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Created July 15, 2014 18:54
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/* Detect-zoom
* -----------
* Cross Browser Zoom and Pixel Ratio Detector
* Version 1.0.4 | Apr 1 2013
* dual-licensed under the WTFPL and MIT license
* Maintained by https://github/tombigel
* Original developer
//AMD and CommonJS initialization copied from
(function (root, ns, factory) {
"use strict";
if (typeof (module) !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { // CommonJS
module.exports = factory(ns, root);
} else if (typeof (define) === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD
define("detect-zoom", function () {
return factory(ns, root);
} else {
root[ns] = factory(ns, root);
}(window, 'detectZoom', function () {
* Use devicePixelRatio if supported by the browser
* @return {Number}
* @private
var devicePixelRatio = function () {
return window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
* Fallback function to set default values
* @return {Object}
* @private
var fallback = function () {
return {
zoom: 1,
devicePxPerCssPx: 1
* IE 8 and 9: no trick needed!
* TODO: Test on IE10 and Windows 8 RT
* @return {Object}
* @private
var ie8 = function () {
var zoom = Math.round((screen.deviceXDPI / screen.logicalXDPI) * 100) / 100;
return {
zoom: zoom,
devicePxPerCssPx: zoom * devicePixelRatio()
* For IE10 we need to change our technique again...
* thanks
* @return {Object}
* @private
var ie10 = function () {
var zoom = Math.round((document.documentElement.offsetHeight / window.innerHeight) * 100) / 100;
return {
zoom: zoom,
devicePxPerCssPx: zoom * devicePixelRatio()
* For chrome
var chrome = function()
var zoom = Math.round(((window.outerWidth) / window.innerWidth)*100) / 100;
return {
zoom: zoom,
devicePxPerCssPx: zoom * devicePixelRatio()
* For safari (same as chrome)
var safari= function()
var zoom = Math.round(((window.outerWidth) / window.innerWidth)*100) / 100;
return {
zoom: zoom,
devicePxPerCssPx: zoom * devicePixelRatio()
* Mobile WebKit
* the trick: window.innerWIdth is in CSS pixels, while
* screen.width and screen.height are in system pixels.
* And there are no scrollbars to mess up the measurement.
* @return {Object}
* @private
var webkitMobile = function () {
var deviceWidth = (Math.abs(window.orientation) == 90) ? screen.height : screen.width;
var zoom = deviceWidth / window.innerWidth;
return {
zoom: zoom,
devicePxPerCssPx: zoom * devicePixelRatio()
* Desktop Webkit
* the trick: an element's clientHeight is in CSS pixels, while you can
* set its line-height in system pixels using font-size and
* -webkit-text-size-adjust:none.
* device-pixel-ratio:
* Previous trick (used before
* documentElement.scrollWidth is in CSS pixels, while
* document.width was in system pixels. Note that this is the
* layout width of the document, which is slightly different from viewport
* because document width does not include scrollbars and might be wider
* due to big elements.
* @return {Object}
* @private
var webkit = function () {
var important = function (str) {
return str.replace(/;/g, " !important;");
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = "1<br>2<br>3<br>4<br>5<br>6<br>7<br>8<br>9<br>0";
div.setAttribute('style', important('font: 100px/1em sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; text-size-adjust: none; height: auto; width: 1em; padding: 0; overflow: visible;'));
// The container exists so that the div will be laid out in its own flow
// while not impacting the layout, viewport size, or display of the
// webpage as a whole.
// Add !important and relevant CSS rule resets
// so that other rules cannot affect the results.
var container = document.createElement('div');
container.setAttribute('style', important('width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; visibility:hidden; position: absolute;'));
var zoom = 1000 / div.clientHeight;
zoom = Math.round(zoom * 100) / 100;
zoom: zoom,
devicePxPerCssPx: zoom * devicePixelRatio()
* no real trick; device-pixel-ratio is the ratio of device dpi / css dpi.
* (Note that this is a different interpretation than Webkit's device
* pixel ratio, which is the ratio device dpi / system dpi).
* Also, for Mozilla, there is no difference between the zoom factor and the device ratio.
