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Last active December 11, 2015 07:43
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Keyboard navigation for Instagram timeline
A userscript to add keyboard shortcuts to the Instagram timeline:
- J or space to go to next image
- K to go to previous image
- L to toggle like on the current image
- N to load new posts
$(document.body).keypress(function(event) {
// ignore keypresses in comment fields
if(document.activeElement.tagName == 'INPUT') {
// get the image currently at the top of the window
var current = null;
var items = $('article');
items.each(function(index, element) {
if(!current && element.offsetTop + element.offsetHeight > document.body.scrollTop) {
current = $(element);
if(!current) {
// something weird happened, or you're not on the timeline
var key = String.fromCharCode(event.which).toUpperCase();
if(key == 'N') {
// N for new posts
if($('.timelineTopPaginate').length) {
} else {
document.body.scrollTop = 0;
if(key == 'L') {
// L for like
$('.timelineLikeButton', current.parents('.timelineItem'))[0].click();
// get the next or previous item
var target = null;
if(key == 'J' || key == ' ') {
// J or space for next
target = items[items.index(current) + 1];
} else if(key == 'K') {
// K for back
target = items[items.index(current) - 1];
if(!target) {
// you're at the beginning or end
// scroll to the new item
document.body.scrollTop = target.offsetTop + $('nav')[0].offsetHeight;
if(items.index(target) == items.length - 2) {
// load more
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