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Last active December 20, 2019 09:02
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import ldetect.baselib.flat_file_consts as cnst
import ldetect.baselib.flat_file as flat
import ldetect.baselib.binary_search as binsrch
import sys
import os.path
import math
import bisect
# import resource
import numpy as np
# def binary_search(a, x, lo=0, hi=None): # can't use a to specify default for hi
# hi = hi if hi is not None else len(a) # hi defaults to len(a)
# pos = bisect_left(a,x,lo,hi) # find insertion position
# return (pos if pos != hi and a[pos] == x else -1) # don't walk off the end
class MatrixAnalysis:
def __init__(self, name, input_config, snp_first=-1, snp_last=-1):
self.matrix = {}
self.locus_list = []
self.vert_sum = {}
self.vert_sum_len = {}
self.locus_list_deleted = [] = name
self.input_config = input_config
self.snp_first, self.snp_last = flat.first_last(name, input_config, snp_first, snp_last)
self.partitions = flat.get_final_partitions(self.input_config,, self.snp_first, self.snp_last)
self.dynamic_delete = False
self.calculation_complete = False
self.start_locus = -1
self.start_locus_index = -1
self.end_locus = -1
self.end_locus_index = -1
def add_corr_coeff(self, corr_coeff, locus):
if locus not in self.vert_sum:
self.vert_sum[locus] = corr_coeff **2
self.vert_sum_len[locus] = 1
self.vert_sum[locus] += corr_coeff **2
self.vert_sum_len[locus] += 1
def generate_img(self, img_full_path, marked_snp=None):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
# mpl.use('svg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as pt
mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22})
# import svgwrite
# if center is None:
# first = self.snp_first
# last = self.snp_last
# else:
# if distance_in_snps is None:
# raise Exception('Error: center is defined, but distance_in_snps is not!')
# else:
# first, last = self.query_locus_list(center, distance_in_snps)
if not self.calculation_complete:
raise Exception('Error: Calculation has not been completed prior to image generation')
if self.dynamic_delete:
raise Exception('Error: The matrix was dynamically deleted - cannot generate full image!')
if len(self.matrix)<=0:
raise Exception('Error: The matrix is emmpty or erroneous')
flat.print_log_msg('Image init')
# svg_document = svgwrite.Drawing(filename = cnst.const['svg_out_fname'],
# size = (self.end_locus_index-self.start_locus_index, self.end_locus_index-self.start_locus_index))
# Draw background
# svg_document.add(svg_document.rect(insert=(0, 0), size=('100%', '100%'), rx=None, ry=None, fill='rgb(0,0,0)'))
plot_mtrx_size = self.end_locus_index-self.start_locus_index+1
plot_mtrx = [[0 for x in range(plot_mtrx_size)] for x in range(plot_mtrx_size)]
flat.print_log_msg('Plot matrix size: '+str(plot_mtrx_size))
flat.print_log_msg('Matrix size: '+str(len(self.matrix)))
flat.print_log_msg('locus_list size: '+str(len(self.locus_list)))
flat.print_log_msg('locus_list_deleted size: '+str(len(self.locus_list_deleted)))
x_values = [0 for x in range(plot_mtrx_size)]
flat.print_log_msg('Generating image data')
for loc_i in self.matrix:
if loc_i >= self.snp_first and loc_i <= self.snp_last:
x_values[self.locus_list.index(loc_i)-self.start_locus_index] = loc_i
for loc_j in self.matrix[loc_i]['data']:
if loc_j >= self.snp_first and loc_j <= self.snp_last:
# if len(svg_loci)<svg_length:
if 'corr_coeff' in self.matrix[loc_i]['data'][loc_j]:
# color = 255* ( 1- ( self.matrix[loc_i]['data'][loc_j]['corr_coeff'] ** 2 ) )
plot_mtrx[self.locus_list.index(loc_i)-self.start_locus_index][self.locus_list.index(loc_j)-self.start_locus_index] = ((self.matrix[loc_i]['data'][loc_j]['corr_coeff']) **2)
except IndexError:
# svg_document.add(svg_document.rect(insert = (self.locus_list.index(loc_i)-self.start_locus_index, self.locus_list.index(loc_j)-self.start_locus_index),
# size = ('1', '1'),
# fill = 'rgb(255,'+str(int(color))+','+str(int(color))+')'))
# svg_loci.add(curr_locus)
flat.print_log_msg("No 'corr_coef' key at: "+str(loc_i)+' '+str(loc_j))
# raise Exception('WTF')
flat.print_log_msg('Writing image file...')
