const fs = require("fs"); |
if (!fs.existsSync("package.json")) { |
console.error( |
"Cannot find package.json. Please run this script in your project directory." |
); |
process.exit(1); |
} |
const package = fs.readFileSync("package.json", "utf8"); |
let framework = null; |
if (package.includes("heroicons/react")) { |
console.error("Detected heroicons/react..."); |
framework = "react"; |
} else if (package.includes("heroicons/vue")) { |
console.error("Detected heroicons/vue..."); |
framework = "vue"; |
} else { |
console.error( |
"It doesn't look like you have either the heroicons/react or heroicons/vue libraries installed in this project." |
); |
process.exit(1); |
} |
if (fs.existsSync("yarn.lock")) { |
console.error("Detected yarn. Updating heroicons package to latest..."); |
console.log(`yarn add @heroicons/${framework}@latest`); |
} else if (fs.existsSync("package-lock.json")) { |
console.error("Detected npm. Updating heroicons package to latest..."); |
console.log(`npm install @heroicons/${framework}@latest`); |
} else { |
console.error( |
"Error: cannot find evidence of yarn or npm. Please run either 'npm install' or 'yarn install' before using this script." |
); |
process.exit(1); |
} |
function gsub(from, to) { |
console.log(`echo "${from} => ${to}"`); |
console.log( |
`find -E . -type f -regex '.*\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx|vue)' -not -path '*/\.*' -not -path '*/node_modules/*' -not -path 'migrateHeroicons.js' -exec sed -i '' -e 's|${from}|${to}|g' {} +` |
); |
} |
console.log(`echo "Upgrading import statements..."`); |
gsub(`@heroicons/${framework}/solid`, `@heroicons/${framework}/20/solid`); |
gsub(`@heroicons/${framework}/outline`, `@heroicons/${framework}/24/outline`); |
const heroiconsV1toV2 = { |
AdjustmentsIcon: "AdjustmentsVerticalIcon", |
AnnotationIcon: "ChatBubbleBottomCenterTextIcon", |
ArchiveIcon: "ArchiveBoxIcon", |
ArrowCircleDownIcon: "ArrowDownCircleIcon", |
ArrowCircleLeftIcon: "ArrowLeftCircleIcon", |
ArrowCircleRightIcon: "ArrowRightCircleIcon", |
ArrowCircleUpIcon: "ArrowUpCircleIcon", |
ArrowNarrowDownIcon: "ArrowLongDownIcon", |
ArrowNarrowLeftIcon: "ArrowLongLeftIcon", |
ArrowNarrowRightIcon: "ArrowLongRightIcon", |
ArrowNarrowUpIcon: "ArrowLongUpIcon", |
ArrowsExpandIcon: "ArrowsPointingOutIcon", |
ArrowSmDownIcon: "ArrowSmallDownIcon", |
ArrowSmLeftIcon: "ArrowSmallLeftIcon", |
ArrowSmRightIcon: "ArrowSmallRightIcon", |
ArrowSmUpIcon: "ArrowSmallUpIcon", |
BadgeCheckIcon: "CheckBadgeIcon", |
BanIcon: "NoSymbolIcon", |
BookmarkAltIcon: "BookmarkSquareIcon", |
CashIcon: "BanknotesIcon", |
ChartSquareBarIcon: "ChartBarSquareIcon", |
ChatAlt2Icon: "ChatBubbleLeftRightIcon", |
ChatAltIcon: "ChatBubbleLeftEllipsisIcon", |
ChatIcon: "ChatBubbleOvalLeftEllipsisIcon", |
ChipIcon: "CpuChipIcon", |
ClipboardCheckIcon: "ClipboardDocumentCheckIcon", |
ClipboardCopyIcon: "ClipboardDocumentIcon", |
ClipboardListIcon: "ClipboardDocumentListIcon", |
CloudDownloadIcon: "CloudArrowDownIcon", |
CloudUploadIcon: "CloudArrowUpIcon", |
CodeIcon: "CodeBracketIcon", |
CollectionIcon: "RectangleStackIcon", |
ColorSwatchIcon: "SwatchIcon", |
CursorClickIcon: "CursorArrowRaysIcon", |
DatabaseIcon: "CircleStackIcon", |
DesktopComputerIcon: "ComputerDesktopIcon", |
DeviceMobileIcon: "DevicePhoneMobileIcon", |
DocumentAddIcon: "DocumentPlusIcon", |
