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Created September 25, 2023 17:26
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"Angular Standalone Single File Component": {
"prefix": "asfc",
"scope": "typescript",
"description": "Angular Standalone Single File Component",
"body": [
"import { Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy } from '@angular/core';",
"\tselector: 'app-${1:selector-name}',",
"\ttemplate: `",
"\tstandalone: true,",
"\tchangeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush",
"export class ${2:Name}Component { }"
"signal-standalone-sfc": {
"prefix": "sfc",
"scope": "typescript",
"description": "Angular Standalone Signal Single File Component",
"body": [
"import { Component } from '@angular/core';",
"\tselector: 'app-${1:selector-name}',",
"\ttemplate: `",
"\tsignals: true,",
"\tstandalone: true,",
"\timports: [],",
"export class ${2:Name}Component { }"
"sinp": {
"prefix": "sinp",
"body": [
"readonly ${1:name} = signal<${2:type} | null>(null)",
"@Input({ alias: '${1:name}' }) set _${1:name}(value: ${2:type}) {",
"description": "Angular Setter Signal Inputs"
"ng-if-block": {
"prefix": "@if",
"body": ["@if (${1:condition}) {", "\t${2: <!-- content here -->}", "}"],
"description": "if block"
"ng-if-else-block": {
"prefix": "@if-else",
"body": [
"@if (${1:condition}) {",
"\t${2: <!-- content here -->}",
"} @else {",
"\t${3: <!-- else content here -->}",
"description": "if else block"
"ng-else-block": {
"prefix": "@else",
"body": ["@else {", "\t${1: <!-- else content here -->}", "}"],
"description": "else block"
"ng-if-else-if-block": {
"prefix": "@if-else-if",
"body": [
"@if (${1:condition}) {",
"\t${2: <!-- content here -->}",
"} @else if (${3:otherCondition}) {",
"\t${4: <!-- else if content here -->}",
"} @else {",
"\t${5: <!-- else content here -->}",
"description": "if else if block"
"ng-else-if-block": {
"prefix": "@else-if",
"body": [
"@else if (${1: otherCondition}) {",
"\t${2: <!-- else if content here -->}",
"description": "else if block"
"ng-for-block": {
"prefix": "@for",
"body": [
"@for (${2:item} of ${1:items}; track ${2:item}) {",
"\t${3: <!-- content here -->}",
"description": "for block"
"ng-for-empty-block": {
"prefix": "@for-empty",
"body": [
"@for (${2:item} of ${1:items}; track ${2:item}) {",
"\t${3: <!-- content here -->}",
"} @empty {",
"\t${4: <!-- empty list -->}",
"description": "each else block"
"ng-defer-block": {
"prefix": "@defer",
"body": [
"@defer (on interaction) {",
"\t<!-- main content -->",
"} @placeholder {",
"\t<!-- placeholder content -->",
"} @loading {",
"\t<!-- loading -->",
"} @error {",
"\t<!-- error -->",
"description": "defer block"
"ng-switch-block": {
"prefix": "@switch",
"body": [
"@switch (${1:expression}) {",
"\t@case (${2:expression}) {",
"\t\t${3: <!-- content here -->}",
"\t@case (${4:expression}) {",
"\t\t${5: <!-- content here -->}",
"\t@default {",
"\t\t${6: <!-- default content here -->}",
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