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# usage: $ ./setup-helios-theano-lasagne my-env-dir
# For use on Creates a python virtual env at the
# directory specified by the first command line argument, then installs numpy,
# scipy, theano, and lasagne.
# Collect install-path variables
install_dir=$(readlink -f $1)
enewe101 /
Last active January 24, 2018 03:06
Script to setup a virtualenv, ready for GPU programming using theano and lasagne, on the guillimin *or* helios clusters
# usage: $ bash my-env-dir
# For use on OR
# Creates a python virtual env at the directory specified by the first
# command line argument, then installs numpy, scipy, theano, and lasagne.
# Also prints handy instructions for using the virtualenv to submit
# jobs using the queing system, or get an interactive session.
enewe101 /
Created July 22, 2016 21:18
Basic reader of parc xml files
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
class AnnotatedText(object):
def __init__(self, parc_xml):
self.soup = Soup(parc_xml, 'html.parser')
self.words = []
import random
import shutil
from t4k import (
PersistentOrderedDict as POD, ProgressTracker as PT,
# The POD is a general-purpose data store that syncs to disk
# The PT is a subclass that's a bit more convenient for tracking
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=12
#PBS -l walltime=8:00:00
#PBS -l pmem=4999m
#PBS -o /gs/project/eeg-641-aa/enewel3/jobs/worldviews-demographics/64-ABA.output
#PBS -e /gs/project/eeg-641-aa/enewel3/jobs/worldviews-demographics/64-ABA.error
#PBS -N 64-ABA
module load Python/2.7.10
module load Java/1.8.0_45
enewe101 / gpu-guillimin.pbs
Last active October 26, 2016 16:39
Run theano GPU program on Guillimin
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=12:gpus=1
#PBS -l walltime=12:00:00
#PBS -o /gs/project/eeg-641-aa/enewel3/entity-embeddings/src/embedder/pbs/train-basic.stdout
#PBS -e /gs/project/eeg-641-aa/enewel3/entity-embeddings/src/embedder/pbs/train-basic.stderr
#PBS -N train-basic
# Load modules, go to source dir, activate virtualenv
module load Python/2.7.10 CUDA/7.5.18 cuDNN/5.0-ga
cd /gs/project/eeg-641-aa/enewel3/entity-embeddings/src/embedder
enewe101 /
Created October 26, 2016 16:40
Run Theano GPU code on Helios
#PBS -l walltime=12:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=1:gpus=1
#PBS -A eeg-641-aa
#PBS -e /home/enewel3/jobs/relation2vec/proto.stderr
#PBS -o /home/enewel3/jobs/relation2vec/proto.stdout
#PBS -N r2v-proto
# Load modules, source virtualenv, go to source dir
module load apps/python/2.7.10 cuda/7.5.18 libs/cuDNN/4
enewe101 /
Created November 28, 2016 19:00
This should be in corenlp-xml-reader
def get_constituent_tokens(constituent, recursive=True):
tokens = []
for child in constituent['c_children']:
if isinstance(child, Token):
elif recursive:
tokens.extend(get_constituent_tokens(child, recursive))
return tokens
import json
from cluster_func import RC_PARAMS
import math
import sys
import corenlpy
import os
import re
import t4k
# This ended up not working. Instead I crawled it sort of manually.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
import os
from datetime import datetime
from pod import ProgressTracker
import requests
import json
import sys