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Last active March 17, 2016 15:53
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Perl that XORs.. for science!
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use List::Util qw( shuffle );
my $o='`^._-=>;:/()|[]{}#@%+$&?*~,"';
my $s=join(" ",@ARGV)||"egyenisegek vagytok mind!";
sub xorsplit($){my$oa;my$ob;out:foreach my$c(split//,shift){foreach my$a(shuffle split//,$o){foreach my$b(shuffle split//,$o){if((ord($a)^(ord($b)))==ord($c)){$oa.=$a; $ob.=$b;next out;}}}printf"Failed looking up '%s'\n",$c;}return($oa,$ob);}
printf"use re 'eval';''=~('(?{'.('%s'^'%s').',\$\/})')\n",xorsplit("print \"$s\"");
printf"yes|perl -pe'\$_=q\"%s\"|q\"%s\"",xorsplit($s);
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