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Created August 1, 2020 03:11
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#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
using u32 = uint32_t;
using u64 = uint64_t;
const auto SECRET = 14810031;
const u32 masks[] = {43, 578, 22079, 142962};
const u32 mask_lengths[] = {6, 10, 15, 18};
const u32 SKIP = 160;
std::array<std::vector<u32>, 4> read_random() {
// generate stdin with
def generate_randdata(length):
masks = [43, 578, 22079, 142962]
out = []
for mask in masks:
rand = Random()
rand.seed(SECRET + mask)
out.append([rand.getrandbits(20) for _ in range(length)])
return out
randdata = generate_randdata(160+200)
with open('randdata', 'w') as f:
for x in zip(*randdata):
print(*x, sep='\n', file=f)
std::array<std::vector<u32>, 4> out;
u32 x1, x2, x3, x4;
while (std::cin >> x1 >> x2 >> x3 >> x4) {
return out;
template<u32 mask, u32 maskLength>
class Lfsr {
Lfsr(u32 init, std::vector<u32>& random) : init(init), random(random), index(0) {}
u32 next() {
u32 r = random[index++];
u32 nextdata = ((init << 1) & 0xffffff) ^ (mask & r);
u32 output = 0;
int i = 31;
while (0 == (nextdata & (1ULL << i)) && i) {
int h = i/2;
//std::cout << i << "|" << h << "\n";
while (i > h) {
u32 bit = ((1ULL << i) & nextdata) > 0;
output += bit;
//std::cout << bit << " ";
init = nextdata ^ output;
i -= 2;
//std::cout << "\n" << nextdata << " "<<output << "\n";
return output % 2;
u32 init;
u32 index;
std::vector<u32>& random;
u32 combine(u32 a, u32 b, u32 c, u32 d) {
return (a^b)^(a|c)^(b|c)^(c|d);
template<u32 mask, u32 maskLength, size_t len>
u64 generate(std::vector<u32>& random, u32 seed) {
static_assert(len <= 64);
u64 output = 0;
Lfsr<mask, maskLength> lfsr(seed, random);
for (size_t i = 0; i < SKIP; ++i) {;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
output = (output << 1) |;
return output;
template<u32 mask, u32 maskLength, size_t len>
std::vector<u64> generate_(std::vector<u32>& random) {
u32 start = 1 << (maskLength - 1);
u32 end = 1 << maskLength;
std::vector<u64> output(end - start);
for (u32 x = start; x < end; ++x) {
//std::cerr << x << " " << end << "\n";
output[x - start] = generate<mask, maskLength, len>(random, x);
return output;
bool verify_streams(std::vector<bool>& correct, size_t len, u64 x0, u64 x1, u64 x2, u64 x3) {
for (size_t i = len; i > 0; --i) {
bool y0 = x0 >> (len - 1);
bool y1 = x1 >> (len - 1);
bool y2 = x2 >> (len - 1);
bool y3 = x3 >> (len - 1);
auto b = combine(y0, y1, y2, y3);
if (b != correct[len - i])
return false;
return true;
const size_t len = 56;
void brute(std::array<std::vector<u32>, 4>& random, std::vector<bool>& correct, int start, int end) {
std::array<std::vector<u64>, 4> streams;
streams[0] = generate_<43, 6, len>(random[0]);
std::cerr << "generated 0\n";
streams[1] = generate_<578, 10, len>(random[1]);
std::cerr << "generated 1\n";
streams[2] = generate_<22079, 15, len>(random[2]);
std::cerr << "generated 2\n";
streams[3] = generate_<142962, 18, len>(random[3]);
std::cerr << "generated 3\n";
std::vector<u32> s(4);
if (start == -1)
start = (1<<(mask_lengths[3]-1));
if (end == -1)
end = (1<<mask_lengths[3]);
for (s[3] = start; s[3] < end; ++s[3]) {
if (s[3] % (1<<8) == 0) {
std::cerr << s[3] - start << "\n";
for (s[1] = (1 << (mask_lengths[1]-1)); s[1] < (1 << mask_lengths[1]); ++s[1]) {
if (s[3] % s[1] != 0)
for (s[0] = (1<<(mask_lengths[0]-1)); s[0] < (1<<mask_lengths[0]); ++s[0]) {
for (s[2] = (1<<(mask_lengths[2]-1)); s[2] < (1<<mask_lengths[2]); ++s[2]) {
u64 x0, x1, x2, x3;
x0 = streams[0][s[0] - (1<<(mask_lengths[0]-1))];
x1 = streams[1][s[1] - (1<<(mask_lengths[1]-1))];
x2 = streams[2][s[2] - (1<<(mask_lengths[2]-1))];
x3 = streams[3][s[3] - (1<<(mask_lengths[3]-1))];
if (verify_streams(correct, len, x0, x1, x2, x3)) {
std::cout << "\nFound: " << s[0] << " " << s[1] << " " << s[2] << " " << s[3] << "\n";
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
auto rand = read_random();
std::vector<bool> correct;
std::ifstream f("rem_data");
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
char c;
f >> c;
correct.push_back(c == '1');
int start = -1, end = -1;
if (argc >= 3) {
start = std::stoi(argv[1]);
end = std::stoi(argv[2]);
brute(rand, correct, start, end);
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