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enekofb/output Secret

Last active December 28, 2022 22:03
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scenario 1: cannot get repo with error domain not supported by this client
=== RUN ExampleOrgRepositoriesClientForGitlabEnterprise_Get
2022/12/28 22:44:08 client supported domain: https://gitlab.git.xx
2022/12/28 22:44:08 repo domain: gitlab.git.xx
2022/12/28 22:44:08 domain "gitlab.git.xx" not supported by this client: the client doesn't support handling requests for this domain
package gitlab_test
import (
gogitlab ""
func ExampleOrgRepositoriesClientForGitlabEnterprise_Get() {
// Create a new client
ctx := context.Background()
clientOptions := []gitprovider.ClientOption{}
clientOptions = append(clientOptions, gitprovider.WithDomain("gitlab.git.xx"))
c, err := gitlab.NewClient(os.Getenv("GITLAB_ENTERPRISE_TOKEN"), "", clientOptions...)
log.Printf("client supported domain: %s", c.SupportedDomain())
// Parse the URL into an OrgRepositoryRef
ref, err := gitprovider.ParseOrgRepositoryURL("https://gitlab.git.xx/pipeline-controller/pipeline-controller-e2e")
log.Printf("repo domain: %s", ref.GetDomain())
// Get public information about the flux repository.
repo, err := c.OrgRepositories().Get(ctx, *ref)
// Use .Get() to aquire a high-level gitprovider.OrganizationInfo struct
repoInfo := repo.Get()
// Cast the internal object to a *gogithub.Repository to access custom data
internalRepo := repo.APIObject().(*gogitlab.Project)
fmt.Printf("Description: %s. Homepage: %s", *repoInfo.Description, internalRepo.HTTPURLToRepo)
// Output: Description: GitLab FOSS is a read-only mirror of GitLab, with all proprietary code removed. This project was previously used to host GitLab Community Edition, but all development has now moved to Homepage:
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