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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Custom Function
* @package Customize WP (3rd Party Helper)
* @author
* @version 1.1.13
function ar_getLatestPostsByCategory($cat_name='news',$limit=5,$image_width=70,$image_height=46,$rand=true, $htmlby='fornews' ){
$p_queries = new WP_Query('category_name='.$cat_name.'&showposts='.$limit); //category : News
foreach($p_queries->posts as $post){
$p_image='<img src="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/timthumb.php?src='.get_rand_generalImage().'&h='.$image_height.'&w='.$image_width.'&zc=1" alt="" />';
$news_image=wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'full' );
$p_image='<img src="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/timthumb.php?src='.$news_image[0].'&h='.$image_height.'&w='.$image_width.'&zc=1">';
$p_date=get_the_time( 'M,j, Y');
$news_html .='<div class="latest_news_box">
<a href="'.$p_link.'">'.$p_image.'</a>
<div class="news-info">
<h3><a href="'.$p_link.'">'.$p_title.'</a></h3>
$news_html .='<div class="card-box">
<div class="card-ion"><a href="'.$p_link.'">'.$p_image.'</a></div>
<a href="'.$p_link.'">'.$p_title.'</a>
return $news_html;
#bof Latest Pages;
function showLatestArticlePages($showPosts=3,$echo =true){
if(!$articles_query->posts){ return false;}
// pre($articles_query->posts);
//while ($articles_query->have_posts()) : $articles_query->the_post();
$ar_excerpt_length= trim(ar_get_theme_mod('ar_excerpt_length'));
$ar_excerpt_length= ($ar_excerpt_length)?$ar_excerpt_length:300;
foreach($articles_query->posts as $k=>$post){
$general_rand_image= get_rand_generalImage();
$news_image=($general_rand_image)?'<img src="'.$general_rand_image.'" width="128" height="127" >':'';
$p_con = trunck_string($post->post_content, $ar_excerpt_length,true);
$p_title = trunck_string($post->post_title,86,true);
$Latestarticles .='<div class="post-block"><a href="'.$p_link.'">'.$news_image.'</a><h3><a href="'.$p_link.'">'.$p_title.'</a></h3><p>'.$p_con.'<span class="more"><a href="'.$p_link.'">Read More</a></span></p></div>'."\n";
// endwhile;
return $Latestarticles;
echo $Latestarticles;
function getLatestArticlePages($showPosts=3,$viewed=false){
$exclude_pages= trim(ar_get_theme_mod('ar_exclude_pages'));
'post__not_in' => explode(",",$exclude_pages),
'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
'meta_key' => 'TOTAL_VIEWED',
'order' => 'DESC'
'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
'meta_key' => 'TOTAL_VIEWED',
'order' => 'DESC'
'post__not_in' => explode(",",$exclude_pages)
$articles_query = new WP_Query($parg);
return $articles_query;
#eof Latest Pages;
#bof mostviewed pages;
function showTopOnlineJackpots($showPosts = 4,$post_parent=120,$play_now_link='#',$img_width=191,$img_height=115, $echo=true){
//$jackpot_query = getMostViewedPages($showPosts,$post_parent);
$jackpot_query = ar_getSubPages($post_parent,$showPosts); //latest pages;
foreach ($jackpot_query->posts as $post){
$p_con = trunck_string($post->post_content, $ar_excerpt_length,true);
$p_title = trunck_string($post->post_title,18,true);
$p_content = trunck_string($post->post_content,148,true);
$price=(get_post_meta($post->ID,'PRICE',true))?'<div class="price">'.get_post_meta($post->ID,'PRICE',true).'</div>':$p_title;
$top_jackpots .='<div class="info-block">
<div class="preview"><a href="'.$p_link.'">'.$news_image.'</a></div>
<div class="more"><a href="'.$play_now_link.'">Play Now!</a></div>
$html ='<div class="item-blocks">
<h1><a href="'.get_permalink($post_parent).'">Jackpots</a></h1>
return $html;
echo $html;
function showMostViewedPages($showPosts = 8,$post_parent=false,$img_width=85,$img_height=72, $echo=true){
$my_query = getMostViewedPages($showPosts,$post_parent);
$html ="";
if(!$my_query->posts ){return false;}
while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();
$p_title = trunck_string(get_the_title(),12,true);
$extra = (($kk%4)==0)?' addlast':'';
$html .= "\n".'<div class="add-game'.$extra.'">
<a href="'.$p_link.'">'.$news_image.'</a>
<a href="'.$p_link.'">'.$p_title.'</a>
return $html;
echo $html;
function getMostViewedPages($showPosts = 3,$post_parent=false){
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'page',
'post_parent' => $post_parent,
'showposts' => $showPosts,
'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
'meta_key' => 'TOTAL_VIEWED',
'order' => 'DESC'
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'page',
'showposts' => $showPosts,
'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
'meta_key' => 'TOTAL_VIEWED',
'order' => 'DESC'
return $rows = new WP_Query( $args );
function ar_getSubPages($parent_page_id,$showposts =false){
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'page',
'post_parent' => $parent_page_id,
'posts_per_page' => $showposts,
'orderby' => 'menu_order',
'order' => 'ASC'
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'page',
'post_parent' => $parent_page_id,
'orderby' => 'menu_order',
'order' => 'ASC'
$wp_query =null;
return $subpages = new WP_Query($args);
#eof mostviewed pages;
#bof Latest News;
function showLatestNews($showPosts = 4,$img_width=80,$img_height=64, $echo=true){
$my_query = getLatestNews($showPosts);
$html ="";
if(!$my_query->posts ){return false;}
foreach($my_query->posts as $k=>$post){
$post_title= trunck_string($post->post_title,70,true);
$post_link= get_permalink($post->ID);
