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Created October 8, 2019 03:37
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Kaitai Struct definitions for (a subset of) No Man's Sky MBIN and PAK files
id: mbin
file-extension: mbin
endian: le
encoding: utf-8
- id: header
type: mbin_header
- id: table
switch-on: header.template_name
'"cGcProductTable"': list(_io.pos, "product_entry")
'"cGcRecipeTable"': list(_io.pos, "refiner_recipe")
'"cGcSubstanceTable"': list(_io.pos, "substance_entry")
'"cGcTechnologyTable"': list(_io.pos, "technology_entry")
'"cTkLocalisationTable"': list(_io.pos, "localization_entry")
_: unknown
unknown: {}
- id: magic
contents: [0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC]
- id: version
type: u4
- id: timestamp
type: u8
- id: template_guid
type: u8
- id: template_name
type: strz
size: 64
- id: padding
type: u8
- id: rel_offset
type: u8
- id: size
type: u4
- contents: [0x01, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA]
- id: pos
type: u8
- id: list_type
type: str
- id: info
type: list_def
switch-on: list_type
'"localization_entry"': localization_entry
'"product_entry"': product_entry
'"refiner_recipe"': refiner_recipe
'"refiner_recipe_element"': refiner_recipe_element
'"stats_bonus"': stats_bonus
'"substance_entry"': substance_entry
'"technology_entry"': technology_entry
'"technology_requirement"': technology_requirement
_: unknown
pos: pos + info.rel_offset
io: _root._io
repeat: expr
repeat-expr: info.size
- id: pos
type: u8
- id: info
type: list_def
type: strz
size: info.size
pos: pos + info.rel_offset
io: _root._io
- id: pos
type: u8
- id: info
type: list_def
type: strz
size: 16
pos: pos + info.rel_offset
io: _root._io
repeat: expr
repeat-expr: info.size
- id: id
type: strz
size: 32
- id: english
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: french
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: italian
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: german
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: spanish
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: russian
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: polish
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: dutch
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: portuguese
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: latin_american_spanish
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: brazilian_portuguese
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: simplified_chinese
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: traditional_chinese
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: tencent_chinese
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: korean
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: japanese
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: us_english
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: id
type: strz
size: 16
- id: group
type: strz
size: 32
- id: name
type: strz
size: 128
- id: lower_name
type: strz
size: 128
- id: subtitle
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: description
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: teach
type: u8
enum: boolean
- id: hint_start
type: strz
size: 32
- id: hint_end
type: strz
size: 32
- id: icon
type: filename_ref
- size: 4
- id: color
type: color
- id: level
type: u4
- id: chargeable
type: u4
enum: boolean
- id: charge_amount
type: u4
- id: charge_type
type: u4
enum: substance_category
- id: charge_by
type: str_list_0x10(_io.pos)
- id: charge_multiplier
type: f4
- id: build_fully_carged
type: u1
enum: boolean
- id: uses_ammo
type: u1
enum: boolean
- size: 2
- id: ammo_id
type: strz
size: 16
- id: primary_item
type: u1
enum: boolean
- id: upgrade
type: u1
enum: boolean
- id: core
type: u1
enum: boolean
- id: repair_tech
type: u1
enum: boolean
- id: procedural
type: u1
enum: boolean
- size: 3
- id: category
type: u4
enum: technology_category
- id: rarity
type: u4
enum: technology_rarity
- id: value
type: f4
- size: 4
- id: requirements
type: list(_io.pos, "technology_requirement")
- id: base_stat
type: u4
enum: stats_type
- size: 4
- id: stat_bonuses
type: list(_io.pos, "stats_bonus")
- id: required_tech
type: strz
size: 16
- id: required_level
type: u4
- size: 4
- id: focus_locator
type: strz
size: 32
- id: upgrade_color
type: color
- id: link_color
type: color
- id: reward_group
type: strz
size: 16
- id: base_value
type: u4
- id: cost
type: item_price_modifiers
- id: required_rank
type: u4
- id: dispensing_race