fig = pt.gcf()
dpi = fig.get_dpi()
fig_size = fig.get_size_inches()
# pt.pcolor(np.array(plot_mtrx), cmap='Reds', vmin=0, vmax=1)
pt.pcolormesh(np.array(plot_mtrx), cmap='binary', vmin=0, vmax=1)
# x_values = np.array(x_values) # needs to be numpy array for pcolormesh()
# X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_values, x_values)
# pt.pcolormesh(X, Y, np.array(plot_mtrx), cmap='Reds', vmin=0, vmax=1)
if marked_snp is not None:
bpoint_loc = x_values.index(marked_snp)
pt.scatter((bpoint_loc),(bpoint_loc), marker='x', color='green')
flat.print_log_msg('SNP: '+repr(marked_snp)+' @ index: '+repr(bpoint_loc)+' in graph')
fig = pt.gcf()
pt.xlabel('SNP #')
pt.ylabel('SNP #')
pt.title('Correlation coefficient squared matrix')
# return x_values
# def read_partitions(self, input_config):
# if self.snp_first>self.snp_last:
# raise Exception('Error: snp_first is larger than snp_last!')
# flat.print_log_msg('Reading partitions file')
# partitions = flat.read_partitions(, input_config)
# flat.print_log_msg('Getting relevant partitions')
# partitions = flat.relevant_subpartitions(partitions, self.snp_first, self.snp_last)
# if len(partitions)<=0:
# raise Exception('Error: There are no relevant subpartitions')
# return partitions
def write_output_to_file(self, filename, out_delim, avg=False):
if not self.calculation_complete:
raise Exception('Error: Calculation has not been completed prior to output file generation')
flat.print_log_msg('Writing output to file')
if avg:
flat.write_output(filename, self.locus_list, self.locus_list_deleted, self.vert_sum, out_delim, self.vert_sum_len)
flat.write_output(filename, self.locus_list, self.locus_list_deleted, self.vert_sum, out_delim)
# def query_locus_list(self, locus, distance_in_snps):
# '''
# Returns SNP locations that are distance_in_snps away from locus (in both directions)
# If distance_in_snps runs out of the range [snp_first, snp_last] -> return the snp_first or snp_last, depending on where it runs out
# '''
# # ind=self.locus_list.index(locus)
# if locus < self.snp_first or locus > self.snp_last:
# raise Exception('Provided locus is outside of range [snp_first,snp_last]')
# # In case an arbitrary locus is given (it doesn't necessarily have to be in the range)
# ind=binsrch.find_le_ind(self.locus_list, locus)
# ind_first=ind-distance_in_snps
# if ind_first<0:
# ind_first=0
# ind_last=ind+distance_in_snps
# if ind_last>=len(self.locus_list):
# ind_last=len(self.locus_list)-1
# out_snp_first = self.locus_list[ind_first]
# if out_snp_first < self.snp_first:
# out_snp_first = self.snp_first
# out_snp_last = self.locus_list[ind_last]
# if out_snp_last > self.snp_last:
# out_snp_last = self.snp_last
# return out_snp_first, out_snp_last
def calc_vert(self, dynamic_delete=True, sum_both_sides=True):
# flat.print_log_msg('Removing existing matrix output file')
# try:
# os.remove(cnst.const['out_matrix_delim'])
# except OSError:
# pass
raise Exception('calc_vert is deprecated - check code before running!')
self.dynamic_delete = dynamic_delete
for p_num, p in enumerate(self.partitions):
flat.print_log_msg('Reading partition: '+str(p))
flat.read_partition_into_matrix(self.partitions, p_num, self.matrix, self.locus_list,, self.input_config, self.snp_first, self.snp_last)
# Determine first locus
curr_locus = -1
if p_num == 0:
if len(self.locus_list)>0:
# Find first locus >= snp_first
for i, locus in enumerate(self.locus_list):
if locus >= self.snp_first:
curr_locus = locus
start_locus = locus
curr_locus_index = i
start_locus_index = i
raise Exception('Error: locus_list seems to be empty')
if len(self.locus_list)>0:
curr_locus = self.locus_list[0]
curr_locus_index = 0
raise Exception('Error: locus_list seems to be empty')
if curr_locus<0:
raise Exception('Error: curr_locus not found!')
