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Last active July 6, 2019 12:30
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import { map, range, reduce, addIndex, identity, ompose, pipe, any, join, contains, update, equals, prop, juxt, repeat, reverse } from 'ramda';
const mapIdx = addIndex(map);
const fillGrid = arr => arr.concat(map(() => repeat(' ', arr[0].length), arr));
const shiftGrid = mapIdx((el,i,arr) => repeat(' ', arr.length - i).concat(el).concat(repeat(' ', i)));
const initBoard = size => map(() => Array(size).fill(' '), range(0,size));
const updateBoard = move => grid => update(move.x, update(move.y, move.val, grid[move.x]), grid);
const performMoves = moves => reduce(compose, identity, map(updateBoard, moves));
const xWins = compose(contains('XXX'), join(''));
const oWins = compose(contains('OOO'), join(''));
const getColumns = grid => mapIdx((el, i) => map(prop(i), grid), grid);
const getDiagonalsF = compose(getColumns, fillGrid, shiftGrid);
const getDiagonalsB = compose(getDiagonalsF, map(reverse));
const checkRow = map(juxt([xWins, oWins]));
const checkDiagF = compose(checkRow, getDiagonalsF);
const checkDiagB = compose(checkRow, getDiagonalsB);
const checkCol = compose(checkRow, getColumns);
const checkWin = juxt([checkRow, checkDiagB, checkDiagF, checkCol]);
const printWin = map(map((item) => {
if (item[0] === true) console.log('X wins');
if (item[1] === true) console.log('O wins');
return null;
const game = size => mList => compose(performMoves(mList),initBoard)(size);
const moveList = [{x: 1, y: 1, val: 'O'}, { x: 3, y: 1, val: 'X' }, {x: 1, y: 3, val: 'O'}, { x: 2, y: 2, val: 'X' }, {x: 1, y: 2, val: 'O'}]
const display = g => {map(console.log, g);return g;};
pipe(game(5),display,checkWin,printWin,() => 'done.')(moveList)
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