DocumentDownloadIcon: "DocumentArrowDownIcon", |
DocumentRemoveIcon: "DocumentMinusIcon", |
DocumentReportIcon: "DocumentChartBarIcon", |
DocumentSearchIcon: "DocumentMagnifyingGlassIcon", |
DotsCircleHorizontalIcon: "EllipsisHorizontalCircleIcon", |
DotsHorizontalIcon: "EllipsisHorizontalIcon", |
DotsVerticalIcon: "EllipsisVerticalIcon", |
DownloadIcon: "ArrowDownTrayIcon", |
DuplicateIcon: "Square2StackIcon", |
EmojiHappyIcon: "FaceSmileIcon", |
EmojiSadIcon: "FaceFrownIcon", |
ExclamationIcon: "ExclamationTriangleIcon", |
ExternalLinkIcon: "ArrowTopRightOnSquareIcon", |
EyeOffIcon: "EyeSlashIcon", |
FastForwardIcon: "ForwardIcon", |
FilterIcon: "FunnelIcon", |
FolderAddIcon: "FolderPlusIcon", |
FolderDownloadIcon: "FolderArrowDownIcon", |
FolderRemoveIcon: "FolderMinusIcon", |
GlobeIcon: "GlobeAmericasIcon", |
HandIcon: "HandRaisedIcon", |
InboxInIcon: "InboxArrowDownIcon", |
LibraryIcon: "BuildingLibraryIcon", |
LightningBoltIcon: "BoltIcon", |
LocationMarkerIcon: "MapPinIcon", |
LoginIcon: "ArrowLeftOnRectangleIcon", |
LogoutIcon: "ArrowRightOnRectangleIcon", |
MailIcon: "EnvelopeIcon", |
MailOpenIcon: "EnvelopeOpenIcon", |
MenuAlt1Icon: "Bars3CenterLeftIcon", |
MenuAlt2Icon: "Bars3BottomLeftIcon", |
MenuAlt3Icon: "Bars3BottomRightIcon", |
MenuAlt4Icon: "Bars2Icon", |
MenuIcon: "Bars3Icon", |
MinusSmIcon: "MinusSmallIcon", |
MusicNoteIcon: "MusicalNoteIcon", |
OfficeBuildingIcon: "BuildingOfficeIcon", |
PencilAltIcon: "PencilSquareIcon", |
PhoneIncomingIcon: "PhoneArrowDownLeftIcon", |
PhoneMissedCallIcon: "PhoneXMarkIcon", |
PhoneOutgoingIcon: "PhoneArrowUpRightIcon", |
PhotographIcon: "PhotoIcon", |
PlusSmIcon: "PlusSmallIcon", |
PuzzleIcon: "PuzzlePieceIcon", |
QrcodeIcon: "QrCodeIcon", |
ReceiptTaxIcon: "ReceiptPercentIcon", |
RefreshIcon: "ArrowPathIcon", |
ReplyIcon: "ArrowUturnLeftIcon", |
RewindIcon: "BackwardIcon", |
SaveAsIcon: "ArrowDownOnSquareStackIcon", |
SaveIcon: "ArrowDownOnSquareIcon", |
SearchCircleIcon: "MagnifyingGlassCircleIcon", |
SearchIcon: "MagnifyingGlassIcon", |
SelectorIcon: "ChevronUpDownIcon", |
SortAscendingIcon: "BarsArrowUpIcon", |
SortDescendingIcon: "BarsArrowDownIcon", |
SpeakerphoneIcon: "MegaphoneIcon", |
StatusOfflineIcon: "SignalSlashIcon", |
StatusOnlineIcon: "SignalIcon", |
SupportIcon: "LifebuoyIcon", |
SwitchHorizontalIcon: "ArrowsRightLeftIcon", |
SwitchVerticalIcon: "ArrowsUpDownIcon", |
TableIcon: "TableCellsIcon", |
TemplateIcon: "RectangleGroupIcon", |
TerminalIcon: "CommandLineIcon", |
ThumbDownIcon: "HandThumbDownIcon", |
ThumbUpIcon: "HandThumbUpIcon", |
TranslateIcon: "LanguageIcon", |
TrendingDownIcon: "ArrowTrendingDownIcon", |
TrendingUpIcon: "ArrowTrendingUpIcon", |
UploadIcon: "ArrowUpTrayIcon", |
UserAddIcon: "UserPlusIcon", |
UserRemoveIcon: "UserMinusIcon", |
ViewBoardsIcon: "ViewColumnsIcon", |
ViewGridAddIcon: "SquaresPlusIcon", |
ViewGridIcon: "Squares2X2Icon", |
ViewListIcon: "Bars4Icon", |
VolumeOffIcon: "SpeakerXMarkIcon", |
VolumeUpIcon: "SpeakerWaveIcon", |
XIcon: "XMarkIcon", |
ZoomInIcon: "MagnifyingGlassPlusIcon", |
ZoomOutIcon: "MagnifyingGlassMinusIcon", |
}; |
console.log(`echo "Upgrading icon names..."`); |
Object.entries(heroiconsV1toV2).map(([from, to]) => { |
gsub(from, to); |
}); |
console.log( |
`echo "Done. You can thank https://twitter.com/cgenco and https://twitter.com/KevinPicchi for saving you so much time :)"` |
); |