* @return {Object}
* @private
var firefox4 = function () {
var zoom = mediaQueryBinarySearch('min--moz-device-pixel-ratio', '', 0, 10, 20, 0.0001);
zoom = Math.round(zoom * 100) / 100;
return {
zoom: zoom,
devicePxPerCssPx: zoom
* Firefox 18.x
* Mozilla added support for devicePixelRatio to Firefox 18,
* but it is affected by the zoom level, so, like in older
* Firefox we can't tell if we are in zoom mode or in a device
* with a different pixel ratio
* @return {Object}
* @private
var firefox18 = function () {
return {
zoom: firefox4().zoom,
devicePxPerCssPx: devicePixelRatio()
* works starting Opera 11.11
* the trick: outerWidth is the viewport width including scrollbars in
* system px, while innerWidth is the viewport width including scrollbars
* in CSS px
* @return {Object}
* @private
var opera11 = function () {
var zoom = /;
zoom = Math.round(zoom * 100) / 100;
return {
zoom: zoom,
devicePxPerCssPx: zoom * devicePixelRatio()
* Use a binary search through media queries to find zoom level in Firefox
* @param property
* @param unit
* @param a
* @param b
* @param maxIter
* @param epsilon
* @return {Number}
var mediaQueryBinarySearch = function (property, unit, a, b, maxIter, epsilon) {
var matchMedia;
var head, style, div;
if (window.matchMedia) {
matchMedia = window.matchMedia;
} else {
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
style = document.createElement('style');
div = document.createElement('div');
div.className = 'mediaQueryBinarySearch'; = 'none';
matchMedia = function (query) {
style.sheet.insertRule('@media ' + query + '{.mediaQueryBinarySearch ' + '{text-decoration: underline} }', 0);
var matched = getComputedStyle(div, null).textDecoration == 'underline';
return {matches: matched};
var ratio = binarySearch(a, b, maxIter);
if (div) {
return ratio;
function binarySearch(a, b, maxIter) {
var mid = (a + b) / 2;
if (maxIter <= 0 || b - a < epsilon) {
return mid;
var query = "(" + property + ":" + mid + unit + ")";
if (matchMedia(query).matches) {
return binarySearch(mid, b, maxIter - 1);
} else {
return binarySearch(a, mid, maxIter - 1);
* Generate detection function
* @private
var detectFunction = (function () {
var func = fallback;
if (!isNaN(screen.logicalXDPI) && !isNaN(screen.systemXDPI)) {
func = ie8;
// IE10+ / Touch
else if (window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints) {
func = ie10;
else if(!! && !(!!window.opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' Opera') >= 0)){
func = chrome;
else if('Constructor') > 0){
func = safari;
//Mobile Webkit
else if ('orientation' in window && 'webkitRequestAnimationFrame' in window) {
func = webkitMobile;
else if ('webkitRequestAnimationFrame' in window) {
func = webkit;
else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') >= 0) {
func = opera11;
//Last one is Firefox
//FF 18.x
else if (window.devicePixelRatio) {
func = firefox18;
//FF 4.0 - 17.x
else if (firefox4().zoom > 0.001) {
func = firefox4;
return func;
return ({
* Ratios.zoom shorthand
* @return {Number} Zoom level
zoom: function () {
return detectFunction().zoom;
* Ratios.devicePxPerCssPx shorthand
* @return {Number} devicePxPerCssPx level
device: function () {
return detectFunction().devicePxPerCssPx;
var wpcom_img_zoomer = {
zoomed: false,
timer: null,
interval: 1000, // zoom polling interval in millisecond
// Should we apply width/height attributes to control the image size?
imgNeedsSizeAtts: function( img ) {
// Do not overwrite existing width/height attributes.
if ( img.getAttribute('width') !== null || img.getAttribute('height') !== null )
return false;
// Do not apply the attributes if the image is already constrained by a parent element.
if ( img.width < img.naturalWidth || img.height < img.naturalHeight )
return false;
return true;
init: function() {
var t = this;
//t.timer = setInterval( function() { t.zoomImages(); }, t.interval );
listenForChangesToDom: function(){
var t = this;
var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver;
var observer = new MutationObserver( function( mutations ) {
mutations.forEach( function( mutation ) {
if( 'childList' === mutation.type ) {
var numOfAddedNodes = mutation.addedNodes.length;
// console.log( numOfAddedNodes );
for( var i = 0; i < numOfAddedNodes; i++ ) {
// ignore any script and iframes and anything that is not a tag
if( typeof mutation.addedNodes[i].tagName != 'undefined'
&& mutation.addedNodes[i].tagName != 'SCRIPT'
&& mutation.addedNodes[i].tagName != 'IFRAME' ) {
t.zoomImagesInDom( mutation.addedNodes[i] );
} ); // end of for reach
} );
if( 'object' === typeof observer ) {
// look at only the childList and the subtree changes
var config = { attributes: false, childList: true, characterData: false, subtree: true }
observer.observe( window.document.body, config );
} else {
// If the browser doesn't suppor the new DOM observer
// lets try the zoomImages() method every interval
// todo: check if IE support passing setInterval function call.
t.timer = setInterval( function() { t.zoomImages(); }, t.interval );
stop: function() {
if ( this.timer )
clearInterval( this.timer );
getScale: function() {
var scale = detectZoom.device();
// Round up to 1.5 or the next integer below the cap.