$post_content= trunck_string($post->post_content,250,true);
$post_date= get_the_time('F j, Y',$post);
$post_image=getPostImage($post->ID,"thumbnail",$img_width,$img_height)?getPostImage($post->ID,"thumbnail",$img_width,$img_height):'<img src="'.get_rand_generalImage().'" alt="rand images" width="'.$img_width.'" height="'.$img_height.'" >';
$html .='<div class="info_news">
<a href="'.$post_link.'"> <h5>'.$post_title.'</h5>
<p class="date"><span>'.$post_date.'</span></p>
<p>'.$post_image.' '.$post_content.'</p>
<span class="readmore">Read More &gt;&gt;</span>
<div class="line"></div>'."\n";
//$html .='<li> <a href="'.$post_link.'">'.$post_title.' <span>('.$post->comment_count.')</span></a></li>'."\n";
return $html;
echo $html;
function getLatestNews($showPosts = 3,$orderbycomment=false){
$args = array(
'category_name' =>'news',
'posts_per_page' => $showPosts,
'orderby' => 'comment_count',
'order' => 'DESC',
$args = array(
'category_name' =>'news',
'posts_per_page' => $showPosts
return $rows = new WP_Query( $args );
#eof Latest News;
function ar_fb_like($cur_url =false, $echo =true){
$cur_url= ($cur_url)?$cur_url:'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$like= '<iframe src="'.$cur_url.'&amp;layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=99&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light" allowtransparency="true" style="border: medium none; overflow: hidden; width: 99px; height: 22px; " frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>';
echo $like;
return $like;
function get_generalImages(){
if(!$images_path) return false;
return $images;
function get_rand_generalImage(){
if(!$images_url) return false;
$images = get_generalImages();
$rand_keys = array_rand($images, 2);
$images_name= $images[$rand_keys[0]];
if(!$images_name) return false;
return $images_url.$images_name;
function ar_timthumb_image($post_id,$image_width=235,$image_height=145,$rand=false,$echo=false,$timthumb=false){
$p_image='<img src="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/timthumb.php?src='.get_rand_generalImage().'&h='.$image_height.'&w='.$image_width.'&zc=1" alt="" />';
$news_image=wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id ), 'full' );
$p_image=($news_image[0])?'<img src="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/timthumb.php?src='.$news_image[0].'&h='.$image_height.'&w='.$image_width.'&zc=1">':'';
$p_image='<img src="'.get_rand_generalImage().'" width="'.$image_width.'" height="'.$image_height.'" alt="" />';
$news_image=wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id ), 'full' );
$p_image=($news_image[0])?'<img src="'.$news_image[0].'" width="'.$image_width.'" height="'.$image_height.'" alt="" >':'';
echo $p_image;
return $p_image;
function ar_fb_reader($fbaccount='MQiv',$bg_color='0099ff',$display=true){
$fbr='<a href="'.$fbaccount.'"><img width="88" height="26" src="'.$fbaccount.'?bg='.$bg_color.'&amp;fg=444444&amp;anim=0" alt="" style="border: 0pt none;"></a>';
echo $fbr;
return $fbr;
function ShowPostImage($post_id,$type='large',$width=150,$height=false){
echo makeTimThumb($img_src,$width,$height);
function getPostImage($post_id,$type='large',$width=150,$height=false){
return makeTimThumb($img_src,$width,$height);
function getImageFromPost($post_id,$type='large'){
$img_src=getFeaturedImage( $post_id,$type);
if($img_src)return $img_src;
preg_match('/<img[^>]+>/i',$text, $result);
if($result)preg_match('/(src)=("[^"]*")/i',$result[0], $img);
if($img)$img_src= $img[2];
$home_url=home_url( '/' );
if(strpos($img_src, '../wp-content/') !==false){
return $img_src;
function makeTimThumb($img_src,$width=150,$height=false){
$thumb_file_url=get_bloginfo( 'template_url' ).'/TimThumb/timthumb.php';
$thumb_file_dir = str_replace(home_url( '/wp-content'),WP_CONTENT_DIR,$thumb_file_url);
return '<img src="'.get_bloginfo( 'template_url' ).'/TimThumb/timthumb.php?src='.$img_src.'&w='.$width.'&h='.$height.'&zc=1" alt="" />';
if($width && $height){
return '<img src="'.$img_src.'" width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'" alt="" />';
return '<img src="'.$img_src.'" width="'.$width.'" alt="" />';
function getSliderFeaturedImage($post_id) {
return getFeaturedImage( $post_id,'large');
function getThumbFeaturedImage($post_id) {
return getFeaturedImage( $post_id,'thumbnail');
function getMediumFeaturedImage( $post_id) {
return getFeaturedImage( $post_id,'medium');
* $size = large(original), medium, thumbnail;
* getFeaturedImage(get_the_ID());
* <img src="<?=getFeaturedImage($id,'medium')?>" alt=""/>
* */
function getFeaturedImage( $post_id = NULL, $size = 'large', $arr=false) {
global $id;
$post_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id );
$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($post_thumbnail_id, $size);
if(!$image)return false;
if($arr) return $image;
if ( $image ) {
list($src, $width, $height) = $image;
return $src;
function getLatestPosts($limit=40,$output='object') {
global $wpdb;
$output = ($output=='object')?OBJECT:ARRAY_A;
return $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'post' AND post_status='publish' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT $limit"),$output);
function getCauseTotalDonateMembersAndAmount($causes_name){
$ctd= getCauseTotalDonate($causes_name);
return '$'.$ctd['price'].' donated from '.$ctd['members'];
function ar_displayCauses($data, $img_width=54, $trunccate=80,$lstart=1,$ltotal=10){
