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Last active July 5, 2020 15:21
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def read_data(path):
with open(path) as f:
q = int(next(f))
rest ='L', '')
return q, eval(rest)
n, rest = read_data('flag.enc')
FF = GF(n)
def logarithm_mod_2(h):
return int(h^((n-1)/2) != 1)
A = Matrix(Zmod(2), [[logarithm_mod_2(FF(x)) for x in row] for row, _ in rest])
b = vector(Zmod(2), [logarithm_mod_2(FF(x)) for _, x in rest])
# one bit is skipped
l = [0] + list(A\b)
print(bytes([int(''.join(map(str, l[k:k+8])), 2) for k in range(0, len(l), 8)]))
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