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Created December 13, 2011 22:28
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let rec print_int_list = function
| [] -> print_newline ()
| x::xs -> print_int x; print_int_list xs;;
(* リストの両端のはみ出しに対応させた拡張nth関数 *)
let nth_ex li = function
| n when n < 0 -> List.nth li (List.length li - 1)
| n when n >= (List.length li) -> List.nth li 0
| n -> List.nth li n;;
(* int listを(int * int * int)のタプルに分ける関数 *)
let partition li =
let rec tmp acc = function
| n when n = (List.length li) -> List.rev acc
| n -> tmp (((nth_ex li (n-1)),(nth_ex li n),(nth_ex li (n+1)))::acc) (n+1)
in tmp [] 0;;
(* 規則の割り当て *)
let filter = function
| (1,1,1) -> 1
| (1,0,1) -> 1
| (1,0,0) -> 1
| (0,1,1) -> 1
| (_,_,_) -> 0;;
(* int list から次の状態のint list を作る *)
let makenext li = List.fold_right (fun x y -> (filter x)::y) (partition li) [];;
(* セルオートマトン本体 *)
let rec ca184 li = function
| 0 -> (print_int_list li)
| x -> (print_int_list li);
ca184 (makenext li) (x-1);;
(* 以下テスト *)
let iof = int_of_float;;
Random.init 149;;
let check n li = List.length (List.filter (fun x -> x=1) li) = (iof (20.*.n));;
let rec makelist n =
let rec tmp li = function
| a when a = 20 ->
let lis = (fun x -> if (x < (iof (n*.10.))) then 1 else 0) li
in if check n lis then lis else makelist n
| a -> tmp (( 10)::li) (a+1)
in tmp [] 0;;
ca184 (makelist 0.3) 20;;
ca184 (makelist 0.5) 20;;
ca184 (makelist 0.7) 20;;
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