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Last active October 18, 2016 00:12
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character interpolation

Playing with the low dimensional vector produced in Neill Campbell's Font Project

Inspired by watching his talk.

I'm only using data for one character as this is just a prototype. I can imagine a lot of ways to enhance the experience of exploring the low dimensional space like using parallel coordinates

Built with

var CharFuncs = CharFuncs || {};
CharFuncs.char_1_i = {};
CharFuncs.char_1_i.getImageFilename = function() {
return "./javaScript/data/heatMap_char_1_i.jpg";
CharFuncs.char_1_i.getXLimits = function() {
return {
xMin: -3.227891,
yMin: -2.860331,
xMax: 1.974014,
yMax: 2.341574,
CharFuncs.char_1_i.getXPoints = function() {
var xPoints = [];
xPoints.push({ x: 13.6, y: 244.6 });
xPoints.push({ x: 267.6, y: 148.4 });
xPoints.push({ x: 235.3, y: 219.9 });
xPoints.push({ x: 248.1, y: 227.4 });
xPoints.push({ x: 41.7, y: 159.3 });
xPoints.push({ x: 264.5, y: 161.4 });
xPoints.push({ x: 266.6, y: 145.1 });
xPoints.push({ x: 226.3, y: 224.2 });
xPoints.push({ x: 250.9, y: 168.1 });
xPoints.push({ x: 276.5, y: 140.9 });
xPoints.push({ x: 272.5, y: 146.0 });
xPoints.push({ x: 278.6, y: 133.1 });
xPoints.push({ x: 87.8, y: 228.3 });
xPoints.push({ x: 278.0, y: 133.7 });
xPoints.push({ x: 237.0, y: 201.8 });
xPoints.push({ x: 114.5, y: 135.7 });
xPoints.push({ x: 124.3, y: 168.0 });
xPoints.push({ x: 119.4, y: 174.5 });
xPoints.push({ x: 180.5, y: 97.6 });
xPoints.push({ x: 185.3, y: 147.5 });
xPoints.push({ x: 125.8, y: 156.6 });
xPoints.push({ x: 125.3, y: 141.3 });
xPoints.push({ x: 144.7, y: 141.7 });
xPoints.push({ x: 144.7, y: 141.1 });
xPoints.push({ x: 144.9, y: 141.2 });
xPoints.push({ x: 144.9, y: 141.2 });
xPoints.push({ x: 118.6, y: 173.7 });
xPoints.push({ x: 135.8, y: 143.3 });
xPoints.push({ x: 142.1, y: 142.0 });
xPoints.push({ x: 144.6, y: 141.7 });
xPoints.push({ x: 267.1, y: 148.8 });
xPoints.push({ x: 267.6, y: 148.4 });
xPoints.push({ x: 131.1, y: 161.8 });
xPoints.push({ x: 144.6, y: 142.1 });
xPoints.push({ x: 237.0, y: 201.8 });
xPoints.push({ x: 234.3, y: 191.3 });
xPoints.push({ x: 271.6, y: 146.5 });
xPoints.push({ x: 286.4, y: 148.0 });
xPoints.push({ x: 198.2, y: 239.4 });
xPoints.push({ x: 267.6, y: 148.3 });
xPoints.push({ x: 230.9, y: 248.2 });
xPoints.push({ x: 128.1, y: 229.6 });
xPoints.push({ x: 115.8, y: 163.5 });
xPoints.push({ x: 198.5, y: 51.8 });
xPoints.push({ x: 129.2, y: 159.8 });
xPoints.push({ x: 157.4, y: 155.2 });
return xPoints;
CharFuncs.char_1_i.getPredictionMatrices = function() {
var alpha = 2.917899;
var N = 46.000000;
var beta = 23.781697;
var NumReconPts = 512.000000;
var NumOutlines = 2.000000;
return {X: X,Y: Y,Sigma: Sigma,Kinv: Kinv,alpha: alpha,gamma: gamma,K: N,beta: beta,Y_mean: Y_mean,Y_std: Y_std,X_StartPt: X_StartPt,N: NumReconPts,NumOutlines: NumOutlines,};
CharFuncs.char_1_i.getMetricInfo = function() {
return {V: V,V_mean: V_mean,V_std: V_std,};
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- example data -->
<script src="PerformProjections.js"></script>
<script src="char_1_i.js"></script>
body { margin:0;position:fixed;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0; }
canvas {
position: absolute;
left: 350px;
#heatmap {
position: absolute;
#heatmap img {
position: absolute;
#pointer {
position: absolute;
#line-control {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
<div id="heatmap">
<img src="">
<svg id="pointer"></svg>
<svg id="line-control"></svg>
var width = 300;
var height = 300;
// hardcoded for the lowercase i
var namespace = CharFuncs.char_1_i;
var cursorX = 150;
var cursorY = 150;
var canvas ="canvas").node()
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
var predictionData = {};
var metricInfo = {};
