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Last active January 24, 2018 03:06
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Script to setup a virtualenv, ready for GPU programming using theano and lasagne, on the guillimin *or* helios clusters
# usage: $ bash my-env-dir
# For use on OR
# Creates a python virtual env at the directory specified by the first
# command line argument, then installs numpy, scipy, theano, and lasagne.
# Also prints handy instructions for using the virtualenv to submit
# jobs using the queing system, or get an interactive session.
# Collect install-path variables
install_dir=$(readlink -f $1)
# Notify user installation is starting
echo "preparing virtualenv installation at $install_dir"
# Install modules. These can be in different places depending on if
# we're on guillimin or helios clusters
# First, try for helios locations (note on helios we also load git)
module load apps/python/2.7.10 apps/git/ &>/dev/null
# Did it work?
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "module loaded successfuly; we seem to be on helios";
# If not, try loading modules from locations expected when on gillimin
module load Python/2.7.10 &>/dev/null;
# Did it work?
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "module loaded successfuly; we seem to be on guillimin";
# If not, give up
echo "modules couldn't be loaded. Exiting."
exit 1;
# Try making a virtualenv
virtualenv $install_dir &>/dev/null;
# If it failed, try to install or add the binary path and retry
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
# If virtualenv is installed, ensure user-specific python binaries
# are on PATH and try again
if [ -a ~/.local/bin/virtualenv ]; then
virtualenv $install_dir &>/dev/null;
# If that doesn't work, give up
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Cannot find virtualenv binary. Install it and\
making sure it's on your PATH, then retry this script.";
exit 1;
# If virtualenv isn't installed, then install it, and try running
# it again.
pip install --user virtualenv;
virtualenv $install_dir &>/dev/null
# If that doesn't work, give up
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Cannot find virtualenv binary. Install it and\
making sure it's on your PATH, then retry this script.";
exit 1;
source $install_dir/bin/activate
pip install numpy scipy
pip install -r
pip install Lasagne==0.1
# Give user a usage message
# First, figure out what modules they need to load (depends on the cluster)
# and figure out the queue submission command (these are both to be included
# in the user message to follow
if [ $cluster == 'guillimin' ]; then
modules_to_load="Python/2.7.10 CUDA/7.5.18 cuDNN/5.0-ga";
interactive_sub="qsub -I -l nodes=1:ppn=1:gpus=1 -l walltime=3:00:00 ";
interactive_sub=$interactive_sub"-A xxx-###-xx";
modules_to_load="apps/python/2.7.10 cuda/7.5.18 libs/cuDNN/4";
interactive_sub="msub -I -l nodes=1:gpus=1 -l walltime=3:00:00 ";
interactive_sub=$interactive_sub"-A xxx-###-xx";
echo -e "\n"
echo -e "****\n"
echo -e "All done. Whenever you start working, type these commands to make numpy, scipy, theano, and lasagne available (also put them at the top of job scripts):\n\n\tmodule load $modules_to_load \n\tsource $install_dir/bin/activate\n\nRemember to set the device, e.g. by doing:\n\n\tTHEANO_FLAGS='floatX=float32,device=gpu' python\n\nNote that you can only use gpus on jobs submitted through the queueing system. But you can request an 'interactive' job by doing\n\n\t$interactive_sub\n\nReplacing xxx-###-xx with your RAP ID. Your will then be taken to an interactive session on an actual copute node, and you can run code on gpus.\n"
echo "****"
echo -e "\n"
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