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Season DWactor Generation Episode EpType EpTitle DateFrom DateTo TimeJumpYrs Place Locale
1 Hartnell Classic 10 Regular The Dalek Invasion of Earth 1963 2164 201 England London
1 Hartnell Classic 16 Regular The Chase 1872 1996 124 Africa Ghana
2 Troughton Classic 48 Regular The Seeds Of Death 1969 2190 221 England London
3 Pertwee Classic 60 Regular Day of the Daleks 1972 2100 128 England Northamtopnshire
3 Pertwee Classic 71 Regular Invasion of The Dinosaurs 1200 1974 774 England London
5 Davison Classic 128 Regular The King's Demons 1215 1982 767 England Cambridgeshire
5 Davison Classic 131 Regular The Awakening 1643 1983 340 England Dorset
6 Colin Baker Classic 137 Regular Attack of the Cybermen 1985 2530 545 England London
7 McCoy Classic 150 Regular Silver Nemesis 1638 1988 350 England Windsor
7 McCoy Classic 153 Regular Ghost Light 1883 1983 100 England Perivale Ealing Middlesex
9 Eccleston NEW 157 Regular Rose 1883 2005 122 England London
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Doctor Who Earth-Based Time Travel Adventures</title>
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<h1>Doctor Who Earth-Based Time Travel Adventures</h1>
<h2>(DW1) Hartnell through (DW11) Smith</h2>
<h3><p>Time Jumps between 100 and 1000 years - By Episode.</p>
<p>Adapted from: <a href="">Guardian Data Blog</a>, 2010</p></h3>
<p>The premise of Doctor Who is that he is a Time Lord, capable of ridiculously epic travels throughout time and space - even if it is billions of years into the past or future and/or numerous time jumps in a single episode / story arc. </p>
<p>This dataset represents a fraction of his Earth-based Time Travel. The Time Jumps are the Sum of DateTo and DateFrom per the episode Date references themselves as scripted) ... the glory of Science Fiction!</p>
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//Now CSV contents have been transformed into an array of JSON objects.
//Log 'data' to the console, for verification.
// Scale the range of the data
d3.min(data, function(d) {
return +d.TimeJumpYrs;
d3.max(data, function(d) {
return +d.TimeJumpYrs
d3.max(data, function(d) {
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d3.min(data, function(d) {
return +d.TimeJumpYrs;
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// Add Tooltips to the scatterplot
.text(function(d) {
return d.DWactor + "'s Total Time Jump in " + d.EpTitle + " episode as The Doctor is " + d.TimeJumpYrs + " years";
// Sort the scatterplot circles
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return d3.ascending(+a.TimeJumpYrs, +b.TimeJumpYrs);
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.text("Time Jump - Years");
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