type: u4
enum: alien_race
- id: fragment_cost
type: u4
- id: tech_shop_rarity
type: u4
enum: technology_rarity
- id: wiki_enabled
type: u8
enum: boolean
- id: damaged_description
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: id
type: strz
size: 16
- id: name
type: strz
size: 128
- id: lower_name
type: strz
size: 128
- id: subtitle
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: description
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: hint
type: strz
size: 32
- id: group_id
type: strz
size: 16
- id: debris
type: filename_ref
- id: base_value
type: u4
- id: level
type: u4
- id: icon
type: filename_ref
- id: hero_icon
type: filename_ref
- size: 12
- id: color
type: color
- id: substance_category
enum: substance_category
type: u4
- id: type
type: u4
enum: product_category
- id: rarity
enum: rarity
type: u4
- id: legality
enum: legality
type: u4
- id: consumable
type: u1
enum: boolean
- size: 3
- id: charge_value
type: u4
- id: stack_multiplier
type: u4
- id: default_craft_amount
type: u4
- id: craft_amount_step_size
type: u4
- id: craft_amount_multiplier
type: u4
- id: requirements
type: list(_io.pos, "technology_requirement")
- id: alt_requirements
type: list(_io.pos, "technology_requirement")
- id: cost
type: item_price_modifiers
- id: recipe_cost
type: u4
- id: specific_charge_only
type: u1
- size: 3
- id: normalized_value_on_world
type: f4
- id: normalized_value_off_world
type: f4
- id: trade_category
enum: trade_category
type: u4
- id: wiki_category
enum: wiki_category
type: u4
- id: is_craftable
type: u1
enum: boolean
- size: 3
- id: deploys_into
type: strz
size: 16
- id: economy_influence_multiplier
type: f4
- size: 4
- id: pin_objective
type: strz
size: 32
- id: pin_objective_tip
type: strz
size: 32
- id: cooking_ingredient
type: u1
enum: boolean
- size: 3
- id: cooking_value
type: f4
- size: 8
- id: id
type: strz
size: 16
- id: inventory_type
type: u4
enum: inventory_type
- id: amount
type: u4
- id: type
type: u4
enum: stats_type
- id: bonus
type: f4
- id: level
type: u4
- id: space_station_markup
type: f4
- id: low_price_mod
type: f4
- id: high_price_mod
type: f4
- id: buy_base_markup
type: f4
- id: buy_markup_mod
type: f4
- id: filename
type: strz
size: 128
- size: 4
- id: r
type: f4
- id: g
type: f4
- id: b
type: f4
- id: a
type: f4
- id: id
type: strz
size: 32
- id: name
type: strz
size: 32
- id: time_to_make
type: f4
- id: cooking
type: u4
enum: boolean
- id: result
type: refiner_recipe_element
- id: ingredients
type: list(_io.pos, "refiner_recipe_element")
- id: id
type: strz
size: 16
- id: type
type: u4
enum: inventory_type
- id: amount
type: u4
- id: name
type: strz
size: 32
- id: lower_name
type: strz
size: 32
- id: id
type: strz
size: 16
- id: symbol
type: strz
size: 32
- id: icon
type: filename_ref
- id: debris
type: filename_ref
- id: subtitle
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- id: description
type: v_string(_io.pos)
- size: 8
- id: color
type: color
- id: world_color
type: color
- id: base_value
type: u4
- id: category
type: u4
enum: substance_category
- id: rarity
type: u4
enum: rarity
- id: legality
type: u4
enum: legality
- id: charge_value
type: u4
- id: stack_multiplier
type: u4
- id: cost
type: item_price_modifiers
- id: normalized_value_on_world
type: f4
- id: normalized_value_off_world
type: f4
- id: trade_category
type: u4
enum: trade_category
- id: wiki_enabled
type: u4
enum: boolean
- id: economy_influence_multiplier
type: f4
- id: pin_objective
type: strz
size: 32
- id: pin_objective_tip
type: strz
size: 32
- id: wiki_mission_id
type: strz
size: 16
- id: cooking_ingredient
type: u1
enum: boolean
- size: 15
0: false
1: true
0: fuel
1: metal
2: catalyst
3: stellar
4: flora
5: earth
6: exotic
7: special
8: building_part
0: ship
1: weapon
2: suit
3: personal
4: all
5: none
6: freighter
7: maintenance
8: exocraft
9: submarine
10: all_vehicles
0: normal
1: very_common
2: common
3: rare
4: very_rare
5: impossible
6: always
0: unspecified
1: weapon_laser
2: weapon_laser_damage
3: weapon_laser_mining_speed
4: weapon_laser_heattime
5: weapon_laser_bounce
6: weapon_laser_reloadtime
7: weapon_laser_recoil
8: weapon_laser_drain
9: weapon_laser_stronglaser
10: weapon_laser_chargetime
11: weapon_laser_miningbonus
12: weapon_projectile
13: weapon_projectile_damage
14: weapon_projectile_range
15: weapon_projectile_rate
16: weapon_projectile_clipsize
17: weapon_projectile_reloadtime
18: weapon_projectile_recoil
19: weapon_projectile_bounce
20: weapon_projectile_homing