$post_id = $data->ID;
if(!$post_id)return false;
$post_title = str_replace('"', '', stripslashes($data->post_title));
$post_link = get_permalink($post_id);
// $causedinners=getCauseDinners($causes_name);
// $catNames=ar_getPostCategories($post_id);
// $post_comments = get_comments_number( $post_id );
// $post_comments = ($post_comments)?$post_comments.' comments': 'No comment';
// $post_author = ar_getUserInfo($data->post_author);
// $post_author = $post_author->display_name;
#$post_date = date('l, F j, Y', strtotime(str_replace('"', '', stripslashes($data->post_date))));
$post_date = date('F j, Y', strtotime(str_replace('"', '', stripslashes($data->post_date))));
$post_content = trunck_string($data->post_content,$trunccate,true);
$last_cause=($lstart==$ltotal)?" last-causes":"";
$html ='<div class="causes'.$last_cause.'">
<a href="'. $post_link .'">'.getPostImage($post_id,54,43,'thumbnail').'</a>
<a href="'. $post_link .'" title="'. $post_title .'" id="destacado_'.$post_id.'">'. ucfirst($post_title) .'</a>
<p>'.$show_total_donate_amount_member.'<br /><span>'.$causes_address.'</span></p></div>'."\n";
return $html;
function ar_displayPost2($data, $img_width=54, $trunccate=80,$lstart=1,$ltotal=10){
$post_id = $data->ID;
if(!$post_id)return false;
$post_title = str_replace('"', '', stripslashes($data->post_title));
$post_link = get_permalink($post_id);
$post_comments = get_comments_number( $post_id );
$post_comments = ($post_comments)?$post_comments.' comments': 'No comment';
$post_author = ar_getUserInfo($data->post_author);
$post_author = $post_author->display_name;
#$post_date = date('l, F j, Y', strtotime(str_replace('"', '', stripslashes($data->post_date))));
$post_date = date('F j, Y', strtotime(str_replace('"', '', stripslashes($data->post_date))));
$post_content = trunck_string($data->post_content,$trunccate,true);
$last_cause=($lstart==$ltotal)?" last-causes":"";
$html ='<div class="causes'.$last_cause.'">
<a href="'. $post_link .'">'.getPostImage($post_id,54,43,'thumbnail').'</a>
<a href="'. $post_link .'" title="'. $post_title .'" id="destacado_'.$post_id.'">'. ucfirst($post_title) .'</a>
return $html;
function ar_author_profile_link($post_author){
return $post_author_link=home_url( '/' ).'foodie-profile/?u='.$post_author->user_login;
function ar_author_dinner_link($post_author){
return $post_author_link=home_url( '/' ).'join-dinner/?u='.$post_author->user_login;
* Make sure featuredme plaguin is install
function ar_getAllFeaturedPostsIDs() {
global $wpdb, $table_prefix;
$table_name = $table_prefix."features";
$fposts = array();
$sql = "SELECT id FROM $table_name";
$posts = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
foreach($posts as $post) {
return $fposts;
function ar_getFeaturedPosts($max_posts=1, $offset=0) {
global $wpdb, $table_prefix;
$table_name = $table_prefix."features";
$fposts = array();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_name ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT $offset, $max_posts";
$posts = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
foreach($posts as $post) {
return $fposts;
#post,user and page info
function ar_getUserInfo($user_id,$output='object') {
global $wpdb;
$output = ($output=='object')?OBJECT:ARRAY_A;
return $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->users WHERE ID = '$user_id'"),$output);
function ar_getUserInfoByName($user_name,$output='object') {
global $wpdb;
$output = ($output=='object')?OBJECT:ARRAY_A;
$user_info= $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_login = '$user_name'"),$output);
return get_userdata($user_info->ID);
function getPostInfo($post_id_name,$output='object') {
return ar_getPostInfo($post_id_name,$output='object');
function ar_getPostInfo($post_id_name,$output='object') {
global $wpdb;
$output = ($output=='object')?OBJECT:ARRAY_A;
if ( !$post_id_name )
return false;
#return $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'post' AND post_status='publish' AND ID = '$post_id_name'"),$output);
return $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = '$post_id_name'",''),$output);
#return $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'post' AND post_status='publish' AND post_name = '$post_id_name'"),$output);
return $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_name = '$post_id_name'"),$output);
function getPageInfo($post_id_name,$output='object'){
return ar_getPageInfo($post_id_name,$output);
function ar_getPageInfo($post_id_name,$output='object'){
global $wpdb;
$output = ($output=='object')?OBJECT:ARRAY_A;
if ( !$post_id_name )
return false;
return $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'page' AND post_status='publish' AND ID = '$post_id_name'"),$output);
return $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'page' AND post_status='publish' AND post_name = '$post_id_name'",''),$output);
function getLinksList($order = 'name', $deprecated = '') {
_deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '0.0', 'wp_list_bookmarks()');
$order = strtolower($order);
// Handle link category sorting
$direction = 'ASC';
if ( '_' == substr($order,0,1) ) {
$direction = 'DESC';
$order = substr($order,1);
if ( !isset($direction) )
$direction = '';
$cats = get_categories("type=link&orderby=$order&order=$direction&hierarchical=0");
// Display each category
if ( $cats ) {
foreach ( (array) $cats as $cat ) {
// Handle each category.