var xPoints = {};
var xLimits = {};
predictionData = namespace.getPredictionMatrices();
xPoints = namespace.getXPoints();
xLimits = namespace.getXLimits();
var NK = 16; // TODO: automate this.
// calculate the bounds of each element in K
var minK = d3.range(NK).map(function() { return Infinity });
var maxK = d3.range(NK).map(function() { return -Infinity })
d3.range(300).forEach(function(j) {
d3.range(300).forEach(function(i) {
var point = getPoint(i, j)
var instance = [point];
var K = getK(instance, predictionData)[0];
K.forEach(function(k, index) {
if(k < minK[index]) minK[index] = k;
if(k > maxK[index]) maxK[index] = k;
// hard-code the min and max array based on running above code
// saves execution time, double for loop is a bit expensive
minK = d3.range(NK).map(function() { return 0 })
maxK = d3.range(NK).map(function() { return 2.9179 })
console.log("min", minK)
console.log("max", maxK)
function renderPointer() {
var svg ="#pointer")
width: width,
height: height
var point = svg.append("circle").classed("point", true)
.datum([cursorX, cursorY])
var drag = d3.behavior.drag()
.on("drag", function() {
var mouse = d3.mouse(svg.node())
cx: function(d) { return d[0] },
cy: function(d) { return d[1] },
// rerender
var p = getPoint(mouse[0], mouse[1])
var instance = [p];
var K = getK(instance, predictionData);
cx: function(d) { return d[0] },
cy: function(d) { return d[1] },
r: 10,
stroke: "#111",
fill: "orange",
cursor: "pointer"
// render parcoords-like interface for playing with each
// element in the K vector and rerendering
function renderControlLine(K) {
var cWidth = 600;
var cHeight = 120;
var cMargin = 10;
var svg ="#line-control")
width: cWidth,
height: cHeight
var xscale = d3.scale.ordinal()
.rangeBands([0, cWidth], 0.5)
var yscale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, 2.9179]) // determined by above calculations
.range([cMargin, cHeight - cMargin])
function getY(d,i) {
var yscale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([minK[i], maxK[i]])
.range([cMargin, cHeight - cMargin])
return yscale(d)
var line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d,i) {
return xscale(i)
.y(function(d,i) {
return yscale(d)
.enter().append("line").classed("axis", true)
x1: function(d) { return xscale(d) },
x2: function(d) { return xscale(d) },
y1: cMargin,
y2: cHeight - cMargin
stroke: "#111"
var path = svg.selectAll("path.pc")
path.enter().append("path").classed("pc", true)
path.attr("d", line){
fill: "none",
stroke: "#111"
// K is an array with 1 element, which is a 16 element array
// that we actually care about
var controls = svg.selectAll("circle.control")
controls.enter().append("circle").classed("control", true)
var drag = d3.behavior.drag()
.on("drag", function(d,i) {
var dis =
var datum = dis.datum()
var y = yscale(datum) + d3.event.dy;
datum = yscale.invert(y)
dis.attr("cy", function(d,i) { return yscale(d) })
var data =;
path.attr("d", line)
cx: function(d,i) { return xscale(i) },
cy: function(d,i) { return yscale(d) },
r: 6
cursor: "pointer",
stroke: "#111",
fill: "orange"
var point = getPoint(cursorX, cursorY)
var instance = [point];
var K = getK(instance, predictionData);
function getPoint(x,y) {
// convert from "screen" space to data space
// screen is 300x300 from heatmap
var xP = (x - 5.0) / width;
var yP = (y - 5.0) / height;
xP = (xP*(xLimits.xMax - xLimits.xMin)) + xLimits.xMin;
yP = (yP*(xLimits.yMax - xLimits.yMin)) + xLimits.yMin;
return [xP, yP]
function renderFromPoint(cursorX, cursorY) {
var point = getPoint(cursorX, cursorY)
var instance = [point];
var K = getK(instance, predictionData);
function renderChar(K) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height)
ctx.strokeStyle = "#111";
ctx.fillStyle = "orange";
drawOutlineFromManifoldLocation(K, predictionData, ctx)
renderFromPoint(cursorX, cursorY)
lots of code borrowed directly from:
