module Gem
  VERSION = '0.1.0'

Step 3 - Gemspec file

This file contains all the definition and description of the gem. It is usually named gem-name.gemspec. Detailed section are described below:

# frozen_string_literal: true

# Append the contents of the lib directory into the Ruby Load Path.
lib = File.expand_path('lib', __dir__)
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib)

require '<gem-name>/version' do |spec|          = 'This is the gem name, used when compiling and publishing it, and it is REQUIRED'
  spec.version       = GEM::VERSION # Imported from lib/<gem-name>/version.rb, this is REQUIRED.
  spec.authors       = ['Authors list... this can come from a lib/<gem-name>/authors.rb']

  spec.summary       = 'Short summary of the gem, it is REQUIRED'
  spec.description   = 'A more detailed summary of the gem'
  spec.homepage      = 'Homepage... if any'
  spec.licenses      = 'MIT or whatever'

  # Files to be included in the gem (REQUIRED), i.e. below way to get files from Git repository.
  spec.files       = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").reject { |f| f.match(%r{^(scripts|test)/}) }
  spec.bindir      = 'bin'         # Executables path.
  spec.executables << 'executable' # Executable file(s).
  spec.require_paths = %w[lib]     # And/Or another path.

  # Development dependencies
  spec.add_development_dependency 'add dev dependencies in alphabetical order', '~> and its version'
  # Runtime dependencies
  spec.add_runtime_dependency 'The same for runtime ones', '~> 1.2.3'

Step 4 - Gemfile

We should create the Gemfile to allow Bundler install Gem dependencies. With the changes done in step 3, the Gemfile will finish as follows:

# frozen_string_literal: true

source ''


Step 5 - Include Rubocop.

Install Rubocop as a CLI (as it is recommended) using gem install rubocop. Having this and executing rubocop on the command line will check code agains standard Cops.

To customize Cops, create a .rubocop.yml file and customize there Cops params, as for example:

  TargetRubyVersion: 2.3
  Max: 110
  Max: 25
  Max: 30

To have Rubocop integrated as a Linter with Arcanist/Phabricator, create an .arclint file as below:

  "linters": {
    "Ruby Rubocop": {
      "type": "rubocop",
      "include": "(\\.rb$)"
     "Ruby ": {
      "type": "ruby",
      "include": "(\\.rb$)"

Appendix A - Common Dependencies

List of common development dependencies:

Gem Website Usage
Bundler The gem par excellence for dependency tracking in Ruby
Rake This allows to create executable tasks for code, i.e. run unit testing
Minitest The standard library to unit test your code in Ruby
Faker A good and funny library to generate mock data in Unit Testing
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