// Display the category name
echo "<ul class='linkcat'>\n";
// Call get_links() with all the appropriate params
get_links($cat->term_id, '<li>', "</li>", "\n", true, 'name', false);
// Close the last category
echo "\n\t</ul>\n\n";
#bof taxonomy
function ar_getTermInfoByName($post_name){
global $wpdb;
if(!$post_name)return false;
return $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT t.*,tt.* FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE = '$post_name' "),ARRAY_A);
function ar_getTermInfoBySlug($post_slug){
global $wpdb;
if(!$post_slug)return false;
# echo "SELECT t.*,tt.* FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE t.slug = '$post_slug' ";
# return $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT *FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE slug = '$post_slug' LIMIT 1"),ARRAY_A);
return $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT t.*,tt.* FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE t.slug = '$post_slug' "),ARRAY_A);
function ar_getObjectsByName($post_name,$taxonomy,$content_type, $limit='*'){
global $wpdb;
$limit=($limit=='*')?'': " LIMIT ".(int)$limit;
#echo $post_name;
#echo "<br/>SELECT tr.*,tt.* FROM $wpdb->term_relationships AS tr INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.term_id = '".$term_info['term_id']."' AND tt.taxonomy = '$taxonomy' AND tr.object_id in (select ID from $wpdb->posts where post_type='$content_type' and post_status ='publish' )$limit";
return $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT tr.*,tt.* FROM $wpdb->term_relationships AS tr INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.term_id = '".$term_info['term_id']."' AND tt.taxonomy = '$taxonomy' AND tr.object_id in (select ID from $wpdb->posts where post_type='$content_type' and post_status ='publish' )$limit"));
function ar_show_taxonomy($pid,$taxonomy,$seperate=', '){
return ar_show_post_taxonomy($pid,$taxonomy,$seperate);
function ar_show_post_taxonomy($pid,$taxonomy,$seperate=', ',$link=true){
$taxonomies = wp_get_post_terms($pid , $taxonomy, '');
$outputres ="";$output_res=array();
foreach ($taxonomies as $term) {
# $output_res .= '<li>'.$term->slug.'</li>';
$output_res[] = '<a href="' . esc_attr(get_term_link($term, $taxonomy)) . '" title="' . sprintf( __( "View all posts in %s" ), $term->name ) . '" ' . '>' . $term->name.'</a>';
$output_res[] = $term->name;
return $outputres;
function ar_get_all_terms_by_taxonomy($taxonomy,$limit=10,$output='object') {
global $wpdb;
$output = ($output=='object')?OBJECT:ARRAY_A;
if (!$taxonomy)
return false;
# echo "SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = '$taxonomy' ORDER BY t.term_id ASC LIMIT $limit";
return $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = '$taxonomy' ORDER BY t.term_id ASC LIMIT $limit"),$output);
function ar_get_terms_by_taxonomy($taxonomy,$limit=10,$parent='0', $output='object') {
global $wpdb;
$output = ($output=='object')?OBJECT:ARRAY_A;
if (!$taxonomy)
return false;
if(!is_numeric($parent)) {
#echo "SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = '$taxonomy' AND tt.parent = '$parent' LIMIT $limit";
return $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = '$taxonomy' AND tt.parent = '$parent' LIMIT $limit"),$output);
function ar_showall_from_taxonomy($taxonomy,$limit=10,$seperator="side-list-item"){
$taxonomy_res = ar_get_terms_by_taxonomy($taxonomy,$limit);
$class=($ul_css_class)?' class="'.$ul_css_class.'"':'';
$output_res= '<ul'.$class.'>';
foreach ($taxonomy_res as $sterm) {
$t_link=esc_attr(get_term_link($sterm, $staxonomy));
$sterm_sel=($visited_taxonomy==$t_slug)?" selected='selected'":"";
$output_res .= '<li><a href="' .$t_link. '" >' . $t_name .'</a></li>'."\n";
$output_res .= '</ul>'."\n";
return $outputres;
#eof taxonomy
#bof category
* return as a object
function ar_getCategoryInfo($cat_id){
return $cat_info = get_term_by('term_id', $cat_id,'category' );
function ar_getPostCategories($post_id, $seperator=', ',$array_output=false){
$category_ids = ar_get_category_ids_from_post_id( $post_id );
foreach($category_ids as $cat_id){
$cat_info = ar_getCategoryInfo($cat_id);
$catNames []= '<a href="'.get_category_link($cat_id).'">'.$cat_info->name.'</a>';
if($output_array) return $catNames;
return $catNames;
function ar_get_category_ids_from_post_id($post_id,$output='array'){
global $wpdb;
$output = ($output=='object')?OBJECT:ARRAY_A;
$categories=$wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE object_id=$post_id"),$output);
