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Last active August 1, 2023 18:31
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Lazy side effects in clojure - overcoming chunking
;; Unlike fully lazy languages such as Haskell, Clojure seqs often implement chunking.
;; This means that when accessing the first element of a sequence, 32 members will be evaluated.
;; An example of this can be seen by implementing some side effect in a map.
(first (map (fn [x] (prn x) x) (range 5))) ;; prints 0 through 4, then returns 0
;; The above example will return 0 (as expected), but you'll notice it prints off all 5 elements
;; of (range 5).
;; In the next case we can see that the evaluation caused by the access of the first element stops after
;; the first 32 elements are evaluated.
(first (map (fn [x] (prn x) x) (range 100))) ;; prints 0 through 31, then returns 0
;; This example demonstrates how chunking can also affect mutable objects.
(let [n (atom 0)
coll (map (fn [x] (swap! n inc)) (range 100))]
(first coll) ;; This access causes the swap! to be called on n 32 times.
;; => 32
;; While the chunking is generally useful, there are certainly cases where it is distruptive - and a
;; purely lazy sequence would be better.
;; This could be to avoid having side effects created when they aren't actually being used, or perhaps
;; to avoid the overhead of performing 32 heavy operations, when all that is needed at that time is
;; one.
;; You can get around this chunking by initially defining your sequence as a fully lazy-seq.
(defn ->lazy-seq
"Converts coll into a non-chunked lazy-seq"
(when (not-empty coll)
(lazy-seq (cons (first coll) (->lazy-seq (rest coll))))))
(->lazy-seq [1 2 3 4])
;; => '(1 2 3 4)
;; ->lazy-seq is a simple example of how a collection might be transformed into a lazy sequence, but
;; this does not really address the issue I've outlined above - because in order for the collection
;; to already exist then the side effects are already loaded up and ready to be executed once the
;; first element is grabbed from coll.
;; My solution for this is to essentially build a map function that constructs a lazy sequence while
;; applying the provided function.
(defn map-lazy-seq
[f coll]
(when (not-empty coll)
(lazy-seq (cons (f (first coll)) (map-lazy-seq f (rest coll))))))
(first (map (fn [x] (prn x) x) (range 3)))
;; 0
;; 1
;; 2
;; => 0
(first (map-lazy-seq (fn [x] (prn x) x) (range 3)))
;; 0
;; => 0
(let [n (atom 0)
coll (map-lazy-seq (fn [x] (swap! n inc)) (range 100))]
(first coll) ;; With map-lazy-seq the atom is only increased once.
;; => 1
;; We can see that map-lazy-seq prevents the side effect from occurring until it is actually accessed.
;; I should also make note that in general it is probably preferable to just create a sequence of functions,
;; then evaluate them when they are accessed to get the side effects.
;; The use case that I initially ran into this problem was to perform batch queries of a database.
;; I needed to read in a chunk of data that wouldn't use all of my memory, process it, write it,
;; then fetch the next chunk. With chunking, 32 batches were fetched all at once causing an out
;; of memory exception. Implementing the map-lazy-seq solution allowed data to only be fetched when
;; acually accessed - and without having to pass around the function to pull the data.
;; This solution can also help prevent unwanted side effects to operations on mutable objects, such as atoms.
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