if p_num+1 < len(self.partitions):
end_locus = self.partitions[p_num+1][0]
end_locus_index = -1
# end_locus = partitions[p_num][1]
# Find last locus <= snp_last
for i in reversed(range(0, len(self.locus_list))):
# for locus in reversed(locus_list):
if self.locus_list[i] <= self.snp_last:
end_locus = self.locus_list[i]
end_locus_index = i
flat.print_log_msg('Running for partition: '+str(p))
# This will not include the very last SNP of the complete range, but that shouldn't be too important since the end of the range shouldn't be a defining location for LD
while curr_locus < end_locus:
for key, el in self.matrix[curr_locus]['data'].items():
corr_coeff = self.matrix[curr_locus]['data'][key]['shrink'] / math.sqrt( self.matrix[curr_locus]['data'][curr_locus]['shrink'] * self.matrix[key]['data'][key]['shrink'] )
self.add_corr_coeff(corr_coeff, curr_locus)
if sum_both_sides:
self.add_corr_coeff(corr_coeff, key)
# Just save it in the matrix ;)
self.matrix[curr_locus]['data'][key]['corr_coeff'] = corr_coeff
if curr_locus_index+1 < len(self.locus_list):
curr_locus = self.locus_list[curr_locus_index]
flat.print_log_msg('curr_locus_index out of bounds')
# flat.delete_loci_smaller_than_and_output_matrix_to_file(end_locus, self.matrix, locus_list, locus_list_deleted, cnst.const['out_matrix_filename'])
if self.dynamic_delete:
flat.print_log_msg('Deleting loci not required any more')
flat.delete_loci_smaller_than(end_locus, self.matrix, self.locus_list, self.locus_list_deleted)
self.start_locus = start_locus
self.start_locus_index = start_locus_index
self.end_locus = end_locus
self.end_locus_index = end_locus_index
self.calculation_complete = True
def calc_diag_lean(self, out_fname, out_delim, dynamic_delete=True):
if dynamic_delete == False:
raise Exception('Error: Conversion has been run in lean mode, but with dynamically=False.')
self.dynamic_delete = dynamic_delete
# pre-read all relevant partitions at beginning!
last_p_num = -1
for p_num_init in range(0, len(self.partitions)-1):
if self.snp_first >= self.partitions[p_num_init+1][0]:
flat.print_log_msg('Pre-reading partition: '+str(self.partitions[p_num_init]))
flat.read_partition_into_matrix_lean(self.partitions, p_num_init, self.matrix, self.locus_list,, self.input_config, self.snp_first, self.snp_last)
last_p_num = p_num_init
curr_locus = -1
for p_num in range(last_p_num+1, len(self.partitions)):
p = self.partitions[p_num]
flat.print_log_msg('Reading partition: '+str(p))
flat.read_partition_into_matrix_lean(self.partitions, p_num, self.matrix, self.locus_list,, self.input_config, self.snp_first, self.snp_last)
# Determine first locus
if curr_locus<0: # Either first partition or not found in first partition
# curr_locus = -1 # <- this should have been set to -1 before entering the main for loop
if len(self.locus_list)>0:
# Find first locus >= snp_first
for i, locus in enumerate(self.locus_list):
if locus >= self.snp_first:
curr_locus = locus
start_locus = locus
curr_locus_index = i
start_locus_index = i
raise Exception('Error: locus_list seems to be empty')
curr_locus_index = self.locus_list.index(curr_locus)
# curr_locus is carried from prev iteration, but index has changed since part of matrix (and locus_list) has been deleted
except ValueError:
if len(self.locus_list)>0:
curr_locus = self.locus_list[0]
curr_locus_index = 0
raise Exception('Error: locus_list seems to be empty')
if curr_locus<0:
flat.print_log_msg('Warning: curr_locus not found! Continuing to next partition.')
flat.print_log_msg('Comment: This is possibly due to snp_first being very close to end of partition.')