foreach($categories as $c){
return $cat_ids;
if(!function_exists('ar_get_highest_rated_by_category')) {
function ar_get_highest_rated_by_category($cat_id, $limit = 10, $mode = '', $min_votes = 0, $chars = 0, $display = false) {
global $wpdb, $post;
$temp_post = $post;
$ratings_max = intval(get_option('postratings_max'));
$ratings_custom = intval(get_option('postratings_customrating'));
$output = '';
if(!empty($mode) && $mode != 'both') {
$where = "$wpdb->posts.post_type = '$mode'";
} else {
$where = '1=1';
if($ratings_custom && $ratings_max == 2) {
$order_by = 'ratings_score';
} else {
$order_by = 'ratings_average';
$temp = stripslashes(get_option('postratings_template_highestrated'));
$highest_rated = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT $wpdb->posts.*, (t1.meta_value+0.00) AS ratings_average, (t2.meta_value+0.00) AS ratings_users, (t3.meta_value+0.00) AS ratings_score FROM $wpdb->posts LEFT JOIN $wpdb->postmeta AS t1 ON t1.post_id = $wpdb->posts.ID LEFT JOIN $wpdb->postmeta As t2 ON t1.post_id = t2.post_id LEFT JOIN $wpdb->postmeta AS t3 ON t3.post_id = $wpdb->posts.ID WHERE t1.meta_key = 'ratings_average' AND t2.meta_key = 'ratings_users' AND t3.meta_key = 'ratings_score' AND $wpdb->posts.post_password = '' AND $wpdb->posts.post_date < '".current_time('mysql')."' AND $wpdb->posts.post_status = 'publish' AND t2.meta_value >= $min_votes AND $where ORDER BY $order_by DESC, ratings_users DESC LIMIT $limit");
if($highest_rated) {
foreach($highest_rated as $post) {
if (in_array($bar_cat_id, $post_cat_ids)) {
$output .= expand_ratings_template($temp, $post->ID, $post, $chars)."\n";
# $output .= expand_ratings_template($temp, $post->ID, $post, $chars)."\n";
} else {
$output = '<li>'.__('N/A', 'wp-postratings').'</li>'."\n";
$post = $temp_post;
if($display) {
echo $output;
} else {
return $output;
if(!function_exists('ar_get_highest_rated_post_by_category')) {
function ar_get_highest_rated_post_by_category($cat_id, $limit = 10, $mode = '', $min_votes = 0, $chars = 0, $display = false) {
global $wpdb, $post;
$temp_post = $post;
$ratings_max = intval(get_option('postratings_max'));
$ratings_custom = intval(get_option('postratings_customrating'));
$posts =array();
if(!empty($mode) && $mode != 'both') {
$where = "$wpdb->posts.post_type = '$mode'";
} else {
$where = '1=1';
if($ratings_custom && $ratings_max == 2) {
$order_by = 'ratings_score';
} else {
$order_by = 'ratings_average';
$temp = stripslashes(get_option('postratings_template_highestrated'));
$highest_rated = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT $wpdb->posts.*, (t1.meta_value+0.00) AS ratings_average, (t2.meta_value+0.00) AS ratings_users, (t3.meta_value+0.00) AS ratings_score FROM $wpdb->posts LEFT JOIN $wpdb->postmeta AS t1 ON t1.post_id = $wpdb->posts.ID LEFT JOIN $wpdb->postmeta As t2 ON t1.post_id = t2.post_id LEFT JOIN $wpdb->postmeta AS t3 ON t3.post_id = $wpdb->posts.ID WHERE t1.meta_key = 'ratings_average' AND t2.meta_key = 'ratings_users' AND t3.meta_key = 'ratings_score' AND $wpdb->posts.post_password = '' AND $wpdb->posts.post_date < '".current_time('mysql')."' AND $wpdb->posts.post_status = 'publish' AND t2.meta_value >= $min_votes AND $where ORDER BY $order_by DESC, ratings_users DESC LIMIT $limit");
if($highest_rated) {
foreach($highest_rated as $post) {
if (in_array($bar_cat_id, $post_cat_ids)) {
#$output .= expand_ratings_template($temp, $post->ID, $post, $chars)."\n";
# $output .= expand_ratings_template($temp, $post->ID, $post, $chars)."\n";
return $posts;
function ar_wplogout($cus_redirect='home'){
$_SESSION['step_one_done']='' ;
$_SESSION['step_two_done']='' ;
$_SESSION['step_three_done']='' ;
$_SESSION['step_one_data']='' ;
$_SESSION['step_two_data']='' ;
$_SESSION['step_three_data']='' ;
$_SESSION['host_dinner_id']='' ;
$_SESSION['search_city']='' ;
if($cus_redirect !='home'){
urlredirect(home_url( '/' ).$cus_redirect);
urlredirect(home_url( '/' ));exit;
function ar_time_ago($post,$out_put=false){
$datetime= $post->post_date;
$datetime= $post['post_date'];
$datetime= $post;
$seconds = time() - strtotime($datetime);
$time_minute = $seconds/60;
if( $time_minute >= 1){
$time = (int)($time_minute);
$unit = ($time >= 2)? "minutes": "minute";
$time_hour = $time_minute/60;
if($time_hour >= 1){
$time = (int)($time_hour);
$unit = ($time >= 2)? "hours": "hour";
$time_day = $time_hour/24;
if( $time_day >= 1){
$time = (int)($time_day);
$unit = ($time >= 2)? "days": "day";
