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Created December 25, 2022 22:28
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Multiple XSS vulnerabilities.

For example,

'telefone' is saved in the DB, then it is retrieved and printed in the view.

In file mapos-master\application\controllers\Clientes.php

$data = [
    'telefone' => $this->input->post('telefone'),
if ($this->clientes_model->edit('clientes', $data, 'idClientes', $this->input->post('idClientes')) == true) {
    public function edit($table, $data, $fieldID, $ID)
        $this->db->where($fieldID, $ID);
        $this->db->update($table, $data);

        if ($this->db->affected_rows() >= 0) {
            return true;

        return false;

In file mapos-master\application\controllers\Relatorios.php

$data['clientes'] = $this->Relatorios_model->clientesCustom($dataInicial, $dataFinal, $this->input->get('tipocliente'));
$data['topo'] = $this->load->view('relatorios/imprimir/imprimirTopo', $data, true);
public function clientesCustom($dataInicial = null, $dataFinal = null, $tipo = null)
    $whereData = '';
    if ($dataInicial != null) {
        $whereData .= "AND dataCadastro >= " . $this->db->escape($dataInicial);
    if ($dataFinal != null) {
        $whereData .= "AND dataCadastro <= " . $this->db->escape($dataFinal);
    if ($tipo != null) {
        $whereData .= "AND fornecedor = " . $this->db->escape($tipo);
    $query = "SELECT * FROM clientes WHERE dataCadastro $whereData ORDER BY nomeCliente";

    return $this->db->query($query, [$dataInicial, $dataFinal])->result();

In file

 <?php foreach ($clientes as $c) : ?>
 <td align="center"><?= $c->telefone ?></td>

Another example,

In file mapos-master\application\views\arquivos\arquivos.php

<input type="text" name="pesquisa" id="pesquisa" placeholder="Digite o nome do documento para pesquisar" class="span12" value="<?= $this->input->get('pesquisa') ?>">

If you agree with the vulnerabilities, I will report the other vulnerabilities.

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