if ( scale <= 1.0 ) scale = 1.0;
else if ( scale <= 1.5 ) scale = 1.5;
else if ( scale <= 2.0 ) scale = 2.0;
else if ( scale <= 3.0 ) scale = 3.0;
else if ( scale <= 4.0 ) scale = 4.0;
else scale = 5.0;
return scale;
shouldZoom: function( scale ) {
var t = this;
// Do not operate on hidden frames.
if ( "innerWidth" in window && !window.innerWidth )
return false;
// Don't do anything until scale > 1
if ( scale == 1.0 && t.zoomed == false )
return false;
return true;
zoomImagesInDom: function( dom ) {
var t = this;
var scale = t.getScale();
if ( ! t.shouldZoom( scale ) ){
t.zoomed = true;
// Loop through all the <img> elements on the page.
var imgs = dom.getElementsByTagName("img");
for ( var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++ ) {
try {
t.maybeScaleImage( imgs[i], scale );
} catch(e) {}
zoomImages: function() {
var t = this;
t.zoomImagesInDom( document );
maybeScaleImage: function ( img, scale ){
var t = this;
// Wait for original images to load
if ( "complete" in img && ! img.complete ){
// lets try the same image in a little bit
setTimeout( function() { t.maybeScaleImage( img, scale ) } , 100 );
// Skip images that don't need processing.
var imgScale = img.getAttribute("scale");
if ( imgScale == scale || imgScale == "0" )
// Skip images that have already failed at this scale
var scaleFail = img.getAttribute("scale-fail");
if ( scaleFail && scaleFail <= scale )
// Skip images that have no dimensions yet.
if ( ! ( img.width && img.height ) )
// Skip images from Lazy Load plugins
if ( ! imgScale && img.getAttribute("data-lazy-src") && (img.getAttribute("data-lazy-src") !== img.getAttribute("src")))
if ( t.scaleImage( img, scale ) ) {
// Mark the img as having been processed at this scale.
img.setAttribute("scale", scale);
else {
// Set the flag to skip this image.
img.setAttribute("scale", "0");
scaleImage: function( img, scale ) {
var t = this;
var newSrc = img.src;
// Skip slideshow images
if ( img.parentNode.className.match(/slideshow-slide/) )
return false;
// Scale gravatars that have ?s= or ?size=
if ( img.src.match( /^https?:\/\/([^\/]*\.)?gravatar\.com\/.+[?&](s|size)=/ ) ) {
newSrc = img.src.replace( /([?&](s|size)=)(\d+)/, function( $0, $1, $2, $3 ) {
// Stash the original size
var originalAtt = "originals",
originalSize = img.getAttribute(originalAtt);
if ( originalSize === null ) {
originalSize = $3;
img.setAttribute(originalAtt, originalSize);
if ( t.imgNeedsSizeAtts( img ) ) {
// Fix width and height attributes to rendered dimensions.
img.width = img.width;
img.height = img.height;
// Get the width/height of the image in CSS pixels
var size = img.clientWidth;
// Convert CSS pixels to device pixels
var targetSize = Math.ceil(img.clientWidth * scale);
// Don't go smaller than the original size
targetSize = Math.max( targetSize, originalSize );
// Don't go larger than the service supports
targetSize = Math.min( targetSize, 512 );
return $1 + targetSize;
// Scale resize queries (* that have ?w= or ?h=
else if ( img.src.match( /^https?:\/\/([^\/]+)\.files\.wordpress\.com\/.+[?&][wh]=/ ) ) {
if ( img.src.match( /[?&]crop/ ) )
return false;
var changedAttrs = {};
var matches = img.src.match( /([?&]([wh])=)(\d+)/g );
for ( var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++ ) {
var lr = matches[i].split( '=' );
var thisAttr = lr[0].replace(/[?&]/g, '' );
var thisVal = lr[1];
// Stash the original size
var originalAtt = 'original' + thisAttr, originalSize = img.getAttribute( originalAtt );
if ( originalSize === null ) {
originalSize = thisVal;
img.setAttribute(originalAtt, originalSize);
if ( t.imgNeedsSizeAtts( img ) ) {
// Fix width and height attributes to rendered dimensions.
