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Last active September 8, 2023 15:39
Rama + Electric
;; ## General helpers
(ns app.helpers.rama
[missionary.core :as m]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre])
[com.rpl.rama Depot PState Path ProxyState$Callback RamaModule]
[com.rpl.rama.test InProcessCluster LaunchConfig]
[hyperfiddle.electric Failure Pending]))
(defn pstate
^PState [^InProcessCluster cluster module ^String name]
(.clusterPState cluster (.getName module) name))
(defn depot
^Depot [^InProcessCluster cluster module ^String name]
(.clusterDepot cluster (.getName module) name))
(deftype ProxyCallback
[v new _diff _old]
(when new (f new))))
(defn subscribe
[^PState pstate ^Path path]
(->> (m/observe (fn [!]
(timbre/debug "Starting subscription")
(let [p (.proxyAsync pstate path (->ProxyCallback !))]
(fn []
(timbre/debug "Closing subscription")
(.close @p)))))
(m/reductions {} (Failure. (Pending.)))
(m/relieve {})))
;; ## Module
(ns app.modules.wordCount
[app.helpers.rama :as rama])
[com.rpl.rama Agg CompoundAgg Depot PState Path RamaModule]))
(deftype SimpleWordCountModule
[_ setup topologies]
(.declareDepot setup "*words" (Depot/random))
(let [s (.stream topologies "s")
source (.source s "*words")]
(.pstate s "$$word-counts" (PState/mapSchema String Long))
(.pstate s "$$words" (PState/mapSchema String (PState/setSchema String)))
(-> source
(.out (into-array String ["*word"]))
(.anchor "root")
(.hashPartition "*word")
(.compoundAgg "$$word-counts" (CompoundAgg/map (into-array Object ["*word" (Agg/count)])))
(.hook "root")
(.localTransform "$$words" (-> (Path/key (into-array String ["all-words"]))
(.termVal "*word")))))))
;; ## Electric
(ns ^{:clj-kondo/ignore true
:dev/always true}
#?@(:clj [[app.modules.wordCount :refer [->SimpleWordCountModule]]
[app.helpers.rama :as rama]])
[hyperfiddle.electric-dom2 :as dom]
[clojure.string :as str]
[hyperfiddle.electric :as e])
#?(:clj (:import
[com.rpl.rama Path]
[com.rpl.rama.test LaunchConfig InProcessCluster]
[app.modules.wordCount SimpleWordCountModule])))
#?(:clj (defonce cluster
(let [c (InProcessCluster/create)]
(.launchModule c (->SimpleWordCountModule) (LaunchConfig. 1 1))
(e/def pstate-words #?(:clj (rama/pstate cluster SimpleWordCountModule "$$words")))
(e/def pstate-word-counts #?(:clj (rama/pstate cluster SimpleWordCountModule "$$word-counts")))
(e/def words-depot #?(:clj (rama/depot cluster SimpleWordCountModule "*words")))
#?(:clj (defn <-words
(rama/subscribe pstate (Path/key (into-array String ["all-words"])))))
#?(:clj (defn <-word-score
[pstate word]
(rama/subscribe pstate (Path/key (into-array String [word])))))
(e/defn Word
[word score]
(dom/div (dom/props {:class ["flex" "space-x-2"]})
(dom/div (dom/text score))
(dom/div (dom/text word)))))
(e/defn Root
;; Scoreboard
(dom/div (dom/props {:class ["flex" "flex-col" "p-6" "space-y-2"]})
(dom/text "Scoreboard")
(let [word-scores (e/for-by identity [word (new (<-words pstate-words))]
[word (new (<-word-score pstate-word-counts word))])]
(e/for-by first [[word score] (sort-by second > word-scores)]
(Word. word score)))))
;; Input
(dom/input (dom/props {:class ["border"]})
(dom/on "keydown"
(e/fn [e]
(when (= "Enter" (.-key e))
(let [value (-> e .-target .-value)]
(when-not (str/blank? value)
(e/server (e/offload #(.append words-depot value))))))))))))
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