function drawOutlineFromManifoldLocation(K, predictionData, context) {
var S = performPredictionWithK(K, predictionData);
//console.log("prediction curve", S)
var y = S.y;
var cx =;
var cy =;
var scale = 50;//*0.1333;
function scalePtsX(x) {
return ((x-cx)*scale+150+0);
function scalePtsY(y) {
return (-(y-cy)*scale+150+0);
var yOffsetIdx = predictionData.N * predictionData.NumOutlines;
var NumOutlinesToDraw = predictionData.NumOutlines;
console.log("num outlines", NumOutlinesToDraw)
for (var outlineIdx = 0; outlineIdx < NumOutlinesToDraw; outlineIdx++) {
var xOffsetIdx = predictionData.N * outlineIdx;
context.moveTo(scalePtsX(y[xOffsetIdx][0]), scalePtsY(y[yOffsetIdx+xOffsetIdx][0]));
for (var i = 1; i < predictionData.N; i++ ) {
context.lineTo(scalePtsX(y[xOffsetIdx+i][0]), scalePtsY(y[yOffsetIdx+xOffsetIdx+i][0]));
context.lineTo(scalePtsX(y[xOffsetIdx][0]), scalePtsY(y[yOffsetIdx+xOffsetIdx][0]));
// from Font Project by Neill Campbell
var CharFuncs = CharFuncs || {};
function size(A) { return numeric.dim(A); }
function computeK(x, X, alpha, gamma) {
m = numeric.dim(x)[0];
d = numeric.dim(x)[1];
n = numeric.dim(X)[0];
dd = numeric.dim(X)[1];
if (d !== dd) { throw Error(); }
xx =,x),numeric.rep([d,1], 1));
XX =[1,d], 1), numeric.transpose(numeric.mul(X,X)));
D1 =, numeric.rep([1,n],1));
D2 =[m,1],1), XX);
D3 =, -2), numeric.transpose(X));
DD = numeric.add(numeric.add(D1, D2), D3);
K = numeric.mul(alpha, numeric.exp(numeric.mul(-0.5*gamma, DD)));
return K;
function computeKArd(x, X, alpha, gamma) {
m = numeric.dim(x)[0];
d = numeric.dim(x)[1];
n = numeric.dim(X)[0];
dd = numeric.dim(X)[1];
if (d !== dd) { throw Error(); }
sqrtGamma = numeric.sqrt(numeric.transpose(gamma));
X = numeric.mul(X,[n,1], 1), sqrtGamma));
xx =,x),numeric.rep([d,1], 1));
XX =[1,d], 1), numeric.transpose(numeric.mul(X,X)));
D1 =, numeric.rep([1,n],1));
D2 =[m,1],1), XX);
D3 =, -2), numeric.transpose(X));
DD = numeric.add(numeric.add(D1, D2), D3);
K = numeric.mul(alpha, numeric.exp(numeric.mul(-0.5, DD)));
return K;
function getK(x, data) {
return computeKArd(x, data.X, data.alpha, data.gamma)
function performPrediction(x, data) {
var K_xx_X
if (data.gamma instanceof Array) {
K_xx_X = computeKArd(x, data.X, data.alpha, data.gamma);
yy_mean =, K_xx_X), data.Y);
K_xx_X = computeK(x, data.X, data.alpha, data.gamma);
yy_mean =, data.Kinv), data.Y);
yy_mean = numeric.add(numeric.mul(yy_mean, data.Y_std), data.Y_mean);
return numeric.transpose(yy_mean);
function performPredictionWithK(K_xx_X, data) {
var y =, K_xx_X), data.Y)
y = numeric.add(numeric.mul(y, data.Y_std), data.Y_mean);
var yOffsetIdx = data.N * data.NumOutlines;
ux = numeric.getBlock(data.Y_mean, [0,0], [0,yOffsetIdx-1]);
uy = numeric.getBlock(data.Y_mean, [0,yOffsetIdx], [0,yOffsetIdx*2-1]);
xMin = numeric.inf(ux);
xMax = numeric.sup(ux);
yMin = numeric.inf(uy);
yMax = numeric.sup(uy);
cx = 0.5 * (xMin + xMax);
cy = 0.5 * (yMin + yMax);
var S = {
y: numeric.transpose(y),
xMin: xMin,
xMax: xMax,
yMin: yMin,
yMax: yMax,
cx: cx,
cy: cy,
return S;
function performPredictionWithBB(x, data) {
var K_xx_X
if (data.gamma instanceof Array) {
K_xx_X = computeKArd(x, data.X, data.alpha, data.gamma);
y =, K_xx_X), data.Y);
K_xx_X = computeK(x, data.X, data.alpha, data.gamma);
y =, data.Kinv), data.Y);
y = numeric.add(numeric.mul(y, data.Y_std), data.Y_mean);
var yOffsetIdx = data.N * data.NumOutlines;
ux = numeric.getBlock(data.Y_mean, [0,0], [0,yOffsetIdx-1]);
uy = numeric.getBlock(data.Y_mean, [0,yOffsetIdx], [0,yOffsetIdx*2-1]);
xMin = numeric.inf(ux);
xMax = numeric.sup(ux);
yMin = numeric.inf(uy);
yMax = numeric.sup(uy);
cx = 0.5 * (xMin + xMax);
cy = 0.5 * (yMin + yMax);
var S = {
y: numeric.transpose(y),
xMin: xMin,
xMax: xMax,
yMin: yMin,
yMax: yMax,
cx: cx,
cy: cy,
return S;
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