$time_month = $time_day/30;
if( $time_month >= 1){
$time = (int)($time_month);
$unit = ($time >= 2)? "months": "month";
$time_year = $time_month/12;
if($time_year >= 1){
$time = 1;
$unit = "year(or more)";
}//end year
}//end month
}//end day
}//end hour
}//end minutes
$time = $seconds;
$unit = 'seconds';
$time_ago= $time." ".$unit ." ago" ;
echo $time_ago;
return $time_ago;
function ar_time_after($date_time,$out_put=false){
$seconds =strtotime($date_time)- time();
$time_minute = $seconds/60;
if( $time_minute >= 1){
$time = (int)($time_minute);
$unit = ($time >= 2)? "minutes": "minute";
$time_hour = $time_minute/60;
if($time_hour >= 1){
$time = (int)($time_hour);
$unit = ($time >= 2)? "hours": "hour";
$time_day = $time_hour/24;
if( $time_day >= 1){
$time = (int)($time_day);
$unit = ($time >= 2)? "days": "day";
$time_month = $time_day/30;
if( $time_month >= 1){
$time = (int)($time_month);
$unit = ($time >= 2)? "months": "month";
$time_year = $time_month/12;
if($time_year >= 1){
$time = 1;
$unit = "year(or more)";
}//end year
}//end month
}//end day
}//end hour
}//end minutes
$time = $seconds;
$unit = 'seconds';
$time_ago= "After ".$time." ".$unit;
echo $time_ago;
return $time_ago;
function pre($value){ echo '<pre>'; print_r($value);echo '</pre>';}
function ar_valid_email($email_address){ return ( ! preg_match("/^([a-z0-9\+_\-]+)(\.[a-z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/ix", $email_address)) ? false : true; }
function base64UrlEncode($url){return urlencode(base64_encode($url));}
function base64UrlDecode($url){return base64_decode(urldecode($url));}
function ar_exact_content($content) {
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
$content = str_replace(']]>', ']]&gt;', $content);
return $content;
function urlredirect($url=false){header("Location: ".$url);exit;}
function trunck_string($str = "", $len = 150, $more = 'true') {
if ($str == "") return $str;
if (is_array($str)) return $str;
$str = strip_tags($str);
$str = trim($str);
// if it's les than the size given, then return it
if (strlen($str) <= $len) return $str;
// else get that size of text
$str = substr($str, 0, $len);
// backtrack to the end of a word
if ($str != "") {
// check to see if there are any spaces left
if (!substr_count($str , " ")) {
if ($more == 'true') $str .= "...";
return $str;
// backtrack
while(strlen($str) && ($str[strlen($str)-1] != " ")) {
$str = substr($str, 0, -1);
$str = substr($str, 0, -1);
if ($more == 'true') $str .= "...";
if ($more != 'true' and $more != 'false') $str .= $more;
return $str;
function get_country_flag($cn_name){
$country_list_with_twochr= twochr_countrylist();
return $image_name=bloginfo('template_url').'/images/flags/'.$image_name.'.gif';
/*****bof post get*****/
function ar_db_prepare_input($string){
if (is_string($string)) {
return trim(stripslashes($string));
} elseif (is_array($string)) {
while (list($key, $value) = each($string)) {
$string[$key] = ar_db_prepare_input($value);
return $string;
} else {
return $string;
function ar_fetch_from_array(&$array, $index = ''){
if ( ! isset($array[$index])){
return false;
return trim(stripslashes($array[$index]));
function ar_get($index = ''){
return ar_fetch_from_array($_GET, $index);
function ar_post($index = ''){
return ar_fetch_from_array($_POST, $index);
function ar_get_post($index = ''){
if ( ! isset($_POST[$index]) ){
return ar_get($index);
return ar_post($index);
* Determine if a post exists based on title, content, and date
* @since unknown
* @param string $title Post title
* @param string $content Optional post content
* @param string $date Optional post date
* @return int Post ID if post exists, 0 otherwise.
function ar_post_exists($title, $content = '', $date = '') {
global $wpdb;
$post_title = stripslashes( sanitize_post_field( 'post_title', $title, 0, 'db' ) );
$post_content = stripslashes( sanitize_post_field( 'post_content', $content, 0, 'db' ) );
$post_date = stripslashes( sanitize_post_field( 'post_date', $date, 0, 'db' ) );
$query = "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE 1=1";
$args = array();
if ( !empty ( $date ) ) {
$query .= ' AND post_date = %s';
$args[] = $post_date;
if ( !empty ( $title ) ) {
$query .= ' AND post_title = %s';
$args[] = $post_title;
if ( !empty ( $content ) ) {
$query .= 'AND post_content = %s';
$args[] = $post_content;
if ( !empty ( $args ) )
return $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare($query, $args) );
return 0;
/*****eof post get*****/