img.width = img.width;
img.height = img.height;
// Get the width/height of the image in CSS pixels
var size = thisAttr == 'w' ? img.clientWidth : img.clientHeight;
var naturalSize = ( thisAttr == 'w' ? img.naturalWidth : img.naturalHeight );
// Convert CSS pixels to device pixels
var targetSize = Math.ceil(size * scale);
// Don't go smaller than the original size
targetSize = Math.max( targetSize, originalSize );
// Don't go bigger unless the current one is actually lacking
if ( scale > img.getAttribute("scale") && targetSize <= naturalSize )
targetSize = thisVal;
// Don't try to go bigger if the image is already smaller than was requested
if ( naturalSize < thisVal )
targetSize = thisVal;
if ( targetSize != thisVal )
changedAttrs[ thisAttr ] = targetSize;
var w = changedAttrs.w || false;
var h = changedAttrs.h || false;
if ( w ) {
newSrc = img.src.replace(/([?&])w=\d+/g, function( $0, $1 ) {
return $1 + 'w=' + w;
if ( h ) {
newSrc = newSrc.replace(/([?&])h=\d+/g, function( $0, $1 ) {
return $1 + 'h=' + h;
// Scale mshots that have width
else if ( img.src.match(/^https?:\/\/([^\/]+\.)*(wordpress|wp)\.com\/mshots\/.+[?&]w=\d+/) ) {
newSrc = img.src.replace( /([?&]w=)(\d+)/, function($0, $1, $2) {
// Stash the original size
var originalAtt = 'originalw', originalSize = img.getAttribute(originalAtt);
if ( originalSize === null ) {
originalSize = $2;
img.setAttribute(originalAtt, originalSize);
if ( t.imgNeedsSizeAtts( img ) ) {
// Fix width and height attributes to rendered dimensions.
img.width = img.width;
img.height = img.height;
// Get the width of the image in CSS pixels
var size = img.clientWidth;
// Convert CSS pixels to device pixels
var targetSize = Math.ceil(size * scale);
// Don't go smaller than the original size
targetSize = Math.max( targetSize, originalSize );
// Don't go bigger unless the current one is actually lacking
if ( scale > img.getAttribute("scale") && targetSize <= img.naturalWidth )
targetSize = $2;
if ( $2 != targetSize )
return $1 + targetSize;
return $0;
// Scale simple imgpress queries ( that only specify w/h/fit
else if ( img.src.match(/^https?:\/\/([^\/.]+\.)*(wp|wordpress)\.com\/imgpress\?(.+)/) ) {
var imgpressSafeFunctions = ["zoom", "url", "h", "w", "fit", "filter", "brightness", "contrast", "colorize", "smooth", "unsharpmask"];
// Search the query string for unsupported functions.
var qs = RegExp.$3.split('&');
for ( var q in qs ) {
q = qs[q].split('=')[0];
if ( imgpressSafeFunctions.indexOf(q) == -1 ) {
return false;
// Fix width and height attributes to rendered dimensions.
img.width = img.width;
img.height = img.height;
// Compute new src
if ( scale == 1 )
newSrc = img.src.replace(/\?(zoom=[^&]+&)?/, '?');
newSrc = img.src.replace(/\?(zoom=[^&]+&)?/, '?zoom=' + scale + '&');
// Scale LaTeX images or Photon queries (
else if (
img.src.match(/^https?:\/\/([^\/.]+\.)*(wp|wordpress)\.com\/latex\.php\?(latex|zoom)=(.+)/) ||
) {
// Fix width and height attributes to rendered dimensions.
img.width = img.width;
img.height = img.height;
// Compute new src
if ( scale == 1 )
newSrc = img.src.replace(/\?(zoom=[^&]+&)?/, '?');
newSrc = img.src.replace(/\?(zoom=[^&]+&)?/, '?zoom=' + scale + '&');
// Scale static assets that have a name matching *-1x.png or *@1x.png
else if ( img.src.match(/^https?:\/\/[^\/]+\/.*[-@]([12])x\.(gif|jpeg|jpg|png)(\?|$)/) ) {
// Fix width and height attributes to rendered dimensions.
img.width = img.width;
img.height = img.height;
var currentSize = RegExp.$1, newSize = currentSize;
if ( scale <= 1 )
newSize = 1;
newSize = 2;
if ( currentSize != newSize )
newSrc = img.src.replace(/([-@])[12]x\.(gif|jpeg|jpg|png)(\?|$)/, '$1'+newSize+'x.$2$3');
else {
// console.log( 'Failed to scale image', newSrc);
return false;
// Don't set img.src unless it has changed. This avoids unnecessary reloads.
if ( newSrc != img.src ) {
// Store the original img.src
var prevSrc, origSrc = img.getAttribute("src-orig");
if ( !origSrc ) {
origSrc = img.src;
img.setAttribute("src-orig", origSrc);
// In case of error, revert img.src
prevSrc = img.src;
img.onerror = function(){
img.src = prevSrc;
if ( img.getAttribute("scale-fail") < scale )
img.setAttribute("scale-fail", scale);
img.onerror = null;
// Finally load the new image
img.src = newSrc;
// console.log( 'scaled image', newSrc);
return true;
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enejb commented Jul 15, 2014

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enejb commented Jul 15, 2014

It tried to only update the dom with the resized images but only if there were any new images added to the dom.

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