21: weapon_projectile_dispersion
22: weapon_projectile_bulletspershot
23: weapon_projectile_maximumcharge
24: weapon_rail
25: weapon_shotgun
26: weapon_burst
27: weapon_grenade
28: weapon_grenade_damage
29: weapon_grenade_radius
30: weapon_grenade_speed
31: weapon_grenade_bounce
32: weapon_grenade_homing
33: weapon_grenade_clusterbomb
34: weapon_terrainedit
35: weapon_minegrenade
36: weapon_frontshield
37: weapon_scope
38: weapon_scan
39: weapon_scan_radius
40: weapon_scan_recharge_time
41: weapon_scan_types
42: weapon_scan_binoculars
43: weapon_scan_discovery_creature
44: weapon_scan_discovery_flora
45: weapon_scan_secondary
46: weapon_scan_terrain_resource
47: weapon_scan_surveying
48: suit_armour_health
49: suit_armour_shield
50: suit_armour_shield_strength
51: suit_energy
52: suit_energy_regen
53: suit_protection
54: suit_protection_cold
55: suit_protection_heat
56: suit_protection_toxic
57: suit_protection_radiation
58: suit_underwater
59: suit_underwaterlifesupport
60: suit_damagereduce_cold
61: suit_damagereduce_heat
62: suit_damagereduce_toxic
63: suit_damagereduce_radiation
64: suit_protection_heatdrain
65: suit_protection_colddrain
66: suit_protection_toxdrain
67: suit_protection_raddrain
68: suit_protection_waterdrain
69: suit_stamina_strength
70: suit_stamina_speed
71: suit_jetpack
72: suit_jetpack_tank
73: suit_jetpack_drain
74: suit_jetpack_ignition
75: suit_jetpack_doublejump
76: suit_jetpack_waterefficiency
77: suit_autotranslator
78: suit_utility
79: ship_weapons_guns
80: ship_weapons_guns_damage
81: ship_weapons_guns_rate
82: ship_weapons_guns_heattime
83: ship_weapons_guns_cooltime
84: ship_weapons_guns_scale
85: ship_weapons_guns_bulletspershot
86: ship_weapons_guns_dispersion
87: ship_weapons_guns_range
88: ship_weapons_guns_damage_radius
89: ship_weapons_lasers
90: ship_weapons_lasers_damage
91: ship_weapons_lasers_heattime
92: ship_weapons_missiles
93: ship_weapons_missiles_numpershot
94: ship_weapons_missiles_speed
95: ship_weapons_missiles_damage
96: ship_weapons_missiles_size
97: ship_weapons_shotgun
98: ship_weapons_minigun
99: ship_weapons_plasma
100: ship_weapons_rockets
101: ship_armour_shield
102: ship_armour_shield_strength
103: ship_armour_health
104: ship_scan
105: ship_scan_economyfilter
106: ship_scan_conflictfilter
107: ship_hyperdrive
108: ship_hyperdrive_jumpdistance
109: ship_hyperdrive_jumpspercell
110: ship_launcher
111: ship_launcher_takeoffcost
112: ship_launcher_autocharge
113: ship_pulsedrive
114: ship_pulsedrive_minijumpfuelspending
115: ship_boost
116: ship_maneuverability
117: ship_boostmaneuverability
118: ship_teleport
119: freighter_hyperdrive
120: freighter_hyperdrive_jumpdistance
121: vehicle_boost
122: vehicle_engine
123: vehicle_scan
124: vehicle_enginefueluse
125: vehicle_enginetopspeed
126: vehicle_boostspeed
127: vehicle_boosttanks
128: vehicle_grip
129: vehicle_skidgrip
130: vehicle_subboostspeed
131: vehicle_laser
132: vehicle_laserdamage
133: vehicle_laserheattime
134: vehicle_laserstronglaser
135: vehicle_gun
136: vehicle_gundamage
137: vehicle_gunheattime
138: vehicle_gunrate
0: traders
1: warriors
2: explorers
3: robots
4: atlas
5: diplomats
6: exotics
7: none
0: substance
1: technology
2: product
0: component
1: consumable
2: tradeable
3: curiosity
4: building_part
5: procedural
6: emote
7: customization_part
0: common
1: uncommon
2: rare
0: legal
1: illegal
2: none
0: mineral
1: tech
2: commodity
3: component
4: alloy
5: exotic
6: energy
7: none
0: not_enabled
1: crafting
2: tech
3: construction
4: trade
5: curio
6: cooking
id: psarc
file-extension: pak
application: Sony PlayStation archive
endian: be
- id: header
type: toc_header
- id: tables
type: toc_tables
size: header.toc_size - 32
0: none
0x7a6c6962: zlib
0x6c7a6d61: lzma
- id: magic
contents: PSAR
- id: version_major
type: u2
- id: version_minor
type: u2
- id: compression_type
type: u4
enum: compression_type
- id: toc_size
type: u4
- id: toc_entry_size
type: u4
- id: toc_entries
type: u4
- id: block_size
type: u4
- id: archive_flags
type: u4
- id: entries
type: toc_entry
size: _root.header.toc_entry_size
repeat: expr
repeat-expr: _root.header.toc_entries
- id: blocks
type: u2
repeat: eos
- id: name_digest
size: 16
- id: start_block_index
type: u4
- id: size
type: b40
- id: offset
type: b40
pos: offset
size: _root.tables.blocks[start_block_index]
io: _root._io
process: zlib
repeat: until
repeat-until: body.size == size # FIXME this doesn't work in ksy
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