function ar_country(){
return $country=array_keys(twochr_countrylist());
function SelBoxCountries($country_name =false){
$countries='<select name="country" class="input_share">';
$countries .='<option value=""> select country </option>'."\n";
foreach($ar_countries as $k => $country ){
$sel = ($country_name == $country)?' selected="selected"':'';
$countries .='<option value="'.$country.'"'.$sel.'>'.$country.'</option>'."\n";
$countries .='</select>'."\n";
return $countries;
function twochr_countrylist(){
return $country_list_with_twochr=array('Afghanistan' =>'af',
'Aland Islands' =>'ax',
'Albania' =>'al',
'Algeria' =>'dz',
'American Samoa' =>'as',
'Andorra' =>'ad',
'Angola' =>'ao',
'Anguilla' =>'ai',
'Antarctica' =>'aq',
'Antigua And Barbuda' =>'ag',
'Argentina' =>'ar',
'Armenia' =>'am',
'Aruba' =>'aw',
'Australia' =>'au',
'Austria' =>'at',
'Azerbaijan' =>'az',
'Bahamas' =>'bs',
'Bahrain' =>'bh',
'Bangladesh' =>'bd',
'Barbados' =>'bb',
'Belarus' =>'by',
'Belgium' =>'be',
'Belize' =>'bz',
'Benin' =>'bj',
'Bermuda' =>'bm',
'Bhutan' =>'bt',
'Bolivia, Plurinational State Of' =>'bo',
'Bosnia And Herzegovina' =>'ba',
'Botswana' =>'bw',
'Bouvet Island' =>'bv',
'Brazil' =>'br',
'British Indian Ocean Territory' =>'io',
'Brunei Darussalam' =>'bn',
'Bulgaria' =>'bg',
'Burkina Faso' =>'bf',
'Burundi' =>'bi',
'Cambodia' =>'kh',
'Cameroon' =>'cm',
'Canada' =>'ca',
'Cape Verde' =>'cv',
'Cayman Islands' =>'ky',
'Central African Republic' =>'cf',
'Chad' =>'td',
'Chile' =>'cl',
'China' =>'cn',
'Christmas Island' =>'cx',
'Cocos (keeling) Islands' =>'cc',
'Colombia' =>'co',
'Comoros' =>'km',
'Congo' =>'cg',
'Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The' =>'cd',
'Cook Islands' =>'ck',
'Costa Rica' =>'cr',
'Cate D\'ivoire' =>'ci',
'Croatia' =>'hr',
'Cuba' =>'cu',
'Cyprus' =>'cy',
'Czech Republic' =>'cz',
'Denmark' =>'dk',
'Djibouti' =>'dj',
'Dominica' =>'dm',
'Dominican Republic' =>'do',
'Ecuador' =>'ec',
'Egypt' =>'eg',
'El Salvador' =>'sv',
'Equatorial Guinea' =>'gq',
'Eritrea' =>'er',
'Estonia' =>'ee',
'Ethiopia' =>'et',
'Falkland Islands (malvinas)' =>'fk',
'Faroe Islands' =>'fo',
'Fiji' =>'fj',
'Finland' =>'fi',
'France' =>'fr',
'French Guiana' =>'gf',
'French Polynesia' =>'pf',
'French Southern Territories' =>'tf',
'Gabon' =>'ga',
'Gambia' =>'gm',
'Georgia' =>'ge',
'Germany' =>'de',
'Ghana' =>'gh',
'Gibraltar' =>'gi',
'Greece' =>'gr',
'Greenland' =>'gl',
'Grenada' =>'gd',
'Guadeloupe' =>'gp',
'Guam' =>'gu',
'Guatemala' =>'gt',
'Guernsey' =>'gg',
'Guinea' =>'gn',
'Guinea-bissau' =>'gw',
'Guyana' =>'gy',
'Haiti' =>'ht',
'Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands' =>'hm',
'Holy See (vatican City State)' =>'va',
'Honduras' =>'hn',
'Hong Kong' =>'hk',
'Hungary' =>'hu',
'Iceland' =>'is',
'India' =>'in',
'Indonesia' =>'id',
'Iran, Islamic Republic Of' =>'ir',
'Iraq' =>'iq',
'Ireland' =>'ie',
'Isle Of Man' =>'im',
'Israel' =>'il',
'Italy' =>'it',
'Jamaica' =>'jm',
'Japan' =>'jp',
'Jersey' =>'je',
'Jordan' =>'jo',
'Kazakhstan' =>'kz',
'Kenya' =>'ke',
'Kiribati' =>'ki',
'Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic Of' =>'kp',
'Korea, Republic Of' =>'kr',
'Kuwait' =>'kw',
'Kyrgyzstan' =>'kg',
'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic' =>'la',
'Latvia' =>'lv',
'Lebanon' =>'lb',
'Lesotho' =>'ls',
'Liberia' =>'lr',
'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya' =>'ly',
'Liechtenstein' =>'li',
'Lithuania' =>'lt',
'Luxembourg' =>'lu',
'Macao' =>'mo',
'Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of' =>'mk',
'Madagascar' =>'mg',
'Malawi' =>'mw',
'Malaysia' =>'my',
'Maldives' =>'mv',
'Mali' =>'ml',
'Malta' =>'mt',
'Marshall Islands' =>'mh',
'Martinique' =>'mq',
'Mauritania' =>'mr',
'Mauritius' =>'mu',
'Mayotte' =>'yt',
'Mexico' =>'mx',
'Micronesia, Federated States Of' =>'fm',
'Moldova, Republic Of' =>'md',
'Monaco' =>'mc',
'Mongolia' =>'mn',
'Montenegro' =>'me',
'Montserrat' =>'ms',
'Morocco' =>'ma',
'Mozambique' =>'mz',
'Myanmar' =>'mm',
'Namibia' =>'na',
'Nauru' =>'nr',
'Nepal' =>'np',
'Netherlands' =>'nl',
'Netherlands Antilles' =>'an',
'New Caledonia' =>'nc',
'New Zealand' =>'nz',
'Nicaragua' =>'ni',
'Niger' =>'ne',
'Nigeria' =>'ng',
'Niue' =>'nu',
'Norfolk Island' =>'nf',
'Northern Mariana Islands' =>'mp',
'Norway' =>'no',
'Oman' =>'om',
'Pakistan' =>'pk',
'Palau' =>'pw',
'Palestinian Territory, Occupied' =>'ps',
'Panama' =>'pa',
'Papua New Guinea' =>'pg',
'Paraguay' =>'py',
'Peru' =>'pe',
'Philippines' =>'ph',
'Pitcairn' =>'pn',
'Poland' =>'pl',
