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Last active February 21, 2017 07:54
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grouping <- c("A","A","B","B")
### csaw, with its combined window methodology.
xparam <- readParam(dedup=FALSE)
if ( {
test.widths <- 10
names <- c("csaw")
} else {
test.widths <- c(50, 150, 250)
names <- c("csaw.short", "csaw", "csaw.long")
for (w in seq_along(test.widths)) {
data <- windowCounts(bam.files, width=test.widths[w], ext=fraglen, param=xparam, filter=20)
binned <- windowCounts(bam.files, width=2000, bin=TRUE, param=xparam)
bin.ab <- scaledAverage(asDGEList(binned), scale=median(getWidths(binned))/median(getWidths(data)))
threshold <- median(bin.ab) + log2(2)
keep <- aveLogCPM(asDGEList(data)) > threshold
data <- data[keep,]
tabres <- analyzeQLCounts(assay(data), design, totals=data$totals)
merged <- mergeWindows(rowRanges(data), tol=100, max.width=5000)
tabneg <- combineTests(merged$id, tabres)
for (cutoff in fdr.thresholds) {
resultDump(merged$region, tabneg, cutoff, out=ofile)
result<-assessChIP(ofile, lfile, tol=NA, checkfc=FALSE)
dump2file(names[w], cutoff, result)
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