flat.print_log_msg('Details: ')
flat.print_log_msg('Partition: '+repr(p))
flat.print_log_msg('snp_first: '+repr(self.snp_first))
flat.print_log_msg('curr_locus: '+repr(curr_locus))
continue #continue to next partition
# Determine end locus
if p_num+1 < len(self.partitions):
end_locus = int((self.partitions[p_num][1] + self.partitions[p_num+1][0]) / 2) # diag - specific
# Find last locus <= snp_last
end_locus_found = False
for i in reversed(range(0, len(self.locus_list))):
# for locus in reversed(locus_list):
if self.locus_list[i] <= self.snp_last:
end_locus = self.locus_list[i]
end_locus_index = i
end_locus_found = True
if not end_locus_found:
end_locus_index = 0
end_locus = self.locus_list[end_locus_index]
flat.print_log_msg('Running for partition: '+str(p))
# This will not include the very last SNP of the complete range, but that shouldn't be too important since the end of the range shouldn't be a defining location for LD
while curr_locus <= end_locus:
x = self.locus_list[curr_locus_index]
y = self.locus_list[curr_locus_index]
delta = 0
while x >= self.partitions[p_num][0] and y <= self.partitions[p_num][1]:
if x in self.matrix and y in self.matrix[x]:
corr_coeff = self.matrix[x][y] / math.sqrt( self.matrix[x][x] * self.matrix[y][y] )
self.add_corr_coeff(corr_coeff, curr_locus)
# Just save it in the matrix ;) - removed for chrom11
if delta!=0:
x = self.locus_list[curr_locus_index-delta+1]
if x in self.matrix and y in self.matrix[x]:
corr_coeff = self.matrix[x][y] / math.sqrt( self.matrix[x][x] * self.matrix[y][y] )
self.add_corr_coeff(corr_coeff, curr_locus)
# Just save it in the matrix ;) - removed for chrom11
delta += 1
if curr_locus_index-delta >= 0:
x = self.locus_list[curr_locus_index-delta]
# flat.print_log_msg('X index out of bounds')
if curr_locus_index+delta < len(self.locus_list):
y = self.locus_list[curr_locus_index+delta]
# flat.print_log_msg('Y index out of bounds')
if curr_locus_index+1 < len(self.locus_list):
curr_locus = self.locus_list[curr_locus_index]
flat.print_log_msg('curr_locus_index out of bounds')
if self.dynamic_delete:
flat.print_log_msg('Deleting loci not required any more')
if p_num+1 < len(self.partitions):
delete_loc = self.partitions[p_num+1][0]
delete_loc = end_locus
flat.delete_loci_smaller_than_lean(delete_loc, self.matrix, self.locus_list, self.locus_list_deleted, out_fname, self.vert_sum, out_delim)
flat.print_log_msg('locus_list size: '+repr(len(self.locus_list)))
self.start_locus = start_locus
self.start_locus_index = start_locus_index
self.end_locus = end_locus
self.end_locus_index = end_locus_index
self.calculation_complete = True
def calc_diag(self, dynamic_delete=True):
# flat.print_log_msg('Removing existing matrix output file')
# try:
# os.remove(cnst.const['out_matrix_delim'])
# except OSError:
# pass
self.dynamic_delete = dynamic_delete
# pre-read all relevant partitions at beginning!
last_p_num = -1
for p_num_init in range(0, len(self.partitions)-1):
if self.snp_first >= self.partitions[p_num_init+1][0]:
flat.print_log_msg('Pre-reading partition: '+str(self.partitions[p_num_init]))
flat.read_partition_into_matrix(self.partitions, p_num_init, self.matrix, self.locus_list,, self.input_config, self.snp_first, self.snp_last)
last_p_num = p_num_init
curr_locus = -1
# for p_num, p in enumerate(self.partitions):
for p_num in range(last_p_num+1, len(self.partitions)):
p = self.partitions[p_num]
flat.print_log_msg('Reading partition: '+str(p))
flat.read_partition_into_matrix(self.partitions, p_num, self.matrix, self.locus_list,, self.input_config, self.snp_first, self.snp_last)
# Determine first locus
if curr_locus<0: # Either first partition or not found in first partition
# curr_locus = -1 # <- this should have been set to -1 before entering the main for loop
if len(self.locus_list)>0:
# Find first locus >= snp_first
for i, locus in enumerate(self.locus_list):
if locus >= self.snp_first:
curr_locus = locus
start_locus = locus
curr_locus_index = i
start_locus_index = i
raise Exception('Error: locus_list seems to be empty')
# else:
# if len(self.locus_list)>0:
# curr_locus = self.locus_list[0]
# curr_locus_index = 0
# else:
# raise Exception('Error: locus_list seems to be empty')
curr_locus_index = self.locus_list.index(curr_locus)
# curr_locus is carried from prev iteration, but index has changed since part of matrix (and locus_list) has been deleted
except ValueError:
if len(self.locus_list)>0:
curr_locus = self.locus_list[0]
curr_locus_index = 0
raise Exception('Error: locus_list seems to be empty')
if curr_locus<0:
flat.print_log_msg('Warning: curr_locus not found! Continuing to next partition.')
flat.print_log_msg('Comment: This is possibly due to snp_first being very close to end of partition.')