'Portugal' =>'pt',
'Puerto Rico' =>'pr',
'Qatar' =>'qa',
'Runion' =>'re',
'Romania' =>'ro',
'Russian Federation' =>'ru',
'Rwanda' =>'rw',
'Saint Barthlemy' =>'bl',
'Saint Helena, Ascension And Tristan Da Cunha' =>'sh',
'Saint Kitts And Nevis' =>'kn',
'Saint Lucia' =>'lc',
'Saint Martin' =>'mf',
'Saint Pierre And Miquelon' =>'pm',
'Saint Vincent And The Grenadines' =>'vc',
'Samoa' =>'ws',
'San Marino' =>'sm',
'Sao Tome And Principe' =>'st',
'Saudi Arabia' =>'sa',
'Senegal' =>'sn',
'Serbia' =>'rs',
'Seychelles' =>'sc',
'Sierra Leone' =>'sl',
'Singapore' =>'sg',
'Slovakia' =>'sk',
'Slovenia' =>'si',
'Solomon Islands' =>'sb',
'Somalia' =>'so',
'South Africa' =>'za',
'South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands' =>'gs',
'Spain' =>'es',
'Sri Lanka' =>'lk',
'Sudan' =>'sd',
'Suriname' =>'sr',
'Svalbard And Jan Mayen' =>'sj',
'Swaziland' =>'sz',
'Sweden' =>'se',
'Switzerland' =>'ch',
'Syrian Arab Republic' =>'sy',
'Taiwan, Province Of China' =>'tw',
'Tajikistan' =>'tj',
'Tanzania, United Republic Of' =>'tz',
'Thailand' =>'th',
'Timor-leste' =>'tl',
'Togo' =>'tg',
'Tokelau' =>'tk',
'Tonga' =>'to',
'Trinidad And Tobago' =>'tt',
'Tunisia' =>'tn',
'Turkey' =>'tr',
'Turkmenistan' =>'tm',
'Turks And Caicos Islands' =>'tc',
'Tuvalu' =>'tv',
'Uganda' =>'ug',
'Ukraine' =>'ua',
'United Arab Emirates' =>'ae',
'United Kingdom' =>'gb',
'United States' =>'us',
'United States Minor Outlying Islands' =>'um',
'Uruguay' =>'uy',
'Uzbekistan' =>'uz',
'Vanuatu' =>'vu',
'Vatican City State' =>'see holy see',
'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of' =>'ve',
'Viet Nam' =>'vn',
'Virgin Islands, British' =>'vg',
'Virgin Islands, U.s.' =>'vi',
'Wallis And Futuna' =>'wf',
'Western Sahara' =>'eh',
'Yemen' =>'ye',
'Zambia' =>'zm',
'Zimbabwe' =>'zw',
define('CURRENT_URL' , 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
function get_most_recent_comments($no_comments = 3, $comment_lenth = 7, $before = '<li>', $after = '</li>', $show_pass_post = false, $comment_style = 0, $hide_pingbacks_trackbacks = false) {
global $wpdb;
$most_recent_comments = wp_cache_get('get_most_recent_comments');
if ( false === $most_recent_comments ) {
$request = "SELECT ID, comment_ID, comment_content, comment_author,date(`comment_date`) as comment_date, comment_author_url, post_title FROM $wpdb->comments LEFT JOIN $wpdb->posts ON $wpdb->posts.ID=$wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID WHERE post_status IN ('publish','static') ";
if( !$show_pass_post ) $request .= "AND post_password ='' ";
if ( $hide_pingbacks_trackbacks ) $request .= "AND comment_type='' ";
$request .= "AND comment_approved = '1' ORDER BY comment_ID DESC LIMIT $no_comments";
$comments = $wpdb->get_results($request);
$output = '';
if ( $comments ) {
$idx = 0;
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$comment_author = stripslashes($comment->comment_author);
$comment_date = stripslashes($comment->comment_date);
if ($comment_author == "")
$comment_author = "anonymous";
$comment_content = strip_tags($comment->comment_content);
$comment_content = stripslashes($comment_content);
$words = split(" ", $comment_content);
//$content_com = trunck_string($words,90,true);
$comment_excerpt = join(" ", array_slice($words, 0, $comment_lenth));
$permalink = get_permalink($comment->ID) . "#comment-" . $comment->comment_ID;
$post_title = stripslashes($comment->post_title);
$post_id= stripslashes($comment->post_id);
$url = $comment->comment_author_url;
$output.='<li>'.$comment_excerpt.'<br /><span>Posted by:'.$comment_author.'</span></li>';
$output = convert_smilies($output);
} else {
$output .= $before . "None found" . $after;
$most_recent_comments = $output;
wp_cache_set('get_most_recent_comments', $most_recent_comments);
return $most_recent_comments;
//////////////////////////////// function to count views.///////////////////////////////////
function setPostViews($postID) {
$count_key = 'post_views_count';
$count = get_post_meta($postID, $count_key, true);
$count = 0;
delete_post_meta($postID, $count_key);
add_post_meta($postID, $count_key, '0');
update_post_meta($postID, $count_key, $count);
// function to display number of posts.
function getPostViews($postID){
$count_key = 'post_views_count';
$count = get_post_meta($postID, $count_key, true);
delete_post_meta($postID, $count_key);
add_post_meta($postID, $count_key, '0');
return "0 View";
return $count.' Views';
Copy link


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