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JRuby Released |
The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby
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JRuby 9.3.x is compatible with Ruby 2.6.x and stays in sync with C Ruby. As always there is a mix of miscellaneous fixes so be sure to read the issue list below.
Thanks to our contributors this cycle for helping to improve stability and compatibility of JRuby 9.3: [@evaniainbrooks], [@k77ch7] [@ccutrer] [@jimtng]
- #7120 - Gem.install caused a BootstrapMethodError
- #7185 - Spurious constant replacement warning when using include_package
- #7211 - require_relative doesn't work inside Jar with
- #7218 - Empty rescue block returns exception object instead of nil
- #7264 - update jar-dependencies gem hooks
- #7267 - Circular exception handling can cause infinite loop since
- #7268 - com.sun.nio.file.ExtendedOpenOption not available in OSGi bundles on Windows since JRuby
- #7271 - Fix BootstrapMethodError in runtime helpers
- #7279 - simple timeout script does not work
- #7280 - Eliminate JI-specific const replacement warning
- #7281 - Use the wide versions of these functions always
- #7282 - Fixes #7218. Empty rescue block returns exception object instead of nil.
- #7288 - Clear errinfo after each finalizer runs
- #7289 - Revert "update jar-dependencies gem hooks"
- #7291 - update jar-dependencies 0.4.2 reference in lib/pom.rb
- #7292 - Always pass filename into AOT root scope creation
- #7298 - Revert "update jar-dependencies 0.4.2 reference in lib/pom.rb"
- #7299 - Fix for issue 7256: Undefined constants when including a module that has been prepended
- #7302 - Fix for issue 7256 (jruby-9.3)
- #7304 - Only use NOSHARE_DELETE if accessible
- #7306 - Syntax Error occurs in regex
- #7314 - Fix parsing Regexp for #7306