flat.print_log_msg('Details: ')
flat.print_log_msg('Partition: '+repr(p))
flat.print_log_msg('snp_first: '+repr(self.snp_first))
flat.print_log_msg('curr_locus: '+repr(curr_locus))
continue #continue to next partition
# raise Exception('Error: curr_locus not found!')
# Determine end locus
if p_num+1 < len(self.partitions):
end_locus = int((self.partitions[p_num][1] + self.partitions[p_num+1][0]) / 2)
# end_locus = self.partitions[p_num][1]
# Find last locus <= snp_last
end_locus_found = False
for i in reversed(range(0, len(self.locus_list))):
# for locus in reversed(locus_list):
if self.locus_list[i] <= self.snp_last:
end_locus = self.locus_list[i]
end_locus_index = i
end_locus_found = True
if not end_locus_found:
end_locus_index = 0
end_locus = self.locus_list[end_locus_index]
flat.print_log_msg('Running for partition: '+str(p))
# This will not include the very last SNP of the complete range, but that shouldn't be too important since the end of the range shouldn't be a defining location for LD
while curr_locus <= end_locus:
x = self.locus_list[curr_locus_index]
y = self.locus_list[curr_locus_index]
delta = 0
while x >= self.partitions[p_num][0] and y <= self.partitions[p_num][1]:
if x in self.matrix and y in self.matrix[x]['data']:
corr_coeff = self.matrix[x]['data'][y]['shrink'] / math.sqrt( self.matrix[x]['data'][x]['shrink'] * self.matrix[y]['data'][y]['shrink'] )
self.add_corr_coeff(corr_coeff, curr_locus)
# Just save it in the matrix ;) ...for img
self.matrix[x]['data'][y]['corr_coeff'] = corr_coeff
if delta!=0:
x = self.locus_list[curr_locus_index-delta+1]
if x in self.matrix and y in self.matrix[x]['data']:
corr_coeff = self.matrix[x]['data'][y]['shrink'] / math.sqrt( self.matrix[x]['data'][x]['shrink'] * self.matrix[y]['data'][y]['shrink'] )
self.add_corr_coeff(corr_coeff, curr_locus)
# Just save it in the matrix ;) ...for img
self.matrix[x]['data'][y]['corr_coeff'] = corr_coeff
delta += 1
if curr_locus_index-delta >= 0:
x = self.locus_list[curr_locus_index-delta]
# flat.print_log_msg('X index out of bounds')
if curr_locus_index+delta < len(self.locus_list):
y = self.locus_list[curr_locus_index+delta]
# flat.print_log_msg('Y index out of bounds')
if curr_locus_index+1 < len(self.locus_list):
curr_locus = self.locus_list[curr_locus_index]
flat.print_log_msg('curr_locus_index out of bounds')
# flat.delete_loci_smaller_than_and_output_matrix_to_file(end_locus, self.matrix, locus_list, locus_list_deleted, cnst.const['out_matrix_filename'])
if self.dynamic_delete:
flat.print_log_msg('Deleting loci not required any more')
if p_num+1 < len(self.partitions):
delete_loc = self.partitions[p_num+1][0] # diag - specific
delete_loc = end_locus
flat.delete_loci_smaller_than(delete_loc, self.matrix, self.locus_list, self.locus_list_deleted)
flat.print_log_msg('locus_list size: '+repr(len(self.locus_list)))
self.start_locus = start_locus
self.start_locus_index = start_locus_index
self.end_locus = end_locus
self.end_locus_index = end_locus_index
self.calculation_complete = True
# main() functionality has moved to the pipeline file:
# def main():
# if(sys.argv[6]=='img-yes'):
# generate_img = True
# elif(sys.argv[6]=='img-no'):
# generate_img = False
# else:
# raise Exception('Error: Unknown argument: '+sys.argv[6])
# analysis = MatrixAnalysis(sys.argv[1], cnst.const[sys.argv[4]], int(sys.argv[2]), int(sys.argv[3]))
# if(sys.argv[7]=='vert'):
# analysis.calc_vert(not generate_img)
# elif(sys.argv[7]=='diag'):
# analysis.calc_diag(not generate_img)
# else:
# raise Exception('Error: Unknown argument: '+sys.argv[7])
# if(sys.argv[5]=='avg'):
# avg = True
# raise Exception('Average used, but its output is not always consistent - especially for diag!')
# elif(sys.argv[5]=='sum'):
# avg = False
# else:
# raise Exception('Error: Unknown argument: '+sys.argv[5])
# analysis.write_output_to_file(cnst.const['out_filename'], cnst.const['out_delim'], avg)
# if generate_img:
# analysis.generate_img(cnst.const['img_out_fname']+cnst.const['img_out_ext'])
# flat.print_log_msg('Done')
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# main()
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